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Owner Pose
Penelope Vasquez     One of several doors within the Cafe open- and out steps one Penelope Vasquez. Through the open door is briefly visible heavy rain, an orange, smoggy sky- before it's closed shut. The woman herself was obviously caught in the downpour, and is both visibly soggy and grumpy, as she tries to strain some moisture from her hair. She gives up, eventually. Her lips aren't moving, but her voice crackles out of whatever Orchid uses for communication through the multiverse. "I'm here. I think. Who'm I looking for?"
Orchid      The crackling happens over at the main bar, where Orchid is listening to an earpiece. "I'm here too, purple armor, black hair, sitting at the bar," the reploid replies. She's holding one finger to that ear, in a classic pose, except for the missing finger. That's likely the white thing in the plastic ziplock bag on the bar.
Penelope Vasquez     A perk up- an adjustment of her coat, which seems to have slicked the water like from a duck's back. Penelope spots the Reploid at the bar, smiling thinly but somewhat genuinely as she steps closer, looking them over. No visible armaments, that is indeed a finger missing- oh, it's on the bartop. A small little self-nod.

    The monochromatic woman steps onto the stool beside Orchid, settling in for a moment before speaking. She picks up the little baggy as she speaks, examining the digit inside. "Heya. Penny. You can just... pop them off, like that?"
Orchid      "Penny? Orchid," the robot replies. "And there are a few screws I need to undo in my palm, a few tubes to plug, but yes. Modular parts aren't anywhere as useful if you can't remove the broken ones." She gestures to the finger. "It'll take me a little while to make a new finger, but that's not much harder than making a new spider." The weapons, which she hates to have on her, are also hidden in the modular tool system. At least sitting down the height difference isn't as overwhelming.
Penelope Vasquez     "Spider?" Penelope asks, pocketing the baggied finger like it's a far more mundane item. As she does, she pulls a little tablet from a pocket... somewhere, inside her black coat. She swipes at it as a tiny speaker plays a tinny sound arguably like paper folding, eventually coming up on... a shopping list. A very odd one. The taller woman makes no effort to hide the thing as she draws a finger across an item, marking it out. It is a distinctly odd list, eying a few of the items- a pickled nightmare? The ashes of a lost passion? Six pages from a book? But the device is flicked off just as quickly, before any more can be spotted. "I think I thought I remembered you mentioning them. You... make spiders?" It's accompanied by a glance back up, brow raising in earnest curiosity.
Orchid      "Spider!" Orchid says, pulling one out of a hidden hatch in her armor. It's a robot spider. "I use them for recon, but they can't hold up to much." she turns her head, trying to get a better look at the shopping list. "That is... some weird stuff. Anyway, the spiders can't take much damage, so I have to replace them, but they're easy enough to build. They also help spin webs, which has had a lot more use than I expected."
Penelope Vasquez     "...spider." Penelope repeats, with some small interest. "Recon drones. Neat." She doesn't sound all too impressed, honestly, but that's the polite thing to say. The tablet is slid back into her pocket, and Penelope extends a gloved hand, nodding gently. "Well- guess that's the whole business, yeah? Nice to meet you. Easy, clean. Didn't even have to cut the finger off myself." A glance back down, eyes magnetized to the fingerless hand. "'d you say you damaged it in the first place? Flipping someone off?"
Orchid     Recon is one of Orchid's big things. "Oh, I had been fired out of a revolver-cannon owned and operated by pizza cats so I could get to a monster attack in time, and I colided with one of the flying monsters, flipping the bird end over end." beat "You know, now that I say it out loud..."
Penelope Vasquez     "...yyyyyeah. Now that I hear it." She lets the rest of the sentence hang, not finishing it. She stares at the robot for a few moments post ridiculous explanation, before just rising, coughing quietly. "...anyway. Yeah. I'll contact you if it works, don't worry. Thanks for the help." With that, she's making her way to the door again. Just when she was starting to dry out, what a shame.
Orchid      "Good luck!" Orchid says as Penny leaves. She has stuff to do, but she'll probably check out the bar for a while first.