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Zwei     For Flint, this is something of a return trip, but with the strict timer of before. For everyone else, the sight is completely new. The last briefing had called it a holy temple, but Zwei refers to it only as Schwarzchild Orbital Facility 16875. Home. The plunge into the black hole predictably results in utter darkness for a few moments, before the ship no larger than a stealth bomber breaks through to the other side in a tenth of the time it had taken the whole Tripartite fleet to penetrate last time. The facility is just as it was before; something like a perfectly spherical metropolis, bristling in all directions with massive towers, and surrounded by a triple set of slowly spinning rings, harvesting what little of the singularity's rotational energy there is left. The corridors inside are still nearly pitch black, save for the pulses of gold light that trace circuit-like patterns along the featureless grey walls, down hexagonal corridors into a three dimensional honeycomb sprawl with no clear sense of up or down, and gravity present on every surface at once. The dim light and utter silence makes for something of an eerie flight through the inner workings, and which walls are doors and which are dead ends isn't obvious until the former kind simply opens.

    The ship breaks out into another familiar place to Flint. What appears to somehow be the surface of a planet, miles wide in diameter, to the point that one can't even see where an opposite wall would be. The sky is blue, an artificial sun looks and feels exactly like the real thing, and the green sprawl beneath passes for a jungle as long as nobody looks at it too closely. The details are more like someone had heard a broad description of Earth before being told to paint a picture of it. Some of the trees are far too large, and some are utterly tiny. Mushrooms and flowers actually tower above the canpoy in places, and certain shrubs run for a hundred times longer than they should across the ground. Some of it grows straight out of solid rock rather than actual soil, and the river that runs through it involves some kind of escher illusion because it looks like it's flowing downhill in a perfect loop. The center of the jungle is dominated by a series of slate grey slabs built like a three storey stonehenge, which each ring tiered in height like an ampitheatre, surrounding a gargantuan statue of a featureless, faceless human with his head looking skyward and his arms out to his sides. A holographic orrery orbits his head like a halo, but there are almost two hundred planets included. The highlighted one is obviously Earth, but the others are unfamiliar, an overwhelming majority of them have been crossed out for some reason.

    The ship touches down in what passes for a clearing by the central structure, though it looks like it was simply blown up, and recently too. Stepping out, the heat of the sun, the sounds of nature, the warmth and humidity of the air, and even the smells of soil and vegetation are all incredibly realistic.
Sarracenia      Sarracenia is one of the first off the ship! The princess hops out, then takes a deep breath of the simulatedly clean air. She rests her DK hammer on her shoulder and smirks lightly. "Hey, this place looks pretty weird. How do you get trees of so many different sizes, and flowers and mushrooms like that. I wonder if I'd get powered up if I ate one of them?" she says as she steps off the ramp.
Lute      Lute /was/ going to go in a ship with Lance Benson. Instead, though, he has to take the smaller vehicle. At the least, this place is /supposed/ to have other ships around. So he's going to just have to find a way to transport everything out on one of /those/. At least, if that fails, this will make a good scouting mission for a future heist.

     The view is astounding at least, as he walks out of the ship.

     He ponders aloud, "Now... Let's see. Where to start searching for clues."

     Of course the clues he is looking for are different than what Zwei wants him to do, though.
Flint Hawke Flint is here. He brought his own ship. This is really weird, since the ship he brought should NEVER be able to survive traversing a black hole. It's pretty much a casual sort of vessel that's made to do small landings on planets. /And yet despite that/, and in clear defiance of physics, it manages gentle settle in on the surface near where the other ship landed.

The back of it opens up and Flint comes strolling out, the blonde-haired, red-eyed Space Captain adjusting his hat and looking around, "She mentioned payment, so I brought my own ship. Don't try to pilot it out, you'll die." He advises for some caution, as if it were an off-hand fact.

And then he smiles widely, "Ah, just as beautiful and agriculturally impossible as I left it." The tall man then places his hands into his jacket and pulls out a long pipe, which he starts packing with small wads of an unknown substance before lighting it with a snap. He exhales some smoke, "Cap'n Flint Hawke. Nice to meet you all."
Zwei     The faceless cockpit slides open as soon as the ship makes landfall, allowing Weiss to hop out into the dirt, and for Asche to disconnect from the reactor and step out after her, having been using himself as the power source for the entire voyage. "Oh, none of it is actually real. It's all simulation. If you go up there and select a different planet, and scenery and the statue changes. It's for live fire exercises with the Arma underneath here." Weiss first gestures to the giant, human shaped altar, and then stomps her foot on the ground. Asche makes his way over to what appears to be the dominant slab of the central array, staring at it until an aperture opens in its side. "Of course, only twenty four of them are really useful for terrain simulation. The other one hundred and fifty six are either molten lava or floating chunks of rock in space. Both are actually useful sometimes, but they're all sort of . . . samey, you know?"

