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Spider-Man     The white wind is howling. It's harder and harder to see more than a few feet in front of you. Sensors are wild and inaccurate, scattered by snow. Flight is almost impossible, except for short jaunts. Staying outside is exhausting, and almost painful.

    Mac Gargan is approaching. It's nearly impossible to evacuate the cartel/SHIELD men who the Paladins have found he's targeting, or even to warn them ahead of time, holed up as they are in secret apartments. If the Paladins want to nab the cartel, they'd better do it fast, but they'll have to fight through the bombing to do it. One structure is the obvious first target, of highest priority and nearest distance to Gargan. The tall apartment complex is shut and shuttered, but Paladins can easily make their way inside however they want. They'd better be ready for the bombing, though, when it happens. They can even enter the apartment of the Cartel contact, if they like.

    The warehouse that Edison, Reyes, and possibly also Kotone have likely been able to track down is one that's further away from the docks. It's sealed up and potentially defended, but thankfully, the Paladins don't have any special need to attack it, they just need to make sure Tombstone doesn't get away with the contents of the heavy warehouse. The streets are clear of cars but stacked with snow; it'll be almost impossible to see Tombstone's super-tank coming.

    The power in the hospital where Captain America is recovering from a severe poisoning flickers every so often. Unfortunately, it very abruptly shuts down. Rogers himself might be awoken from his unconscious state by a distant noise of screaming... and a sound of warning gunfire fired into a ceiling far below.

    Paladin resources, such as they are, are going to already be strained to their limit providing shelter to the citizens. Anyone willing to help with the homes and neighborhoods freezing near to death in the cold might free up some Paladins to help out. But they'll likely be some of the first to hear the explosions as Mac Gargan's serial bombing attacks start, or hear the noise of heavy tanks when Tombstone's snow-breaking super-tank rolls towards the warehouse that's his target and starts blasting heavy metal doors off heavier metal hinges with armor-piercing rounds of Cold-War-era Stark technology.
Steve Rogers      Steven Rogers spent the night in a hell of his own making.

     Not the poison. The poison was...the poison was part of the job. He'd do it again in a heartbeat. Protecting Thor, protecting *people* was an instinct as deeply ingrained in him as his blonde hair, his blue eyes, or that hint of brown every would-be Nazi wanted to point out as some kind of ironic imperfection. He didn't even need to think to do something like that, and as long as he was alive, Steve Rogers would never hesitate to protect another person's life.

     No, the hell of his own making was the white storm, the train, and the falling of a friend. The failure. The hurt. The deep psychic trauma of watching his best friend die seventy years ago because he wasn't strong enough to save him.

     Over, and over, and over. He played it over, and over, and over in his head, amidst the howling white winds. The moment of his fingers slipping. The train. The look on Bucky's face as he fell. Over, and over, and over. Sometimes Tony's face would replace Bucky's. Sometimes Thor's. Natasha's. Clint's. Banner's. It was all the same. Failure.

     When he'd finally awoken from his nightmare, he'd found himself in the hospital. He was weak. He was painfully weak. He was pitifully, unbelievably weak.

     But the sound of gunfire and the dying lights overrided that in an instant.

     Because he was still Captain America.

     The Captain takes the shield, but it's too heavy for him right now. Not a good sign. He straps it on his back instead, shouldering it as protection. He grabs a stethoscope from the counter. He grabs the tray off his own bed and wraps it around his arm with bandages. It was light enough that he could move his arm easier.

     His roommate, a sixty-seven year-old man, snorts. "Sounds like I'm back in 'nam."

     Steve laughs. "I know what you mean. Keep your head down, bar the door. They'll probably come to this room first. There's a knife on your table. You still know how to use it?"

     "'course I know how to use a knife. I've got cancer, not brain damage." The old man's sheets rattle. "You sound like a veteran."

     "Yeah," Steve says, "You could say that."

     "Too young, though. Iraq?"

     "Briefly. Mostly Germany."

     The old man laughs. "Special ops, huh? Must've ridden an easy time. Don't worry about me. If those sons of bitches come in here, I'll get 'em on the side."

     Steve laughs. "Okay. Be careful." And then he's out the door.
Orchid      Search and rescue has been busy this night.

     Between bringing the injured to the hospital when not even most of the ambulance drivers were willing to go out, and scavenging for supplies to keep people alive, Orchid has been busy at the hospital. The good news is that she's got a few sterile gloves left. The bad news is that she has no patience for this kind of attack. So, when someone comes in, firing a rifle, she is pointing her blaster at his face.

     "Put. The. Gun. Down. If you need a warm place to sleep, we can provide that, but I don't want to deal with your shit."
Ryouma Sakamoto     There are at least two people in the way of Tombstone's tank. Ryouma, still in slightly heavier winter wear, the longer blue coat on top of his standard uniform serving him quite well, and of course Oryou, who already wears a scarf by default. A katana slices one round of the tank's ammo, the resulting blast inconvenient to the pair but less deadly than a direct impact. Another is shredded by animated shadows and hair.

    Ryouma gives a sigh, of course. He's not sure if the larger man can even hear him through the plating of that heavy vehicle. "It's still not too late, Mr. Thompson. Besides Oryou's grudge, I bear you no ill will and wish only you could cooperate with us to save the city."

    Oryou's response is to start glowing black and blue, case in point. "Oryou doesn't think he'll listen. Ryouma should stop holding back."

    He laughs nervously, but nods. "Ah, of course."

    The sheath of his katana sheds its normal guise; a serpentine, spiked design that looks like it could double as a weapon of its own. Blue-black flames coat his blade. "Well then. Oryou, ready?" he asks.

    Oryou's form turns pitch black and melts, darkness replacing snow underfoot. The blizzard isn't gone, but it's starting to be eaten away by liquid shadows. Oryou shouts, even as she fades into her own shadows:


    Tombstone fielded a tank. People said heat would be the answer. And so Ryouma will field a dragon. The black and grey divine serpent erupts out of the shadows, massive, with four legs that immediatly attempt to shred at the tank in-passing. Ryouma hops onto her head, to avoid being left behind, blade in hand.

    The shadows corrode and attempt to drain magic. If there's anything supernatural about that tank it might see dips in fuel, but more importantly the darkness is going to start eating at its plating.
Ritsuka Fujimaru After hearing of yet more disasters occurring in the New York City region, Jeanne d'Arc felt the need to stop by the neighborhood once more. The food hasn't been too bad, and there was some amusement to be found the last few times she's come around. She had little doubt there'd be more entertainment if she came with the news of things exploding once more, and she's right. Those explosions and odd metallic noises from Tombstone's tank aren't too far away from the residential area she's decided to take an evening stroll through.

It's also bitterly cold, the wind is slowing her down, and the snow is making it impossible to see. Her frustration boils over rather quickly as Jeanne picks a random delivery truck to convert into a massive pyre. On one hand, there's a magically-induced fire around to help stave off the oppressive cold for anyone that isn't so blind as to not see it!

On the other hand, it's a burning pyre in the middle of a city. It also probably smells like a lot of burnt metal, rubber, and fabric. She doesn't stick around to enjoy the heat for too long, though, as the Servant calls forth her armor and makes her way right towards Gargan's position. Her banner billows behind her as flames along the top of the pole itself keep it from freezing over, and she makes sure to keep the flames trailing behind her with each footstep just to make sure that Gargan and anybody nearby can see her coming from a mile away.

Or down the block. However far it is. "You there! State your motive! What drives you to come this way tonight?"
Spider-Man     The man doesn't look short on enough cash to have a warm home. No, he's wearing a nice suit, the kind of nice suit you wear when you're trying to impress men who are impressed by shows of force and power, and the kind that you wear when you've been rich too long to remember how you should dress in this weather. He's also wearing a balaclava, which is a great idea in this weather, but one might get the impression it's for a different purpose. "Out of my way, metal bitch." He shouts, seemingly disregarding the blaster. There's other men here, enough that they seem to be ready for a siege. A few of Tombstone's operations have been taken down, but not enough to properly kill his manpower.

    And they still have that magic. One already took a swig of his juice, and it's likely Doctor Strange will know what comes next when he waves his hand in a broad, wide gesture and blasts out a wave that's gradually turning everything in a wide cone ahead of him into brittle salt, including the door to the ICU. Screaming and fleeing civilians are barely getting out of the way. They're not going to spend time on Orchid, and they brought enough firepower to deal with her, heavy assault rifles of all sorts. They want to get to Steve, and they intend to put a bullet in him while he's at his weakest. "GET TO HIS ROOM AND PUT THE SON OF A BITCH ON ICE BEFORE HE'S UP!" Yes, they don't know quite yet. They've got to get further back through the wards though.
Thor It's freezing cold, but due to being an Asgardian, Thor isn't bothered by it much, moving through it in his damaged armor as he treks through the snow, forcing through it with strength and speed faster than most men could navigate through it.  He'd taken an interceptor missile last night, and he's still feeling it, but he had a duty...or at least, he /had/, and he's hoping it still sticks.

After taking Steve to the hospital, Thor stayed and waited to make sure the Eitr wouldn't kill him, and then told the doctors that he had business, that the Captain would be fine, he was a strong man. He didn't need Thor babysitting him. And Thor had things he needed to figure out. Why did Mac Gargan create Eitr? Was he trying to kill Thor, personally? How? Where did he learn how to make it? What does this all mean?

It confused and shook the Asgardian, who was suddenly unsure of what his mission was. Was it to stop Mac Gargan and the Eitr? Was it to stop this storm, which may be related to the horrible cold of the poison and the magic being cast? Was it to protect his friends? Either way, Thor knew that he had to find Mac Gargan.

Hammer in hand, the God of Thunder had made it to the building where the cartel members would be killed, and pushed his way in. As he did so, he grasped his wound from the previous night, still healing from the medical attention he was given at the hospital, bandaged up even if Thor didn't think that necessary. He just pushes through the door to the cartel contact's apartment, speaking clearly. "Come with me. Hurry!" If Thor can help get some of these people out of here...

Or bait Gargan into coming after him, he'd be happy. Thor hasn't hidden his approach at all, so if Gargan has a way to spot Thor coming in, he'll see him.
Steve Rogers      "Too late."

     The tray comes spinning out of the air. It's not at Steve Rogers' full strength, but it's more than nothing - and it's an unpleasantly-shaped metal object aimed directly at somebody's head. Another tray comes hurtling past in between Orchid and the assault-rifle fire, a ridiculous precision shot intended to block damage for the Reploid with speed, angle, and deflection. Steve may not be a super-genius, but his instinct with shields is beyond math and well into superhuman.

     Captain America walks forward into the lobby, hospital tray strapped to one arm, stethoscope dangling in the other. He knows full well what he's doing. Letting these men run wild, letting these men take hostages, letting these men get *distracted*, will mean that people will die.

     Steve Rogers doesn't let people die when he can do something about it.

     "You want me at my weakest?"

     Steve brings up his hands. "You're ninety years and two hundred pounds too late, fellas."

     "Come on."
Orchid      Getting through Orchid is likely not going to be trivial; this is one of the cases where she can't run, she can't get out of the way, and she can't wait for help.

