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Defiant      Brockton Bay is in chaos. Someone has outed the names, identities, addresses and occupations of everyone in the Empire Eighty-Eight. The information is all across the local news, and perhaps even the Multiversal news as well. It's not just information, but arguments as to why these people are these heroes: 'Notice, how Kaiser was not seen in Brockton Bay for two weeks while Max Anders had two weeks in London...'

     In response, Empire Eighty-Eight has gone on the warpath.

     Outside the TOWN HALL, KAISER himself has engaged ARMSMASTER alongside his two valkyrie bodyguards, FENJA and MENJA. KAISER wears a suit of intricately crafted metal armor, including a crown of blades, and he summons metal from the ground to try and impale Armsmaster - who is holding him off while dealing with two giant women, easily twelve feet tall, who can best be described as stereotypical valkyries. They appear to be at a stalemate, for now.

     In the DOCKS, PURITY floats above a charnel house. She fires off blasts of light into buildings, bringing them down, allowing NIGHT and FOG to kill whoever runs into the streets. FOG, in a grey cloak and cowl, true to his name, becomes a thick fog and as NIGHT, similar but in black, slips inside... horrible things happen. Blood sprays out from the fog. CRUSADER and RUNE are also in attendance. CRUSADER wears armor that makes him look like a teutonic knight, holding a ten-foot long spear. RUNE wears a red and white robe and floats above the carnage upon a chunk of concrete.

     On an ARTERIAL ROAD, STORMTIGER, HOOKWOLF and CRICKET have just decimated a PRT response team. A dozen men and women lie on the ground, unmoving, and their armored van is tipped onto its side, burning. TRIUMPH lies on the ground, unmoving. All three of those E88 members are muscular and savage in appearance - STORMTIGER wears a crude tiger mask, HOOKWOLF wears a crude wolf mask made from sheet metal, and CRICKET says nothing all, covered in scars and wielding two scythe-like weapons.

     Elsewhere, on the PROMENADE, ASSAULT and BATTERY are in battle with four members of the Empire. There's OTHALA, in her bright red bodysuit, standing back as VICTOR - who resembles the ideal of some aryan noble - goes toe-to-toe with ASSAULT. ALABASTER, literally white skinned, gets thrown through a stall by BATTERY - and when he picks himself up, he looks utterly unharmed. Both BATTERY and ASSAULT are being incredibly affected by KRIEG, whose kinetic manipulation power ensures that their attempts at manipulating kinetics is weaker, and his own are far more powerful.

     Four different locations, four groups of villains to stop, four areas to secure and people to save.
Toph Beifong     Whoever that lady was, she sounded annoyed. And when she heard that Armsmaster was busy fighting already, Toph Beifong wasted no time in heading out. Sure, he acts like an ass at times and he can be kinda annoying, but from the sounds of it he does need help. And the Union helps each other out, after all.

    There's a rumble coming down the street leading to the Town Hall, and Toph makes no attempt to hide her arrival as she comes surfing on a wave formed by the concrete. And once she is close enough the blind girl kicks into the concrete, throwing up her arms in a repeated motion towards the three assailants that have ganged up on Armsmaster. In response the street around them comes alive, several pillars shooting out diagonally at them in attempt to knock into them and hopefully give Armsmaster a moment to breathe and get away. Or attack, if he needs to.

    Stepping forward, Toph frowns slightly. "I have no clue who you dunderheads are or what the CRUD you think you're doing, but seriously?" She raises her hand and points her index finger at them. "This ends now." Then she turns her head a bit. "You okay there, Armsy?" Need a helping hand? Because Toph certainly looks like she's itching for some more bending.
Wuyin Tsai This was the worst possible time to visit Brockton Bay... or, depending on how you look at it, the /best/ possible time.

Wuyin's cab got stopped on the road right when the E88 members started trashing the place. The driver, once he got a good look at who it was, said something that he only partially caught in Arabic and bailed out. Wuyin has been sitting there observing the carnage ever since. He /thought/ the response team would handle it, but this is just getting ridiculous.

So he gets out of the cab. Wuyin slings a long, cylindrical canister over his shoulder, the kind used for transporting maps, blueprints and similar objects, and starts up the road. He passes the makeshift blockade (there's no one to man it, so who is going to stop him?) and slips out into the open. He feels his phone buzz, so he checks it in passing.

There is another who takes our name in this world of masks and capes. They promote stagnation over freedom, yet signs point to chains enwrapped over strings set. This 'Empire' meanwhile seeks a singular dogma and ascension over their so-called lessers. Both are equally damaging.

Show there is a third path.


Wuyin tucks the phone away, looking at the three capes on the road. The Chinese man adjusts his 3D glasses almost idly. "Excuse me," he calls, "would you please clear the road? We all have places to be, and you're causing congestion."
Bitter Medicine      The roar of purple plasma jets carries a grim figure through the skies of embattled Brockton. Cinders and ash follow in the wake of this shadow as he surveys the situation from above. He notes a familiar figure--Armsmaster. The superhero is currently doing battle with three villains. Armsmaster's outnumbered, but Bitter Medicine can't step in. Not when he sees the carnage elsewhere. It's always been his responsibility to make difficult decisions--his friend can handle himself, but the mortals on this particular street clearly can't.

     The Alchemical banks and comes to a halt, deliberately descending directly perpendicular to the ground in an upright position. His arms are crossed, his face contorted into a scowl which spitefully invites attack. "You are in violation of local ordinances. You will come with me."

     The arrival of one Wuyin Tsai, a stranger to the Exalt, does not go unnoticed. That attitude can't be the attitude of a mortal, but he'll indulge. For now. Until the fists start flying, he's using his Professional Voice. "Your patience is advised and appreciated while I resolve this matter, Citizen."
Finna     "Hi hi, you guys!" From around a corner - WHEN THE HECK DID FINNA GET HERE?!

    She's not in her usual getup however, having swapped the HUNTRESS/ADVENTURER CLOTHING for a STYLISH BLUE SATIN DRESS, her white hair done up in long twin tails. She's stepping out from behind the overturned PRT RESPONSE VEHICLE in the ARTERIAL ROAD and frowning dousingly at STORMTIGER, HOOKWOLF, and CRICKET.

    The way she strolls out into the street tells of someone from high society, her sad eyes contaiing no hostility whatsoever. She cants her head and asks of the trio, "Did you three make this mess?"

    Finna's strategy: Rather than confront anyone, PSYCHOLOGICALLY HOODWINK THEM.
Metal Man Metal Man was not one who cared for capes too much they always tende dot be a bit on the mindless side however he did like Skitter and a bunch of cocked up humans who couldn't even see they had rival predatotrs to focus their hates on was ... something he found distasteful. So here he was and he was far from alone today several other cloaked figures where with him at this point.

The group turns to behold the ones in the docks as hey appear on a building in the docks the four cloaked figures stand there arms folded for a moment as Metal Man calls out to Purity.

"So your the trash we need to take out? Wily Army Deploy attack pattern beta."

The cloaks are thrown off and soon it's revealed that the four are humanoids in armour but nothing quite right Metal Man clad in his red black and yellow armour, Crash man in his orage and white, Bubble man in his green almost frog man like gear and wood man's seemingly made out of wood. The saw blades start fying at purity and soon several high explovie missiles join it. Flash Man's lanky form is clear as he bring up a plasma blaster and fires off a shotgun like blast.

Wood Man meanwhile leaps down into the streets. He was saving humans but these were not the humans of his world not the ones who had wronged the robots so badly.

The leaf shield forms up as he moves in trying top cover some of those who are in the way.

"You want them human?! I will show you the power of the Wily Army!"

Also several humanoid drones deploy doing what they can to take htier shield and cover the fleeing humans.
Zwei     Just because Armsmaster had insisted Zwei not stick its nose in on Brockton Bay doesn't actually mean it /would/. His and Skitter's particular world is just far too promising to leave to stew forever in petty superpowered games of cops and robbers. This breaking of mutually agreed terms in a legitimate attempt at asymmetrical warfare is the most interesting thing on record since the whole cape thing had begun, and so there's simply no way Zwei won't have its fingers in it. This time however, instead of sending Weiss to blend in, it sends Asche.

    Anyone monitoring the skies has a whole second to detect the incoming signature before a sizable section of the promenade goes up into a cloud of vapourized asphalt with an ear shattering boom, reminescent of a meteor impact more than an arrival by atmospheric flight. Asche strides out of the smoking crater with a steady, deliberate gait, flight boosters folding into a more compact configuration against his hulking frame as the black talons of his feet carve up the road with every step. A band of slightly brighter red light sweeps back and forth across his main optical band, scanning Assault, Battery, Victor, Alabaster, Krieg and Othala in turn for indicators of what their powers might actually be. A quarted of marble sized drones launch high into the air with a series of magnetic pops, holding position at a few hundred meters altitude to give real time, 360 degree topography of the battlefield.
Yuuki Kuran     Brockton Bay has many protectors! Some of them wear capes and masks and have superpowers and do heroic things.

    Others have capes and masks and have VAMPIRE superpowers and do heroic things. The difference is largely academic, but for 'Ruri' it's something she frets about nightly. Will someone call her on her really awkward powers today? Will someone smell her blood which is all weird and different? Will anyone CARE?

    That last one also bugs her. Would anyone care if she went 'uh yeah I'm a super immortal vampire, don't worry about it'? Was the whole charade useful? Oh, wait, Zero wanted to do it for a thing. She trusts him.

    So, when BAD SHIT GOES DOWN... It is not a horrible butterfly-blood-winged vampire girl with red eyes and bared fangs and BLOOD MAGIC and such that descends onto the ARTERIAL ROAD, but...

    A cloud of purple butterflies, which settle on things. Like the unmoving PRT team. And a few on Wuyin's head and shoulders. And Bitter Medicine. And Finna!

    No purple butterflies land on the E88 guys because they're super jerkish jerks.

Gaius Van Baelsar Gaius Van Baelsar has decided to go for an undercover run or more simply put, just walking around not in his armor and looking like a normal citizen of the Multiverse. His attire might remind someone of a bit of a steam punk era. With a white sleeved collared shirt, leather tan vest with button up on the front.

Dark brown leather pants, held up by a belt that has two straps, one holding a sidearm which seems to be based off a Revolver, though black in color with some chrome work for design, with the other holding the ammo for it. Round cylinders that pop right into the chamber, instead of individual rounds.

His pants are tucked into the black leather boots, that have steel toe tips and over his hands are light tan leather gloves that go slightly past the unbuttoned sleeves, with some type of bracer over his wrist and perhaps hidden by the sleeve itself.