    Asche gestures towards the open door. "Every classified research lab is within the facility's armoured core. Just this once, I will allow you to access them. Do not worry about your ship, captain Hawke. It is obvious enough from looking at it that it would not survive exit without your . . . unique abilities." His voice is a hell of a lot less pleasant to listen to than Weiss'. It sounds as if someone were searing a running car engine over a nuclear furnace.
Lute      Lute looks at Asche, pondering. So this is the same person talking on the broadband... Kind of? Or something like that. It's really hard to tell. Beings with two minds, or a mind split across two bodies, are a pain in the ass to understand.

     And yes, he is aware enough to know that he's a bit hypocritical on that, being split-minded himself.

     "Well... I suggest switching it to a simpler background. It's less distracting for investigations. Also, a question. Where are the other ships? I know you do not have a license to pilot them, but perhaps there is a way around it... Also, where are the bodies? I would like to take some of them back to the Confederacy for research purposes, to see if we can figure out what is going on with them."
Sarracenia      "...research? Why would I want to see research? I want to see the spaceships! We can drive them, right?" Sarracenia says as she smooths out her dress, leaning on the haft of her hammer like one might a cane or walking stick. "So, that landscape is just a simulation? That's pretty neat. Someone needs to work on their scaling, though." she says as she makes her way toward the entrance.

     As Flint introduces himself, Sarracenia smiles sweetly. "I am Princess Sarracenia Sundew, crowned princess of the Sundew kingdom." she says, holding out a hand as if expecting it to be kissed on the knuckles.
Flint Hawke Flint continues smoking his pipe for a few moments before he looks to Sarracenia and then says, "Ah, a Princess. I am honored and humbled that one of royalty would grace a simple space-sailor with her presence." He takes her hand in his and kisses the back of it politely and with a flourish, "Truly, Princess, I am stunned by your beauty and poise~!"

And then he stands up again and takes a long draw from his pipe, smiling to Asche, "I would appreciate your discretion about those abilities. The more people they're a surprise to, the more fun I can have, eh big guy?" He looks around a bit towards Zwei, "Ah, what about simple plains of rolling grass, hm?" He suggests for the terrain.

"Research does sound interesting. If just to look around. I am a tagalong, so I will defer to what the good gentleman wishes to do for now," He waves his pipe towards Lute.
Zwei "Really, I thought this would be to your liking? Being from Earth and all." Weiss flicks one hand over her shoulder, and the scenery abruptly disappears. There is no flash of light or disintegrating transition. The sky, ground, and everything inbetween, are instantaeously replaced by nothing but lifeless, grey, grid patterns, as though she had simply turned off a light switch. With walls and a ceiling visible, the sheer size of the room is vertigo inducing, and involves such a scale that the floor starts to curve downwards slightly as it goes on. The next moment, the sky is back again, with the sun firmly in place, and the endless expanse has been replaced with golden fields of prairie grass; much more accurate to the real thing than before. "Earth hasn't looked like this in centuries, so it might be a little different from how it really was. Consider it more like . . . artwork. Sort of a homage to the once green planet. The Collective really like humans in particular, so they decided to recreate Earth as it was, rather than as it is now."

    Asche gives both Lute and Sarracenia a particular kind of stare. His face doesn't have anything to express itself with, being built for functionality in combat, but one can get the impression of overwhelming suspicion just from that particularly lurid red visor glow. "There are one thousand eight hundred and ninety two individual craft docked at one hundred and twelve seperate hangars in this facility. I have already taken exhaustive count of them, but I will show you regardless." A section of the floor suddenly opens up as a platform of the same circuitboard-patterned materials as the corridors outside comes up. Was there actually an elevator shaft there to begin with, or is the superstructure itself just that easy to reconfigure? Weiss continues. "If you're looking for another Armiger body like mine, you'll be disappointed. This entire station was dedicated to the development of mine. There are plenty of Arma, but they're all useless without an activation code. You'll see what I mean." She bows halfway towards the elevator platform, cordially inviting everyone to take a step on it.
Lute      Lute steps on the elevator platform, shrugging, "Well, even if they don't work, we can still analyze the other Arma bodies or whatever. I'm going to admit. Your kind, we're not overly familiar with. Even if you are a different model than usual. We want to get a good grasp of what we're working with."