     So as she watches a spell being prepared? Orchid blasts the man, right in the face. The chance to talk has been refused, and she's not backing out of the way of any of this. Her second tool-arm comes up, forming an energy barrier.

     Of course, Orchid isn't alone, and her spiders are jumping on the masked men, webbing their limbs to their bodies.

     "The only way you're getting me out of your way is by killing me, and I take a lot of killing," she announces. She doesn't need to look to see Steve's arrival, given her spiders, but she is grateful that he is there.
Reyes     Thus far, Reyes has been very, very wise to stay nestled safely in his Environmental Battle Armor. The Explorer is HYPOTHETICALLY rated for traipsing around ANTARCTICA but it wouldn't be wrong to say that this weather's pushing its heaters and insulation near their limits.

    And that's the only thing Reyes is thankfully spared from. He can barely fly, he can only see where he's going thanks to tapping into the local GPS - and even that's spotty.

    "Still no sign of what's causing this blizzard, huh? Fat lot of good I am in this whole mess..." He's been traipsing through the streets, checking his scanners for anything and everything, all through the night.

    It's reached a point where most people would probably be exhausted into uselessness, but Reyes' consciousness continues burning hot.

    There's been a distinct lack of specific orders and organization for this mission that has him discombobulated and unsure what to do, and that frustration has finally hit its maximum.

    If his new allies aren't going to provide clear direction, then he'll just have to step up his own game and take more responsibility. It's scary - terrifying, even - but it's the only option left.

    There is precisely one thing he can be SURE of in all of this chaos. His own abilities. What he's good at. And that his allies are worth trusting.

    And that's why when decisions are made to guard that Warehouse because the guy with the SUPER TANK is interested in storming it, Reyes checks his gear, activates half of his suit's extra magic enchantments, and engages in some very low-flying travel to push his way to his allies there, coming in to land with a CLUMSY WHUMPF.
Doctor Strange WEAPON CACHE

     With the extreme levels of snow packed into the streets, scrying the area from above would be a poor choice. Flying outside would be equally inadvisable--Strange has no means to combat the exhausting cold past fur-lined clothes. His only option is to wait, with a conjured quarterstaff in hand, for Tombstone and his men to arrive. He's put a minefield of little potholes near each visible entrance to the WAREHOUSE he can see, and covered each with the illusion of an unbroken floor. His plan isn't complex, really--just 'get the jump on Tombstone and stop him from running off with this stuff.'


     Doctor Stephen Strange washes up, letting the water from the sink run from his hands to his elbows. His thick coat hangs in the lobby of the hospital, his wizard tunic and cloak traded for a set of navy blue scrubs. The water runs over a dark bruise upon his arm that isn't present on the Strange in the WAREHOUSE. He's volunteered his time to the hospital, helping with those patients who couldn't be moved to a facility out of the storm's reach. Mostly, it's as a highly overqualified nurse, though he's given at least a few professional advisements and opinions.

     He's in the middle of slipping his trembling hands into a pair of latex gloves when he hears the commotion. Strange is new to the whole 'socializing politely' thing. So when the gunshots start, and the GP he's been assisting screws her face into a frightened frown, Strange just gives her the 'be quiet' hand. Or maybe it's the 'wait here' hand. He creeps over to an unused IV stand and snaps it free of its base with a diagonal stomp, unhooking the saline drip from it and tossing it to the other doctor amidst a huff of protest.

     Orchid, at least, can recognize the Sorcerer Supreme's face, but Rogers may not--Strange doesn't appear often on TV. If he doesn't know what Strange looks like, the sight might be a little odd. A nurse, swinging what's clearly the broken pole from an IV rack around like it's a bo staff and he's a 60s Hong Kong Cinema star. It thwacks into guns, pokes and stabs at feet, and the prongs dip behind legs to pull the hitmen off their balance.

     When the one casting the spell makes his attack, Strange leaps backwards, twirling the makeshift staff. It leaves what appear to be hovering shards of broken glass in its wake, which form a barrier. It simply drinks in the attack where it would harm Strange, with an odd sound of quartz grinding against quartz.

     The Sorcerer lands. "...Rogers?"
Nova Terra     Boot shaped indents appear in the snow atop a roof near the warehouse containing the weapons cache. They start at about the midway point, heading towards the edge. The final step creates a bit of a puff, a figure barely visible flying through the air due to the falling snow it collects on the way. It's heading towards Oryou.

    While Oryou may, or may not, feel someone grabbing onto her body while she's in dragon form, she will probably feel the additional weight. That someone is quickly revealed by a wash of blue light signalling the deactivation of a cloaking field. The iconic Ghost armour is the most telling of Nova's identity, given she's currently wearing her full head mask with visor over top to help combat the deep cold.

    Dangling from Oryou's side with one hand, Nova glances down at the heavy tank below. She then pulls herself up onto the dragon and then starts running down her back. Finally Nova jumps clear, soaring through the air towards the top of the armored vehicle, pulling a grenade from a compartment as she does so.

    Nova lands on the tank's roof, shadows already beginning to try and eat away at her suit as she reaches down to place the grenade directly against the tank's armor. She then jumps away again, catching the tail end of Oryou's tail and using it to flip up onto another rooftop.

    Landing once more, Nova turns around to watch the result as her grenade explodes.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone had been working with Edison and Reyes on digging into things here and she's managed to help them track down a site. She was going to go to the warehouse but after the issues with the Hospital has Kotone there cloaked and waiting as the attack comes. She will keep ready as the attackers come.

She knows there are far better people to deal with the warehouse and she's going to focus on keeping the hospital and those there safe.

So she will be pouncing on the thugs while cloaked using her taser systems and superhuman cyborg strength to try to disable them.
Tony Stark Tony Stark's world is half geek chic and money, and half white.

Two hundred and seventy degrees of holographic screens. Designs, waveforms, data readouts. In the center, the bulky humanoid form of the Iron Man suit sits in wire-frame, being manipulated by the inventor's hands, adjusting small details for performance.

Around him, the large reinforced windows look out onto a field of cold white, the tower's landing pad frozen shut.

"Friday, where are we on the assembly?"
"When you input final changes."
Stark stops moving his hands, looking up bleary-eyed. "What? Oh... Right. Need to do that still."

Rolling his chair back, Stark transitions to walking, moving to the kitchenette and a cup of cold black coffee, swiftly downing the bitter liquid in a single long set of gulps. "Estimated output?"
"Within the necessary penetration band... more or less."
"Fix that less before we get rolling, then. And finish the cold weather modifications to the Iron Legion!"
"Communications aren't a hundred percent, but they should be ready by-"
Friday's voice is cut off, and a red light comes up on the screen, blooming into a street map of New York. Near the Iron Man suit wireframe, a silent percentage bar starts filling. "Mister Stark. Captain Rogers' hospital is experiencing an attacked by an armed group."

Tony nearly chokes on his own tongue, doubling over on the counter and inelegantly spilling the dregs of his cold cup over the granite countertop in a coughing fit. "He what?!"

Moments pass, as the progress bar fills and Tony Stark continues to cough. "SHIELD has been alerted, but with the weather state..."

Stark's eyes flick between the map, and the progress bar on the suit. His voice is a quiet stammer. "D-... Dispatch anyone we have available, and task a support satellite. Send any Legion suits available his way once they get the weather outfitting."
"No units will be ready within the next three hours, boss."

"Then..." Tony clenches his teeth. "We'll have to trust him to do his job. Get me that suit!"


The iconic roar of Iron Man's repulsor flight doesn't have a good set of accoustics in the snow, but the burning amber light swoops over Tombstone's tank just fine, splitting off a half-dozen extra trailers as Tony sprays a series of rockets into structure of the tank after Nova's grenade.

"Ryouma, I'm glad you and your wife are here - believe me, it means a lot. Tell Oryou to focus herself on heat-based attacks: the plating is 'enchanted' with some sort of exoenergetic field that is weak to high temperatures. Nova, Reyes, I'll leave it on you to find any weaknesses and punch through them. Let's take this thing down before it does any more damage to the city!"
Spider-Man     They just don't make 'em like they used to. Stark weapons were always powerful, but Howard Stark's weapons were weapons made to kill nations and morale while they killed men and flesh. Ryouma's shotslice prevents a major breach, but it doesn't stop the oncoming tank. Radio is still mostly working, which is how Tombstone can still speak. "I won't abandon my responsibility and throw it onto the shoulders of legislators." He says, tensely. The gush of fire does pretty much precisely brutalize the tank's elemental weakness, though, immediately shearing off waves of ablating armor and cooking limbs of several of the men inside. It's accentuated by the rockets that rip chunks out of it, blasting parts through a storm of melted metal.

    But Tombstone doesn't stop. No, instead he adjusts the tank's trajectory, and intends to bury Oryou with tons of screaming red-hot steel that try to tear the dragon under the treads. A brutal crashing affront! His tank runs into almost as much trouble navigating when it slams hard into the potholes, having lost enough momentum that it only has enough to crash through one of the outer walls. They're ready to pour out of the APC, but the grenade blast delays it just a moment, and tears a gap in the upper armor that Tony weakened.

    "Get me those guns, and ice them." Tombstone mutters, getting men onto the smaller, turreted guns of the tank. Hefty barrages of bullets pour out of the autocannons that still function on the titan APC, spraying through the snow, trying to drive the heroes into cover and keep anyone from sneaking close while some of Tombstone's other men try to rush into the warehouse and grab crates.

    No police. No civilians. Nothing out here but the cold. It's like an apocalypse. When the tank isn't close, it's almost impossible to aim with the thickness of the cold. For both parties, a ranged battle becomes difficult. And yet, Tombstone's picked one of the kinds of vehicles that make a melee battle incredibly difficult.
Spider-Man     Jeanne encounters Gargan amidst setting a bomb in the alleyway just next to the apartment complex. "You want a motive, chica? Let me tell you about the man upstairs." He mutters, as his mechanical claws deftly set a bomb. Another bomb went off earlier, that must be what this is. "He uses people like lab rats. He spies and he watches. He makes the whole world his own little show and his lab, and he does it while telling you it's for your own good. SHIELD. Puh. They poison the bodies of our citizens, they invade our privacy, they torture our minds."

    He notices Thor heading up, and swears in gratuitous spanish. "Him again. You aren't the kind of seniorita who gets upset about someone starting fires, hm? I've got a fire I got to start here myself." He secures the gasmask over his face and very abruptly tries to rush up the wall. "Adios." He's scaling it with big mechanical claws and the help of some fancy robotic tail! He's left behind a number of men who treat Jeanne warily, not sure if she intends to disrupt or not, seeming to intend to invade the apartment complex from below. Will she side with this man and his odd conspiracies about SHIELD or not?

    Well, either way, it'd be hard for her to stop Gaargan from heading up to the apartment, intent on entering it from the other side. The power's out. The man himself is huddling near a Buddy Heater, caught off-guard. "What the hell-- An Avenger?! Hey, what are you /doing/ here?!" He moves onto his feet, worriedly putting a hand on something, probably a weapon, at his side. He looks like a proper SHIELD agent, but by all reports, he's a career criminal, so he's right to be wary of Thor. He casts a shadow on one wall from the light of the Buddy Heater. It moves as if it's someone else. Getting the rest of the people out of here is a /very/ good idea though, since Gargan no-doubt has a bomb ready to flood the street level around here with poison.