The man's eyes are gold in color, with his skin being a light tan. His hair black with some showing of greying peppered in along it and more so at the temples itself. His face has been smoothed out compared to his normal five o'clock shadow he tends to ware, and a style of flat cap on his head that is dark brown in color, causing the bangs of his hair to lay along his forehead an hide a very tale-tale feature.

The man though looks to be in his mid forties, maybe late, though in truth Gaius tends to be more in his mid fifties.

As he walks in the area, the sound of trouble catches his ears. Those gold eyes peer past the bridge of the flat cap at the trouble suddenly ensuing. Including watching as then those with super powers shift their form spilling blood of the people.

Gaius eyes narrow sharply.

With his hand moving to the holster of his weapon, his undoes the strap that locks it into place for quick guidance to pull out the weapon at ready. Though as soon as he watches as one of them moves into fog again to go after someone, he quickly bolts over and goes to tackle the woman out of harms way.

Stepping easily with his heel sliding a bit, and then pushing her forward for her to keep running, putting himself perhaps right in the middle of a freak show. So much for a relaxing day and him without all of his gear. "Keep running!" He barks toward the woman, his voice slightly different from how it would be with his helm on. Thankfully.

Pulling out the hand gun of a weapon, he then takes a shot down at the ground near the fog itself. The blast from the barrel is a bright blue in color and the impact on the ground flashes a brilliant blue as well as it explodes slightly.

Gaius then takes aim fully with one hand, while there was a gentle 'click' from his bracer as a shimmer of blue plays around the gloves finger tips. He could yell or say something, but words right now are not something that need to be said. It is more the simple question if he can protect the people here-- or will the freak show tear him apart.

Yep. So much for a undercover stroll.
Alexis Good lord, the things that happen when people with superpowers have a celeberty temper tantrum. One city in chaos, a bunch of supes on the rampage, and pretty much the entire civilian populance put at risk just because of it. Do they really think this is going to solve the problem?

Regardless, why typically Alexis was conservative with a certain considerable power she held control over, clearly this was not the time for it. Rather this was the sort of situation it was kept at hand for -- when the real shit hits the fan. It's also really convenient for getting to the scene when they can run faster than the winds. It's echoed by the rumble of massive paws pounding the pavement with that speed, smoke-like mane whisping through the air behind the great beast, ehtereal senses homing in on one of the locations of mass disturbence. But the source of it doesn't become fully apparent until the hefty form lands on top of a pile of shipping crates at the dockyard. Alexis slides off the Entei's back, then pulls her trademark augmented hockey stick from her bag with one hand while reaching up to tug her helmet down into place with the other hand. "Okay crazy people, that's enough temper tantrums. Don't make us have to find a superbeing sized corner to put the lotta you in."

Wildfire just raises his head to punctuate the statement with a deafening roar that fittingly sounds more like the bellow of a volcano just moments from erupting. Which might not be too far off, the way the metal panel of the crates is starting to turn red and smoke a bit beneath his broad paws...
Jonothon Starsmore 'Until the matter is settled'?

Right then. Time to go 'settle' a situation. With beatings.

The only thing more dangerous than a powered individual who isn't holding back is a GROUP of powered individuals who aren't holding back. Particularly when they're all over the city. Sadly because they ARE all over the city there's only so much Jono can do. He can only be in one place at a time.

Jono doesn't 'choose' his location so much as he turns up at the nearest of the places to where he currently is. And the closest place to him at the moment is the DOCKS.

The sound of a motorcycle is probably lost in all this chaos. Which is good. Gives him a little bit of the element of surprise. Not too much though. There are fliers there and they'll probably see him when he gets close whether he's on foot or on his motorcycle.

Jono is wearing a uniform of sorts. A red bodysuit with a black longcoat over it, yellow boots, and a yellow belt with a red 'X' in a round red circle. Looks like someone finally decided on uniforms for the younger set of Mutants there at the Institute.

Not only that but his fire is on full display as he heads for the docks. The thought that he might look a little like Ghost Rider the way he's on fire like this doesn't cross his mind. Though it probably does look suitably demonic. And probably also makes it easier to see his approach. But the motorcycle is faster so he just gets as close as he can to the docks on it before dismounting.

There's no speech from Jono once he gets there. No promise to avenge the lives that have already been lost and stop them from taking more. He just takes aim at the flier-- that would be RUNE by the way-- and fires a blast.
Defiant      DOCKS

     "Crusader!" Purity snaps, "Deal with the rabble."

     The teutonic knight with a spear steps into action and... splits into what must be a dozen mirror images, like spectral ghosts, all wielding a spear, all clad in armor. He moves to meet the robot army, alongside his shadowy cohort. And their spears, it turns out, are quite, quite real.

     The missiles and saw blades and plasma blasts all come flying it at Purity. She raises a hand and engulfs them in light annihilating the physical attacks at least - the plasma blasts, she seems to have enough sense to dodge those.

     Floating above the carnage, Rune is clipped by Jono's blast. She steadies her floating concrete island, and snaps it in two. She hurls a huge chunk of concrete down in Jono's direction, then brings herself down to ground level, hopping onto the street!

     The cloud of thick fog reforms into a vaguely man-shape and then into Fog himself, glowering at Gaius. "Night," he says, "Let's take care of this one." And then Fog dissipates again, moving to shroud Gaius entirely! Any living matter or exposed flesh would begin to burn like acid as the fog touches it. And where the hell is Night?

     No one seems to take any notice of Alexis' pep-talk. Alas.
Defiant      ROAD

     Stormtiger spits a foul racial epithet in the direction of Wuyin and Yuuki. And probably Bitter, too. Hookwolf lands one more kick to Triump's midsection and then turns to face the oncoming heroes. Cricket stands back, scythes ready.

     Suddenly, there's a huge burst of wind from Stormtiger, blasting away all the butterflies and knocking the heroes back. Hookwolf becomes a whirling vaguely-wolf shaped being of spinning metal and blades, and - to make matters worse - something about Cricket is just making it so hard to concentrate! All three, weapons, claws and fists ready, leap right towards their opponents!

     No interest in talking, it seems.
Defiant      PROMENADE

     "Heads up," calls Othala, "Incoming!"

     Victor lays Assault out with a mighty right hook, knocking the man to the ground, while Krieg drops Battery with what seems like a remarkably weak punch - but Battery hits the ground and /bounces/. Some sort of kinetic manipulation, perhaps?

     "Is that-?" Alabaster asks.

     "It's not Dragon," Kreig murmurs. "We can take this one, whoever they are. No one fucks with the Empire."

     The four spread out, looking to encircle Asche.

     Alabaster appears to be able to reset his body every 4.3 seconds. Othala doesn't seem to have any powers. Victor seems to have a fair few. Krieg, it appears, seem to be able to control the local area in some fashion.
Defiant      At the town hall, Armsmaster turns Menja's spear aside, drives Fenja back, and leaps for Kaiser again. He narrowly avoids becoming impaled on a spike that rips its way out of the asphalt. Armsmaster lands, Halberd set and ready. "I'm fine," Armsmaster snaps to Toph, seeming like he's able to maintain awareness of the three Empire members without effort - but for how long?

     Kaiser turns to look at Toph as her pillars knock his two valkyries aside. Even with the armor, it's clear that he feels nothing but naked contempt for her. "Never send a girl to do a man's job," Kaiser remarks, idly waving his hand at Toph, as great metal spikes shear their way out of the road, trying to impale her!
Jonothon Starsmore Jono expected retaliation and had his eyes on Rune. So when a piece of concrete comes sailing at him he isn't too surprised. He just cranks up the fire and blasts it back at her. "Yer really fancy a game 'o Hot Potato with chunks 'o concrete?" he 'sends at her.

For now he's playing it safe. He hasn't quite figured out what this one can do (aside from make things float) so he's going to have to be careful until he figures it out. So he's planning to let Rune open her bag of tricks at her own pace until he figures them out.
Alexis Huh. Flagrant disregard for their self-purposed authority is usually more effective at getting some attention. Just goes to show you can't expect everything to work every time in the Multiverse.

On the other hand, it does give Alexis a moment to take actual stock of the situation. Thank Goddish Wily's goons showed up to help. Multiply dude and whoever is with him is going to mess with that horde. Chick on the floating rock chucks it at the flaming guy with the bitchin' motorbike. And the foggy fiend is... going towards what from here looks like an unarmed man. Considering what happened inside the 'fog' last time, that's probably the most directly threatening thing at the moment. Alexis jumps back onto her beast's shoulders, giving him a nugde into action with her heels. The Entei snarls a bit of a ashen smoke out of the corners of his mouth, and then leaps off his perch.

There's a brief passing of shadow overhead, and then the cracking of ground as Wildfire's large form lands between Gaius-in-diguise and the approaching acidic Fog. Alexis turns her head just enough to comment to Gaius. "Hope you don't mind if we drop in." He'll probably reconize her easily enough from the time her beasties brawled with his constructs. "Wildfire, contain it!"

Wildfire opens his mouth with a low roar, this time the sound coming from the blast of flames that erupts from it. It hits the ground in Fog's path and splays upward, wrapping itself into a burning vortex of flame around Fog's gaseous form and trying to keep him from getting close to the unprotected man with the entrapment move.
Metal Man Metal Man stands his ground for a moment as the knights come for him and he knows how things are going to go it's going to get real messy real fast. Metal Man leaps avbout rvealing his super human aglity and balance.

"You are no warriors or soldiers your just thugs."

MEtal Man notes as he contiunes on his crazh avglity tricks the Sniper Joes are locked into close combat and open fire with thier arm canons sending bursts of plasma fire in reply while using htier shields to cove themsele as best they can. They are not smart as a human but they are not stupid far as drones are it's like they are being commanded by something.

Crash Man mutter and then fires more missiles as pods open up all over his body and Flash Man smirks for a moment.

"Your a pretty one damn shame what going to happen to you!"

He fires another burst it's odd he almost seems a bit under armed compared to his fellows.

Metal Man meanwhile rains blades at the incoming knights and Wood Man just acts to cause interferance. So far they got quite a bit of trouble on ther hand and have not be tangged but but they have yet to score a hit yet.
Toph Beifong     The blind girl grins at Armsmaster's tone, then taps her earpiece a bit. "Yeah yeah, you're welcome, Assmaster," she replies with a wave. "It's not like I wasn't doing anything /fun/ on a Friday evening!" If Tony has eaten up her cupcakes when she gets home, then she's so going to demand compensation from Armsmaster!

