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Spider-Man     ACT 1: ENRICHMENT

    You have been asked to raid the holdings of suspected gun-runner Frank Farnum, AKA "Masked Marauder". Arrest the target for questioning, recover or destroy the weapons, and investigate any information about his superiors. Marauder is a known non-Enhanced user of exoenergetic equipment, and employs well-armed criminal protection.

    "So, I've been studying this apartment complex a lot. I managed to figure out how to wire into SHIELD's facial recognition stuff, and did a little bit of chemical testing on the sewage water coming out, and there's enough here to guess that a lot of the guys in there are Farnum's. Lots of weird radioactivity, plus all kinds of residues all over, and a lot of guys with bad records. Be careful, because I think there'll be Farnum and a lot of other bad guys. They've brought a lot of hardware in there, for some reason..."

    Southeast end front door goes to a leasing office. Lots of side entrances with metal doors and grating, hard to get past without alerting everyone. One side-entrance going to a sort of gathering area where there's things like mail lockers and a pool table. One roof access on the north end. Farnum's apartment is on the fifth floor, below the roof, on the south end. Sturdy, brick, kind of old. Lots of Fisk construction records that don't add up, so the layout is hard to find and know ahead of time. It's the kind of place where a lot of windows are blacked out, and some even were boarded up. Private parking nearby is taken up by old trucks and vans that don't have much valid registration, and there's extensive access there for loading and unloading.

    "I'm gonna head in through the roof. Can you guys call out where you're going before you dive in there?"
Spider-Man     World Security Council Secretary Alexander Pierce is kind of a tough man to find, but with the hacking abilities and resources Zwei has, and with the information Jeanne Alter recovered from the now-under-investigation SHIELD agent, they might be well possible to speak to him. He is far away from New York City, of course, which means a substantial drive to Washington DC. Another city, another neighborhood, another alleged criminal. Pierce is a moderately guarded man, but he's not on the radar for people to assassinate the guy, so he's not so well-guarded that it's impossible to find him at his fancy penthouse, especially when it has that big broad veranda and open rooftop garden area, spotted with skylights. While he's out there, he's been busy on some fancy government-issue super-laptop, presumably getting some air. Want to chat?
Ritsuka Fujimaru There's something severely wrong about this situation. Having the opportunity... No, the blessing of a local hero to rain down death and destruction on anything should have Jeanne d'Arc giddy with excitement. For some unfathomable reason, however, she's decided NOT to go with that, and instead opted to track down that lead from that VIP. Sure, it's more efficient to do things this way, and it would help that human spider, but she still hasn't figured out why she's even agreed to come out to the penthouse in question.

What other situations would there be that he'd be okay with her breaking and burning things? Not many, but why does she even care? The Avenger scoffs as she shakes her head, closing up her coat since she's opted to go in her civilian clothes rather than her usual combat gear.

At least if anything does go down, she can still relish in setting everything on fire. For now, though, she just goes right for the front door to ring the thing. Sneaking around won't help matters much, and there's always the opportunity to get more info from being direct about her intentions!

Or setting things on fire if he reacts badly. That's still a win for her.
Nova Terra     Nova is already cloaked as she arrives in the vicinity of the building. She's hoping to catch the crooks inside off guard. Something which will be much easier if some certain others here can draw their attention.

    Pressing herself against the wall next to the side-entrance, Nova tries the door quietly. Even if it's locked, that shouldn't be a problem thanks to a little telekinesis tweaking of the lock. As requested, she quietly radios, "Entering through the side-entrance. Feel free to create a scene whenever."

    Nova slowly stalks into the gathering area, sweeping the room with her invisible rifle as she checks for hostiles before moving on. There's something refreshing about silently hunting normal people who aren't horrible monsters, wizards, spirits or robots.
Staren     Well. Even if it's likely the drones will be detected, they're disposable. While others decide whether to breach the front door or not, Staren deploys spy drones -- rather than the usual hand-sized quadrotors, these are the size of a fly, and search for any small cracks or openings they can slip in through -- vents, cracks under doors, etc.
Ryouma Sakamoto     "I'll handle the window into his apartment," Ryouma says, adjusting his gloves before shooting a look behind him to Oryou, who is munching on a frog-shaped popsicle. And the wooden stick. She glances away from her snack when Ryouma looks at her, and then puts it all in her mouth in one scoop.

    "Ohro ish rudy," she says, mouth full of delicious.

    Ryouma just smiles and nods.

    The woman wearing a black school uniform floats closer to Ryouma and scoops him up, to which he replies: "I can jump, Oryou! It's fine, I can jump!"
    She swallows her snack.
    "Oryou thinks it's safer this way," Oryou says.
    "Ah... well, alright."

    She eventually floats up, towards one of the fifth floor's windows, specifically the one that should be Farnum's apartment, according to Spider-Man. She takes a deep breath. Ryouma attempts to say something like 'no wait!' but by the time he does, she's already breathing a nasty cone of fire towards the wall and window both, with enough force behind it to delete that part of the building and make a clean way in.

    It'd suck for anyone on the other side of it, too.
Spider-Man     Jeanne heading directly to Alexander Pierce is notable. Specifically, the man has a modest security detail, but this is a more populated building than just him. She can't ring the doorbell, per se, but she can speak to someone in the lobby. "Pierce? Er, Mr. Pierce?" The lobby attendant asks, nervously. "Uh, he didn't... /tell me/ to let anyone up to his penthouse...?" Surely Jeanne can find a way around this. Social force, Shenanigans, something. Hell, the elevator's right there!

    A camera is focusing on her.
Spider-Man     There's people in the gathering area. If they're hostile, it's hard to tell. One of them is more visibly armed, but is that just sort of how things are? None of them detect Nova. She moves on. Elevator on the southwest end near her. Stairs dotting most corners, behind old doors. Many of the apartment doors on the first floor are conspicuously open. What's her approach?
Zwei     Zwei doesn't really Drive. It'd be sort of silly. There might be a necessity for it at some point, but it isn't today. Considering it's a social visit, there isn't necessity for much more than deploying Weiss on a single thread task here, and approaching things more neatly than the James Bond angle.