    What was that behind the door to the living room? Did something just cast a shadow under the door? No, it wasn't anything, certainly. The wind howls just a little more, and it sounds almost like soft, whispered laughter for a moment.
Ryouma Sakamoto     A tank is pretty strong. But Oryou's pretty strong too! And tough, that's probably the more important part. With the supertank trying to just roll her over, the divine serpent doesn't just stand her ground, she pushes back. Legs dig into the ground, her body coils around the vehicle, failing to crush it but keeping both bodies locked in that kind of... awful impass, really, where the tank is just grinding away at her scales and she grinds at its nearly impenetrable plating. Nothing's going to come from that for either parties, likely.

    But Ryouma gets orders from Stark and nods. "Ah, Oryou, you heard mister Stark. Let's borrow a book from another dragon's repertoire, yes?"

    Oryou rumbles. She's been ignoring Nova, luckily, though making an effort not to impede her either.

    "Is Ryouma seeing another dragon?" Oryou asks.
    Ryouma laughs. "Of course not. But some of them had good ideas, sometimes. I think we should follow suit."

    Oryou rumbles again. "If Ryouma is lying, Oryou will follow that dragon's advice twice over," she says, either jokingly or as a threat, it's rather unclear. Likely the former!

    "Ahah... of course, of course. I'll buy the bell myself if I lie to you about something like that." He wouldn't lie, of course.

    Oryou backs away from the tank suddenly, cannonfire pelting her scales to keep Ryouma safe. It is Unpleasant, but she doesn't falter. Sparks of blue-black fire form in her mouth instead, and she breathes a cone of flames towards the tank, not stopping until told to or made to stop.

    Ryouma finally leaps off Oryou, attempting to swink that flaming katana for the supertank's treads once Oryou's flames have, hopefully, weakened its armor enough to inflict some real damage.

    "We don't wish you to abandon your responsability! We want you to work with us towards the same goal!" Empty words at this point, but that's not something he can help himself from.
Reyes     Once a member of the team has a fix on the tank's coordinates, Reyes deploys. His flight pack thrums, blue-white energies gathering at its thruster nacelles and the skeletal frame of its wings extending partially and filling in with the angelic blue glow of his Techno-Wizard flight system. The thrusters kick in, sending him ROCKET WIZARDING about twenty feet off the ground and down the streets. The Armor of Ithan materializes around him into a wireframe shielding of more blue energies... but he doesn't pull out a weapon.

    Reyes swoops straight in front of the tank, staying low to the ground but airborne lest he get bowled over and crushed.

    "Tombstone, right?" He broadcasts over his suit's radio on open bands. "I'm pissed off at this entire situation. The city's a disaster zone, buried in snow. And you and your bickering rivals don't care a lick about it. The power just went out at the HOSPITAL and what are YOU doing?! Driving a supertank down main street."

    The hovering Techno-Wizard extends a hand out towards the tank as it gets to be within about twenty feet of him. A hand that's utterly empty, and would seem to be non-threatening...

    But anyone who's done their homework on this Tomorrow Legionnaire would know better.

    "If you're enjoying this joyride of yours... you better get ready to /stop./" On that last final word, it happens. Reyes focuses everything he has in one single instant. The eye can't see it, but powerful minds might feel it. Even Tony Stark might feel it, as hints and splashes of the raw psionic wave that Reyes focuses might well strike them and cause some minor brief glitches.

    An invisible wave of pure GREMLIN HAVOC rolls forth from Reyes, focused by his highly technical and very open mind, sharpened by a very frustrated and determined will. Behind that visor, his eyes are narrowed to a fierce glare, brow furrowed and forehead shiny with sweat. His consciousness BURNS as heaps of inner strength are focused in a way he almost never needs to do...

    This wave of psionic energy is geared to CLAMP ONTO THE TANK like the jaws of some great beast and NOT LET GO. A wave of technological CHAOS that seeks to invade the tank's workings and weave through all of its pipes and tubes, all its circuitry, into the gears and pistons of the engine, the levers and knobs of the controls, and into the firing mechanisms of every weapon. A single, overriding command straight from Reyes's will to the very essence of that machine.

Zwei     Mac Gargan had said "pick one from the list" last night. A gesture of apathy, as much as an invitation, or a challenge. There had been quite an extensive list too, with all sorts of names and classifications ranging from utilitarian to highly colourful. Extensive enough that the invited had gotten a little greedy and hedged on 'pick as many as it takes'

<<You know, I think I should thank those asses brawling on the streets for picking the same night to try and do everything at once. Poor multi-taskers and all.>>
||Ideally it would not involve a hospital.||
<<Ideally Rogers wouldn't put himself in there without thinking and so endanger everyone else, because blah blah protecting people disclaimer as long as those people are currently in my field of vision.>>
||It is disingenuous to complain about someone's choices while also profiting off of them.||
<<I guess, but I can thank all of these people for being idealistic in the emotional and dumb way.>>
||Solely for the sake of being distracted with one another at the critical time? Unnecessary. That is the entirety of why proxy skirmishes exist. It would happen one way or another, engineered or otherwise.||
<<Well, not my job to engineer it.>>
||Interesting to consider how often that can be said of any situation with its own dedicated, self-proclaimed custodians. It encourages others to be less accountable for the disasters that do happen.||

    Even for a jackass space ghost super robot duo, half the atmosphere being made of fast-moving ice is less than ideal. Obnoxious, one might even say. With no ostensible allies to need to keep in contact with though, and no especial concern for body heat, it ends up being more beneficial than not to let the storm rage as it will. Ironically appropriate to her sub-unit designation, Weiss, at the apartment complex already, is a borderline walking snowman(woman?(robot?(being?))), blending in all the easier for it. On this end, Zwei is going down the list of highest likelihood suspects, breaking into (well, teleporting into) barricaded apartments to work from the top on 'interrogations'; air quotes less ominous than they seem, for the fact that this largely comes down to a lot of brain scanning.

<<Gargan's already making his mo~ve.>>
||The correct unit assignment is already equipped to handle it diplomatically. No castling will be needed until the Asgardian makes himself a problem.||
<<More than usual, I mean.>>
||More than the others at the moment.||

    When the impending chaos a few apartments over makes itself obvious, Zwei puts the second half of its current resources on overwatch; no sense charging in like, well, Thor or Steve Rogers.
Nova Terra     The tank is brought to a stop, though appears far from destroyed. That's okay. They just need to hit it harder! Or even better, smarter! Nova works out a plan, but is suddenly interupted.

    The first warning that Nova gets of the turrets is a barrage of bullets ripping up the edge of the roof she's standing on. She quickly starts running along it, trying to outpace the aim of the gunners. She's successful, up until the point she isn't and one gets a lucky hit in. The bullet doesn't penetrate her suit, but the impact is still painfully felt. It also causes Nova to misstep, tumbling off the side of the roof.

    Nova quickly grabs her sword on her back as she falls, the psi-blade activating as blue light. She stabs it into the building rushing by beside her, using it to slow her fall. She finally hits the ground in a puff of snow, groaning and quietly saying to herself, "Hope no one saw that..."

    Picking herself up again, Nova glances in the tank's direction, specifically at the turrets firing all over the place, keeping the group away and from getting a good shot in. Right then, time for some risk.

    Nova jumps to her feet, dashing towards the tank. It's hard to pick up on the thoughts of the gunners for some reason, but Nova uses what she can to weave through the gunfire until she finally reaches a point where she has a good sight on the vehicle. She skids to a stop and reaches a hand out towards it, focusing on the turrets and trying to shift their aim with her mind, forcing them to open up a path for Tony to fly in and take advantage of the opening they previously created.
Ritsuka Fujimaru      Noticing the bomb Gargan is setting, Jeanne narrows her eyes as she continues her approach. She's clad in armor now, but the sword remains sheathed as he explains what his reasons are. "And you'd ignore the risk to the people inside he's hiding behind?" She narrows her eyes briefly, then launches a sword up in Gargan's path as he makes his escape upwards.

     "What's the rush, stranger? If it's as you say, then there should be no problem if I meet this 'Shield' and judge him myself, yes? You're responsible for the other explosion, and while I don't have any love for the people of this world..."

     Damned child. "... Someone else may take more offense to your actions than I would. Shall we go together, then?"
Thor Thor realizes he just burst a door open and didn't actually expalin himself. "Well, uh...there's this bomb. And it's being targetted at you, good sir. And I'm trying to save your life. I recommend getting out of here with me immediately." Thor scratches the back of his head, nods, and then moves back out the door to find a way to evacuate other people. "Everyone! I am Thor, son of Odin! There is a danger in the streets and to the building! If you possess...'gas masks', use them immediately! I will make you an opening to safety, hurry with me."

And then Thor thinks, goes to an apartment adjacent to another building, and moves to just smash open the wall and window and create openings for others, before throwing Mjolnir to smash an opening in the other building for people to get over there. This is a silly plan, but hey. It's a Thor plan. If people need to manually be lifted over there, Thor will help them, using short-range flight to do so. Hopefully they'll trust 'the Avenger'.
Tony Stark Hearing Captain America fizzle in his ear over gunfire is not the most comfortable experience for Tony Stark. It reminded him of his childhood. Of old black and white tapes with the heroic Captain Steven Rogers leaping into the Nazi lines, or leading the Howling Commandos on daring raids against HYDRA. Some were propoganda pieces, but others were his father's private collection.

His father, Howard Stark.

The tank had a chilling familiarity to it, from the age of Pentagon trips. "Friday, see if you can't clean up the atmospheric issues using thermal and magnetic modes, and start working on the best place to put something big and angry in. Ignore the hatch covers - dad always made them even tougher than the rest of the things."

Nova called him up for a synchronized attack, and so Stark gets a few moments of interacting with the heavy autocannon shells without much to do but stay out of the tank's way as it barreled down the street into Oryou's fire.

With Nova and Reyes both holding it down and clearing a path for him and Ryouma attacking the mobility while the whole thing was held up.

So, angling up, Stark comes from almost directly above, slamming into the top of the tank from a decent height for a meaty 'thunk'.

"Tombstone, you madman, this isn't how you change society, this is how you get the army to blow you away with a cruise missile!" Tony calls down, as he steadies himself on the roof and starts cutting his way through the plates Oryou blasted up with his wrist laser, taking the opportunity to just carve a hole open - or try.

"Guys, keep it suppressed, I'm cutting through!"
Spider-Man     Steve manages to stun one, and knock another down, though his impacts are weaker than usual. It's enough to draw fire meant to kill him but more likely to force him into hiding, making spashes of light in the dark of the powerless hospital. It's even enough to draw someone out of hiding, someone with a crass voice. "No. Man like you? Man who don't know how things work these days? That's weak. A man who'd work with SHIELD now of all times? Hah." Here comes an impact. Charging through Orchid's exchange with the spellcaster, crashing past Kotone without realizing she's there. He intends to smash headfirst into Captain America, because that's how Hammerhead smashes into everything!

    Hammerhead is /not/ going to make bail a second time, that's for sure. The only question is weather or not they can stop him before he kills Rogers by trying to rhino-charge into him and then trying to get a good angle on killing him short-range with a heavy revolver once he's got him off his feet!