    Instead of snarking more she is aware of Kaiser shifting his attention to her. And sure, she can't see how he looks at her, but her ears are sharp and she's more perceptive than most despite her disability. When he waves his hand at her though, her eyes widen just slightly and she braces herself, raising her own arm just as the metal spikes shoot out. Focusing on a few of them, Toph tears her hand in a sharp upwards motion, the lower spikes creaking in protest as they bend upwards, knocking the other spikes aside, leaving Toph standing there unharmed with the spikes just barely missing her. Her expression is still calm, and she even dares a smug look.

    "Sorry, buddy. None of the men had the stones to deal with this shit. The question is... are /you/ man enough to deal with /me/?" Toph asks, then moves her left foot and sinks into a wide stance before she throws her arms forward, and some of the metal spikes tear off and fly towards Kaiser, seeking to wrap themselves around him.

    "So what's the deal on this dunderhead, Armsy?" she asks Armsmaster. Hey, he's the one who claims to have all the intel, after all!
Wuyin Tsai Wuyin doesn't look particularly insulted. He brushes what might be dust off his shoulder, slinging the parcel around on the strap. "Ah. I see. That's not really the right way to do it. Would you like some suggestions?" He unscrews the top and reaches inside, taking hold of the contents. Wuyin casts a glance at the pair of Exalts along the side of his glasses. "I don't think they're interested in talking."

He has no idea what to think of the butterflies. An omen? Wuyin is used to bees. Perhaps --

Wind, or something like it, hits him hard. Wuyin suddenly leans forward and braces his feet against the ground, sliding a few feet back until he's got his heel braced against a concrete barrier's edge. He tips the container, letting it be carried away in the wind, the previously-concealed jian free in his hand. He takes hold of the scabbard with one hand and draws with the other in a long, smooth motion, swinging the blade out to his right and bringing the scabbard to the left. The scabbard disappears behind him, and he brings the blade to cross his front, left hand pointed towards the ground.

Something is interfering with his ability to properly concentrate. Fortunately, he doesn't need much of it. He inhales, thrusting his left hand forward past his guard at the incoming E88 capes... and exhales a bellowing kiai shout, right as he lets a web of lightning burst from his fingertips and leap towards the trio in a flash of electric blue.

Let's test the waters, he thinks.
Gaius Van Baelsar Gaius' gold eyes stare right at the form that takes some shape, though not being able to find the other concerns him. It concerns him more when Fog shifts back into his state and he tsks softly. Yep, he was facing something nearly akin to Primals and this was a /very/ bad day to be without his armor.

Though he wouldn't be here if he was. He probably be overseeing preparation work for the next mission location of a strike point. But NOPE! Here he was facing a rapidly encroaching fog that he doesn't even want to know what will happen if it encases him.

Gaius takes a quick step back and gets ready to activate the forcefield around himself, about when Alexis leaps in with her pokemon to deal with the fog mutant. His gold eyes glance over to her and he gives her the faintest of smiles. "Not at all." He says calmly.

And yes, he was told about her and saw the reports from his men regarding her, but that is beside the point currently. After all that was war-- this was not and he was not in a wartime situation right now, but in the simple case of surviving and saving lives.

There was a soft click from his wrist again as the brace changed magitek shards. He took aim with his handgun once more, using the charge from bracer and where he held his weapon to charge the Ceruleum bullet within.

With two shots, he fires the bullets which flash out of the muzzle with a blue flash at the fog, hoping to catch it deeper in as the shells explode with a icy frozen gas to maybe weigh down the fog, perhaps even freezing the molecules in place for a moment. "He spoke of Night." He says firing off another shot. "I have yet to see them. Keep yourself ready for a counter attack."
Bitter Medicine      "Finna--" Bitter Medicine's greeting is cut short by an incredibly rude interruption from Stormtiger. The Exalt, or at least, the Alchemical, is slammed into an old Crown Vic, setting the alarm off. With an odd noise best described as a resigned snarl, he pries himself loose of his metal and plastic prison, then silences the annoying alarm. Theft is likely the least of the owner's concerns at this point.

     Don't kill them. Don't kill them. /Don't/ kill them. By the Great Maker, why does he have to keep reminding himself? It's like there's a... fuzz. This isn't natural. Someone is actively doing it. But who? It's not the loudmouth. A distractionary tactic--this swordsman has him in hand anyway. "They never are," he admits to Wuyin as he assumes the form of his own martial art. His is not to coddle. His is to correct... or recycle.

     Purge this mental influence. Get rid of it. Someone is doing it. Who is doing it? It takes an effort to meddle with someone. Who here is doing the least /physical/ work? They're all fighting. So it's time to try the process of elimination.

     Bitter Medicine channels his Essence, infusing his next attack with bone-breaking force. His target? Cricket's groin.
Defiant     DOCKS

     It seems like Rune does want to play. She raises a hand, and the concrete chunk /halts/ in mid-air. "You idiot! Everything I touch, I control!" Rune shouts, and she places her other hand upon a van, and suddenly that is levitating. She hurls both of them at Jono now.

     Crusader's ghost-knights engage Metal Man's robots. Sure, they might get dissipated by energy attacks and plasma fire and explosions easily enough, but Crusader just keeps generating them, and blades just seem to pass right through them. They just keep coming, stabbing and flashing and floating here and there. Crusader himself, the one who isn't a ghost, comes right at Metal Man, spear up and ready to impale!

     Fog is already contained. If he reforms, he'll be burned, and fog can't exactly deal with fire well. The fact that Gaius soots him with magical bullets is only more insult to injury. One down, while the fiery vortex holds at least.

     But where is Night?

     There's the sound of something with too many clawed feet, hissing and snarling, claws dragging along the ground - behind Alexis and Gaius, where neither of them can see it. And then something 'tinks' onto the asphalt where Alexis and Gaius are.

     It's a flashbang.
Defiant     TOWN HALL

     Armsmaster slams the haft of his Halberd into Fenja's left knee, then her right knee, and slams his Halberd - now a flail - into her chest. She drops, but staggers to her feet. "Kaiser, Fenja and Menja. Kaiser controls metal, able to bend and shape it as he wishes!"

     Menja jabs at Armsmaster with her spear, and he grabs it in one of his hands, pulls her in, and slams his flail into her chin. She falls back, but isn't defeated. "The valkyries increase in size and power and resist all forms of damage! Not that any of this matters, because I am the Master of Arms, and these 'people' are nothing but racist thugs!"

     Kaiser scoffs. A casual wave of his hand deflects the metal that Toph sent back at him. "Fenja, Menja," he says, as if at a business meeting, "Deal with the girl."

     The two valkyries turn, and while Armsmaster snares Fenja around the leg with a chain, dropping her into a parked bus, Menja leaps at Toph, thrusting with her giant spear!
Zwei     Zwei has Weiss contact miss Militia over the radio to ascertain the level of damage Asche should be able to inflict without twisting the PRT's panties. When the answer comes back 'as little as physically possible', it metaphysically pouts in the way that only a gestalt quantum consciousness can. Taking four supervillains alive will be a lot more difficult than simply nuking the area. Asche begins to speak in that scorching inferno of a voice, like the sound of someone running a jet engine inside of a nuclear furnace.

    "I am Exodus class planetary-subjugation Armiger unit, designation: Zwei. Empire Eighty Eight and the Brockton Bay Protectorate have been strategically manipulated by a third party. I cannot condone intrasapient racial hierarchies or the mass extermination of civilian targets, but your personal ideologies are irrelevant to me. At any point, you may offer surrender, after which I will cease inflicting violence." Basic psychological profiling already categorizes these people as violent sociopaths indoctrinated into a cult mentality, so there's no point in trying to get them to submit without force. Both of Asche's wrist guards split open to allow the barrels of his personal multiweapons to extend, levelling the muzzle of each at the two supers closest to center forward.

    Less-than-lethal force isn't his specialty, but a few picoseconds of number crunching manages to machine degenerate quark matter into an internal ammo store of concussion slugs; tiny chemical implosives loaded into physical shells with an electronic remote detonator, designed to go off a few feet from their designated target and create a shockwave powerful enough to hurl them through a couple of walls. Thus armed, Asche begins to fire almost indiscriminately into the circle, rapidly cycling hundreds of rounds into a gradually expanding arc, swinging his arms wide to mow down the capes flanking him further to his sides. The resulting cacaphony of deafening bangs shatters every window on the entire block, rattling vehicles, shaking telephone poles, and setting off car alarms, but even if it sounds like armageddon, Zwei computes a low probability it'll take out all four enemies immediately.
Finna     Oh well. With the trio going ragey and running after Wuyin and Bitter Medicine, and utterly ignoring Finna... she just... shrugs. Then slinks behind the the overturned PRT response vehicle. The wind rocks the vehicle but she - and the strange butterflies that've landed on her - are shielded at least! "these jerks... hrmph. If tripping them up with pleasantries doesn't work, I'll give them an opponent that'll rattle them to the bone..." She giggles mischeviously to herself amidst all the chaos and... CLIMBS into the PRT vehicle, never mind it being on its side.

    She waits just long enough for people to have hopefully lost any attention on her - helped by some magic to dissuade said attention - and then... sets her plan in motion.

    About ten seconds later...?

    *CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHH!!!* there's a MIGHTY impact from the PRT vehicle. Chunks of metal fly everywhere, as does what's left of a side view mirror. It's as thouggh something fell from the sky and SLAMMED INTO IT. And then... Armsmaster's voice rings out, "As expected, only I can deal with you three! Now you face the Master of Arms, villains! Surrender or be knelt!"

    The self-proclaimed Master of Arms rises atop the vehicle, signature Halberd in hand. He wastes only a few moments executing a flourishing twirl of the weapon and scowling down at the trio...

    WHAT THE HELL, isn't Armsmaster supposed to be somewhere else?!
Defiant     PROMENADE

     "Get fucked," replies Othala, which the other members of E-88 seem to echo if not in words but by stance and bearing. Asche fires, but the rounds just seem to slow and stop short of their targets, thanks to Krieg. She manages to clip Othala and Victor and Alabaster, though, as his power seems to cover them less. Alabaster blinks back into where he had been a few seconds before being hit, and Othala and Victor pick themselves up. Victor takes a second to dust his clothing off as Othala lays a hand on his shoulder.

     Victor raises his hands, and blasts at Asche with bright gouts of flame!

     These four are probably rather out-matched, whether they realise it or not. They're probably half-deaf, too.
Gaius Van Baelsar Gaius twirls the revolver in is handa as that seems one is contained but he is still bugged by the other. The sounds escape him due to the roaring fire, but the near by 'tink' gets his attention, knowing fully went that sound is /NOT/ good.

The fifty four year old quickly goes to look for the source of the sound, "Kid we.." before he can even say problem, the Flashbang goes off. The source of the flash blinds him as he tries to look away from it and the sheer loud POP causes his ears to ring for a moment.