    A message appears on the laptop. No username. It says:

    [Keep Quiet and Don't Make a Scene]

    And disappears after scrolling once across the screen. It's pretty much perfectly timed for Jeanne's brazen ding-dong.
Spider-Man     Staren's drones run into some strangeness. Somewhere around the third or fourth floors, there's wireless jammers. Not meant to jam radio or things like that, but meant to jam cloud services to high-tech systems. It's meant to fuck with power armor like Iron Man's, but it has the side-effect of fucking with his spyvision of the floors third and up. There's stashes of exotic energy signatures on the first and second, scattered through the open apartments. Some of the stash-apartments are unoccupied. Some are occupied by men whose job it seems is mostly to take calls in code or sit around watching action movies on televisions too expensive for these shithole apartments.
Spider-Man     Ryouma takes the direct route. Into the wall of Frank Farnum's apartment, to face the Masked Marauder directly. It was blacked out, so there's no telling what's inside until she's in there, or at least blasted out a chunk of the wall with fire. What's in there is Frank, a beefy-looking bald sort of guy who looks like a cross between a manager and a boxer. "BLYAT!" He screams, the moment the fire pushes in. While it disperses, he's busy getting up off the couch, grabbing what looks sort of like a Daft Punk design for a helmet, and blasting something out. OPTI-BEAMS! The light that surges through despite the smoke is almost instantly blinding to any observer. It's Frank's getaway plan.

    "YEBAT! Someone just busted my walls! Get the fuck in there, kill them!" He's making the dash for his door out into the apartment halls. Three men are moving in from the halls, with hastily-loaded pistols.
Spider-Man     Alexander Pierce scowls at his machine. He takes a contemplative posture. "Mmmh." He stands, looking around briefly, for something, but is likely to find nothing at all. He looks down only to find his extensive surveillance software focusing on Jeanne down there, and matching with concerning records about her. Zwei will find that some densely-protected cloud service is busy matching her with events in New York City.
Ritsuka Fujimaru So I can get up there. Good. Tell him to get the drinks ready. I have to talk to him about a... Class project." Jeanne smirks, seeming a little too proud of herself for coming up with that as she heads for the elevator. Who cares if he doesn't want her there? She wants to be there, and she's going up there. She certainly heads right for it like she belongs, at least, although that might be more a side-effect of her not caring if the man wants her there or not.

The camera, once it's actually noticed, draws a raised eyebrow from the Avenegr. "Oh. And his friends are free to come by, too. Their insight will be most helpful."

The shit-eating grin is growing by the second. SO CLEVER.
Zwei     Since Jeanne is, remotely observed and all, being about as unhelpful as Zwei could model her being without fire involved, it assesses that there isn't much point in waiting for her get her foot in the door first and take the early heat.

    It'd also rather not do a loud entry, so even if it guzzles up more joules, the room is entered without fucking with the door or security systems, by *bzzt*ing into the room from a non-visible location a good block away. Weiss is dropped in like an obtrusive coop buddy spawn.

    <<"Hey there! Real quick, I need you to not do anything stupid, and also tell you that the dumb lady outside the door is basically irrelevant and is probably going to waste your time, so don't mind her.">> She pats a couch. <<"You and me. Let's have a little talk about Project Insight.">>
Nova Terra     Nova doesn't initially bother with those she encounters right now, even if they're armed. She prefers to avoid direct engagement where possible. Though she does remember them, in case things do go bad. Instead she continues on.

    Nova's highly tuned psychic senses alert her to a commotion going on on a floor above. A number of people sudddenly on alert. Probably in reaction to one of her allies. Seems like a good place to start. Nova makes her way to the elevator, pressing the call button and moving in front of the doors to wait.

    And wait.

    Nova quietly taps her foot. Maybe she should have taken the stairs.
Spider-Man     "Ah, but-- Wait, that's not--" The lobby attendant starts. But there she goes, it's already going. All sorts of black-box things are putting up red flags right now. Jeanne's file in Insight is marked and double-marked quite negatively. There's enough to specifically have some kind of automated response already have a bodyguard near the foyer. Just one, and lightly armed, but it'll be hard to push past this one with social bravado at least. Past him is the penthouse door. He's already starting to approach her with narrowing eyes and a hand reaching for various things that should by all rights stop a girl her alleged age.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Ryouma and Oryou are momentarily blinded by awful helmet beams. This causes Oryou to snarl, and Ryouma to hop off her and into the hole in the building, to have sturdy ground under his feet.

    Luckily, they recover fast enough not to get immediatly gunned down. Even more luckily, the two are fast enough that if these people are really non-enhanced, they don't stand a chance outrunning them.

    Ryouma's weapons appear on his hip, sheathed and holstered, but he actually draws his katana out early for a change. Looking at the door, and where Farnum's voice came from... "Oryou, right there."

    She nods, and with a surge of blinding speed, smashes through the wall next to the door, in the direction the helmeted man ran.

    Ryouma is out the hole a fraction of a second later, his katana raised to block Farnum's path when he appears again from his momentary burst of speed.

    "Please do not leave so quickly. We have some questions for you, and there's no point turning this into a fight."

    He's prepared for the helmet, this time. He won't hesitate to ram his sword's pommel into the helmet if it flashes again.

    Oryou is on shield duty, setting herself up between the incoming thugs and Ryouma.
Spider-Man     "..." Pierce is remarkably silent for the first few seconds when seeing Weiss. "Hmmh. Asgardian?" He asks. "One of Pym's? Can't be Klau's, know that for sure. I don't know what you don't know, and need me to be the one to tell you. Glad you're here though. Wouldn't believe how tough it is to round out our datasets with the kind of people we need to be most worried about." He speaks with the tone of a man who has lived this "game" of sorts. He continues his laptop work, mostly trying to keep an eye on what's just sent up so many red flags near his penthouse.
Spider-Man     Well, maybe taking the stairs wouldn't have been a good idea. Some people actually emerge from the staircase, looking like they're about to take the elevator up, not noticing the call already made. There's guards right on the stairways, seems like. Invisible though Nova may be, she might have trouble keeping from making an alert in those confined spaces, with some men heading from nearby open apartments too. Can she find an alternate route, a way to take the elevator, or something else? These men are /definitely/ armed, some of them more significantly with submachine guns.
Staren     Staren hears Ryouma going in. Hmm. Well, while the defenders are distracted would be a great time to grab all their stuff. Staren waits several seconds, so that any defenders that are going to move away from the lower floors will do so, then... cuts the lock/bolt with his plasma sword and pushes the door open. Dramatic to anyone watching the door, but less loud than kicking it in.

    Time to track down those energy signatures...!
Ritsuka Fujimaru Being clever feels good. Not as good as making people quake in fear or destroying countless people and things, but still pretty good. Jeanne's still smirking as that elevator door opens, and she gives the guard the sort of look that someone would give someone passing out leaflets in the train station about installing solar panels.

He might as well be invisible.

Or not completely invisible, although she doesn't actually look at the guard as she's already starting for the penthouse door. "Yes, yes, I know you're very big and strong. Now if you don't want your family to be able to identify your corpse later, then keep it up. Otherwise, get the door."