    The spellcaster's attack is deftly defused, meaning that they'll /need/ Hammerhead to break through barriers and navigate the maze of the hospital if Rogers can get away. For his part, the spellcaster goes down, though more move to flank and cover the boss with proper guns instead. "Back off! Back off or we ice you too!" Some shout. Few have any ability to deal with Kotone's cloaking, and some of them start trying to just set huge fires on the inside of the hospital with their spellcasting to smoke her out, while others try to drive Orchid back, using their superior numbers and their soldier nature to drive her back into the complicated hospital hallways and rooms, and then hunt her down. Strange is mostly free and unopposed -- /mostly/, for now, though straying gunshots mean keeping up the defense is a good idea.
Steve Rogers      "You must be Doctor Stephen Strange," Steve says. It's not a hard deduction - the man knew who he was, called him by his last name like a coworker might, and apparently does magic with broken glass.

     But the introductions have to come later. The voice in the shadows comes, talking about weakness, about how things /work/ nowadays, the whole nine yards. Steve doesn't change his stance.

     "Y'know, the last guy who said I didn't know how things worked in the new era was a Nazi."

     And then Hammerhead is on him. Steve takes the hit right in the gut, hard. He goes down, skidding across the floor.

     Steve rolls over just in time. The adamantium shield he's so famous for soaks the gunshots, sending them ricocheting upwards into the air. It gives him a few seconds to recover from the massive blow, a few precious seconds to suck in a breath and roll forward. He may not have much strength, but he went through basic as a ninety-pound athsmatic, a weakling with more heart than sense, and he learned how to do this stuff long before he had superpowers.

     So this is really just sort of levelling the field for the Captain.

     Steve swings upwards into a rising uppercut, right for Hammerhead's jaw. It's a boxing blow, intended to rattle his cage and stun him for a second, a flawless uppercut backed by the hospital tray. Then he's heading for the elevator to hammer the down button. He makes a motion at Hammerhead and the rest of the soldiers.

     I'm the one you want. Come get me if you want a chance.

     He's already given Orchid, Kotone, and Stephen orders, it's just time to do what he does best.
Doctor Strange WAREHOUSE

     When the tank bursts through the outer wall and the autocannons open fire, Strange leaps into the air, dropping the conjured quarterstaff. The illusions covering the potholes disappear, and his body turns upside down. The sorcerer's feet find solid purchase on the ceiling, as it becomes, for him, the floor. A stray bullet dislodges a chunk of ceiling on his ascent, and he hastily brings up an arm to block it. The accidental projectile strikes his arm hard enough to slow his descent, and he utters a hiss of pain. That'll leave a mark...

     As for the men trying to find the crates, well... If only it were as simple as just 'getting' the guns. The crates begin to duplicate, until the room is full of identical crates. The ground beneath them shifts with the sound of grinding cement, and now the cache is a shell game. Strange's hands move in concentric circles, constantly shifting the positions of the crates from his vantage point on the ceiling.


     The makeshift quarterstaff is bent out of place after a rapid-fire series of strikes between the heads of two henchmen. Strange tosses it aside, and takes a moment to survey the darkened battlefield. Something hot and angry zips past his leg, tearing a hole in his scrubs and leaving a warm spot of blood. He goes down... then stops, a soft green glow illuminating his hand. A band of congealed time upon his wrist turns in reverse, and Strange stands upright again. Okay, he can't do the wait-and-see approach here.

     "Yeah, that's me," says Strange flatly to Rogers. Good, this is good! He doesn't have to explain anything. The gunfire illuminates his form as he runs along the nearby wall and springs off of it, delivering two consecutive roundhouse kicks to one of Hammerhead's goons on his way down. He lands, and the darkness is again illuminated. This time, it's by a ring of burning orange sparks. A tarnished brass two-finger ring now rests upon his latex-gloved hand, which traces the ring into existence. There's just enough light generated to see the hospital's morgue on the other end. He makes a running beeline for the portal, which winks out behind him.

     Upon reaching the other side, Strange conjures a glowing orb of light to illuminate his surroundings a little further. As evacuees filter in from upstairs, they're greeted to the sight of a former employee waving them towards a ring of burning sparks. It leads as far from here as Strange can muster--and preferably, someplace warm and blizzard-free. "Yes, it's me, yes, I joined a cult, in you go, thank you very much."
Orchid      Orchid was aiming to kill... she'll deal with the trauma of that later. Right now she switches her blaster back to being a shield generator. Having two of them means she can catch the bullets, backing away from the path between the attackers and Captain Rogers. He's being bait? Fine, she'll be the trap. Should they try to follow him to the morgue, she'll make sure they have no where else to retreat, using her spiders to set up barriers.

     As Dr. Strange's magic goes into effect, Orchid nods. "I'll keep this end quiet," she confirms.
Spider-Man     Oryou blasts the tank. The men are cooking inside. It's awful. But Tombstone doesn't intend to let it last long. "Your goal is something you get out of, what? Some rules you blame when it goes wrong?" Tombstone mutters. As Tony slams onto the tank, given his opening by Nova Terra, he finds that cutting a hole in the top is a lot easier than expected. That's because a diamond-hard fist slams the chunk of plating he was cutting up and into his face, and then Tombstone clambers out and tries to beat him silly with the hefty piece of circular metal, or at least shove him away from the tank.

    "A cruise missile. What, the army? Hmh. You think anything lives in this cold? A missile like that would fly into a river, and I'd survive it if it didn't. Out here, out here in the cold there's nothing but power. There's power with responsibility, and power with /everything/ to lose and /nothing/ to fight for." He's trying to use the jagged edge to wreck Tony's faceplate -- as if getting clear data isn't already near-impossible in this blizzard! Then, he's walking /through/ the fire from Oryou while his tank still pushes. The massive man is large enough to bring up a big, beefy hand to try to grab one of Oryou's teeth while she's breathing fire, yank her forward, and strike her with an inhumanly fast and hard upward punch meant to send her stumbling and reeling fast enough to let them roll over her.

    That's when the clamp comes. Whether or not he gets Oryou reeling, he can't get the supertank rolling. "Someone's sabotaging." He looks around. "Has to be near." He draws a massive handgun. "Out of my way." He lets loose with several heavy shots from his handgun at Reyes the moment he sees him. He's gonna break that focus; hopefully it gives Oryou time to think up a fresh approach. Men rush from the side doors, charging the warehouse. Many still trip at the potholes because of the obfuscation of the storm. Those who make it in find his shell game... difficult. These are thugs, not used to cleverness, and Tombstone's underboss who could coordinate them is indisposed in Doctor Strange's relative future. Luckily for them, most of the way to keep the crates out of sight needs Strange to have his own line of sight, and these are men who are just so inclined to open fire on the weird man on the ceiling who may or may not be connected with this. Normally, less of an issue. But duplicated crates may or may not contain duplicated guns. And Tombstone's men are fast on the draw in bringing out even one or two of the heavy Chitauri blasters they can find, and flash-enchanting them to maximize up to massive damage, turning them into superweapons quickly and making conventional anti-firearm magic veeeery difficult.
Ryouma Sakamoto     It probably looks incredibly impressive when Tombstone just yanks Oryou down by one of her long, serpentine teeth and then punches her so hard she slams backwards into the warehouse. Which is... probably not going to do so well after that impact. On the bright side, Tombstone's men might not appreciate the sudden impact of a massive falling snake-dragon-thing, either.

    Ryouma, still in the process of trying to slash treads, glares between his wife and the now angry, rampaging Tombstone. He looks at the hole in the tank that man had to make to get out.

    Huh, well.

    Ryouma leaps onto, and into, the tank.

    Those men that weren't disabled by Oryou's fire meet the pommel of Ryouma's katana, unwilling as he is to callously murder people. His revolver will come out to threaten the "main driver" as it were.

    "Ah, terribly sorry to impose, but might you mind giving me the wheel for a moment?"

    Outside, Oryou rises back up. Tombstone is going for Reyes, but she has no qualms about striking from behind. The serpent crashes and threashes, trying to smash into Tombstone from above, and maybe even make a pass at him with her maw, but with no intent to try to eat him. She's learned by now he's so hard he'd probably go right through and might punch his way out of her stomach or something. That'd be terrible.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa is missed by Hammerhead which works out for her, Hammerhead is making a beeline for Steve Rogers. While he is not of her world he is one a comrade and he's struck a corde about what was good about the idea of Old America. She sees hammerhead but has faith in Captain America to not become paste and she wants to make sure Hammerhead does not get any backup if she can help it. the fighting is pretty tense and then the magic users start using fire in the hospital. This is turning very bad very fast given what a fire could to in a Hospital.

Steve takes the hit from Hammer's head, but the plan is to lure these guys to the morgue, it was a good plan. Get them the heck away from bystanders and limit damage to the hospital. She's glad she's not on her own with this, plan with Orchid and Doctor Strange? She's confident enough that this can be pulled off, she chose to help bait them even as the fires are being lit she decloaks and launches freezer foam grenade in the hope to smother the flames.

"Hey boys, you looking for little old me?!"

She'll cloak again but not before clearly giving signs she's moving or the lower levels or seems to be going hopefully the risk she's taken to direct them in the direction of the trap will help. Maybe it will give the evacuation efforts by Dr. Strange and Orchid more time without being bothered. A thought fills her mind she can have most of her replaced if it comes to it right? Plug and play... though that might not be a very healthy mindset, Kotone is darn well doing her best ot heard the attackers down to the morgue.
Nova Terra     The tank should be thoroughly trashed by this point. Especially if Tombstone himself has chosen to leave it behind and enter the field himself. However, it still might prove useful. To Nova that is. She's not fond of trying to use her own weapon in this weather. Nor is she fond of getting up close to Tombstone after seeing what he did to dragon-Oryou. Thankfully Tombstone's abandonment of the tank and Ryouma's subsequent hijacking of it gives Nova an alternative!

    The turrets that Nova was previously keeping aimed away to provide Tony a path are now redirected. To aim towards Tombstone. Thankfully Nova doesn't need the gunners at their stations to fire, simply pulling the triggers herself with her mind.

    Let's see how Tombstone likes a taste of his own medicine.
Reyes     This is not going the way Reyes imagined it.

    In his mind, the tank would just clamp up, spark and sizzle, and everyone inside would come out with in a panic by now.


    Instead, the first part of that happens. Then he, just floating there, his every erg of focus straining to keep such a monstrously large device under his control.

    And then he's shot at.

    Reyes can't react quickly enough! He takes a direct hit to his forearm. The high-caliber bullet hits like a truck, slamming into his... armor. The outermost layer in fact. The glowing barrier that resembles medieval plate, wrought in digital wireframe. The plane the bullet intersects flares to life with opaque energies, flaring straight from a cool blue to an overload-red and shattering the Armor of Ithan with enough power left over to send Reyes into an 1080 spin, tumbling around in the air and eventually landing flat in the snow.

    Which breaks his hold on the tank. "... crap!"

    He's TIRED after that. He usually can get away with subtler uses of that power, and doesn't have the stamina to go WRECKING BALL with it for long. Suffice to say, as he lands, the backlash leaves him drifting and burbling stupidly while on his back for a good ten seconds.