Just out of instinct, even if he can't see he reaches for where he last saw Alexis which wasn't to far from him and slams down his hand as the shard changes over to a forcefield once more. Impacting his hand against the ground to generate the blue magical field around them having a slight hexagon design in in some of the very line work.

He can only hoped he grabbed Alexis in time and that the forcefield generated up with her within it and not outside with whoever this Night was.

Though as his eyes try to recover, he speaks still rather calmly though a bit of haste in his voice. "Baelsar Garlond." Yes, he just introduced himself cause seriously-- if your going to work next to someone in a crisis, you may as well share names encase it could be your last.
Toph Beifong     When Armsmaster gives the info, Toph can't help but snort. "A wannabe metalbender, huh?" she comments. Well, then it seems like she's in the right place. "Too bad for you that I am the greatest earthbender of all time, dunderhead!" she calls out to him. Though she notes how he too seems to have no problem deflecting the metal. "And I do not intend to let somebody else claim to be the greatest metalbender either." The blind girl cracks her knuckles with a bratty grin crossing her lips. "We'll just have to show them how it's done and who the true masters are, huh?"

    Though she can't help but send a deadpan look in Kaiser's direction when he orders the valkyries to attack her. "So you're too coward to face me yourself then, huh?" No time to snark more though, as there's a valkyrie charging at her! At least Armsmaster seems to have one of them, which makes it easier to Toph to sidestep the incoming spear as it brushes past the side of her head, all while Toph kicks firmly into the road and brings her hands up. Several earthen plates shoot up around Menja, intending to wrap themselves around her and crush against her torso and limbs, to keep everything but her head covered and immobile. And immediately after, Toph reaches out with one hand in Kaiser's direction, clenching her fist together as she mentally reaches out to his armor and does her best to tear parts of it off and maybe give Armsmaster an opening.
Jonothon Starsmore "...Bollocks."

It's about all Jono can get out before both a van AND a chunk of concrete are being thrown at him! The concrete alone wouldn't be a problem. But that van... that's something else. If he blasts it the thing might explode and take him with it. So against his better judgment he actually leaps FORWARD... closer to Rune! Hopefully the trajectory of her throw and the way she expected him to stay at range will make the objects go over him.

Assuming he manages to not get flattened he'll mentally growl, "Control THIS." And fire a strong blast in Rune's direction. It's true... Jono's kind of a one-trick pony. But he knows how to use that one trick to devastating effect. He's not aiming to kill her no. But it's not likely to feel real great if she gets hit.

He's really just trying to keep Rune busy, to keep her from joining in the fight with Fog and Night against the Pokemon trainer and what looks like a poor guy who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Of course Jono's 'fire' isn't really fire. It's psychokinetic energy. So it's not going to feel like being engulfed in fire if she gets hit. It feels like getting hit very hard by something solid. With the added sensation of 'rotary sander + exposed skin'.
Metal Man Metal Man sees that Cruwsader is coming at him and his comraes ad him are not having much luck here not much luck here at all. He twists, he turns and keep fighing seking hte original one. He pauses as he gets a heat signature and hea leaps twisting out of the way throwing a blade at the original these things are made to deal with robot combat armour and things like tanks his intent is to destroy the Crusader's weapon for the momeht he doesn't know if the locals want them alive or dead sides they might need one alive for information either way he comes about after the balde toss to punch the human saying

"So brave sir robin now what?!"
Alexis "Yeah, I heard," Alexis replies. "Always some jerk that has to slink around in shadows and be an ass about i--" She stops as that scraping sound is heard and something clinks past their collective feet. She opens her mouth to say something but before she can she's grabbed and pulled aside, disoriented for a moment but thankfully pulled aside before worse can be done.

Wildfire's reaction is reflexive as the clatter tinks by them, heaving to the side opposite Gaius and his trainer and rolling away. The flash doesn't bother him much but the bang did leave an momentary aggrivation of popping pressure in his ears. Plus having to move broke off feeding flames into the Fire Spin, though it will still take a few clicks for the flaming spiral to die down.

"Alexis," the pink-pigtailed trainer replies as she gets her wits back together. And notices the forcefield he put over them. Which makes her smirk, for more than just th protection from the enemies. "I hope this can handle things heating up. Wildfire!"

Let's take advantage of the sudden team protection here. "LAVA PLUME!"

Despite the ringing in his ears the Entei snaps to attention at his trainer's command. A sheering red glow forms around his paws as his emulation of volcanic activity comes to life, until it erupts in all directions around him in a cascade of burning streaks of lava-like firepower arcing through the air. Fog is likely going to get pelted even as the Fire Spin is wearing down, and if Night was nearby to throw that flashbang they're likely going to caught in the blast radius of the area attack even if they're not in direct view.

The attack does also hit teammates in a battle, but that's -exactly- why Alexis ordered it now, while both her and their impromptu ally are protected by his forcefield.
Yuuki Kuran     The pale purple butterflies that had settled all over Wuyin, the surroundings, the PRT troopers, etc... Are scattered, many being pulled away in wisps of indefinite purple fluff and dispersed into the air.

    Some are simply ripped apart, leaving smears of blood on the road, and cleanly dispersing the cloud of little annoying fluttering things.

    And yet, they return, swarming together before they begin to lose their disparate forms and sort of become a fluttering mass. Then they become a fluttering person-shaped mass. Then they flutter less as more and more fill in the form of a somewhat short teenaged girl.

    Who is asian. And wearing a butterfly-themed facemask. "Hey!" She cries, sounding put out. "Really? You're going to shoot /butterflies/? Do you just hate everything?!" She cries, very put out. Yuuki was normally a sunny and happy person but now she's... Well, she's almost comically annoyed.

    Her 'hero outfit' consists of a kind of thin purple dress that leaves her ankles and feet exposed, which are bear. She wears a mask. It is almost lazy. "Stop... whatever it is you're doing! You can't just kill people!" She announces, before looking at Finna-rmsmaster (and blanching), before just kind of glancing at Wuyin and Bitter Medicine. "Uh... S-sorry, do we have a plan? I can do some stuff that isn't butterflies."
Zwei     Asche doesn't deign to respond to Othala. Taunts and witticisms are Weiss' territory. He is built to fight. Calculating the trajectory of each slug and measuring the degree of slowdown affecting each one singles out Krieg as the obvious target to eliminate first, and so Asche folds the multiweapons back into his wrists for the time being, reserving projectiles for after priority one has been taken care of. Taking a single, pavement-cracking step forward he completely ignores the other three capes around him, aiming straight for the momentum manipulator. Just before it seems as if he is about to act however, Victor's flames catch him head on, momentarily obscuring half his body in the crackling blaze. Though by all appearances, he appears completely unharmed as the faint, sizzling glow vanishes from his armour, the fact that the fire had reached him at all is of immense concern. For the second time now, his personal defense system had failed to influence an enemy attack. Zwei will have to sweat the details later. For now, violence.

    Asche explodes towards Krieg in a single motion too fast to grasp with the human eye, becoming nothing more than a black blur for a split second as he hits him with a punch that should turn a human body into a high velocity spray of blood and bone chips. Wheeling on the spot, he roundhouse kicks a parked truck straight into Alabaster, caving in the entire left side of the vehicle from the force, aiming to stun him for at least 4.3 seconds so his resetting power won't extricate himself from under its weight. Ripping up the pavement with another short-distance lunge, cratering the storefront behind him with chunks of sidewalk, he slams into Victor with the blunt of his pauldron, and then continues straight through to smash Othala as well, aiming for just enough force to break their bones.
Defiant     DOCKS

     Gaius' forcefield goes up, and not a moment too soon as that /thing/, whatever it is, thrashes against the field. There's too many limbs, claws, teeth and fangs and tentacles slamming against the field and it seems to be on the verge of breaking through...

     Is that Night?

     And then a miniature volcano eruptson the street and the flash of light illuminates Night for a moment - who seems to be just a fairly unremarkable woman - and hurls her into a brick wall. She picks herself up, readying another flashbang.

     It's like she can only shapeshift when no one can see her.

    Crusader pauses at the loss of his spear. He turns aside for one moment, as one of his ghostly doubles throw him a new ghostly one. Oh, come on. How is that even fair, or physically possible? To Crusader, it seems solid enough, and he rejoins the offensive!

     But he's stopped generating new duplicates. Perhaps one can't copy a copy? In either case, Crusader snarls, "Now, die!"

     Rune howls as Jono bathes her in psychokinetic energy. Her robes, it seems, don't do much to protect her. She cries out in agony, dropping to her knees, and her concrete and van missiles go hurtling into an old warehouse.

     Purity drops into the middle of the road then and, with a terrific /scream/ of rage, throws her arms out, bathes the whole area in bright white light - and infuses that light with an incredible degree of force! Buildings shatter, people go flying, and she enters the fray properly.

    RUNE is down. FOG is contained. NIGHT is injured and VULNERABLE. CRUSADER lost his spear and got a ghost-spear.
Defiant      ROAD

     The three Empire-88 berserkers leap at Wuyin and Bitter and Yuuki. "You're not people!" Stormtiger snarls at Yuuki. As Wuyin blasts them with electricity, Cricket leaps clear at the first sign of any arc, leaving Hookwolf and Stormtiger to get the worse of it. Stormtiger shouts in pain and rage, but Hookwolf doesn't seem too affected.

     Cricket leaps towards Bitter, and ends up recieving a boot to the groin for her effort. She falls, arms around her middle, but her power persists - and at this range, it's beyond just being unable to focus - it's an intense nausea. Luckily, however, Bitter is probably immune.

     The arrival of Armsmaster throws Hookwolf and Stormtiger for a loop. They pause, because that sure as hell looks and sounds like the Protectorate's big name commanding officer. "Kill him," Stormtiger remarks to Hookwolf, "Rip him to pieces. I'll handle these three."

     And so Hookwolf leaps at 'Armsmaster', claws outstretched, like the particularly racist child of a wolf and a blender.

     CRICKET - Down, power persisting. Hookwolf - Active. Stormtiger - Active.
Gaius Van Baelsar Night slams against the forcefield, Alexis may notice it creeks under the weight, the claws and bites causing what looks almost like a fracture starting to form in parts of it. Gaius aka Baelsar Garlond looks a little concerned by this, because in all seriousness....

Magitek generated forcefield are in pale comparison to the /actual/ aetheric created fields bright up by a Conjurer in the school of magics.

Yet the field holds long enough for Alexis to give her order to her Pokemon and Gaius tsks softly. "You put to much trust in my abilities." He scuffs out quickly, even though it may seem like a slight poke of play to try too break the extreme tension of this very moment.