And then she finally makes eye contact as if daring the guard to start something.
Spider-Man     These men aren't enhanced. Ryouma quick-steps to where Farnum is fleeing. Farnum swears again in some slavic something or another. "Fuck off!" He says, in more coherent English. "Drop these bitches!" Another opti-beam, this time with a sword pommel slammed hard into it to interrupt! "BASTARD!" He shouts. His tie whips in the wind, and his loose-tailored jacket flits about in the movement. He takes the hit on his helmet, grunting with pain, and goes for a surprisingly expert judo strike to try to send Ryouma to the ground and blast him a second time with a more sustained blinding shot. The pistol-wielding men are joined by a pair of SMG-wielding goons, charging Oryou from the front and an open apartment at the side.
Nova Terra     Nova backs up a little in order to avoid being bumped into by all the armed men filing into the hall. Don't you just hate it when other people try to muscle in on your elevator? Nova certainly does.


    As the elevator doors open, Nova unleashes a telekinetic blast all around her. The psychic energy sweeps out, smashing into any who don't have the reactions to get behind cover. It's not strong enough to do serious harm, but there's likely to be bruises as people are thrown by the force.

    Nova quickly dashes into the elevator, pressing the button for the fifth floor and spamming the close doors button. She tries to get it moving before the crooks can recover and start blind firing into the elevator.
Spider-Man     There's men in the halls. Some moving up to the stairs as best they can. Staren's spotted pretty fast on his way in. He has the look of someone here to fuck with things, and these men are more about shoot first and ask questions later. Two with pistols from the north. Three looking angry, wielding an assortment of melee options like bats and crowbars from the south. One signature just down the hall south to the hard left. The only thing that limits the pistol fire is the allies. It... isn't as limited as it should be.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Alright, so non-enhanced doesn't mean unable to fight. That's useful to know, Ryouma thinks, as he is JUDO FLIPPED to the ground. This is when Ryouma remembers he is wearing a hat, and there are countless advantages to wearing a hat.

    One such advantage is that as Ryouma falls, he drops his blade, and uses that hand to transfer his hat onto Farnum's head, to conceal the Lenses of Blindness+5. It probably won't fully dampen the beams, but it should help, especially when one notices his free hand moves to swipe his revolver out of its holster and immediatly loose a shot towards Farnum's head.

    Just, not a shot that can kill him. He's looking to damage the helmet, not splatter brains on the wall behind him.

    Oryou has a much nicer time, because if all these goons have is standard submachine guns, they're the ones in trouble. Bullets bounce off her clothes and skin like she's a wall of hard steel, leaving only mild bruises behind, and her hands reach out to grab both of the men by the neck and lift them off the ground, owing not to her height but to the fact she's floating.

    "Oryou would drop those weapons and run, if she were you," she very politely but flatly suggests.

    Unfortunately she is all but ignoring the third goon.
Spider-Man     Jeanne won't have problems getting to the door, and if she intends to burn it clean out of its doorframe, she won't run into any issues there either. Aside from the man pulling out a highly electrified stun baton that's a fair bit higher-grade than a normal bodyguard ought to have. The tall fellow says all the things one would expect of a government official's bodyguard, about staying distant, putting hands on one's head, and getting on the ground, but she'll have to deal with surprisingly dangerous blocking with that baton, which discharges a frankly terribly unexpected amount of electrical energy if Jeanne's unfortunate enough to get a direct prodding.
Spider-Man     Close door. Close door! CLOSE DOOR!! Why doesn't the close door button work on these ancient-ass elevators, it surely works in Nova's futuretech! The downed, disoriented men start realizing what's going on. Some are left behind, but some manage to leap in, leaving her with half of her foes at most to deal with. Good news is, even pistols and SMGs are bad at elevator-range combat. The bad news is, so are rifles; Nova might have to CQC-bash about six dudes who are in the elevator with her, all trying to grab and punch and kick and pin. And of course, just about the same thing happens when the elevator hits the third floor, where some other goons were trying to get on it too.
Staren     Staren turns on his forcefield and raises his beam cannons to return fire... and then realizes that they're coming at him with pistols, bats, and crowbars. What? He drops the field and draws an old Starfleet phaser, firing stun shots and using his armor to shock anyone who comes too close. Then he foams their hands together and makes a mental note to pack zipties next time. If reinforcements don't come, he tries to make his way to those power signatures once more...
Zwei     <<"Asgardian huh? Then you definitely don't know a lot about much.">> Weiss says. <<"Even for a spymaster's middle management. I happen to know quite a few people, though I wouldn't consider myself any of 'theirs'.">>

    <<"You're not really in any position to lie to me though, Mister Pierce. I know more than you know I know, thanks to that absurd little blizzard. All the weapons trading. Some gang affilitiations. There are some things you're going to be telling me yourself though, and I'm not going to have to break your knees or anything to do it.">> she proceeds, the coy, answering machine gone mad sort of tone creeping in.

    Weiss is already setting it up. She has her visual sensors trained for catching micromovements. She has receptors going for Pierce's brainwaves, and that MRI scan going in through his head for the activity, ready to simulate what he doesn't want her to know when he lies or stonewalls. Alone in the room with the target on a couch is kind of the ideal for this.

    <<"What do you know about this 'ecoheroism' thing? I don't mean the term in general. I mean the quantum dot chaff in the air during that blizzard of the century. Why's your pet project's name on a bunch of Chitauri party bags? Hm?">>
Ritsuka Fujimaru The warnings go unheeded, of course, and the quality of the baton doesn't quite catch Jeanne's eye due to not really having an eye for the quality of these things yet. She catches on fairly quick, though, as she suffers for her overconfidence, finding out that the charge stings a hell of a lot more than she'd expect it to.

Also, that it has a charge at all. Being shot at and stabbed is one thing, but this is new to her! Somehow. She even jerks back from it, and she looks none too pleased about the high voltage stabbing her in the everything.

"Tch... Well, then. I gave him a chance. Nobody can say  I didn't now." She says more to herself than for the guard's benefit as she holds a hand out. Fire gathers, the air around her darkens, and she just straight up starts firing... Fire at the guard. Lots of fire.

Excessive amounts of fire. This may be a problem very soon.
Spider-Man     The hat-shove actually does successfully dampen a fair chunk of the impact. The helmet suffers a brutal shot, leaving Farnum stumbling, and overloading one of his emitters. He dashes again. This time, as he flees, he turns his helmet back and blasts a heavy forcefield blast, trying to form a barrier in the hallway, something for further goons streaming in to line up on. Oryou gets those two with the guns dealt with. The last one shouts something like, "Fuck this!" And runs into one of the open apartments.