     "And as for the spaceships... I'm honestly just curious to look. There might be some hints on them. You never know."
Sarracenia      Sarracenia seems pretty surprised when Flint actually acts like a gentleman. And his compliments leave her blushing and actually fidgiting shyly. She giggles girlishly and smiles. "So nice of you to notice~" she says happily, giving a polite curtsey. She follows the others inside. All this advanced technology is way beyond her understanding, so she just nods whenever something is pointed out. But really, she's just here to see the spaceships.
Flint Hawke "Ah, I have personally never been to Terra. I was born on a different planet, remember? I talked about it last time, the space ninjas destroyed it, cementing my career choice," He says in his questionably true backstory. Or partially true. Or wholly false. Who knows? Either way, he continues, "My home planet was much different."

He twirls the pipe in his hand and gives Sarracenia a smile at her response to his greeting, even tossing in a wink. And then he gently exhales some smoke while walking, "That's a great number of ships. What were they for? An invasion force, or galactic security?" He ponders while walking along with heavy bootfalls.

"Do y'all like a good shanty?" He wonders as he tips his pipe sideways and knocks out some ash, idly singing to himself, "Perhaps I'll sing one to pass the tour," He muses boredly.
Zwei     "An Arma is a drone built to be operated remotely or by artificial intelligence. An Armiger is a body built to be inhabited by a member of the Collective." Asche offers actually helpfully. It seems he intends to stay behind and monitor the ships while Weiss leads the group onwards. Possibly in order to kill any more exploration parties who might want to mount a second attempt and jack their stuff. At least Flint benefits from it too. Of course it's trivially easy for Zwei to split it's attention like this, so the gesture is more out of practicality than consideration. Weiss joins the other three on the elevator, willing it to plunge into the narrow fall beneath it without the need for buttons. Everything here is done digitally after all.

    "If you want to see the Arma, they're this way~" She gestures towards the back wall on the way down, either polarizing it to become transparent, or turning it into some kind of view screen that looks directly into level upon level of storage bay. The speed at which they blurr past indicates the elevator is moving at an extremely high speed, but each individual floor is tall enough to give a moment to look into it before it passes by. Each and every one of them is stacked floor to ceiling with what appear to be combat drones, packed into rows on the floor, folded up on racks, and hanging from the ceilings. Everything from little recon fliers the size of a small dog to what must be some kind of mobile fortresses the height of entire buildings looming in the far distance. Each level looks like it must contain millions of them, judging by the way all available space is used until it appears to be a solid mass of silvery and grey, in all sorts of strange, organic shapes.

    What must be a hundred storeys pass by before the elevator finally breaks into an open room, a little less gargantuan than the last, but only just. The overwhelming majority of it is taken up by what must be a ship, but of such colossal size that one can't see from one end to the other. In keeping with some kind of theme, the entire thing is a sleek, carbon grey hulk, sharply angled in places and curved and twisted in others, like something between a modern art sculpture and a bladed weapon. There seem to be no identifying marks or features on it, or even so much as a coat of paint, but there are plenty of what must be launch bays and gun ports if one looks really hard, since there isn't anything extraneous sticking off of it. The rest of the hangar is packed with ships of steadily decreasing size, from from perhaps a kilometer in length, to great volumes in the five hundred meter and lower mark. Anything as small as the ship the group had arrived on must be kept inside one of the larger ones. Weiss speaks up again as the lift finally deccelerates just in time to stop at the ground floor. "Technically, all these ships except the one bay belonging to the scientists here are mine. They're to ferry my army off of this installation and to another planet. Or, they were rather. It doesn't look like I'll be doing that any time soon . . ." She sounds legitimately disappointed. Like a kid who had just found out Santa Claus isn't real.
Lute      At first, on the radio, Lute was smart Lute. Sadly, at some point, he reverted to normal.

     And this is why he is using a /really/ painfully simple plan in order to try and loot shit. Otherwise, he might be making note of the whole 'Army to take to other planets' thing, and the fact that this very well might be an invasion force.

     Instead, he just shouts, "GET HER!"

     and leaps, to try and tackle Weiss to the ground.
Flint Hawke Flint, who has zero personal stake in what is happening right now, doesn't move. He has no incentive to help either Lute or Weiss at the moment. Weiss was going to pay him for something he did yesterday. The Feds frequently pay him for other missions. Right now, no one is paying him for the thing happening right now.