The flames rush over the forcefield and with a slight change of his hands direction, the forcefield warps slightly, Gaius trying to redirect the fire around them, while trying to put more energy into the field. However as he holds it, it starts to shimmer and crackle a bit with blue electricity. The shard itself getting ready to shatter from the sheer strain on it, as it really-- /really/ isn't designed for this long term of use.

Soon as the fire ends, the field shatters, the shard within the bracelet ca also be heard popping with a bi of a blue discharge given under the sleeve. Though Gaius gives it no glance or even says what that was all about. Instead where is his crouched he aims his revolver right at Night and tries to shoot flashbang right out of her hands as the ceruleum bullet may explode with a bit of blue flame on impact and sends another shot for the thigh of her leg.
Defiant      PROMENADE

     It's Kreig's power that saves him from being utterly annihilated by Asche. He goes flying, however, right into a store front, glass and plaster shattering around him. Alabaster eats a truck, and can't seem to restore himself out of it. Othala hits the concrete, hard, and doesn't rise. She's alive, but not in a good state.

     Victor, however, seems utterly unaffected. "You bastard," he snarls, "Striking a woman!" His scream of rage is drowned out by the next terrific gout of white-hot flame he sends right into Asche.

Metal Man Metal Man :looks as he loses his actual spear and now he's using a ghost one he looks at him for a moment and he says

"Die? No, I will not die. Better and far mroe nobler beings than you have tried. Your just trash, throwing your powers away on this doomed crusade!"

Metal is having issues here but then comes the horror of Purity at this point she comes in Crash man is mid jump and is sent flying into a car. Wood man is forced to dig into the ground to hold his place.

Flash Man however is taking some damage as Puritty's attack does seem to mess him up a bit.

"That...all you got human?!"

The temporal warfare gets an idea but he's going to need some time to enact his plan however his primary systems start to charge.

Metal Man while takes a hit and is impaled but it's not enough to destory him or put him down.

"I am no ... hero but I will not tolerate the likes oif you who'd inflict on your own kind what has been inflicted upon my own!"

Metal man pulls free of thie an there's some electical damage as he moves in to just launch several rapid punche as he doesn't think skitter or even Armsmaster would take well to him gutting this guy.
Defiant      TOWN HALL

     Kaiser turns his head to look at Toph, and even with the helmet and crown, it's open contempt and loathing. No, he won't face her, because that implies she is his equal - and it's clear that, based on her ethnicity, he doesnt consider her own.

     Kaiser speaks, "Your traditions are ridiculous and insipid. I don't bend, I /command/ as is my blood-right. And I command you to fall." He clenches a fist, and a criss-crossing web of metal tears itself from the ground around Toph. The fact that Toph is peeling his metal armor away doesn't seem to cause him much concern. After all, in a few seconds...

     He's going to tighten that metal and crush her!

     With Menja disabled by Toph, struggling around the earthen grip of the ground itself, Armsmaster hammers Fenja with his Halberd, again and again, driving the valkyrie bodyguard back. The chain of his flail wraps around Fenja's neck, and Armsmaster heaves on it. As strong as she is, Armsmaster seems set to counter her toughness by suffocating her.

     But he's not able to take advantage of Toph's opening!
Jonothon Starsmore Good. Rune's not going to be joining the battle anytime soon. But just as Jono's making to restrain her or knock her out-- SOMETHING to keep her from joining that battle with Night and Fog-- something happens. Something he wasn't expecting. Purity's wave of light and force catches him off-guard. He doesn't have a forcefield to protect him from it. So as the wave explodes over the area he's caught up in the wave.

The 'lightforce' wave carries him back and away and he gives a surprised mental cry of pain as he's flung THROUGH a nearby wall. Already weakened from the damage it sustained in Purity's blast it crumbles and traps him under way too much masonry.

That's OK though... Jono doesn't look like he's moving for the time being. His hand might be glimpsed sticking out of the rubble but it isn't moving either.
Zwei     Already knowing that his shield wont defend against Victor's fire for some curious reason, Asche decides it best to not stand stoically in the path of his next shot, seeing as the massive spike in intensity could concievably cause damage to his inner systems. As the burst of flame is hurled towards him, he leaps clear of the road with an utterly absurd burst of agility, launching what must be over a ton of metal well above the rooftops of the nearby buildings. Engaging one of his boosters for a split second of thrust, he rockets back down with a nauseatingly sudden reversal of direction, aiming to slam back down on top of Victor and pin him beneath one foot. Reproducing the barrel of his wrist cannon, he aims it directly towards the super's face, letting off an electrostatic burst juiced up to overwhelm every pain receptor in his body.

    "You are all just humans to me."
Defiant      PROMENADE

     Even Asche crushing him beneath his full weight doesn't seem to do much to really injure him, like he's completely invulnerable to all forms of physical harm. He's pinned but not in any pain, it seems, and Asche's sensors might tell him that Victor is already in the process of summoning another burst of flame!

     At least, that is, until Asche turns the electrostatic cannon on him. Victor howls in agony - but only for a few moments as the blinding pain quickly overwhelms him and he drops into unconsciousness.

     That's four members of Empire Eighty-Eight down and one crisis averted.
Alexis "Holy Hell's Bellsprouts what is that!" Alexis belts out as the -thing- of too many limbs and sharp points pounds against the forcefield. She's seen some damn weird things since joining the Multiverse and even before, but that nearly undescribably hideous thing is right up there on the weird-shit-o-meter. The thing is probably busted by this point already as it is.

Then the thing-woman gets blasted off by Wildfire's volcanic fury, revealed to be no more than a woman when not out of sight. Night crashes off to the side, but before it can be immeadiately capitalized on Purity decides to bring her tantrum down to earth. Alexis drops low to the ground as the fury blasts across the docks as Gaius's forcefield shatters, pulling her helmet down over her face as the rushing wind blasts through her hair and whips about the loose ends of her clothing. Debris thrown by the blast pelts her. Another night, another set of cuts and bruises. Whoever said being a hero was glamerous didn't know what the fuck they were talking about.

Wildfire takes the blunt of the interuption though, the explosion of light packing enough force to throw even the bulky Entei off his paws and backwards, slamming into the side of a loading truck and knocking it over, toppling the a bin left loaded on it over on top of him.

Said bin shreds apart moments later as Wildfire bursts back out of it though, battered and hurt but not so easily deterred. Not when the entire city and its inhabitants are at stake here.

Gaius is shooting down Night so he turns his gaze towards Purity, an ethereal glow cascading through his eyes to the point the pupils are indisconcernable now. ~Your use of your powers to such ends with no concern for others out of anger is an affont to even having them!~ The 'shout' is in the empathic voice almost all Legendary pokemon seem to have, but it's as loud and clear as day as any spoken word could be.

Even as he 'speaks' flames surge around his maw as the coalence together with inward churning kirby crackle and dots that grows so hot it visibly shifts from the usual yellow and orange into bright glows of blue and sheering white.

Then with a thunderous roar the shearing fury is unleashed at Purity in an intense torrent of super-heated fire embubed with the glowing energy of what could be as close to 'holy' power as Pokemon get!
Toph Beifong     Oh man, this is rich! Toph snorts. "You think /I/ am fond of traditions?" That's laughable, and Toph snorts. "Blood right? You mean you didn't even /work/ for your power?" This guy kinda reminds her about how Armsmaster talks, so absolute and high and mighty... and when he says those last words? Pardon her that she will focus on defense before she responds however.

    The young girl spreads her arms, hands gripping into metal, small fingers tearing it apart as she half turns, her expression one of intense focus and concentration even as part of the metal does threaten to tighten around her legs. This is certainly something new! She's used to fighting other earthbenders and showing them just who's boss, but to meet another person who can manipulate metal... it's a bit weird. But stubborn as she is, she is not about to give up so early.

    Bringing one heel down into the ground, Toph kicks off and then throws her arms forward, sending the metal against Kaiser. Though immediately after she does that, she focuses on something else. His armor. Rather than bending it off of him, her hands grip into the air as she focuses on lifting the man and then /slam/ him into the ground!

    "Toph Beifong doesn't bow for anybody!" she declares. "And you are not among the few who I take orders from either!" If she dares joke around with her superiors in the Union, why should she take orders from this guy who thinks he can best /her/ in metalbending?
Finna     Man it's awfully hard to concentrate here. Finna-Armsmaster doesn't wobble or waver from the stance of before, but boy does she feel sick in the head. She doesn't quite react as quickly as she ought. Hookwolf's already nearly well upon her when--


    "So predictable!" Not the Halberd. 'Armsmaster''s suddenly outstretched arm vents a sudden blast of heat and TELESCOPES OUT as if rocket-propelled for a super speed punch to the jaw.

    That's not enough to fend off Hookwolf, but it does mean that the claws that would've ripped into Finna only seem to graze along Armsmaster's chest armor. There IS ACTUALLY BLOOD at work here, but nobody'll be able to see or smell it, or acknowledge it being on those claws for now...

    After all, armor doesn't bleed. It scratches and sparks.
Bitter Medicine      Bitter Medicine's reply is--oh, Finna, you and your trickery. His reply! To Yuuki. It's short. "Hit them. Keep hitting them." With that, he notes that the unnatural mental influence hasn't stopped, but in fact has gotten worse. This directly correlates with Cricket's presence near him. He's neither immune nor wholly responsive to her power, but it's still annoying. Imagine a door-to-door salesman insistently knocking on the door of your house, and that's pretty much the effect it has on him. He can only imagine it's worse for Finna and this mortal with the sword, so he takes actions to remove that influence.

     "Be right back." Bitter Medicine is not a stupid man. He is direct, but mistaking that for a lack of intellect can be a dire mistake indeed. He has a clear and present opportunity here, with Cricket on the ground. The Alchemical hoists her up by her arms, locks her into a bear hug, and takes to the skies, his plasma thrusters roaring once again. His plan, barring interference from Stormtiger or Hookwolf, is to take advantage of Cricket's need for air. It's not a need he shares.
Zwei     Perhaps wanting to score brownie points with the Protectorate, or perhaps just genuinely curious, Asche lifts his foot from Victor and trudges over to where Assault lies, dragging him over to Battery. There, the Armiger begins soft photon resonance imaging to assess the extent of their injuries and work out whether they'll survive or not, and more importantly, if they can be recussitated to provide a numerical advantage going forward. The drones he had launched earlier speed off in different directions, each homing in on the other fights unfolding throughout the city to monitor and record them.
Defiant      TOWN HALL

     "Of course you think I'm referring to my power and not the other things that mark me as your superior," Kaiser retorts. He sounds like someone who really isn't used to someone backtalking him - that low sort of annoyance in the back of his voice. The metal shards rain off his armor, Kaiser looking the very picture of an old nobleman as he stands there, chest out, arms clasped behind his back.