    This would be more encouraging if it didn't promptly result in an old alien super-blaster trying to disintegrate Oryou from the side through the wall of one of the apartments. Repeated blasts, even, like the guy doesn't care if it killed her the first time!
Spider-Man     It's not reinforcements Staren needs to worry about, it's ambush. Namely, the lethal rush of Hammer Industries(tm) Presents Gunfire that comes from one of the doors he's heading through, as what looks like a robot's upper body unloads three men's worth of military hardware in his direction. He's set up leaning against a couple crates. Some of which are cracked open. Most of which are glowing gently. All of which have power signatures.
Nova Terra     Nova is a blur. Not because she's moving fast, but because of the shimmering effect of her cloak as it fails to compensate for her fast movements as she engages in close combat. The poor goons that manage to make it into the elevator with Nova will find themselves subjected to the enhanced strength afforded to Ghosts by the artificial muscle fibres in their trademarked suits.

    The elevator begins to slow and Nova senses the additional goons waiting to get on from the third floor. So she gets a grip on one of those in the elevator, lifting his off his feet with her strength just as the doors open.

    The goon goes flying out of the elevator as Nova throws him at the waiting goons, trying to bowl them over before they can enter, "Elevator's full!"
Ryouma Sakamoto     Ryouma, now on the ground and presumably recovering his hat plus hole in it, puts it back onto his head with a deep sigh when he sees the forcefield. Alright, that's an Oryou problem, not a Ryouma one.

    But Oryou is a bit busy, eating an alien superbeam to the face. And then another, and another. The weapon tears through skin and clothing, her divinity and hardiness keeping it from killing her outright, but certainly not from causing actual pain and damage.

    "Oryou, swap!" Ryouma calls out.
    She rumbles in pain and, with a snarl, obliges, by leaping straight for the forcefield (and the goons lining up against it) to deliver rapid and incredibly powerful punches to the whole area. There's even cool shockwave flames along with her fist! Being incredibly strong has its advantages.

    Ryouma, darting back up to his feet, snags his katana off the ground as he dramatically flash steps to the man with the incredibly dangerous cannon, and attempts to slice the weapon into pieces before it can take another shot at his wife. Hopefully it doesn't explode as a result.
Spider-Man     Zwei monitors responses. It's unusual, and engaging to see. Ecoheroism and quantum dot chaff, the blizzard, connect with the same activity patterns as when Pierce mentioned Pym. "We know who was responsible for that. You know how this game works. You don't tell them you're onto them until you've found them. We have leads, we don't have coordinates. They're hard people to track, it's their job." The "Pym" pattern repeats and repeats. But hey, leads!

    "You found our stuff with Chitauri equipment?" He shakes his head. "Vulture, has to have been. Been flying under our radar. Not worth the effort of going after him. Picks up lost junk. One man's trash, you know? But really, everyone's. Must have picked up some of our gear left over from Gargan's terrorism. Heard they were working together." Honesty, honesty. A few untold truths, but no patterns adjacent to the quantum business.
Spider-Man     The bodyguard is trained to deal with potential crazy people, weird assassins, and the occasional drugged out psycho. He isn't trained to deal with mad fire-wielding ghosts from another dimension. He's burned badly, first, then quickly well on his way to being a carbonized skeleton. He's on the ground soon, and only a little less soon he's dead. A pager goes off, alerting authorities, but Weiss has an opportunity to intercept it if she /really wants to/. It's up to Zwei. Door's available though.
Staren     OH F***! Staren reacts one way then thinks better of it, in the end hitting the deck and turning on his forcefield (which the guns chew through like popcorn) and then using wings to right himself and seek cover -- if this thing tracks him through the walls, he may have to leave the building! In the end, his armor's got some bullet-dents in it, most of the forcefield disks have exploded, and the last layer of forcefield is thin and flickering.

    Once safe, he takes a moment to cool down and go over what he just saw.

    If Staren can identify weak points, he'll try to cheese this by firing HEAT minimissiles around corners to try and blow them out. If those get shot down he'll need another plan. Even if they don't, though, he sends drones before walking in himself, so as not to walk facefirst into Hammer Industries(tm) Presents Gunfire 2: Hot Lead Boogaloo.
Spider-Man     The field crunches, then snaps apart. Some esoteric quantum thing falls apart, and the goons waiting on the other side are blasted back. But not all of them are so badly armed. She's going to have to deal with a few men wielding Chitauri staves, mid and mele-ranged weapons that shotgun-blast energy and threaten to slam her through walls with their force. They're mixed in with more mundane melee weapons, thankfully no longer prone to being enchanted enough to be too substantial a threat. There's one guy further down the hall with another of those longer-ranged staves, who the Masked Marauder has presumably ordered to cover him for as long as possible based on that sustained stream of fire. Fortunately, Spider-Man just swung around a corner into the apartment that Farnum fled to, so he'll be slowed down a bit.

    Ryouma slices. The gun sputters with terrible drama, and the man dives to try to evade the danger, but it actually doesn't explode. Looks like these guys know about as much as Ryouma does. "Boss! We need him here NOW!" He screams into an earpiece. Who "him" means is a mystery. The gap in the wall made by flashsteps and gunfire menaces with some of those left-behind SMG gunmen, while the pistol-wielding goons have taken the door further on the right, trying to flank Ryouma. Both open fire into the dilapidated apartment.
Spider-Man     Thankfully, the torso and arms are just those. The head module seems to mostly be missing, working off of someone's smartphone plugged into the top of the robot's neck. The normal robots might have dealt with with the HEAT missiles, but the phone camera can't track them as effectively, meaning he manages to shred the torso. If the drones are small enough, the man with a Chitauri staff around the corner in the stash room can be seen before Staren gets in front of his intended melee alien-weapon ambush.
Ritsuka Fujimaru If Weiss was hoping for Jeanne to be occupied while handling the investigation part of the investigation, then that guard will need to be thanked posthumously. Because he's dead. Very... Very dead. As promised, she's even going overboard with it to ensure that the bones are nice and charcoaly to make ID'ing him incredibly difficult. It's wasting time, sure, but if that doesn't send a message to Price, nothing will.

... Right. Price. Once Jeanne's had her fill (and scooped up what's left of that stun baton), she finally heads for that door and gives it a few polite knocks. She's not going to be /completely/ rude after leaving a pyre on the man's doorstep, after all. She'll save kicking the door down for after he doesn't answer it.