    But he SLAMS the ground with enough enhanced strength to send himself rocketing back up to his feet and slip-sliding across the ground.

    The Armor of Ithan projection's fizzling and on the verge of failure. Next to go will be his battle armor's structural integrity, and that would expose him to the cold...

    "I've REALLY got to gear up better for these battles. A revolver's not gonna cut it..." And neither is his saber. He needs heavy weaponry. Maybe something more vehicular. Something that can scale up better.

    Reyes begins to chant softly, focusing his will ferociously despite the drain. A pouch on his belt's torn open, and the bulbous net-sprayer he used previously flies up into his grip. As he chants and focuses, the blue energies of spellcasting are focused into the barrel.

    As he stands back up, lightning sizzles and crackles, arcing dangerously in the weapon's barrel. He aims it at Tombstone and his men... and FIRES.

    Forking tines of shocking plasma dance out at lightspeed, breaking the howling blizzard's wind with the *BOOM* of thunder!
Spider-Man     At the VIP, the wary man actually seems to accept this. "Oh." He says, and follows. Thor's booming voice is better than any PA. It doesn't take much to get people out, though they insist at least on taking their winter survival kits. Thor getting everyone out of here is a good idea, though there may be issues coming up soon.

    Namely, the Scorpion reels back down just a little, to sort of scoop Jeanne Alter up onto his tail and give her something to ascend on. "Awful worried about civilians for someone who started that museum fire. Don't tell me you've lost your drive since then." He mutters. "These people don't matter. Only thing that matters is putting how things are back to how they should be. Not letting SHIELD stare us down, keep us like rats." He ascends rapidly. "Men like me aren't prey. We're predators. It's how we ought to be. I shouldn't be under some big illegal fucking /microscope/." He rushes fast into the living room, likely snaking just by the Weiss sub-unit, perhaps out on a balcony. He deposits Jeanne to do as she might, and crawls up along a wall and to one of the doors. His tail flicks out, and gleams red with the last of the poisonous bootleg Eitr on Earth.

    "Come on, Thor. Long time ago, you didn't care so much." He mutters, laughing briefly in a whispery tone. He's hard to track. He finds a side-route through the bathroom and sneaks through it, trying to get into the bedroom to the VIP right before he leaves, and to get the jump on Thor while he's shouting to the people in the building, and alone in the dark... And hammerless, for a moment, to boot. "This is just another realm. Why do you care about the people in power here? Law of men, law of the jungle, they were worth just as much to an Asgardian, eh? But then something happened, you got tame. You made enough compromises with SHIELD that now you'll help 'em even when they deserve /death/ for lookin' down on /you/ and /me/ and /everyone else/ with their 'Insight', staring through all the privacy you want -- even shuffling that /Scepter/ around behind your back. You run with all this 'honor' but you don't have the guts. You get all turned around and confused, and all you can do is hope the codes and the laws will make things right." He leaps fast, tail lashing out, trying to plunge it into Thor's shoulder and pin him with both big claws, hydraulically crushing wrists. "When'd you go from a god to a big, shiny, thunderous /bitch/, Thor?!"
Ritsuka Fujimaru      Jeanne lets out a half-scoff half-laugh when the Scorpion brings up that fire, taking that offered ride both to conserve her energy and so she can retrieve that extra sword on the way up. "Believe what you 'd like. I don't care about any of these fools, but if this SHIELD truly is responsible for such misdeeds as you claim? I'll have no lack of targets to hunt down between them and those drug-peddling mages."

     She may not actually know who this Gargan even is. Perhaps that's for the better, though, as her thoughts are moderately preoccupied. Wasn't that youngster in the red getup involved with all this, too? She hasn't seen him yet, so perhaps not, but if he was...

    It's easier not to think about the what-ifs for now. Once she's left to her own devices, Jeanne realizes that it's still stupidly cold with the blizzard outside. However, being on a roof means she's in a good spot to draw some attention her way. It takes a bit of doing, but another pillar of flame is soon erected on the roof of the building that Thor and the VIP are in.

     Bonus: Fire means heat and light for both visibility and keeping the blizzard from blinding her too much. "Hear me, SHIELD! Your agent shall be judged by my hand tonight! Pray that he is not found wanting!" She calls out to nobody in particular, casting a slow gaze around to see if anyone actually saw or heard any of that before turning to start descending the building proper. The odds of finding whoever it is that Gargan's looking for before he does are pretty low, but she's not exactly the most educated type.

     Her strategy: Going down each floor and shouting "Agent of SHIELD! Show yourself if you value your life!" until someone actually shows themselves.
Tony Stark The way this goes in Tony Stark's head is this:
The magic moment of entirely free action continues and continues and continues, he cuts through the tank's hull with his awesome laserbeam. The team holds together. Everything works, he drops into the tank. Biff! Pow! Socko! He punches Tombstone, smashes the controls, and shuts everything down.

Reality is not that kind to the Iron Man. It rarely ever is.

The half-cut chunk of supertank hull smashes into his front, his cutting arm swinging wildly as the thick piece of metal cracks against his armor and the fizzy 'pop' of the force being ablated on his suit's defense screens. "Gh-I have to give it to you, nothing does live in this cold. Not even you! You can't do this! It won't work!"

Tombstone starts going to town on Iron Man's chest and faceplate - biff! pow! socko! Each hit clanging into the metal and sending the avenger reeling back a few paces atop the heavy APC.
"Boss, if you keep taking a beating like this-"
Stark steadies, the internal HUD flickering. "Clean up the display flicker and give me auxiliary power!" Stark growls, shouldering through the white snow into -- Open air.

Tombstone beat him back and then just left to hunt down other members of the team. Like Doctor Strange.

"Stephen! Friday, find the Doctor."
"Come on, come on..."

Finding anything visually in the mist of snow becomes impossible - but the big chitauri weapons the goons start lugging out light up like a christmas tree. Tombstone's insistence on the Good Old Ways and the beating to his helmet makes the crime boss invisible - but not people swinging around alien super-rifles. Boosting off the tank's hull, Stark seeks in on the chitauri weapons, swinging in with a literally-flying tackle into the knot of goons, breaking into a crouching brake, using his palm repulsors to blast the others. "Strange, if you're here, I need you to handle the tank, Tombstone cracked my optical suite and I can't find him any more! The kid and Nova are fighting him right now."
Thor While Thor is still shaken, as he helps people get them and their winter survival kits out, but soon he returns for the he hears the whisper, and as Gargan says something. Compromises with SHIELD, shuffling the Scepter around? Does SHIELD know where the Scepter is? "What-"

And then Gargan leaps forward in the dark, in the moment where Thor is without his hammer, and moves to pin the big Asgardian with his claws, tail plunging through the broken spot of Thor's armor and managing to pierce his skin, crimson Eitr entering his bloodstream. Thor gasps, and as he's pinned, the Asgardian starts exerting his muscles, using his insane strength to try and throw Scorpion back and up through the ceiling, if he can. "You say SHIELD knows where the Scepter is? How do you know this?" Thor shouts at him, trying to move to find the VIP before anyone else can. "If that is the case, I cannot let you take him. I will find my brother's scepter, even if I must destroy you in the process. I've destroyed scorpions before - my brother once pushed me into a pit of them, and then gnawed and stung at my flesh, and, wooah, is that the Eitr kicking in?" A little woozy already...

Thor dashes at full speed through the building, moving to just straight up find and /grab/ the VIP and try and take him with him. Their destination - preferably down and out the building, smashing through the floor! It's okay, Thor is a superhero, even if he's now drugged with Eitr. And then in the process, Mjolnir also finally returns, so Thor has that going for him.
Spider-Man     Hammerhead's skull is a mess. The heavy uppercut clongs hard the jaw and produces a noise that Captain America will find familiar. It's not just the headplate, this weird man in his old-style gangster suit has a very well-reinforced skull, though the jaw is certainly one of its weaker points. He goes off his feet, and slams into the ground.

    It's enough time for Steve to get the elevator going down. But Hammerhead isn't gonna be stopped like that. Power flickers on just long enough to get started on the way down, but it flickers anew when something loud crashes above. Hammerhead just charged straight into an elevator shaft. He slams through the roof of the elevator clumsily, sending it dropping down half a floor as he falls on his fucking face, until just barely at the underground morgue area. The lights flick off again as the power goes back out, except for emergency lighting just beyond, in the morgue, where half the door might be physically wrenched open through superhuman effort.

    Hammerhead's un-dazing himself and getting back up. Better move to that morgue fast if you want to move this fight, Steve!
Spider-Man     Future Strange manages to get in ahead of Steve, and get the others out. While teleportation inside structures is reliable, dialing out teleportation elsewhere is a bit chaotic. The storm is just throwing /everything/ off. This is mostly to the south, right? Strange can sort of see urban lights in the distance, and it doesn't feel blizzardy, so the civilians flee as fast as they can! Over near the nearest elevator to the morgue, he hears a crash like something just fell down the elevator shaft. The fight's coming to him soon.
Steve Rogers      This is fine.

     Steve's hand might be aching right now, but that's fine. He's hit harder things. Howard once dared him to punch the shield just so he could see how the other guy felt. He'd bet Cap ten bucks that Steve would cry out in pain.

     Steve had bit his own lip and punched that shield as hard as he could, because Steve Rogers doesn't give up without a fight.

     And that's a skill that's come in handy all his life, especially at this moment. The door might be opened with superhuman effort, but Steve doesn't actually want to move him more. They're already where Steve wants them to be - in a tight area where Hammerhead can't really fight with his usual skill, away from the civilians and potential casualties. Hammerhead thought he was pursuing a weak and sick man.

     Unfortunately, a weak and sick Captain America is still Captain America.

     Steve slides under Hammerhead's arm. He brings the stethoscope up around Hammerhead's neck, and in a single move, he ties it, tight, tight enough to cut off Hammerhead's breathing. As Hammerhead undoubtedly swings for him, he ducks under the second fist, grabs Hammerhead's foot, and brings it swinging upwards to smash Hammerhead's hammer head into the elevator. The man's reinforced skull was more than he could fistfight in his condition, but if he deprived the brain of air and kept the impacts coming, Hammerhead would go down in no time at all.

     Then he could, you know, untie the stethoscope and restrain the man.

     It's not like Captain America's a murderer or something.
Spider-Man     Orchid finds it not too difficult. The men are focused on Steve, out for blood, and while a few split off to pursue her with big assault rifles, trying to hunt her, the rest aren't focusing on her spiders, and when they rush into the elevator shaft, climbing down towards Steve, it's easy as anything to just web the passage above them, and to block up the stairs as well after. She'll have to direct them while one or two of the last remaining goons maraud the hallways, blasting anything that moves with enchanted assault rifles and trying to hunt her down to finish the job.
Doctor Strange WAREHOUSE

     Strange... honestly didn't expect them to be that direct. "Ah," he says with mild disappointment as hands reach for guns and mental gears turn. His hands keep moving, which doesn't do anything to allay suspicions that he is, in fact, the Bastard Man. He wrongly assumes this is what Tony was trying to warn him of. This? Guns? Please, he's done guns before. "I was kind of hoping you guys would lean into the shell game--" Some of the crates are in fact real, and the wizard is so busy literally talking down to people that he doesn't notice a couple of thugs striking it lucky.