     Which means Toph probably feels no small degree of satisfaction from slamming into the ground, hard enough to crack the asphalt. But Kaiser picks himself up. "You'll pay for that," he promises. He makes no open moves, but a long stalactite of metal begins to grow from a streetlight above Toph. And it drops.

     Armsmaster hurls his Halberd at it, bisecting the metal projectile, and calling his weapon back to his hand in a flash of light. "Fenja and Menja are contained," Armsmaster reports to someone, "Kaiser will not be far behind."
Wuyin Tsai Wuyin offers Yuuki a quick nod, and jerks his head Bitter Medicine's way. "That is about the sum of it, yes; please do anything you can." He doesn't want to get a run-down of her abilities in front of the people who clearly want to kill the shit out of them.

The lightning test is a successful one. It keeps them from leaping on and mauling him, and 'Armsmaster' is drawing the attention of Hookwolf. He has no reason to believe it's a fake, but something about it seems... off. Hmmm. Stormtiger's remark takes his attention away. Wuyin sighs.

"Ah. Well."

There's a brief /flicker/, and Wuyin is right on top of the E88 berserker. He swallows the urge to retch, abandoning his elemental stylings and rushing at the cape with an Anima-charged straight sword. He goes for a flurry of wide, arcing slashes, inflicting shallow cuts that leave bleeding wounds. He's easily capable of cutting through a car with his sword charged like this, and the Anima circuits etched into the blade burn with an incandescent orange light to mark it as something special.

"It does not take much to kill a 'person,'" Wuyin says evenly, staring at Stormtiger over the rims of his 3D glasses. "Allow me to show you."
Defiant     DOCKS

     However scary she is when she's out of sight, Night doesn't seem much to write home about when you can actually see her. Gaius shoots the flashbang out of her hands and then shoots her in the thigh. Night swears, dropping to one knee. "The moment you blink, I'm going to fucking /shred/ you," Night howls.

     With Jono apparently dealt with, Purity strides down the street towards Gaius and Alexis, leaving Crusader to deal with Metal Man and his associates. Crusader, for his part, is down to his last few spectral companions, even as he impales Metal Man. Metal Man lays into him, crushing his plate armor against him, and driving Crusader back!

     Wildfire steps up to Purity, who doesn't seem perturbed by it. She begins to glow - hair, eyebrows, her bodysuit, all glowing as bright as the sun. As Wildfire opens up with blue and white fire, Purity opens up with her own hard-light! One hand, and then two, and Purity continues to advance. The sheer amount of force she's putting out is astounding.

     As Wildfire keeps her advance slow, however, Purity leaps to the sky once again - and blasts at Gaius, Alexis and Wildfire from above, like she's trying to drive them into the asphalt - and through it!
Toph Beifong     She won't deny it, it feels nice to feel the high and mighty Kaiser slam against the asphalt, and she can't keep from grinning just a bit as he picks himself up. "Yeah yeah, say that if it helps you feel better," Toph brattishly retorts. "I would say that the only thing you got me beat in is blindness. Sure, you can bend metal, but can you bend what metal is really made out of?" Too bad for Kaiser that Toph is used to trash talking, as it wasn't only her bending that she worked on at the local earthbending tournament.

    Just as she feels something change above her, feel metal above her... Armsmaster has already acted, and she blinks and turns her head just a bit. "I /felt/ that!" she says with a huff and a pout. She was going to handle it, sheesh! But at least Armsmaster didn't do it for the wrong reasons, she guesses. So she snorts. "Thanks." He's right though, it's time to focus on bringing Kaiser down for the count.

    Certain that Armsmaster will follow up on it, Toph spreads her arms again, her hands shaking just slightly as if she's struggling against some invisible weight, and the ground starts /shaking/. Then she brings up one foot before she slams it down again, and a series of spikes shoot out from behind Kaiser, intending to knock him forwards and towards Armsmaster. "Let's show this guy just who is superior here!"
Jonothon Starsmore Silence from where Jono went down. And then that hand twitches. Turns. Grasps at the rubble blocking him. Tries pulling it away a piece at a time. He throws about three pieces of debris before he decides that's just going to take too long. Instead Jono frees himself with a short blast of power and then rolls free of the falling debris.

"Ow." Seems an appropriate way to describe it. He's visibly bruised now-- 'visibly' being a relative term since so little of him is ever really 'visible' to begin with-- and one eye is showing the beginnings of what's going to be a glorious shiner tomorrow. And his forehead's cut too. But it seems Jono's not as 'dealt with' as Purity thought.

And as she rises up to blast at Alexis, Gaius, and Wildfire Jono gets closer to the scene and aims a blast up at Purity. Maybe he can distract her.
Defiant      PROMENADE

     Assault is easy enough to drag over to Battery. They seem fine, really. Bruised, beaten, sore, some internal injuries, probably a concussion or two, but not in a life-threatening state.
Yuuki Kuran     Yuuki is not just extremely put off by the whole 'hey you're not people' thing, she looks pretty darn steamed. "Oh? I'm not a person? What gives you the right to say that? Is it your powers? Because it looks like your powers are being a huge blow-hard!" She gripes, her massive migrane causing her to be really cheesed off - more than ususal. Normally she's very nice and calm and =D but all she's gotten from these jerks is her buttons pressed.

    "I know why I'm different than you. I'm /better/ than you." She growls, her red-brown eyes shimmering with an inner light.

    She pushes forward with her hands, goaded on by 'hey just fuck these guys up however you can', summoning up a ball of wind, pebbles sworling into her vortex. She is not artful with her wind-mancy. This is because she's windmancy'ing the hard way, as she compresses the force down... down... down... into a little ball. A tornado in the palm of her hand.

    She is about to let it rip, when Wuyin teleports right next to Stormtiger. "I-I can't do this when you're right next to him!" She cries, looking very worried, before she lets off some pressure, circling to try and batter Stormtiger from his flank as Wuyin's Jian gets to work.

    She'll fight fire with fire! Or in this case, wind with wind.
Alexis Two tremendous forces slam into each other, fire and light against fire and light, vying back and forth in a vibrant display as solar and volcanic fury clash. Until the resistance breaks off as Purity leaps into the air and Wildfire's attack streams through the space she had occupied for a moment until it is dropped before doing unwanted to damage.

Purity rises into the air and then launchs her attack, hurtling at her enemies like bombs. For all intents and purposes it she should be too fast for anyone to intervien.

Should be... Except as she's leaving the ground Wildfire is suddenly RIGHT THERE, seven feet and 400+ pounds of angry foo-lion aimed to plow into her after leaping off the side of a dock building, taking a brunt of Purity's assault to try and slam her back into the ground! Something that big shouldn't logically be able to move that fast, but techniques like Extremespeed never cared much for logic in the first place in hitting the foe just as quickly as they can start to attack.
Defiant      TOWN HALL

     Toph sends Kaiser stumbling forwards, just as the leader of Empire-Eighty Eight channels his power through the arms of his suit, creating what looks like one hell of a wrist blade from the forearm metal. Knocked towards Armsmaster, he manages to block the first blow of Armsmaster's Halberd.

     Armsmaster turns, plants the haft against Kaiser's ankle, and /twists/. Kaiser is flipped on to his back and Armsmaster is already preparing the coup de grace - gripping his Halberd in both hands and driving it down into Kaiser's armored sternum!
Defiant      ROAD 5r
     In a strange coincidence of fate, Stormtiger seems to have the same idea as Bitter Medicine. As Wuyin leaps at him, cutting at him, spilling his blood, Stormtiger simply focuses his mind and draws the air /away/ from Wuyin, creating a vacuum. "Like a lack of oxygen," he growls, stepping back, hand pressed to a particularly large wound in his side.

     Hookwolf eats 'Armsmaster's' rocket punch and slams into the side of a bus. He doesn't so much as pick himself up as reform with his claws on the ground. He paces for a bit, metal tail thrashing, before he leaps at 'Armsmaster' once more! "I hit you once! I'll take your head!" Hookwolf snarls, his mouth open and wide, revealing a whirling mass of a hundred sharp blades!

     In Bitter Medicine's arms, Cricket doesn't really have much recourse to do anything. She's not strong, just fast, and she's still disorientated and in enough pain to prevent her from doing much. Slowly, as they rise, she begins to suffocate - and the moment she is unconscious, her power goes out. Bitter Medicine is suddenly feeling like there's less people knocking on his door, and Wuyin, Finna and Yuuki feel better too.

     And then Yuuki's wind buffets against Stormtiger's controlled tempest, and probably allowing Wuyin to breathe once again. Stormtiger lashes out a fist at Yuuki, and a burst of wind, strong enough to bend steel, rips through the space between them!
Gaius Van Baelsar "I guess it is a good thing my godson and I had many staring contests." Gaius remarks back Night as she gives her cold threat. Though he can believe it, he can only hope the bullet in the thigh will slow her down when she shifts once more.

That is when Gaius picks up something very bright from above and it wasn't the sun. He knew someone came crashing down on the party, but his focus was on Night. So when Purity made herself know he couldn't really give her a proper welcoming, which thankfully Alexis did.

Yet it seems he can no longer ignore the problem as Purity is getting ready to fire down something heavy and though Jono moves in to try and grab her attention back, the beams of gravity -- or whatever they are -- are coming for them. His forcefield was done and he had longer legs standing at his near six foot two, versus the young girls own.

As such Gaius turns his back to Night and goes to tackle Alexis to get her out of the blast radius, he rolls himself such away that he lands hard on his shoulder to protect her from the impact on the ground. The sheer force though cuts up his clothing and nicks his own skin on the shirt. At least it was nothing major.

Just going to be feeling it in the morning is all. "You alright?" He asks Alexis. "Because we seriously need to stop saving one another."
Toph Beifong     Seems like the guy has enough mind to use his suit for more than just defense, and Toph frowns. She follows closely as Armsmaster manages to bring Kaiser down onto his back, and she blinks when she realizes just what Armsmaster is about to do, and she doesn't hesitate to act. With a quick motion of her hand Toph reaches out and bends the asphalt, making it wrap itself around Kaiser's arms, legs and torso, doing her best to keep him immobile as the asphalt hardens, but also stop Armsmaster from killing the guy if that is what he intends to do.