Also, she's going to kick that door down if he doesn't answer it within fifteen seconds or so. Jeanne's patience can only last for so long!
Spider-Man     Those cameras are laser-focused on Jeanne now. Red flags are popping up all throughout a certain algorithm hosted on a certain well-shielded server far away. In this approach, Jeanne has triggered a particular notable event that will occur later. For right now, though, she knocks. Then, kicks, because Pierce isn't going to disobey the orders of someone who's probably terribly well-armed and standing next to him. Though, for Zwei's reference, this means that unless she decides to halt the pager signal there's about a forty second response time before some terribly well-armed SHIELD people suddenly get here and start doing SHIELD things at the situation.
Spider-Man     Nova manages to get the third one. How she wants to handle this is up to her, but it'll be complex. On one hand, she's now much closer to the top if she heads up via the stairs. On the other hand, she has a natural chokepoint to try to take down the nearby goons. They're down, but they're bringing up guns. Does she get out there and get them in melee, and then head up the stairs nearby? Or does she blast them and hold her position in the elevator to get to floor five? She'll need to make a decision about them, especially considering one of the melee-looking sorts is struggling to his feet with a distinctly alien-looking super-melee-weapon.
Staren     Staren's using a normal quadrotor for this, so the sentry can probably shoot it down fine and expect him coming.

    Staren comes up with a quick plan for that: He hurls an (unarmed) plasma grenade into the room hard so that it will bounce off the opposite wall, but the point is to draw the sentry's eye and maybe make them take cover: Staren flies into the room firing his phaser trying to stun the guy. If the plan doesn't work, he'll end up taking at least one hit to his armor and getting into a running gun battle.
Spider-Man     Grenade. "FUCK!" The man screams, taking cover. But cover from the grenade is a kind of cover from the stun-shot. It takes a moment for this plan to really clinch, because the man is so intent on maneuvering around couches and a turned-over table, and firing back with shotgun-blasts of energy, but Staren eventually gets his man. And his crates, crates full of an assortment of dangerous alien weaponry and old discarded hammertech, as well as the broken pieces of a relevant phone that might have some data to pull.

    More signatures down the hall, and one up the stairs. People are starting to make various short phonecalls that can be detected wirelessly, presumably to some fellow criminals because a lot of them aren't 911 sorts of calls. Whether backup is being provided or denied is ambiguous, but they seem to believe it /could/ be provided, at least.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Energy blasts rain on Oryou from multiple sources! She covers herself using her arms and her hair, which thrashes around like hissing snakes in front of her, no less sturdy than she is. It's still not enough, because she ends up through a wall. The only issue for the goons is that she doesn't stop coming, and every moment between shots is time for her to get angrier, snarl louder, and maybe tear apart the first goon she can get her hair around into bloody pieces. And then another, and another, if they keep making the mistake to come at her in melee, thinking a strong weapon is going to provide defense. That's probably the issue in their approach.

    And provided she can slowly advance through the mooks, tanking the energy shots to gain foot after foot of ground, it's a matter of time before the last one left is the one at the end of the hallway.

    And Oryou doesn't bother trying to get into hair-slicing range for him, she just roars a cone of blue-black flames down the entire hallway.

    Ryouma is allowed a moment of levity when he notices the man holding the gun expected an explosion too. He laughs awkwardly, at least until the goon calls for reinforcement.

    "I would really rather we stop this!" he pleads.

    He doesn't really have the sturdiness Oryou does. He can't take those bullets to the face with the same brazen, cool attitude. But he does have superspeed and a katana, which leads into an obligatory bullet-slicing montage as Ryouma closes in on the SMG thugs, and with his final swipe attempt to cut the front half of the weapons right off.

    The ones with the pistols are met with Ryouma's own revolver, letting off two shots aimed for their hands once he comes to a stop.

    "/Please/." He asks again.
Nova Terra     This whole process is going far too slowly for Nova. Time for option number three.

    Nova decloaks, her invisiblity no longer providing much of an advantage. She neither tries to break past the goons outside, nor stay inside the elevator and wait. Instead she grips the ceiling hatch (because there's always a ceiling hatch) of the elevator with her mind and rips it free. Briefly glancing at the goons, Nova says, "Seeya, boys!" She jumps up through the hole onto the top of the elevator.

    Gripping one of the elevator cables with one hand, Nova draws forth her psi-blade with the other. The monomolecular sword comes to life, psychic energy igniting and forming the impossibly sharp edge. The blade has been known to cut through military grade power armour in one swing. An elevator cable should be no problem.

    Nova holds on tight as she cuts into the cable, letting the large counterweight pull her up while the elevator drops out below her. Hopefully, for the goons inside, the building owner shelled out enough mula for the model with emergency breaks.

    Nova releases her hold on the quickly rising cable at hopefully the right moment to reach the fifth floor, stabbing her blade into the shaft wall to steady herself as she tries to force the doors open.
Zwei     <<"Oh it most certainly did involve the Vulture. That's a very self-serving way to put it though, isn't it? You didn't *lose* all of that dangerous contraband. It wasn't *stolen*, right? That guy was just 'picking up your garbage'. It wasn't important. You're busy. Right?">> Weiss says, going through the whole series of mocking chin taps and ceiling staring, tilting her head back and forth and making whiny report noises.

    <<"Well, you're not wrong about not letting them know until you're onto them though~ Though, if nothing else, I'll congratulate your calmness, considering your level of cluelessness to go with it.">> Sampling Pym against the first one where he'd wondered if she was 'one of his' raises some interesting questions though.

[ansi(154,<<"Thanks for telling me that, though.">>)] Telling her what? <<"Now, I wonder, if you're trying to zip it because you think I might be working for one of your enemies, or if you're trying to cover your ass because you think you *do* know, and you won't be the one to tell me what they didn't tell me already?">>

    Jalter on hot approach. Bodyguard hot dead, but she doesn't really care about that part. <<"Excuse me a moment.">> says Weiss, kicking up one leg over the other, and drawing a slick black handgun that is so minimalist it's basically just an onyx carving in the shape of a gun, until little points of gold run through subsurface channels and into a glazzy aperture.

    She points it right past him before there's much of a moment to be alarmed, and fires straight through the door. That is, *straight through*. There's a short, sweet, shrieking magnetic crack and incendiary hiss, and a coherent 'bullet' of light punches neatly through the door with Jeanne on the other side, and then hits with enough force that, were she to block it, it'd just keep pushing and pushing her at full speed until she breaks the opposite wall down the hall and falls out of the building. If she dodges, it explodes remotely, flash burning a great big near-perfect spherical chunk out of the surrounding walls and floor, and then carbonzing the slivers of exposed room interiors beyond those.
Staren     Hmm. Those transmissions might mean more trouble coming. Staren stuffs the broken phone in his bag and surveys the crates in this room. If they're light enough for a person or two to move, he starts beaming down robots outside and pushing crates into the hall for them to take away. Otherwise, he'll just have to press on and hope the building doesn't explode or something before he can claim all this stuff. He starts by sending more insect drones through whatever other doors this storage room has to see what's ahead.
Ritsuka Fujimaru "That took longer than it needed to... Ah. ^Pierce!"