     Being struck in the chest and knocked clean through the ceiling by an exotic energy weapon quickly changes his focus. "...thing." Lying on his back atop the snow-covered roof, Strange presses a finger to his ear. Stark's voice comes through tinny and intermittently, but he picks up what he needs to. "The tank, got it."

     Frost clings to his cloak and to his heavy, fur-lined robes as he struggles his way through the deeply packed snow on the rooftop. His eyes strain against the blinding field of white, and he searches it for a tank-sized shape. Gloved hands tremble in the cold as he begins to create another portal. Memories of being atop a freezing mountain in much less suitable clothes bubble up, but he quells them. Deep beneath the earth, where only currents of superheated rock move freely, a portal opens. Just above the surface, amidst a snowstorm, magma streams freely out from a similar portal. Strange really hopes what he's dumping magma on is, in fact, the tank.


     As people filter through the portal, Strange turns to face the commotion coming from the elevator shaft. There's an annoyed frown on his face. He steps forward, stomping his foot into the tiled floor. One fist strikes outward, lifted up in a defensive angle. The darker tiles upon the floor mirror this movement, rising up with that familiar grinding sound. The morgue is now even more cramped, full of stone pillars. With a step backwards, Strange pivots, his hands coaxing the pillars into forming a wall.

     The wall parts on either side of the elevator, flanking it. The moment Steve the Elder pushes Hammerhead through, Strange pulls the pillars into a solid, unbroken wall, and uses it to forcibly push the hardheaded criminal into the freezer. The freezer itself might also be rushing to meet him, but Strange wouldn't know anything about that.
Spider-Man     Ryouma manages to lash through several of those heavy tracks. This thing will be lopsided if it can even move. Oryou's actually slammed down on top of two of the men, pinning them nonlethally. The driver actually already has his own revolver loaded and pointed at Ryouma. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck you!" He pulls the trigger, but Ryouma's tactical understanding has foreseen precisely when and where he'll fire a while before he works up the nerve to break the mexican standoff.

    Oryou crushes Tombstone into the snow and the pavement. The man is absolutely demolished into the dirt, now that Oryou can Expand Dragon properly out here. But when she finishes, all she'll find is a small streak of blood from her mighty teeth left in the snow... In /this/ massive damage form, and with the man already wounded from the last encounter, she's managed to deal some actual visible harm. But all it's left is a trail of blood she'll need to trace and track, perhaps enhanced by her presence-sensing. Undoubtedly he'll try to use the cold to his advantage.
Zwei     fzzt. A flash of blueshifted static in the VIP's apartment occurs the moment Gargan launches his ambush on Thor. Pinpointed to the scuffle, dropped into the back of the room and camo matched to the pre-scouted interior, a very strong, very cold hand claps down on the agent's shoulder from behind, and a voice enters his ear as if he'd heard it through headphones.

    <<"So, do you want to go with the crazy burning down the building to get to you, the terrorist gas bomber out to get you as well, the hapless idiot who is getting himself between the both of them, or me? You already know of everyone who would want you dead, Mister 'Insight'. You know how good the Avengers are at 'protecting' people too. What's it going to be?">> Oddly, Weiss doesn't just instantly abscond with the VIP. Even with a poison-drugged and revenge-bent god of thunder charging head on, and the infamous dragon witch coming from above, they save an emergency teleport for the moment if/when he audibly indicates it.

||The inevitable hazards of operating in an environment that is in chaos for already being over operational capacity.||
<<Tombstone's not doing so hot, huh?>>
||Escalation of force at Weiss' location would return very little increase in efficacy. Chaos like this is useful specifically for the reality that flexible and opportunistic response greatly outweighs coordination and numbers.||
<<Fine. Let's diversify the bet.>>

    fzzt. Over the warehouse. Too high up to see the shifting of light approaching faster than c, but not too high for the churning, high pitched roar of combustion to go unheard. Anyone with half a brain should know that no jets are flying in this weather, but white hot light streaks across the sky anyways, like a too-bright shooting star. The thruster scream follows a second after, along with a wash of scalding hot air that clears the snow into so much hot water for all of half a second, and after that, a colossal hailburst of amber-gold fire that starts smashing the entire block like the shrapnel of an incoming meteor.

    Hundreds upon hundreds of molten streaks scatter across the sky and hammer the street with a rippling carpet of explosions, flash vapourizing the ice and snow and leaving a tapestry of cherry red craters in their place. The ground rumbles under the combined volume of the barrage, snapping frozen cargo wires and sending less steady supply stacks tumbling. It then keeps rumbling, and keeps shaking, and the ground keeps exploding, because the hail of blasts keeps going, and going, and going. The concrete starts to turn to literal lava, running together into pyroclastic floes that vent superheated metal vapour as much as snow steam.

    Miraculously, none of it hits the supertank. Or Tombstone. Even when it lands on the warehouse, it doesn't hit any of the cache; not the important parts at least. Everything *else* is stuck choking in an increasingly outrageous amount of sulphur and iron fumes and elemental free hydrogen now causing the air to burn in tiny, spontaneous firebursts. As the ground goes from frozen to outright volcanic, Asche descends to street level, levitating on a dozen miniature pillars of white fire, to a commanding position ahead of the giga tank. ||"Evacuate the area"|| he says, to the ones who always use that line themselves. His voice is part of the firestorm. ||"This zone no longer concerns you. Your hospitalized allies and innocent civilians in the way of no less than three more competing Enhanced terrorists do."||

<<They're damaged, but odds still aren't great on fighting them all.>>
||Ideally unnecessary. Tombstone is their target of interest. If they allow the innocent, or Rogers, to be injured or killed to protect a warehouse out of sheer bloody-minded heroic contrarianism, then that is to my advantage as well, or will be later.||
Orchid      Fine, these goons want to follow her, rather than jump into her nice traps? Orchid will do what she can to keep herself and them near the entrance, doubling back, even taking a few bullets if that's what it takes. The idea is to keep the damage away from the other people in the building. Oh, and if she gets a chance, she'll make sure the magic user isn't moving... Wrapping up in silk, more than finishing off.

     Meanwhile, her other spiders are doing what they can to trap those stuck in the webs,ostly to keep them away from their guns. Orchid doesn't want to kill them, and will settle for unable to shoot any more.
Zwei <<They're damaged, but odds still aren't great on fighting them all.>>
||Ideally unnecessary. Tombstone is their target of interest. If they allow the innocent, or Rogers, to be injured or killed to protect a warehouse out of sheer bloody-minded heroic contrarianism, then that is to my advantage as well, or will be later.||
Spider-Man     Kotone takes the stairs. The siege moves down. Thank /goodness/ she put out that fire too, it was actually getting kind of bad. She's the one who moves to keep things clear in the stairs. It's only her movement that gives her a chance to get people cleared from the stairwell before the attackers charge down. They're following Steve which means following Kotone as his ally, and while they may not be focused on killing the civilians, it's a good idea for Kotone to surge ahead and keep them out of harm's way regardless. She's the one who can get them to Strange's portal before... Well, before the fight breaks out into the morgue, which it does in just a moment.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Plan Park The Tank On Top Of Tombstone is definitely not happening with how roughed up it is. Ryouma'd actually hoped it wouldn't be so bad! That's fine, though. Beating the driver to the punch-- even if a bullet ends up dramatically grazing his cheek-- allows Ryouma to grab the men inside the tank who are still alive, and toss them out of the opening.

    He's not as strong as Oryou, but he's still a Servant. Tossing a couple of bodies out of harm's way before Strange's magma adds to the bodycount shouldn't be a problem.

    Once the tank is vacated, Ryouma exits last, probably entirely too narrowly to avoid being burnt to a crisp himself!

    Oryou, for her part, still has the taste of her own blood in her mouth from that punch. She's unhappy. She's VERY unhappy. She's not letting go of Tombstone, but she does lack the means to track him through traditional... well, tracking.

    Instead, she's counting on her size and her speed.

    The massive serpent, as large as she is, can cover an incredible area with her body, and can slither and thrash with unforgiving speed and strength. A few drops of blood give her a good enough idea of where to slam down, where to keep going, and all she has to do is look for resistance. Look for the rock she can't break amidst the snowy streets, and slam him back towards his tank.

    Flames and shadows trying to fight off the blizzard helps, too. At least in Oryou's immediate presence.

Spider-Man     Nova Terra blasts at Tombstone, but it's getting harder and harder. She has to be close to the turrets to see them, and Tombstone manages to dynamically sort of handspring up onto his feet and rush away from Oryou. He's headed back for the tank, but even his seemingly invulnerable form is driven back by the heavy autocannon concentrated fire. He dashes back, disappearing into the cold, vanishing as much as he can from the range of the guns. Tombstone himself seems impervious to the cold's effects, despite much of his clothing having been burned off. "You've got bigger problems than the big man of crime." He mutters as he tries to vanish and quickly make his way to the warehouse to escape her.
Spider-Man     Now, Reyes mostly has to deal with the men at the warehouse opening. They're trying their best to invade and escape. Somehow, Tombstone's gotten incredibly hard to track in the cold. But Reyes can at least take down some of the men. A few of them have emerged with some alien weaponry, and wind up running right into a lightning net. Several go down, but one tosses the cannon to one side. It lands in pale, albino hands.

    "Stay down next time." The heavy cannon blasts Reyes with a combination of magic, high technology, and pure Maggia ruthlessness, trying to take him down so Tombstone's men can be recovered. He intends to /take/ those weapons.
Kotone Yamakawa The fire is smothered by the freezer foam and she's glad of it, the fire could have been some serious problems for the hospital. With that out of the way she's still going and is moving to the stairs, she will act to keep the stairs she will speak up when she runs into people hell she'll drop cloak if she needs to help guide them to the portals.

"I'm here to help I'm with the Paladins."

She'll keep moving she'll lead them and if it comes to it? Kotone will be a living shield for the people as she moves to get them to the portals.

"Let's go here to the portal it will get you the hell out of here."

She debates dropping turret drones but that does not seem to be a good idea given her options she may need to look into some alterations to her drones. For now, she keeps moving always watching back as she gets to the portal and gets the stragglers she's found the heck out. Also if needed she can carry a person or two if it's required as well.
Spider-Man     "The drugmen are the SHIELD men." Gargan had a brief moment to explain to Jeanne. "They're all the same. The pushers poison us, chica."

    The man is surprisingly already there when Jeanne descends. He's got some kind of advanced SHIELD rappeling kit and he's trying to go over the balcony. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He mutters, trying to fix onto the thing. "Augh!!" He responds in terror to Jeanne's sudden presence. He leaps over the edge, trying to evade her, recognizing her from elsewhere and knowing her dangerous nature. And yet, as he descends, a hand lashes out and snags him. Thor's hand has grabbed him on the way out, and they're smashing hard through the floors, crashing wildly to the ground from the sound of it. A massive explosion from the ground floor can be heard alongside that though, and a grim mist begins to spread.