    "I thought criminals were taken to /jail/!" she states firmly and steps forward, a stern look on her face as she 'stares' blindly ahead and crosses her arms over her chest.
Defiant      TOWN HALL

     Armsmaster turns, taking a second to wipe some bloody froth from his lips. "He doesn't deserve to live," the Protectorate cape growls, readying his Halberd for another strike!
Metal Man Flash Man has a plan a very mean plan there's a very creepy almost maniac grin on his face as he brings up his arm as he follows up Prity suddenly portions of his body open as system come on line and the world for him seems to stop moving, to everyone else he's likely movint at high speed he move in after Purity his plasma shotgun ready he knows she's wanted alive fine he lowers his arm the plasma scatter cun charges up and he attempts to blow out her lower legs before his temporal antics end.

Metal Meanwhile does have a few options her as he punches Cruwader driving him back he charges a taser system abnd moves to punch him hopefully this will be enough force to drop him without killing him.

Crash Man's back on his feet, crash bomber armed and ready if Flash's stunt fails. People who can sense time relted stuff would totally get Flash Man's Plan fails, and Woodman is busy making sure there are no humans caught in the wreckage it was strange to have a human ... thank him he thought.
Toph Beifong     "HEY! You are acting as if it's your call to make! Who made /you/ judge, Assmaster?!" Toph frowns. "Are you going to stoop to his level, or are you going to be a /man/ and let the proper authorities handle it?" The blind earthbender raises her hand, her expression serious as she points right up into Armsmaster's face. "If you're so damn set on protecting this place, then at least uphold the goddamn laws yourself instead of thinking yourself so high and mighty like this dunderhead here!"
Bitter Medicine      Bitter Medicine may not need to breathe, but he /does/ need air to speak. Once Cricket is out, he descends and touches down on a roof, preferably one away from the fighting. Now that he's finally caught one of these bastards (fourth visit's the charm?) it's time to call it in. Unaware of what's going down near town hall, he contacts the PRT via radio. "Bitter Medicine. One subdued beligerrent in custody. Please advise." He'd much rather stoop to their level--it's what he was built for, after all, but he's not incapable of nonlethal force.
Defiant     DOCKS

     Jono blasts Purity in the back. She tumbles through the air for a moment, spinning, then then raises one hand and sets her 'spotlight' on him. And then the ground and anything she illuminates shatters, struck by a huge force, and she turns that light in a long arc, dragging the blast towards the others - Gaius and Alexis.

     She is intercepted by Wildfire, and directs that light onto the Pokemon for a moment, trying to blast him away, before she sets her sights back on Gaius and Alexis.

     Things go from bad to worse, however, as Gaius takes his eyes of Night. No one else is watching her, and there's the terrifying sensation of /too many/ claws trying to rip into his back, of too many legs scrabbing across the asphalt, the hissing of a thousand mouths, and the gnashing of fangs and teeth...

     Before Purity can exterminate the pair, however, Flash Man kneecaps her. She drops from the sky, screaming, and slams into the ground. Her power is already fading, her pure white illumination fading away. Beneath it, she's positively mousy in appearance. Bland, even. "They took my baby," Purity whispers, unable to stand. "They took her from me!"

     Crusader drops without fanfare and the rest of ghostly legion vanishes as he hits the ground.

     That leaves only Night, who will be easily subdued once someone gets eyes on her!
Defiant      ROAD

     Miss Militia's voice crackles over the radio, "There should be containment foam sprayers in the van near your location. Cover each villain entirely. That will hold them until we have them in proper custody."
Defiant      TOWN HALL

     Armsmaster really doesn't seem happy. He raises his Halberd up and, roaring, brings it down like a guillotine! The blade of his polearm sinks deep into the asphalt.

     But he missed Kaiser. By an /inch/.
Jonothon Starsmore Jono does NOT wait around to see what that 'spotlight' does. Purity's already nailed him one good time and he's not about to stick around for a repeat performance! He hurls himself to one side to avoid the shattering ground and some of the debris rains down on him. Thankfully these are smaller pieces than the debris that trapped him so he isn't injured by them.

He's prepared to have to shoot Purity again when she's brought down by Flash Man. Whew. What she's saying is concerning... but there's something more still. That... something... whatever it is that's attempting to menacing Gaius. The hissing and gnashing gets his attention and Jono looks over there to see what exactly he's going to have to shoot.
Wuyin Tsai Wuyin's strategy appears to revolve around the death of a thousand cuts. Some of them are shallow, but a great many bleed, seemingly held open by the Anima-infused bladework. He's forced to slow down and step back the moment the air around him escapes. He holds what little breath he manages to get when it happens, abruptly shifting his posture to the defensive.

Choking someone out in a fight is tough, but removing their oxygen supply is a faster way to take care of it. Wuyin can't teleport again this soon; manipulating his personal Anima like that takes more work than he cares to devote to it. Doing it over time takes almost no effort at all, but /instantly/...

He misses what Yuuki says, unaware he's in the way until he can suddenly /breathe/ again. Wuyin takes in a breath of sweet, sweet air and immediately lunges forward, a desperate lightning-speed thrust with his left hand thrown out to the side to keep his balance. If it connects, even a little, all those little bleeding wounds will suddenly become several magnitudes worse for a span of seconds. It is much less immediately rectifiable than oxygen deprivation.

Never let it be said that a Dragon fights fair.
Toph Beifong     Even as she tenses up, Toph stands still with that serious look on her face. And as the blade of Armsmaster's weapon goes into the asphalt, she moves her hand... and punches Armsmaster in the arm. "Let's get these three dunderheads to jail."

    It's good that Armsmaster can be reasoned with at least, and that he's not that much of an asshole as he seems to be at times. As for Kaiser? Toph snorts in his direction before she turns away. "You're /welcome/." How about that? You got your ass beaten /and/ saved by a blind little asian girl.

    The Halberd of 'Armsmaster' is promptly SHOVED with all the armored warrior's might STRAIGHT FOR HOOKWOLF'S MAW. Apparently with NO REGARD FOR WHAT its fate or all of those teeth. Also, at speeds Armsmaster probably has NEVER been seen using before. It's an instantaneous manuever by a practiced fighter who's thinking at the speed of Yes.

    Finna's not the strongest or the most durable. She doesn't survive by taking blows and exchanging pulverizing smashes like that all the time. An overwhelming, speedy or just plain disorienting offense is her best tricks. And well, something about an open maw, THAT BIG, just sort of screams... jam something in there.

    The Halberd doesn't seem to have any tricks behind it though. It's just a hunk of metal that tastes like car exhaust.

    Because really, it's just a muffler.

    "The only head you'll be tasting is my weapon's!"

    Seriously, a frontal assault?

    If Finna wasn't masquerading as someone else, she'd be all over criticizing this guy's style... how does he expect to hit anything with such shallow tactics?
Yuuki Kuran     There is a great moment, when Yuuki buffets Stormtiger with wind, where she feels like she has the upper hand. That her powers are enough, even as she uses them, to affect the battlefield. To help people.

    As she begins to exult on this, the fierce punch of wind by the more powerful windmancer slams into 'Ruri' (Aka, Yuuki)... Lethally.

    She is thrown backwards, into part of the broken road, and rests in a broken tangle of limbs and blood. There even is a bit of broken metal through her neck, as she bleeds out on the ground.

    She looks SUPER DEAD. Like, the most super ultra dead to the maximum.

    There is no way anyone could survive that.

    Not a single one, ever.
Alexis Alexis was just reaching back for her bag when Gaius tackles her, knocking her away from Purity's enraged assault just as Wildfire is jump-rushing in to intercept the crazed woman. With a grunt she lands on her back on the dock, with the older fellow more or less on top of her. Needless to say the juxapositioning would look hilarious and maybe a little wrong if it wasn't such a dire time.

"Eh, been worse." She can't see past Gaius but she can -hear- that hideous scraping horror movie noise like before. It's not hard to guess what's going to come next, after it already being shown that Night needs to stay out of view, thus typically attacking from behind.

Alexis grabs her 'weapon' from the ground next to her. "Hold still." As Night lunges to strike Gaius from the back she might catch a glimps of the girl smirking just over his shoulder. Just before she swings up to slam the reverbrant head of her weaponized hockey stick to the side of the shapeshifter's center of mass and knock her away. "AND TWO MINUTES FOR HIGH STICKING!"
Alexis Wildfire gets flung aside when Purity turns her counterattack on him, but seeing as dealing with so many assaults left her wide open for Flash Man's time shennanigans and shotgunning it was hardly a wasted effort. Though he does hit the ground hard enough to briefly knock the wind out of him afterwards, that's kind of a long drop after jumping that high and fast.
Defiant      ROAD

     Hookwolf roars, and is cut short by 'Armsmaster' jamming his Halberd down his throat. The 'Halberd' won't last long, trapped in the blender-vortex-wolf that is Hookwolf but, for now, Finna seems to have him impaled and held!

     As Stormtiger sends Yuuki flying, apparently having killed her, he stumbles away from Wuyin's onslaught! With this guy cutting him up, and Armsmaster dealing with Hookwolf, and Cricket nowhere to be seen... Well, one member of Empire Eighty-Eight is deciding that discretion is the better part of valor! He's running for it!

     He's bleeding heavily, however. He probably won't get far.
Defiant      TOWN HALL

     Armsmaster nods to Toph, raising one hand to his helmet and calling in a team of Protectorate officers to come and pick the three up. Kaiser says nothing. Fenja and Menja have decreased back down to a normal size, along with their weapons - they're like blonde supermodels in plate armor. That's three more people to throw into lock-up.
Gaius Van Baelsar Gaius stares down at her as she seems OK and gives a nod of his head., though his clothing is scuffed up, at least the young girl is alright. That is until he hears the sound, "By all that is.." He rumbles /knowing/ that Night would keep her promise and he just /had/ to take his eyes off her.

When the claws shred into his backside tearing up his vest and shirt, it causes some nice gashes which do in fact bleed some good ol' red blood onto the white shirt and tan leather jacket which is now pretty bad shape when Alexis reaches over and smacks Night away when she forcefully has to shift back by being seen.

Gaius grits his teeth a bit in pain. Just means more scars for the already scars he /has/. He then shoves himself off and with Night knocked over and Jono looking down at her, Gaius takes his revolver, goes to step directly onto her mid section and aims her gun directly down at her.

Those gold eyes lose any 'purity' they had behind them and stare at her as the general he is and including a man who has killed thousands in his lifetime. "Give me one reason I should not put a bullet into your skull?" He asks with a very cold sound in his voice.
Metal Man Flash Man stands over her his plasma scatter gun still ready he's no fool he knows Meta Humans are on the same level as combat robots.

"Your lucky they want you alive."

However he pauses took her baby? What? Even Metal Hears this what the heck is that is she mad or is there something else up then again.

Metal Man staggers but makes sure that Crusader is down and he secures him now. Wood Man and Crash look around tyring to fight Night if they can this is almost over.