And so he simply stands there, smoking and singing to himself, "Fifteen men on the dead man's chest! Drink and the devil had done for the rest. The mate was fixed with the bosun's pike and the bosun brained with a marlin-spike. Cookie's throat was marked belike it had been clutched by fingers ten. And there they lay, all good dead men, like break o' day in a boozing den. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!"

He really wants no part of this fight.
Sarracenia      Sarracenia hears Lute yell GET HER! ...and she huffs. "That was your WHOLE PLAN?!" the princess exclaims, exasperated. But, the getting of her is already being done, so Sarra has little choice except to join in. "Sorry about this! We were only going to tie you up!" she says before she swings her hammer at Weiss's head. Getting hit by this hammer is like getting hit by a cannon. So, if it connects, it won't feel good.

     Of course, Sarracenia is hoping Weiss will be knocked out, but it is only as she is swinging that it hits her that the things being talked about might not really be affected by having their head bashed in.
Sarracenia      Whether the swing connects or not, after it has happened, Sarracenia breaks for the huge spaceship. Apparently she thinks that Weiss and Asche have just been trying to convince them that the spaceships can't be flown. She intends to find out for herself!
Zwei     Weiss may not be the dedicated combat unit, but having someone yell "get her!" is a pretty great way to avoid being taken by surprise. The instant Lute lunges for her, her irises flicker like a computer monitor, and she ducks out of the way with frighteningly inhuman speed, weaving around Sarracenia's hammer blow rather than attempting to take it head on. Before Lute can hit the floor, she swings into him so that his throat hits the crook of her arm, throwing her shoulder forward and punching straight through the wall of the elevator, almost up to her elbow. This should have the effect of pinning Lute pretty effectively. "Really? My nervous impulses move two and a half million times faster than a human and you don't even give yourself the element of surprise?!"

    At this point, Sarracenia gets to discover one of the neat features of two units being entangled at the quantum level. Anywhere Weiss is, Asche can teleport, and vice versa. A few meters from the exit of the elevator shaft, the massive, black-armoured hulk of Asche slams into the floor, swinging one titanic arm at the princess to nail her with a backfist slam with the force of a tank round. Both attacks are made with killing force. A placeholder in Zwei's programming doesn't allow anything less when responding to an attack.
Lute      And suddenly Lute grabs at his head. He begins to scream, collapsing to the ground in confusion. He is grasping his head /hard/. Hard enough that he is piercing the skin a bit and obviously bleeding.


     He's collapsing to the ground, breathing heavily, before calming down.

     "Oh god I don't know what happened. Something just... /forced/ itself into my mind. I have no idea how. And it had an irrational hatred for you."
Flint Hawke Inhuman speed. That's the best way to describe how fast Flint moves in that moment. In an instant, he has crossed the distance and interposed himself between Sarracenia and Asche's fist. He brings up both his arms crossed in front of himself and digs in his heels. The incoming fist SLAMS against those crossed arms. There's the electric crackle of a power field trying to stop it, but it shatters through that like a bullet through a window. And then it comes into full contact with his crossed arms.

The impact itself sends off a shockwave of ripping wind as Flint tanks the blow with his arms. Striking the man is not unlike striking a reinforced bunker. He's unyielding and unmoving, cleanly taking the entirety of the strike that was aimed for the Princess moments earlier. It's only as the hand is drawn away and Flint brings his arms down to his side that the true damage shows:

Shards of bone jut from holes in his coat where the sheer impact shattered his arms to save his body from damage. There's a black sort of blood coming out before the bone begins to withdraw into his arms, slowly trying to pull itself into a healing while Flint himself makes precisely ZERO offensive action. His entire action was purely defensive and he's careful to take a step back and away after the damage has been done to himself.

"Woah now, let's hold the violence and have a parley," Flint says calmly, "They made a very dumb choice, and you have clearly shown them that they were incorrect to threaten you." He placates, still making sure not to take an offensive action as he takes one healed arm and brings his pipe up to his lips again, "I think the best course from here is to let them learn. If you punish them, you make an enemy that could prove troublesome for you." Flint negotiates to Asche, trying to appeal to basic logic, "If you let them go, you showed yourself as a higher intelligence. They'll owe you. People who owe you can prove useful later."
Sarracenia      Sarracenia bumps right into the back of Hawke when he intercepts the attack that Sarra didn't really even see coming. She bounces off of him and lands on her rear with a cute little 'oof!'. When she sees the scene in front of her, her eyes widen. Flint might be lanky and jester-like, but in that moment, he looks powerful and heroic, and it leaves Sarracenia breathless. He saved her from being splattered like a tomato! So, she is left sitting there, staring, eyes wide, a slight blush on her cheeks.