And then Jeanne gets shot in the face by ^Pierce's door. Somehow. It's a good thing she's a Servant and not a crappy human, at least, since that kind of force would be the sort to turn someone into a pair of legs with no body attached! Alas, she's not a crappy human, but a Servant that is now back on the first floor.

And now she is a very annoyed, angry, very fire-starting Servant. She kicks the FRONT doors down this time, turning to the receptionist and jerking a thumb towards the exit. "You get to live. Nobody else."

And then Jeanne does that fire thing she's rather fond of doing. Fires swirl, flames rage, and there's a distinctly purplish black tint to all of it as her objective has shifted from interrogating ^Pierce to...

... Something. It's not that important. If ^Pierce doesn't want to talk now, she'll just have to make him fearful enough to come to her instead.
Spider-Man     The man behind the couch actually laughs briefly as Ryouma does. "Hahahaha, holy shit man." He mutters. Then the others guys get in here. "Fuck him up!" He shouts. "Shocker's not gonna get here, gotta kill these bitches ourselves!" The guns are blazing, until they're cut in half. "FUCK!" One of the gunmen screams, trying to beat Ryouma with it, while the men whose hands have just been mangled by revolved shots crumple on the floor in pain.

    Oryou surges down the hall. She leaves a trail of gore, the kind that Spider-Man might disapprove of if he were here. He's only here in the future tense, though, as some sort of force blast knocks him back into the hall around the corner. "Gaaaah!" He shouts. He's got a web around the Farnum, and the force has yanked him along for the ride. So when Oryou finally chars the gunman at the end of the hallway into much more simple carbon, she can make the decision between investigating Farnum's backup room and possibly finding intelligence, or going after Farnum himself as the battle pulled him away, and-- You're already going after Farnum instead, aren't you Oryou? Of course.
Spider-Man     Up through the elevator shaft, here comes Nova Terra, who manages to get her way up there without crushing elevator-goons to death. It's not too unreasonably hard to get those doors open, and when she gets up there, she's mostly met with scared tenants peeking out of doors, open apartments full of old stashes, and the signs of a battle over southward that has moved on to the north. In fact, some terror-gore-creature just moved through here and has pursued what sounds like Spider-Man and Farnum, both of whom are joking or swearing at each other respectively, audibly.

    To the south is Farnum's open apartment, a little burned. To the north is a secondary area he left behind, a cache of equipment and other suchlike. There's also the fight itself, and some shouting in a neighboring apartment that looks like a secondary scuffle. What does Nova prioritize getting stuff from, or helping out with?
Spider-Man     The majority of the men have headed to the fifth floor. They may be normals and mundanes, and may have less-than-stellar knowledge of their weapons, but they're well-trained, and organized at least. Certain guards have been left behind with high-power gear, and more of those turrets. The turrets take diverse forms, though, some of which are various parts (including just legs) of Hammerdrones, most of which are weird motorized suitcases holding chunks of chitauri rifle. Alongside that, men with more staves and even some with heavier rifles stick around the caches. The calls have shut down, so it's not clear what that means, but Staren can probably find the phones and possibly gather information about what it all was about.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Ryouma's weapons are sheathed, and the next moment he's got both hands up to catch the thug's wrist, trying to flail half a submachinegun like it's a melee weapon. Much like speed, Oryou outclasses him by a factor of ten, but he's still several times stronger than a human. Being a magic ghost has its perks.

    "Please," he says, for the third time. "You're getting arrested either way, there's no need to be arrested AND injured."

    He shoots a look to the hallway outside.
    "... or worse. I need to tell her to dial that down," he adds.

    It's rather predictable that, for her own part, the angered, scorched and injured serpent wants to hit Farnum a lot, not go through a room full of... whatever that room must be full of.

    She pinballs into the hallway, chasing after Spider-Man and Farnum. And with neither grace nor elegance, she tries to tackle him from behind. With entirely too much force, and all of it aimed at his spine. Mercifully she knows how much to apply not to snap a human body in half (through trial and error), but the fine line between 'a week at the hospital' and 'you're never walking again' isn't one she's taken notes on.

    Hopefully Farnum has a trick up his mask to deal with that.
Staren     Hmm. There's enough further resistance to be /annoying/. For now, Staren prioritizes taking what he's got. Emptying this room of its high-tech supplies, having robots carry them outside for beam-up to his ship. Including the partial hammerbot, taking that apart and critiquing it sounds like a good rainy day activity.

    While his robots do the work, Staren tasks his AI to help him pick transhuman-tech hacking programs to try and break into it with.
Nova Terra     Nova finds herself with a moment to breathe. So she does, calmly placing her sword on her back once more. Glancing around, she takes stock of the situation up here. Spotting one of the peeking tenants, Nova looks at them through her military grade visor, "Just a minor cockroach infestation. Nothing to worry about."

    Nova turns and heads along the hall to the north. Oryou and Spider-Man appear to be dealing with the target well enough right now. So Nova steps into the room to the north. Seeing all the equipment left hanging around, Nova begins to catalogue it, her visor scanning it and recording the information for later extraction. Nova also looks for any documents or other such notes that might provide some hints as to Farnum's operation.
Spider-Man     Weiss blasts through the door. Pierce winces the wince of someone who isn't used to gunfire, but who was used to it a long time ago. It's a nostalgic flinch. "In case you haven't noticed, ma'am, the world's on fire. I can't afford to keep a checklist of where I left all the water, as long as /I've/ got enough of it to put the flames out." Authentic contempt patterns, honesty signatures. He sighs heavily. "There's a point for Insight. We need to know these things before they come up our door and interrogate us." He crosses his arms and speaks with a surprisingly strong posture.

    "I'm zipping it because you're an unknown and whatever I tell you means another potential mess that SHIELD's going to need to clean up. I don't know if you're planning on beheading me after this or something, but please, I've got some /principles/." Fear patterns, controlled patterns, several unspoken patterns. "I'll tell you what I know will get you off my back, off my penthouse, and out of my life so you don't come vengefully teleporting your hand through my skull. We know the people responsible for the storm," Pym pattern, plus another unspoken pattern. "And we know they've got colleagues in New York City. People they were in contact with not too long ago, and not since." Undertain-honesty pattern.