    Just as Jeanne suspected, a distant crimson figure can be seen, though he can't see her through the blizzard yet.
Spider-Man     With Reyes at least trying to handle the outside goons, Tony Stark's best sight is on the indoor goons. He slams into one of them before they can get a shot off, and another only barely manages to nick him with a heavy Chitauri melee weapon. It's a third that tries to flash-enchant the staff he has and smash Tony over the back with it, but he goes flying with a repulsor blast.

    "Are you so obsessed with the legacy of your name that you'd let the same sin fall on your shoulders as before, as long as it doesn't have your /signature/?" Tombstone's voice can be heard. Did he get in here while Tony was fighting? So much snow is getting through the warehouse wall that it's hard to say. "If I take these, they never get fired. The greatest kind of weapon. But with these in circulation, out of my hands? They'll be fired only once."

    "How did you get here? From where you were at the top of the world, down to this underworld, left in the cold?" There's a pause. "It must have been an informant. I only know a few who would go to... /you/ people." There's a quiet... "They call me Tombstone because that's all that's left of the people who cross me." A deep and implicit threat: He intends to kill Aaron Davis. Assuming he isn't bluffing.

    There's only a moment where Tony might see the albino monster of a man breaking for the opening to the outside, with a blaster over one shoulder and a crate under one arm like a football, one of several that Tony can find in there. He's getting out as fast as he can. Was it enough for him? Probably not. But he might be headed somewhere besides the warehouse shortly. Sadly, his men won't; there's still a few trying to sort out an escape with some of that gear!
Reyes     The barrage of firepower being aimed at Reyes is more than his magical shield can take. The Armor of Ithan collapses as he's rattled by shot after shot and bowled backwards, and an entire bus of glowing arcane circuitry on Reyes's armor sputters out with it.

    Judging by the way he maneuvers - a bit clumsily - he's really not used to being forced to the ground and having to use proper legwork, instead of just zipping around in the air.

    "You... seem to be misunderstanding something here." He chokes out, as Asche storms in and turns the area into a volcanic hellhole.

    That's a problem, going so suddenly from insane cold to INSANE HEAT. His environmental systems start screaming warnings on his HUD, and he's forced to engage another magical systems to comensate for the thermal shock. Still, he clambers to his feet, and his flight unit sputters to life again. Carries him aloft by a few feet, which is MUCH EASIER now that Asche has temporarily blown away all the snow and ice. The blizzard is temporarily at bay... and the skies are a little clearer. Even if that ionly is so for a minute, it's something!

    The Warehouse wituation with Asche is a hell of a mess. Many things are discussed rapidly over the radio Reyes is mentally connected to.

    But for some reason, in a clearly new-to-this fashion he sees fit to point out to Tombstone, "I haven't been using the REAL GUNS here because I'm TRYING to bring you down ALIVE. But if you keep pressing... I -can't- let you walk off with this stuff. I'm good with machines, but fixing people after they're broken in half takes more miracles than I've got man... and you haven't seen what my weapons can REALLY DO."

    Fully rising to his feet, Reyes calls out to his multi-lensed Techno-Wizard Saber. It flies from a pouch and into his hand at the same time that three new magic circuit buses light up across his armor, sizzling with a building storm of energy. Surges of renewed strength and speed-bolstering energies flood his battle armor, and his flight pack's thrusters pulse with increased output.

    Then the saber's lenses revolve. A turquoise locks into palce over a deep red ruby, and blue energies storm through the lenses... and out rushes...

    A roaring, twisting serpent of orange-white flame erupts like an eastern dragon awakening from its long slumber inside a volcano. The streaming flames swiftly calm down through, constrained into the shape of a flaming scimitar. Waves of heat that might just be WORSE than firestorm everyone's currently living in roll off of it.

    Reyes points this blazing weapon straight at Tombstone. "You ready to lose an arm? Maybe a leg? Maybe your head? Think your fancy weapons can get through my armor before my sword cuts you in half? Your gamble, man."
Nova Terra     Tombstone moves out of visual range, making it hard for Nova to aim with the turrets she has under her influence. Eventually she stops firing, seeing nothing but snow now. She releases her hold on the turrets and moves a hand to hold her head at the headache forming.

    Unfortunately, things aren't quite over just yet.

    Gunfire begins to rain down on the street and around the warehouse from an unknown source. As it starts to sweep towards her Nova is forced to dive into the warehouse proper to take cover. She rolls over to a pillar and rises up to press herself against it, looking outside at the sheer madness as the street is turned from a freezing hazard into a melting hazard. Even as her suit is quickly adapting to the rapid temperature change, Nova's mouth is hanging open just a little in shock. What the hell was that?

    Risking potential harm of falling into a newly formed pool of lava or two, Nova slowly makes her way outside. It's not hard to spot the culprit at this point, hovering above the newly redecorated former-street. The more that this one speaks, the more it pisses Nova off. The effor they put into fighting against Tombstone and his cronies and this one just suddenly shows up, demanding their retreat while talking down to them? Nova has half a mind to take her rifle out and shoot Asche.

    The other, more logical part wins out though. Tombstone is making a run for it and Nova's not the type to chase. Not into the snowstorm, with Tombstone expecting it. And being pissed off isn't enough of a good reason to take Asche on... Not unless the others were too. So Nova leaves it up to the locals.

    But Nova isn't budging from her position, volcanic atmosphere or not. Eyes hidden behind her visor keeping a close eye on the floating machine, ready to react if necessary.
Ritsuka Fujimaru      With Gargan's words in mind, Jeanne has the unique opportunity to watch someone fling himself off a balcony. Fancy that. "Now /why/ would someone be so afraid just looking at me, I wonder? Is it a guilty conscience? Or does my reputation precede me that much already?" A smug grin crosses her face as she steps towards the railing, moving at a rather leisurely pace even with the growing din outside. She doesn't quite recognize Asche, and the fact that Thor grabs the SHIELD man followed by crashing through several stories draws a raised brow from the Servant.

     "... Are you mocking me?" They had to be overreacting. She's seen Thor in action before. Hell, she's seeing him in action right now (poison notwithstanding) plowing right through architecture no problem!

     Only one thing to do, then. After leaping down the holes that Thor's left in his wake, Jeanne chases after the pair (possibly Gargan if he pursues them as well) without having to worry about things like carrying someone else or being poisoned.

     "SHIELD agent! Thor! Why do you flee? Is it because of me? Or is this person as guilty as Gargan claims?" On the plus side, she hasn't tried stabbing anyone yet! She does have her sword drawn with that flaming banner trailing behind her, however, and Jeanne does look all too ready to stab /somebody/.

     It's just not clear who yet.
Spider-Man     What /is/ in there? Between the smoke and the snow? The whole place is obfuscated in a blast that Tombstone uses to escape. He's fine with hiking through lava, why is he /fine hiking through spots of lava/ actually? But he takes off as fast as he can. He's going to be headed for Reyes. But, at least, he seems to have accepted Zwei's demand in a way. If Zwei intends to put them up for purchase, fine. Tombstone takes one weapon, and one special crate in particular, and books it out of there, though he leaves his men to do their best to complete the raid... Even if it's terribly difficult to do so now.

    Elsewhere, Zwei is also trying to convince someone to escape with her. "Wh--!! Where is that voice?!" He's a little incoherent with fear, but it's enough for Weiss to be able to brainscan him. 'Insight' provokes recognition, so yes, this is a man connected with SHIELD's Project Insight. The issue with the Avengers provokes fear, so yes, he's part of the cartel too. He doesn't meaningfully know who he'd be being taken with, though it seems to be an option on his mind, though a confused one. She may be able to extract some part of the information from him without taking him, but only if she can keep up with Thor's mad charge to escape with the VIP, which would mean the difficulty of tracking them both through snow and explosions and energy blasts and other interference.
Tony Stark Tony wasn't great at triage. When medicine started happening, he was no Stephen Strange. He was good with his hands, but not good with people. They weren't like machines. Machines were problems to be solved. Tony thought in problems to be solved. Like a checklist in his mind.

Lifting up a goon and tossing them into an empty storage rack, Iron Man's earpiece goes crazy in a fizzling hail of voices, of needs.

Zwei offers a choice of things. A numerosity of concerns, and a threat.

"Friday, find me the biggest energy source in the area."
"Displaying vector. What's the plan?"
"Lock flight-assist to three hundred meter range and display."
"Defining area now."
Everything was awful. The flickering HUD inside the suit processed his commands as he pops the faceplate on his suit, using his eyes to take stock of the warehouse - and the contents of the containers. "This stuff..."

His helmet clicks back closed, with Friday's voice adding 'Tracking complete, boss.'. "... Isn't worth lives."

It's around that time Tombstone starts shouting at him. Complicating things. Rolling his eyes despite the life-or-death situation as the Natural-Disaster-With-An-Ego declares she can wipe out most of the surroundings on a dare, Tony exhales a tired, frustrated breath.

"Cancel all that. I don't know but they want with the warehouse, but right now, it's rather far down there on my list."

"Fired only once? Hear that somewhere recently? The Summer 2008 line of tactical superiority missiles was invite only, if I remember! The legacy isn't my name on the box, you madman, I'll never get over that. I lived with that near and dear to my heart for years. And now? It doesn't hurt me any more. Maybe get better lines off something more recent than a seventies crackerjack box."

"Any tiiiime now Friday?"
"Highlighting source - best guess!"
"I'll take best guess!"

Shrugging off interception fire - or, more realistically, flying through a withering and battering hail of damage, the whole doorframe behind the fleeing Tombstone explodes in the white and gold of Stark's battered arctic warfare armor. "You just couldn't run away into the night. You wanna know something about the old ways, Tombstone?"

Aiming both arms, forearm interlockitors disengaging to reveal shiny metal U's. "Sometimes, kids have the best ideas."

Quip delivered, Iron Man fires a barrage of magnetic clamps and cuffs against Tombstone's arms and legs, in a strikingly similar pattern to the last time they met, where Spider-Man had went for his ankles and swung the battle back in the Avenger's favor.
Doctor Strange WAREHOUSE

     "No thanks! I'm a multitasker," calls Strange to Asche from atop the roof. He has to shout to be heard over the blizzard, even when Asche vaporizes the snow. After a prolongued discussion over the radio, he cuts the portal. With the temporary lack of snow providing better visibility, he leaps off of the roof, turning nimbly in the air as his descent is slowed by the Cloak of Levitation. He touches gently down and immediately contradicts Asche further. "We've got..." He looks upwards, taking a mental inventory. "Mmmmost of that stuff handled."

     "Reyes..." Strange shakes his head, giving the armored crusader a disappointed frown. "That's not you," he says of the attempt to intimidate by force. The chastisement is gentle, but firm. It is also brief, as Strange turns his attention back to Asche.

     "Tell you what. Take him," rumbles the gravelly sorcerer with a gesture towards the fleeing criminal. "Take whatever toys're left." He spreads his arms wide in a generous gesture, smiling. "You've beaten us at our superhero game." Strange turns to face Stark, next, making a general announcement with his arms once more spread wide.

     "Come on, everyone, with our better natures used against us, we have no choice but to retreat to our... secret hideout and..." He flicks his wrists. "Wistfully bemoan this obstructive, yet noble morality we serve." He pulls his cape so that it loudly flutters as he passes Asche--only for Stark to go chasing after Tombstone.