     Lute's brainless rambling doesn't even register for her. If the robots -were- to try and finish their counter-attack, the princess would be quite vulnerable. And if Flint glanced at her, he'd might recognize the expression growing on her face as a 'meant to be' smile.
Zwei     Weiss looks down at Lute with perfectly expressed pitying disbelief. The kind of look that bespeaks 'Really? Are we doing that?'. "I'm not detecting any abnormality in your brainwaves. I can't say for sure that there isn't some kind of special multiversal mind invader but, well I'm not convinced." Her forearm guard splits apart to reveal something like a gun barrel, the point of which begins to glow white hot. She doesn't actually need to see Flint intercepting Asche to pause. Zwei sees out of both of them at once.

    "Standard logic dictates that an enemy punished with death is no longer an enemy." Asche replies to Flint. "But I am aware of the two entities calling themselves 'superfactions', and the fact that these two belong to one of them. Normally I would consider the remote possibility of gratitude from one of these factions for not killing two of their number, but the fact that not one of you is dead right now is a reason to consider otherwise. The boy's head should be detached from his body and you should be a streak of red jelly across the floor. Neither of these current outcomes should be possible." Weiss sighs before her weapon folds back up into her arm, and Asche lifts himself up to his full height rather than the partial crouch needed to hit Sarracenia. "I will offer you the payment promised, but I demand that these two leave. It is clear neither one of them are interested in offering anything constructive."
Flint Hawke Flint smiles at Asche and twirls the pipe in his hand once more. His arms are regenerating, slowly, from the damage he did, "Were you to have done that six months ago, I would have very much been exactly that red jelly. Fortunately for me, I am very skilled at trading," He lifts the pipe to his lips and takes a slow drag before exhaling some smoke.

A hand comes up to run through his long, blonde hair. He flicks it a bit and then listens to Asche, "I'm sure they will be willing to agree to your terms. Personally, I mean you no harm, and I hope that is clearly conveyed." He turns from Asche to face Sarracenia, clutching his chest a bit as it disagrees with the heroic undertones of his actions.

He leans over and waves his hand in front of her face a couple of times, "Yoo hoo, your Majesty?" He asks, before continuing, "Do you agree to his terms? No more violent action if you take your friend and leave? I don't wish to push my good will and negotiate a free space ship for you, but maybe the diplomats that smooth this over can do something," He says with a cheery smile to her.

He seems oblivious to her current feelings towards him.
Lute      Upon the 'no weird brainwave thing', Lute actually focuses on talking to his Pokemon for a while, via his brain, to try and give /some/ of that off. He's even trying to talk to his Kaiju, which is /really/ alien, and nowhere near here.

     "I swear, I hear voices right now."

     Lute remains on the ground though, pondering the best next move.

     "...Yeah, I'll just leave peacefully. Just toss her and I on that space ship, and send it to Confederate territory on autopilot. Just get rid of us without killing us."
Sarracenia      Sarracenia blinks a few times as Flint waves a hand in front of her face. Sense comes back to her expression, and she coughs self-consciously. "" She blushes with embarrassment as she realizes she doesn't even know what the terms were. But, they are not dead, and the fact that terms are being offered is a good sign. She gets back to her feet quickly, then bows respectfully to Asche. "It is most generous of you not to kill us. I hope you will believe me when I say I did not come here intending you any harm. I just wanted a spaceship. And also..."

     Sarracenia quickly points to Lute. "It was all his idea! He brought up the stealing a spaceship thing! I would have just traded for one! What would it take? I have money, power-ups, resources. Pleeeaaaase can I have a spaceship?" She actually clasps her hands together and shakes them pleadingly at Asche.
Zwei     Weiss finally frowns as Lute attempts psychically communicating with his kaiju. Of course, that is actually pretty convincing, but also a little too convenient to just happen now as soon as he was pressed on the subject. Still, it'd probably be a bad idea to get into a pitched fight with a couple of representatives of a faction apparently even larger than the Collective, even if they both were incredibly juvenile. "I'm not wasting a 16 kilometer class carrier on sending you back. You'll hitch a ride in the same class of transport I brought you in here, and I won't hear any complaints." She turns to Sarracenia. "We can discuss matters of trade at a later time. I'm not interested in money though."