    "You want some names? Well I can get them. So long as whatever you're doing next doesn't make a mess SHIELD needs to clean up. /Might/ could even work /together/, as long as you agree to bring in the one who started the Storm." Confidence pattern, honesty pattern, lying-by-omission pattern in acceptable boundaries.
Spider-Man     The lobby attendant makes the kind of face that there truly is no emoji for, and swiftly vacates. "That sounds like a good idea to me." She says, through panic-gritted teeth. Her forty-second or so response time is cut down to about thirty seconds, with SHIELD forces closing fast on the building that houses Pierce's penthouse. Minor superhumans of all types from throughout DC are suddenly converging to work trying to put out fires and rescue people, though keeping well away from Jeanne. A helicopter is trying to land somewhere on the rooftop, to get Pierce extracted. It's a very kicked state of hornet's nest. It's likely that Pierce himself will deal with her shortly. Perhaps in a unit of time immediately after the business with Zwei is resolved on his part.
Zwei <<"My you're a snarky one.">> Weiss says. <<"Is that how you maintain your confidence? Psyche yourself up? Oh and don't try to pot-kettle; I really do some terrible things to people who get on my nerves that way, and it's not something so nice that you'd go to a hospital for it. I can tell you're looking down on me. I suggest you remember your own advice.">>

    Weiss spins the gun back lazily and checks the camera monitors herself (illegally, but big whoop) to see Jeanne . . . being Jeanne. <<"Looks like I won't be the one making the mess though. Morelike forestalling it by about thirty seconds.">>

    <<"I know you know who's responsible for the blizzard; at least some of the 'ecoheroes', or else I wouldn't be here. I know they know people in New York. Now I know that you *think* you know who they are, or at least are reasonably sure you can drum them up and get names before I realize you don't have the hard data in your head right now. You're lucky enough that I have time to kill on this one. Though, don't worry about them. I'm not out for revenge for some blizzard, and they're significantly more valuable than you are.">>

    Weiss shrugs widely and slowly. <<"I haven't told or given you anything that qualifies you as a loose end so far, you understand? The only reason I do something to your skull or the thing you make underwhelming use of inside of it, is the one I need to make an example. That's the only one!">> She even goes as far as a convincing 'pft' at the next door comment. <<"Oh, I don't waste energy on petty garbage like 'cleaning up the streets' like that. Total coincidence. Or, not really, because it's easier to talk privately when it's loud, you know?">>

    <<"Whether it makes a mess, well, that's on you. If I don't get it from you, I'll get it some other way, and that might involve less ~cooperative~ behaviour with SHIELD's, and your own little personal, agenda. If all goes well, it'll be like . . . getting some overtime for a little while, and then just a fun story you can tell later. Don't rock the boat, and I assure you'll be able to muddle on through.">>

    According to cameras. Jannu angery. Jannu start fire. <<"I can't speak for that one though. Unlike me, she's aggressive and pushy because she's crazy and emotional, not because she has plans that involve holding a few things hostage. You should get someone on that, and probably relocate and scrub your tracks again. I doubt she's the type to be able to track you down a second time; this one was a fluke. I'll give you another thirty seconds, as a show of no hard feelings for your sass.">> Weiss *bzztf*s out again, in red static.

    -And then aggressively into Jeanne. <<"Hey there! Sorry! You're annoying! Go away! Bye!">> Just to double up on being a jerk and surprise shooting her through the door to delay burning down the building, Weiss hits the floor, flexes improbably low while still on the tips of her toes, drives her arm forward with a little snap-bang, and looks to punch her out of the building again, before leaping out before the fire gets too intense. She's not going to bother trying to safe the building. That's more work that just throwing Jeanne to the SHIELD sharks.
Ritsuka Fujimaru It's wise for the minor superhumans to keep away from Jeanne. Although she's not specifically targeting anybody, she's also not making a point to avoid immolating anyone that happens to get in the way. "Come on out, Pierce! The sooner you come out, the sooner I might decide not to burn you to a crisp!"

She does not sound like she's in the best of moods right now to /not/ be burning the crap out of Pierce or anyone else. Why would she be? her attempt at doing things subtly backfired spectacularly, so she might as well stick to what she's good at. Best case scenario, he actually comes out and she can interrogate him. Worst case scenario, he just keeps sending out security for her to set on fire.

No way to lose here. Weiss shows up right on time and gets a slow eyebrow raise from the impatient Avenger. "... Who are you?"

It's not until Weiss moves to punch her and Jeanne instinctively reaches down to not get gut-smashed through a wall that she finally puts two and two together. "So you're the-" She's interrupted due to hitting a wall, although she manages to keep herself INSIDE the building this time and pushing herself off to get back on solid ground with a painful (and mostly annoyed) grunt. "That explains that... But do you..."

Wait. Where did Weiss go? Wasn't she going to stick around to defend her boss? Or at least fight? Jeanne clenches her fists as the fires flare up even further, no doubt due to increasing anger and frustration at how the entire night has gone. There's not much rhyme or reason at this point to where Jeanne's aiming or who does or doesn't get set on fire for being in her line of sight.

Now she's just letting off steam.
Spider-Man     The downed men aren't gonna be doing much. They weakly raise what hands they have left. The disarmed ones look like they're trying to calculate attacks against him, but with one of them disabled, and some of the rest damaged by other events, this means... They have to begrudgingly surrender on Ryouma's end.

    Meanwhile, Oryou is seeing how and why men like this run the streets of New York City. While she may be able to tear through the lesser mundanes, this Greater Mundane and his powerful helmet are a surprising risk. Something about Masked Marauder's helmet gives him greater awareness, maybe even some kind of radar in there, so when she goes to tackle, he's able to maneuver to face her. Good thing too, because he was dueling with Spider-Man, and Spidey was having a tough time getting an angle on him. He blunts the impact by jumping and bringing his knees and elbows together in a four-point impact on Ryouma's head, but this leaves him bouncing off, kind of slamming hard into the ceiling, then onto the ground, where his joint impacts have fully disabled him for a critical few key seconds "Hey! Hey, watch the speed, lady!" Spider-Man calls out to Oryou. "We want him in jail, not a hospital bed!"

