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Staren     With a /giant freaking wolf/ coming to take them away, Staren protests, "Woah, woahwoahWOAHWOAHWOAH! We gotta deal with the disease first, or all we're gonna do is infect the people trying to cure him!"
Josuke Higashikata     Josuke nods at Staren's words, trying to force down the urge to throw up again. "Go get... Juro to town..." he says weakly. "Get that... corruption out..."

    He hasn't noticed Miari just yet. But it's hard to see when one's on one's hands and knees on the ground.
Miari There's a flutter of fabric, and Miari drops from the heavens near Josuke and Staren... hands clasped down to her legs to prevent her kimono from... blossoming inappropriately upwards. The speed she hits at is enough to leave SERIOUS prints in the ground, but the Exalt doesn't seem bothered much by the landing apart from dusting herself and looking about... with lips curled in distaste and nose twitching likewise.

    "What WERE those things?!"
Staren     "I think Switchbait's handling him." Staren replies to Josuke. Then Miari arrives! Staren doesn't comment, but can't help thinking maybe you shouldn't wear a kimono to go flying. "I don't frikkin' know. All I heard is stuff about chaos and plagues and Nurgle. Honestly I don't like that guy, he seems crazy so we haven't talked much. So... What've you got for magic disease purification, so that we can move on to magic chaos purification without making the people doing the ritual sick?"
Miari "Obviously, we need to setup a quarantined location for them, diagnose and treat them, make sure they're no longer infectious, then release them. How many are infected? How bad is it?" Miari answers smoothly as she finishes dusting herself off, and now starts to look around...
Josuke Higashikata     Miari's arrival draws Josuke to draw back some, if only because of the force of impact. It definitely causes him to look up. Staren's words get a response. "...He tricked me... and Juro suffered for it... because I was stupid."

    He doesn't really know what those things were. "Some kind of disease demons, I guess..." As for how bad and who's infected? "I think I've caught it... and the chaos is corrupting me too..." Pause, and he looks up to Staren, hopefully still in his armor. "Your armor... it is still filtering it out? I'd fix it, but..." He can't, not with the chaos still infecting him.
Staren     Staren looks around. "Just us exposed, I guess. Mort just burned anything that touched him off." He looks to Josuke. "Yeah, my armor's fine. For now." Back to Miari. "No idea how bad it is, but if it's the creation of creatures associated with a god of plague, I think it's worth being cautious rather than hoping for the best."
Miari Miari's lips quiver... then sink into a frown. "Ah well. Gather here..." Miari won't waste much time reaching out to touch Josuke and Staren, one hand for each. "The quick and guaranteed solution really does drain me, so expect to return the favor sometime later!" She chirps lightly...

    And then, there's a flood of light from her skin. Warm and bright as the sun, just like the half-filled golden circle now shining from what was previously an ordinary, unadorned forehead.

    An immense SURGE of energy flows from her touch into both men and starts coursing through them.

    It won't take it long to unseat Nurgle's Rot and erase it from existence. As the wave of power flows through, it reweaves flesh and mends minor woes. Anything from joint pains to teeth plaque... or even missing teeth. The ordinary wear and tear that bodies build up over time is cleansed as best the power can. It feels a little distant and detached though, much like a sufferer of obsessive compulsive disorder might rearrange random objects for the sake of seeing them neat and tidy... not any compassion for the patients.

    That sensation might be just the imagination though, right? Because there's no mistaking the hints of worry on Miari's face.
Staren     Staren isn't sure exactly what to expect. If he HAD to say what he's picturing, Miari casting some spell that functionally purges all agents of disease.

    She does more. Not only erasing the disease, but healing... And Staren is full of nanomachines logging it. He pretty quickly realizes what just happened. "THAT is a neat trick." He sounds impressed, like someone who knows just enough about a craft to recognize a truly advanced technique for what it is rather than just 'yeah she sure does that well I guess.' He helps Josuke to his feet while offering to Miari, "So. Twilight developed a ritual for using unicorn magic to purge chaos, and we're gonna go get him and his friend cured. You wanna come with and observe? Just remember to focus on keeping your form when we exit the gate. Or don't. I /still/ don't know how that effect works, maybe you'll wanna study that too."
Josuke Higashikata     Josuke nods at Staren's words. "Probably... for the best..." he agrees. He's amazingly calm about all this, considering that infection's slowly turning his insides to mush. But hey! Bright side, someone's de-corrupting Juro, and that's all he's worried about.

    Though as Miari reaches out for them he winces. "Are you sure that...?" he begins. But then she's doing something. Josuke chances it, and takes hold of her hand, hoping he's not infecting her with whatever horrible disease this is. And he feels the disease being... well, pushed out? Overwritten? Along with a few other issues he had too. Even the burns on his arms seem less severe now!

    As he notes he's feeling better, he stands up, slowly. Looks at his hands, as if he expects them to look different. Well, actually they do; all the sores that were starting to form on them are gone. "...Wow," he notes. "I feel much better! Thanks!"

    Josuke nods to the mention of curing his friend and himself of Chaos corruption. His fist clenches. "Bastard slipped it into a healing spell. I was dumb enough to help him, and I got hurt, so he healed me. I thought it felt off, but I didn't think it was right to question when he helped me. Or well... I thought he did..."
Miari Miari smoothly withdraws her hands, seemingly unbothered by the fact that she's now probably the brightest thing around. A colorful bonfire of shifting blue-purple and orange-red drifts around a core of golden-white light shining from her skin. The display even sets a few locks of hair gently wafting as if caught in a very mild, slow-moving updraft. Quite a display, for an aftereffect of a healing spell.

    "Whewwwwwww..." The healer wobbles a bit, rubbing her temples after the exertion. "Ah..." Catching herself, she stands straight once more and regains composure - sprouting a pleasant smile. "You are most welcome. It would be a tragedy if that pestilence spread anywhere! I'm glad it could be purged so easily."

    And a moment later, she's just BEAMING with delight at what Staren proposed!
Staren     Staren's seldom gotten to watch an aura flare like this in a peaceful situation. Huh. "Yeah." he agrees, on the ease of purging. "That's why we fought him out here in the middle of nowhere. At least /that/ part of the plan worked."

    Seeing her reaction to his suggestion, he smiles in turn. Excellent!
Josuke Higashikata     Josuke notes the wobbling and moves to help Miari stand, if necessary. "Ah! Are you okay?" he asks worriedly. "I can...!" Then he stops. "No, better not." Sigh. "This is a real drag." Not to mention, Jotaro was going to KILL him for... well, basically sneaking Juro Yamazaki out of where the Speedwagon Foundation was keeping him.

    But he nods to Staren's words. "Yeah, let's go get this done. Not being able to fix things for fear of warping them or turning them into chaos demons sucks. The sooner this is out, the better."

    Just then, Josuke's pocket makes a loud, annoying sound. He jumps, but then realizes it's his radio/phone thing. He pulls it from his pocket and checks the number, wincing. "...Crap," he hisses. Then he sighs, resigned, and answers. "H-hey, Jotaro!" His tone is bright, but it's a forced brightness. He winces a bit at whatever's said on the other end. "H-how do you know it was me?" Pause, sigh. "Damn. Right, yeah, there's that."

    Josuke frowns. "I took him to someone who could help. It's a magical curse, Jotaro. Do you even know anyone else with a healing Stand? Besides, it's my fault he ended up like that." Pause. "No, I gotta go. I'll be back, and I'll bring Juro with me. We'll both be cured of it."

    He pulls the phone away, just as a low male voice starts firmly, "Josuke, don't--"


    "Craaaap..." Josuke mutters, shoulders slumping.