    Asche stomps off to the nearest 300 meter class fighter carrier instead, unloading one of the smaller, arrow shaped craft (being the only thing Zwei has the clearance codes to pilot for the time being). Weiss goes over to Flint instead, extending her palm towards him as if to hand him something. The atmosphere between the two of them suddenly begins to swirl violently, as if drawn in by a powerful vacuum. In the palm of her hand, a silvery white substance begins to congeal, pooling together until she has a solid rod of it the size of a spear. "7540 centimeters of pure iridium." By the time Asche has the loading ramp down and ready for Lute and Sarracenia to embark, Zwei has also finished up the autopilot routine to the nearest warpgate. "This craft is rated at 7300c. It'll take an hour to reach the nearest warp gate, after which the ship will immediately set down in the nearest remote clearing."

    And after Lute and Sarracenia leave, it'll blow up. Shhhh.
Lute      Lute sighs, and grumbles, as he walks towards the ship. He will remember this. Oh yes. He will remember.

     "/Fine/, we'll leave. Even if you don't believe that my brain is being controlled by all of the people you're looking for, that's what the case is. They're all dead. So don't come crying to me when you finally believe."

     He does look over the ship a bit though. Hrrrrrm. /Could/ he hotwire it? He has some skill at hotwiring and stealing things. Maybe he could...

     You know, that way it'd blow up in space instead.
Flint Hawke "Perfect, we'll alloy this up and repair some of our long-haul equipment," Flint now has a pipe in one hand and a rod of pure Iridium in the other. This is a good day for him, to say the least. He hoists the rod up and across his shoulders while still smiling to both Sarracenia and Zwei's two halves. Lute he has a casual indifference to.

Flint holds the pipe in his teeth and then takes out a card with some scrawling on it, "The Hail Frequency for my ship, the Black Sun. If you ever need my skills again, and you want to hire me, this is the fastest way to reach me. I negotiate, do some light smuggling, occasionally raid places. But I always keep my word when I get paid for a job," He says to Weiss seriously.
Sarracenia      Sarracenia pouts a bit as it seems they will only be guests on another ship. But then, she gets a slight grin for some reason before she quickly stands up straight and smiles. "Very well. Again, my swinging a hammer at your head." she says to Weiss, then turns to head toward the ship...only to leap at Flint and cling to his arm as she takes the card. "Oh! That's so kind of you, my hero!" she says happily, as if she just got a phone number. "But, if I contact you, it will most likely not be to hire you." The princess winks to Flint, then skips off toward the ship. "Call meeee~"
Zwei     "If you were being physically possessed by the Collective, the last thing they'd attempt to do would be to attack one of the most valuable things, kilogram for kilogram, they've ever created, and then try to physically pilot a ship with no manual controls." Weiss retorts to Lute, clearly not pleased with his lack of manners. Like a good-cop bad-cop routine however, the more obnoxious he is, the better Flint looks by comparison. "I'll keep it in mind~" The fact that she moves to take the card is more out of formality than anything. She'd recorded the writing on it before the captain had fully finished producing it, which is the reason why she doesn't seem terribly bothered that Sarracenia snatches it before her. Asche seems less amused. Especially at Lute. "Get on board. If you attempt to forcefully take possession of the ship, I will not guarantee your safety. You will not run out of breathable atmosphere, but there are far more dangerous things in the void of space."
Flint Hawke Flint watches Sarracenia leap and cling to his arm. He looks slightly perplexed at her smitten behavior, "Oh, well! Take care of yourself!" He says, not bothering to correct the hero part. He gives her a cordial wave and seems to decide the best way to deal with her crush is to let it blow itself out like a good fire, "Try to save it for special occasions! Like jobs!" He calls after her when she skips away. This has been an odd day for him. Still, he eventually starts making his way for the long walk back to his own ship.
Lute      While Lute is on the ship, he's basically trying to examine how best to hotwire it, without actually doing it, yet.

     He'll wait til they're close to landing to, and then take it on a joyride. That way he can try to steal Sarracenia's heart from Flint by giving her a space ship.
Sarracenia      Sarracenia skips happily aboard the ship, and it takes off. No doubt Flint will return to his ship to find a couple dozen messages waiting for him. If Lute doesn't blow them up.