    The man swears offensive things in Russian enough that Spider-Man is briefly tempted to throw him to Oryou. He does not; instead, he webs the man thoroughly while Oryou's strike has zeroed out his endurance. "Grab the mask!" He calls out with urgency. His hands are a little too full to land that critical finishing disarm. There's also the fact that he can barely see; the half of the remaining OPTI-BLAST EMITTERS that Ryouma didn't shoot off are suddenly blaring, swung around the hallway wildly.
Spider-Man     Nova Terra encounters a computer setup alongside a hefty stack of alien weapons and supertech from various events throughout this Earth's history. The computer setup appears to have been recently being used for a video call. A man with a buzz cut and a thick beard, who continued watching the events through the computer camera long after the fight spilled out into the hall. "Puh." He practically spits. "Great. Fuck off. You wanna take us down? These assholes aren't worth my help. You come after more? I'll fuckin' kill you myself." Regardless of how Nova replies, he'll likely shut down the call. The computer likely has all the valuable data she could ever need to find the next link in the chain. Especially emphasized when only about three or so seconds after the video call shuts down, another of those phone-wired turretbots Staren warned about lights up to try to attack Nova Terra -- and then, shortly, attack the computer! If she can finish it off, she'll be home free with some valuable data.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Oryou is in fact absurdly tough, and Farnum's odds of breaking his limbs against her are greater than his odds of harming her bare-handed. He still surprises her, especially as Spider-Man calls out for her to do a thing, watch her speed, and then his helmet evidently goes berserk.

    Oryou's hair whips about, the sharp bladed strands trying to pry that helmet off. And inflict a few cuts. Nothing deep. Just enough to make her feel somewhat less angry about it. She doesn't even try to destroy it! How considerate for Spider-Man.

    Several hallways back, Ryouma is slipping handcuffs onto the thugs, reminding them he's unnaturally strong and fast if it should be needed. It's not the hardest of jobs. He assures the wounded ones that his partner will be along shortly and she can heal them. That's going to be awkward when it happens.
Spider-Man     The Hammerbot and phone's scraps are going to be a forensic goldmine, though Staren won't know it yet. When he gets a chance to dig through it, he should find plenty to trace it back to a robotics engineer and programmer identified by a signature of "SLAYER", enough to give some leads on digital investigations. Staren also manages to snag a hefty cache of dangerous weapons for Damage Control, personal, or Concord use, depending on his approach; everyone will worry a lot less as long as they're off New York City streets and out of gun-runner hands.
Nova Terra     Nova tilts her head at the sight of the man on the screen. Once he finishes making the usual threats, Nova gives him a snarky smile and says, "Thank you for calling. An assassin will be dispatched to your home shortly." The call suddenly ends, "Well. That was pleasant."

    Nova is caught by surprise by the turret, stumbling forward as a few bullets slam into her suit. Thankfully they don't penetrate, but there's going to be bruises!

    Nova quickly spins around, hand lighting up with psychic energy as she reaches out towards the turret. It comes under immense pressure as Nova tries to crush it into a much smaller piece of scrap metal.
Spider-Man     Zwei is gone. Pierce decides to use this time to settle down and type something up. He accesses Insight in ways that only he can -- and ways that even Zwei's quantum-computing brain would have a lot of trouble dealing with in terms of security -- to assemble some data. He writes an additional note alongside it.

    "The ecohero was Hank Pym. Might know him for his Pym Particle development. We know who he is and we know where he is. We know that if you spook him even a little, he'll disappear. You go after him and not only will you piss off the World Security Council and everyone else in any world that wants Pym Particles, you won't get what you want, because he's a better stealth expert than you are, and you'll never find him. If you do, you won't get the Pym Particles. That's a fact." And, for what little Weiss can tell of his holistic lie-indication stuff, he is being entirely honest, even with the assumption that she's an alien. In fact, any hacking she does into any digital sources seems to find that anyone well-informed considers Hank Pym untouchable if one wants to get to his critical Pym Particles.

    "He was in contact with two people before the blizzard. Here's the Insight files on all three of them, and the Insight file on the ecoheroism event that caused the storm. If I knew how to get you the Pym Particles you're after, you wouldn't find me in the first place. If you want them, start with the people he talked to before the storm got started. I have fires to put out." Literally, now. He cuts his connection, leaves the laptop out where he knows Weiss will find it, stands up, and heads towards the helicopter.
Spider-Man     Alexander Pierce once /rejected/ a Nobel Peace Prize for his good deeds. He is a man who worked for the state department in direct hostage negotiation. His big, Wikipedia-blasting quote was "Peace is not an achievement, it's a responsibility." So for him to leave Jeanne entirely is extremely difficult to conceive of as an honest action, or at least it's difficult to conceive of if you assume his life has been honest. He may be leaving Jeanne, but that's not to say that Jeanne has made no progress in her efforts to seek the source of this, or make right what the Scorpion had so urgently wanted to make right.

    The SHIELD agent buildup continues and continues, though; they're going to make an incredibly concentrated effort to capture her, and they have some /heavy/ forces available, moreso than one would ever expect of even a world security agency. Helicopters, armored vehicles, even heavy VTOL vehicles are being activated from the nearby Triskelion, SHIELD's home base. Between hefty stun batons, and some super-military-grade hardware, they pose a terrible and ever-increasing threat. It's unlikely they could perpetually contain someone so dangerous as her... assuming she doesn't get away.

    She'll need to pursue this lead in other ways, no matter what, but certain triggered events will follow her regardless, and give insight on a future day.
Spider-Man     Ryouma brings the thugs in. And Oryou, finally, gets that damn helmet off the dude. Masked Marauder is an /irrationally/ capable dude for someone whose power is a helmet with trumped-up floodlights and some forcefields. But this absence of pure combat power is the price one pays when they invest all their energy into management. The man is scraped, bloodied, bruised, and bleeding, spitting slavic vulgarity, but now, at least, mostly contained. Spider-Man looks relieved. "Thanks. Wow, that got dicey. I appreciate the backup. Sorry about yelling at you about the harshness, I just really wanna make sure we take this, uh, kind of as pure as we can get it."

    He glances down the hallway at the gore and his lenses get really, really wide. Meanwhile Ryouma captures most of the threats around the south end! Nice.
Spider-Man     Nova Terra manages to snag the turret before it blasts the laptop apart, /just barely/. It'll take a moment of straining to keep it from turning, but with her telekinesis, she can crunch it up and compromise the barrels of the weapons it mounts. Soon enough, it's rendered a harmless, sparking mess. Nova Terra can acquire the computer, which offers some leads on the location of certain operations of Frank Farnum's direct superior. It turns out to be a wanted man named Jackson Brice. Otherwise known as the Shocker!
Ritsuka Fujimaru All this attention almost takes away the sting of not quite getting an audience with the one person she was trying to speak to all night.

Actually, it more than makes up for that loss. She's absolutely reveling in the situation, drawing so much attention and being able to fight so many people at once while sending a message to... Someone? Nobody in particular, but it damn well feels good having such a massive response brought out for herself.

Well, until she gets overwhelmed by SHIELD's numbers and technology. That part doesn't quite stroke her ego so much, but it's an inevitable conclusion at this point.