Flash Man says

"People call me a bad guy but you know what? Even I don't buy into the stuff /you/ guys did."
Defiant      DOCKS

     Weird. Jono sets his eyes on a woman in a black hood and cape. Don't see how she is giving Gaius and Alexis so much trouble, he's probably thinking. Night shrieks, her powers vanishing as he sets his eyes on her, however.

     Which allows Alexis to send her crashing to the ground, and buys time for Gaius to level his gun at her. Night just spits at him.

     "They took Aster!" Purity cries, "I just wanted her back! And someone went and outed our entire fucking group! They took her from me!"

     With Purity, Night, Fog, Crusader and Rune down, however, that's one more group of Empire Eighty-Eight's members about to be brought in and arrested.
Zwei     Having assessed that all six supers on site will live, Asche lifts the car off of Alabaster, reaches through the window to grab Krieg, and then picks up Othala and Victor, throwing all four limp bodies over one shoulder, and then Assault and Battery over the other. Putting his thrusters on a low burn, he ascends rather gently compared to his previous blistering speed, floating over the cityscape as the fighting dies down, and recalling all four drones which slot back into his shoulder underarmour. Crunching into the ground by Armsmaster and Toph, he drops the pile of savagely beaten eighty-eights by Kaiser, and then puts the two PRT goons down with a little more ceremony, turning his blood red optics on Armsmaster in a silent stare.
Alexis Alexis gets to her feet once Gaius is up and got his gun (and eyes) on Night, turning to glare at Purity for a moment. "I know identities are a bit thing for you Supers, but that's no reason to freak the fuck out and try to obliterate the entire city! Don't you realize you just likely played right into the hands of whatever jackass set you up by pushing your buttons?"

Next she taps the comm bud in her ear, even as she walks over to check on Wildfire where he crashed. "Docks are under control, but you probably wanna send over a clean-up crew and whatever you people use to cart off superpowered flipouts."

Wildfire shifts to lean against Alexis when she kneels down next to him. He got beat up pretty roughly but it's not anything he won't recover from with a few days rest and maybe a visit to a Nurse Joy to be sure.
Bitter Medicine      Foam guns. Yes, that's right. The PRT has used them against the Undersiders before. They're certainly effective restraints, but the problem is the rampaging neo-Nazi not four feet from the pile of them. "Heard, acknowledged, understood. Unable to comply." This calls for... "Improvising." The unconscious Cricket is imprisoned not in foam, but with a nearby stop sign and a streetlight, the lighter of the two bent around the other, thus binding her arms and preventing her from just getting up and running off.

     Crossbows have never been a strong suit of his. He's always preferred his hands, his feet, and of course, Voidbane, along with any number of martial arts weapons. He does pick up a foam rifle, but rather than aim it at the fleeing Stormtiger, he tosses it to Wuyin, in the hopes that the Dragon's aim is better than his.

     "Here, Citizen!"
Jonothon Starsmore Jono blinks as he notes the sudden not-scary nature of the person attacking Gaius. That is exactly what he thinks in fact-- 'How can they be having trouble with her?' He does however have the benefit of knowing looks aren't everything. And he DID hear that hissing noise. Maybe she's got some kind of mental control or something.

But now that things seem to be in hand here at the docks Jono approaches Purity. Carefully. She's said some disturbing things but he's not going to risk getting blasted by whatever it is she does. That notwithstanding he's still curious about her situation. Whatever side he's on he's still not prepared to let someone's child be kidnapped.

"What d'yer mean?" Jono inquires. His mental voice is kept kind. He doesn't have anything against her. He'd probably do the same in her place. "Who took 'er?"
Gaius Van Baelsar Gaius gets spat at and doesn't even /flinch/, he just drives his heel in a bit more. He plans to keep her right there until someone can actually properly deal with her and her mess. Even if his back is now /killing/ him as all the cuts and bits start to creep into his awareness.

"What is their estimated time on getting here?" He asks Alexis, that militaristic tone not leaving his voice which matches his eyes. "..and do you have something that can keep her bound and forever staring at her until they /do/ get here. I'd rather not have my finger twitch the wrong way."
Alexis Alexis turns her attention back to Gaius and Night when he speaks up. "Huh?.. Oh sure, just a moment." She gets up and turns as she plucks a pokeball from her belt and flicks it over. It pops open to release a large spider-like pokemon with a few faint crackles of static electricity in the air as it lands. Alexis makes a twirling motion with her finger. "Use Silk Shot Livewire, and tie her up." The electro-spider starts churning out the sticky adhesive strings to tie Night up, keeping his big bug eyes on her the entire time.

"Just a smidge on the tight side," Alexis adds, chuckling faintly at her own little joke.
Wuyin Tsai Wuyin has to take a breather -- literally -- and it gives Stormtiger a chance to run off. He casts a glance over his shoulder, spotting Yuuki in a state of probably-definitely-dead, and suppresses a wince. He's not sure if she's the kind of person who can survive that, but...

Task at hand. Mourn the help later. He snatches the weapon out of the air, taking the foam gun and guessing the range on Stormtiger. He swings the weapon up, lines it up... and then makes a flicking gesture, casting an icy sheet across the road that he's fleeing down.

/Then/ he starts trying the foam gun. It's so much easier to hit someone who is falling ass over teakettle with a weapon you're unfamiliar with.
Finna     Impaled and held is good enough. 'Armsmaster' however... leaps away, landing with a metallic THUNK on the pavement. The Halberd? Well... anyone looking at it now... it was never a Halberd. How anyone mistook it for any weapon, let alone Armsmaster's Halberd, is a mystery. It's a mangled, bent, dirty muffler and exhaust system ripped from the PRT vehicle that carried everyone here. 'he' happens to have landed near Yuuki's... corpse.

    The 'hero' grimaces. "You crossed the line nobody crosses." He spits out at Stormtiger.

    Honestly? Finna's just trying to buy some time here. She's NOT looking forward to a two on one while trying to continue this masquerade that isn't working.

    She was expecting Armsmaster's rep to be worth some villains FLIPPING OUT AND RUNNING, maybe. Apparently not.

    ".... oh, what's the use, this'll just be found out anyhow." Her form wavers and fluxes, and the illusion... melts away, leaving the girl in the dress of before. She cants her head, grinning in a 'got ya!' sort of way at the duo.

    "You've got this nice beast theme going on, how about I join you?"

    Her flesh ripples, bulges... she gains tremendous mass over several seconds, becoming a hulking humanoid WEREFOX-like creature in no time at all. Silvery light emanates from her body as a faint aura, the mark of the crestn moon shines upon her forehead... and silvery-blue light flashes through the air as she strikes with her claws in a little threatening kata. The claws... are glowing. MAGIC CLAWS, that can't be good.
Defiant      DOCKS

     Purity says nothing. Night glowers. Both still says nothing as the PRT arrives and loads them and their companions into the back of a van. With one more group of villains in custody, the PRT gives thanks to the various Elites and moves out.
Gaius Van Baelsar And Gaius goes to remove his foot out of the way, but keeps the revolver at his side just in case. Then when they are taken away, he looks over to Alexis and gives her a nod of his head, before at last holstering his revolver.

'Baelsar Garlond' then winces as bit as he does make the motion though and tries to roll his shoulders a bit. The pain is indeed there and all the bitching in the world his back is doing to him. He already knows he is going to get an ear full from someone when he gets back home.

"We make a fairly good team, Alexis." He places out his hand to her, "Though I am not sure if our paths will ever meet again." At least-- not on this peaceful of terms.
Defiant      ROAD

     Bitter hurls the thrower to Wuyin, leaving Cricket wrapped in two different varities of technological stopping power. Wuyin blasts around Stormtiger's feet with the foam, sending the Empire Eighty Eight bruiser stumbling, and then begins slathering him in foam. It hardens quickly, binding Stormtiger to the ground. Even with his aerokinetics, there's no way Stormtiger will be able to force himself out of it. Dragontech is a hell of a thing.

     "You're not-" Hookwolf growls as his jaws snap the false Halberd in two, shredding metal like tissue paper. And then as Finna transforms, Hookwolf...

     ...backs off. It's not fast enough to get out of the way of those claws, and shards of metal go flowing in all directions, blood spraying as she finds the fleshy eye of the storm.

     Hookwolf runs. He's fast, too. In moments, he has disappeared around a corner...

     Leaving Stormtiger and Cricket to their fates.
Alexis Once the villians are carted off Alexis recalls both her pokemon. Replacing the balls on her belt, she turns to accept the man's handshake with her own. "It's a big multiverse. Never know." If she actually knew who he was or who he was in charge of...

... Eh, probably wouldn't of changed much considering the circumstances. City saving more important than factional squabbling.

Wildfire is in no shape to carry her home. Good thing she's got alternatives, like the Charizard she lets out to fly off on.
Yuuki Kuran     If one were to glance at Yuuki, it'd seem like she was twitching, or moving imperceptibly or very slightly.

    Then she's on the ground, layed out, in a tangle... Without her neck pierced. There's still blood everywhere, but she's not pierced by some stray bit of metal now.

    A few moments later, she's just kind of laying in a pile, covered in her own blood. But did that really happen? I mean, she just got ruined, right? Maybe...

    Then her eyes flutter open, shining red, and she gasps, touching her face. Then she remembers where she is, shaking her head and her close-cut white-purple hair out of dirt, and frazzling herself lightly, before she gets up, dusting her pale purple costume off. And noticing that she bled all over. "Oh gosh darn it." She grumbles, before wandering back over. "Uh... I must have cracked my head. Silly me! Uhhh... Is everything handled?" She asks innocently.

    She looks entirely no worse for wear, except a bit paler and a bunch of her own blood spilled down her front.
Jonothon Starsmore Things are buttoned up here it seems like. But Jono's not going to forget what he heard. Villain or not everybody needs their family. Especially if they actually CARE about them. Despite what Purity does out here-- and the whole 'white supremacist' thing would make Jono want to puke if he still had a stomach-- if she takes care of and loves her kid there is no reason to take her from her family.

So yeah. Jono heads back to his motorcycle to go. But he won't be leaving Brockton Bay for long. Just long enough to get patched up and NOT look like he was in a bar brawl with the Juggernaut. Then he's coming back. There's some leads he needs to follow up on. He needs to find out where Purity's daughter was taken and see what he can do about getting her released. Hopefully legally.
Finna     "uwargh!" Finna's really frustrated at how this has turned out, but with her opponent running off after only a few good blows... she frowns. She's not THAT threatening, is she? That guy was pretty fierce, after all!

    Oh well.

    Yuuki down here, she's much more important. "...Y-sh-sheeesh! You could've fooled me... not dead, huh? There's something good for today!" Of course Finna's a HULKING FOXWOMAN creature right now standing over her...