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Carna     Mairead Sandilands had a very unusual dream recently. Or, at least, it would be unusual for most people. What her usual dreams are like might allow for such bizarre and horrifying landscapes of death and desolation, of being alone in an apocalypse dominated by a great stone wheel, grinding over the remains of human civilization forever. Or maybe not. Only she would know that. What IS clear, however, is that the feeling of some mammoth edifice of death and destruction, of the end of everything, has not ceased upon waking. That sensation of approaching doom is, if anything growing stronger. It might be enough that, as she prepares to settle down for the night, she might wonder if it is safe to go back to sleep.
Mairead Sandilands     Mairead Sandilands was sitting on the edge of her bed in her nightgown and looking at the empty bed in her room and out the window. As she glanced out the window, she thought to hefself on the dream she kept on having. From what she knew, dreams were to be different each night, but for some reason, this was a reoccuring dream.

    "What is up with that dream?" she has been asking herself all day. Yawning, she removed her robe and got into bed, after saying her nightly prayer and covered up. Pressing a button, the lights turned off and she laid her head back onto her pillow. "I am not going to be scared...I have nothing to fear, but fear itself." and she closes her eyes.
Carna     The moment she closes her eyes, she is sitting there by the tiny burning tower or whatever it was. A bonfire, a shrine... Something that burns and burns, without giving off heat. And the wheel is already there. "Greetings." a voice says. It fits the wheel. It SOUNDS like a giant wheel grinding over skulls, even if the wheel itself is presently stationary. "I have a request to make of you."
Mairead Sandilands     Looking, Mairead blinks, "Not again, she states as she turns and steps back. Thinking, she begins to summon her Scottish Broadsword and .... Nothing. Looking, she blinks as she looks at her hand. "Who....who are you?" She asks as she take a step back towards the fire that does not give off heat as she looks at the wheel.

    "Where am i?" she also asks.
Carna     "For now, you may call me Luc. As for where you are: a dream. Or something less ambiguous. That is not really what you should be asking right now, however. What you should be asking is, 'Though I am asleep, can this Luc character actually kill me?' To which the answer is, 'Do as I request, and you won't have to find out.'" As if to make the threat even more obvious, the wheel grinds forwards a few more feet, making more of the dry skulls that compose the ground all around Mairead pop like dusty boils. "Would you like to hear my request now? I am certain you would like to get on with whatever insipid dreams you normally have, and I would like to move on with my grinding and destroying and what-not."
Mairead Sandilands     Stepping back again, Mairead looks and stops as she think . o 0 (Clota, wish yea were here...) Looking at the skulls she looks at the wheel and around the area. "What ye have to say?" she asks as she stands there.
Carna     As Mairead asks her question, the Luc-wheel acts as though it were her idea to ask instead of its own suggestion. "Ah, so glad you asked. You see, I was made to destroy everything. I was meant to be a weapon that would overcome all foes, and fight on to the end, no matter how long that was, and even when there was no end left to speak of. I am the very real embodiment of apocalypse and war, and I bring them with me wherever I go. However..." The wheel rolls backwards a few feet, giving Mairead some more space.

    "I tire of it. There is something else I want. And if you wish to prevent this future you see before you from coming to fruition, you will assist me with obtaining it. In exchange, those you care about, and your world, will be spared the fate of being crushed by me, and you will save countless others from destruction caused by one who does not wish to destroy them. Right now, there are beings trying to bring about my fate of destroying everything. Stop them. Do not allow any Power to gain total control over Lumiere. Not Purity, not Corruption, and not Balance either. You must keep them all jumbled, all jockeying for position, all competing against each other, so that Elites like yourself can upset all of their plans while they are distracted."
Mairead Sandilands     Mairead looks at Luc, the wheel, Luc Wheel... Yea, she looks at the "Luc Wheel" and listens... "Yea want me to stand by and do nothing, just keep things as they are? And if not, ye are going to destroy my world? Ye know that my world is part of the Multiverse right?"

    Thinking, she looks. "And if the good guys win, how would that effect you rather or not if they won?"
Carna     The Luc-wheel is silent for a moment. Then it says, "You are not as bright as I had hoped you would be. I am asking you to do the opposite. I am requesting that you join efforts with those already working to prevent the various Powers at work in Lumiere from succeeding. These Powers are even now attempting to recruit more to their causes, towards their ends, and to manipulate those already involved. At least one such Power wishes to use me as the weapon I was made to be, to destroy everything. Your world being part of the Multiverse is, indeed, the very point I am making. If you do not prevent these forces from succeeding, you, your world, and EVERYONE will die for it."

    The impression of being scrutinized, looked upon carefully by eyes that aren't actually there, intensifies. "Do you understand now? I am trying to make sure the 'good guys', as you call them, succeed, without their success also handing victory to one of these beings that would turn their success to ashes. Help them. Help these 'good guys'. Do not allow their efforts to be twisted to the purposes of alien entities who care not for mortal life at all. If you, and they, succeed, then I will be freed from this wheel of destiny at last. I will be able to choose to be something other than a weapon." The wheel begins to roll away, deafeningly, receding into the distance as its massive bulk covers great spans of bone-sea quickly. "You are a hero, aren't you? I am requesting that you act like one! The alternative is that I will not have a choice about who I crush."

    The dream-state seems to be fading, or at least the vivid real-feeling experience that had supplanted Mairead's normal dreams. She might either wake upe or slip into a usual dream cycle any moment now.
Mairead Sandilands     As the "Luc-Wheel" roles away, Mairead looks and raises a hand, "Wait..." she starts and begins to chase after it. As she stops, the wheel is gone and she blinks. "I'll help," she says. "Just resist those that try to control you," she adds as she looks around and sits in the field of skulls and closes her eyes. "Lord, please help me...

    Like a bolt, Mairead sits up in bed, with a freighten look on her face. She gets out of bed and puts on her robe and turns on her room light. She looks out her window and sees the IS Academy and sits in a chair. "Whats going on..." she ask herself and no one.