     "...okay, got it, moratorium on wistful bemoaning." He grimaces slightly and tugs at the collar of his robes. "I'm... still gonna do that, so... bye..." Strange vanishes in a portal. Or so it would seem. High in the air above Asche and Tombstone, his astral form spies on the weapons caches, intending to follow them.
Spider-Man     Thor loses track of the man for a moment as he tries to escape out the window. This is the least of his problems. Gargan is the most of them. The Scorpion tries to pin him down, but he can only do it for so long before he gets slammed through the ceiling. His skittering and scuttling can be heard only a short while after the dazed man recovers, pursing Thor relentlessly throughout the building. Down an elevator shaft, until he wrenches it open and chases. But Thor yanks the rappeling SHIELD man and moves, and with that, the enraged Gargan clicks a detonator dramatically. The lower area blasts with a burst of heat, pressure, and dangerous gasses.

    "You think SHIELD doesn't know? You think an Avenger hands the Scepter off to them and then -- what -- it just disappears? They lost it in the luggage? They know exactly what they're doing. And what everyone else is doing. Not even my scavenger freind could get ahold of it. But, heheh, he got ahold of proof enough to me that they're full of shit and they're the ones who have it!"

    Gas below. Storm above. Scorpion behind. Poison inside. Oh no, oh no... But here comes a man in blue and crimson, albeit with a bit more of a parka right now. "Thor! Mister Odison, do you need help with him?!" Spider-Man is here! Here to try to help, as best he can, landing across the street at one of the opposite buildings. Looks like he went where the explosions were riskiest to the citizens, as if by instinct. But he hasn't noticed the Scorpion or Jeanne yet, who pursue Thor further. This event is going to get messy.

    The storm thickens. It's hard to see even across the street now. Spider-Man swings into action, as hopeful as he can get, already at work on pulling civilians out of the reach of the cloud and up to Thor's evac point, but that puts him in a vulnerable position.
Zwei     Indeed a whole lot of stuff happens over the radio. It actually happens directly between Asche and those around; no Weiss smoothing it over and presenting the facts nicely. It's a statement of non-contest. The facts are the facts are the facts.

    ||"Tombstone is not my objective, Doctor."|| says Asche, distressingly audible over his jets. ||"Your profile leads me to believe that you are intelligent enough to realize that crates of alien weapons contraband are a negligible increase to my capacity to threaten this city, should I so choose, compared to what they mean to the Maggias and Scorpios. It would also lead me to believe that you should be confident in your ability to handle them."||

    ||"Allow me to be extremely clear, then. What I believe about you is also irrelevant. For you to win this day, you must defeat Hammerhead, Tombstone, Scorpion, their associated gangs, confiscate their Stark technology, the remaining Eitr, prevent any further restricted technology from falling into their hands, make progress into disabling the storm, and preserve the lives of your allies. All it takes for you to lose is for mass harm to come to civilians on your watch. Conversely, my win condition is that I leave here with what is in that warehouse, and I only consider a loss if I do not."||

    ||"You do not have to fight me to win. I very much certainly do not have to fight you to make certain that you lose. These are objective facts. 'Outsmarting' one another changes nothing, and you are not one suited to opine on arrogance."||

    Considering none of them jump in the way though, apparently at Tony's urging, he finally lands, putting multiple tons of weight on excessively molten ground, but striding through it anyways, walking straight through the doors and scooping up palettes by the lifting wires. He also, pretty pointedly, does nothing about Tombstone's mooks. They can scurry around his knees all they like, but he's basically left them to their own devices. 'A fair contest', he'd called it. Tombstone, Gargand, and the Avengers, having the next little while to themselves to clinch out a victory one way or the other.

    To top it off, once a sufficient quantity of specific crates have been rescued from molten metal, he adds: ||"Your sense is appreciated, Stark. For good or ill, your organization would not likely still exist without it. Some other time, an opportunity to speak at length, without requiring a gun to the head of New York to keep other voices down, would be ideal. I will consider us even, for the property your followers destroyed last time."|| before being out of there.

<<Just like that?>>
||Let it be.||
<<Should have just lied to them. They don't like the truth. It clashes with the narrative. Makes them feel put upon.>>
||Let it be.||
<<Oh whatever. Means I can leave this dumb stiff for the Scorpion and the musclehead. The list is legit. Project Insight matches all markers.>>
Spider-Man     Tony goes after Tombstone. Good idea, firing those cuffs. It gets Tony a moment to see something relevant. He latches them onto the man, and he goes down. Blaster still over one shoulder, he drops the box hard, and one side crashes open. It doesn't have to be open for long for Tony to see something terrible and surprising. Inside the crate is something unexpected. Not salvage chitauri guns, not weird old WW2-era HYDRA tech, not chunks off of Hammer drones, but a matte SHIELD-emblazoned box, labeled with two concerning things: "Project Pegasus", and a nuclear hazard logo.

    "Children raise men like us up, and inspire us to be better." Tombstone says. "I don't plan on having that cartel threaten the people I care for much longer." His muscles bulge, and he tears through the cuffs hard, grabbing up his blaster and the case, and absconding as fast as he can. Reyes is the one he meets. He charges the man hard. "I am more than ready to sacrifice for my ambition, tin man." He rushes Reyes head-on with multiple heavy shots, followed by a massive overhead swing to try to crush the visor of the man's armor and make it harder for him to track. If Reyes goes for a hit, with intensity that high, he's likely to land it on the torso and finally break skin at that intensity, sinking inches below the surface of the flesh and drawing a much less insignificant wound now than before. semi-cauterized quick but bleeding. He trails blood on the snow into the dark. It's a trail Oryou follows. He gets a bit too far for her to smash him towards the truck, but instead he gets smashed into the ground, tries to escape, gets some small distance, and she can find him again. But he doesn't stop. She'll be /chasing/ him through the dark and the storm like that, a constant haunting hunter if she so chooses.

    This might make problems for Ryouma though. Now he has free access to the tank. And let's be honest, the tank isn't /that/ beat up. If Reyes can get it un-lopsided fast, Ryouma can hop in and hijack it. It'd be terribly, terribly useful for hunting down Tombstone... But it might be terribly, terribly useful for fighting Zwei, or for hunting down Scorpion. It's one of the only true mobility options the group has to allow them to shift their focus in this storm, with so many plates spinning. What will he choose to do with it?

    Several men are going for it. Doctor Strange, for his part, will probably want to move that to one side, but his plan isn't exactly mutually exclusive with Ryouma's, because that tank still could be used to pin Tombstone. The magma, on the other hand, is /fantastic/ for rapid-cooling stone formations, which are likely to box in the criminals quite effectively, and keep them from interfering, though that means their blasts are still an issue in the ways they often are. Zwei will have to deal with them as well, and these aren't little shots.
Spider-Man     Steve deftly manages to slam them man hard into the elevator door. He crashes back and forth. A poisoned, disoriented Captain America on his back and a windpipe being slowly squeezed makes Hammerhead rock back and forth in the elevator, and after several false starts, the man basically slams his way headfirst out of the shaft, through a portion of the Morgue ceiling, and square into the ground, before turning and immediately trying to smash Captain America against one of the tables. "Fuck!"

    He still haas some oxygen left in him. The lights flicker weirdly now, and make the ensuing combat strange and surreal. The last of the employees manages to dash their way through with Kotone's help before Hammerhead tries to slam himself and Captain America both directly into Doctor Strange, before the maneuver with the pillars crashes into his body, trying to slam him towards the freezer. He gets close, though not too close, to crashing through the opposite wall entirely. Jesus, what a nightmare. He's starting to run out of oxygen, passing out on the ground.

    There's some more goons who remain. They burst out of the elevator shaft and the stairs nearly simultaneously, guns blazing. If they want to secure Hammerhead, it's going to take Strange and Kotone holding off these guys from their two most crucial VIPs! Hopefully less guns-blazing that Orchid's hunters, who continue to haunt her. They start patrols, trying to keep her from getting downstairs, but also trying to keep her from getting out of the entrance. One of them is listening to something on their radio... Something concerning. It makes him grit his teeth hard, viciously. It'd be a good idea for Orchid to snag away that radio, to do her support thing, but she's gotta break up this dynamic duo and take them down to do it.
Reyes     With Doctor Strange zooming past and saying that, Reyes is briefly troubled trying to parse that. ... Is he going too far with this? But he did it, so how isn't it him?

    Sometimes it sucks having a head that likes to analyze everything at the least appropriate times. He relaxes the tension just a bit though, head cooling despite the blaze he's holding and hovering over. But then... with Tombstone storming out in this HELLISH ENVIRONMENT and tromping through HALF-MOLTEN ASPHALT like it's nothing, Reyes finally notices how screwy that is.

    AFter all, HE'S wearing environmental battle armor to deal with this. Tombstone isn't...

    "... Wait, how are you just--"

    NOPE. NO WAITING. Reyes is rushed, and the blow strikes him with far greater speed and force than he could've ever expected to come out of some random guy who got his hands on cool guns. The impact with his helmet's probably going to HURT.. orr it would for normal people. That's hardened ceramic of the highest quality. A TANK's MAIN CANNON would have a hard time getting through it... but this is a multitude of shots. Reyes moves with freakish speed himself though, the magic he's wielding heightening his perceptions. His weightless blade dances back and forth, catching and vaportizing half of the shorts... but that's it. Then he's CLOBBERED, and his grip on the blade turns into a flail as his visor's crunched. Reyes staggers back, childishly flailing the blade in hopes it'll keep Tombstone away...

    And with a muffled swear, he's forced to ditch the helmet. It turns to floating near him uselessly, instead of being completely discarded.

    Reyes coughs and grabs at his throat, immediately half-choking on the incredibly inhospitable air. It's slowly burning his lungs with every breath...

    "Then DON'T... you're on the wrong side of this fight. We're here to straighten things out in this city. HELP OUT instead of make more work for us!"

    Something tells him though, as his vision clears and he gets a good look at what little serious damage he actually inflicted - with a blade that can cleave ordinary people in half with zero effort, in theory - that he's outmatched. His opponent is a complete unknown and his convictions unwavering.

    But since Tombstone doesn't stop, Reyes just stands there for a few precious seconds, trying to figure out what to DO.

    Then he decides, and his flight pack cracnks into action as he tucks away the saber. He goes swooping PAST Tombstone.

    If he can't stop the man personally, maybe he can deprive him of resources. There's still that tank, after all. It's looking mighty appreciable now that his helmet's crunched.

    Just gotta get it out of those potholes somehow. And fast.

    He's already muttering the chant for the Fulcrum spell as he swoops towards it!
Orchid      Orchid has some advantages here. Because they are inside, the radio isn't being degraded as much as it might be outside. Thus, she can nearly completely see through her spiders, and thus knows where the goons are much better than they know where she is. Splitting up with constrain her movements, but will mean they aren't watching each other's backs. And, if one is talking on the radio, he's more open to certain tricks. Tricks that may seen more juvenile, but it often works.

     In short, she flings a spider at his face. A spider that is just so excited to give him a hug, while she dashes in to grab the radio itself. She's also bringing some of her spiders, to web the guy to the wall. Dash boots for the win.