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In the city of Everria, the masked man known as the Foodbringer has been giving mass amounts of free food to the public. For a while, he was their hero, while also the bane of the government. However, when a bag of food at a crime scene rotted away suddenly and supernaturally, public opinion of the Foodbringer dropped almost entirely, seeing him as a terrorist and a villain. Both the Paladins and the Concord have gotten involved in the Foodbringer debacle from opposing sides, each with their own interests and allies.

The Paladins are working with the Everrian government in an attempt to capture and stop the Foodbringer. Strange sigils were left at the aforementioned crime scene, which the Paladins have been looking over and trying to find a match for. It was only recently that they found their match: a cult operating out of Everria's factory district appears to use the same symbols, and is thought to have connection to the Foodbringer. The Everrian government has been incredibly cooperative, granting warrants and permission to investigate within only a few days of discovery, as well as full command of the operation to the Paladins, outside of the request to atleast capture the cultists. They'll be given a map of the area and a list of entryways into the factory that is believed to house the cultists.

Meanwhile, the Concord have their own job to deal with the cultists - from the Foodbringer himself. Having allied with him recently in an attempt to clear his name, he's worried that the cultists will tarnish his reputation even further, and wants them dealt with. He neglected to say how, even if his preferences likely skew towards nonlethal. Having been in the area himself, the Foodbringer would give the Concord some advice on how to get in stealthily: there's a rooftop of an abandoned building that basically overlooks most of the district, and climbing up it shouldn't be too difficult for the Concord; there's the interior as well as using the junk lying around as steps, or even just scaling or jumping if you have those skills.

For those without an affiliation, the story of the Foodbringer has reached the Multiverse. It's certainly an interesting story: a man with infinite amounts of homegrown food, who is possibly using it as bioterrorism? What could be going on here? The rumors of the cult have also already reached the Multiverse, and while not as prominent, are easy enough to reach and figure out that they may be working out of the factory district, should one want to investigate for their own purposes. Or, of course, one could always just stumble in.

The factory itself appears to have been used for automobiles. Unused smokestacks rise out of the top, and the building has almost fallen to decay. For those with a good eye, there's a small sigil in one of the corners of the exterior, noticeable from both the Concord's rooftop, and also already found from Everria's investigations. It appears /very close/ to the one that was left at the Foodbringer's crime scene. However, all doors to the Factory are shut, though there are a few windows, and breaking and entering shouldn't be a problem: the Paladins have a warrant, and the Concord does what it wants. How are you going to approach this?
Priscilla     Priscilla had, as the leader of the Concord, promised the Foodbringer that she would clear his name. It's only right, after all, because it's partly her device in the first place. He has little choice to rely on them, and the Concord can set everything straight after.

Hers cult is unexpected. The sigil was a red herring of her design, made to distract and mislead investigation. A cult building up around it is, to Priscilla, chagrin-worthy, but humorous in another sense, and convenient in its entirety. It makes the improvised distraction even more legitimate.

    Stealth has typically been of little issue here. Priscilla is poised atop the roof as advised, though faded from view for redundancy's sake, scanning the factory floor with her keen eyes. It doesn't take long to pick out the mimicry of her own handiwork. A minor annoyance is the inability to visibly point to it, and so she uses the encrypted radio.

    "See there, the westernmost corner of the building, low to the ground. It wouldst seemeth Sir Gormand is well informed. For its quietness, however, I wouldst expecteth either it vacated, and only convened within on a timely basis, or else they secret themselves well, and may surprise the unprepared. What sayeth thee? Perhaps move slowly, and partnered to be certain."
Tesla Armadia Nonlethal may be the Foodbringer's initial intent, but there was too many unknown factors in the overall situation to bank on that being enough. With unknown numbers to be dealt with, an entirely nonlethal solution may not be possible in the end. So many variables that cannot yet be accounted for.

Tesla really doesn't care for unaccountable variables, the bane of any worthwhile mastermind. They make appropriately planning for efforts trickier than they need to be. But then again, she has an unaccounted variable or two of her own to bring to play if need be. Like it would be rediculous for them to all huddle in one spot on the roof, which is why she's stayed a floor or two down to watch out a window.

But for now, it was merely observation, and conceiving a course of action. "Agreed. Simply barging in would be hamstringing ourselves."
Eryl Fairfax     Eryl does not take the roofs, unless he absolutely has to. He's here with all the authority the state has given him, so his preferred entrance is the front door. To barrel in, permits and badges raised and command the surrender of the cultists for interrogation. But the fact is, they don't know how many there are, or how well-armed they may be.

    However, he did managed to get Elsa Maria to assist. And a plan is already formulating in his head as he assesses the building, implants cross-referencing it with the blueprints and building history he was supplied with.

    "As I understand it, the industrial machines housed here were never removed once the owners went out of business. Plenty of things to fill the area with shadows. Thus, if I were to shoot out the windows in the event that they do not surrender, how many shadow-arms do you think you could manifest to grab them?" he asks his companion.
Kushiko Given the advice and other information reconnisance that the Lotus could provide via tapping varying systems that available, a stealthy insertion was very much going to be the crux of what the Tenno Kushiko would be employing. The only question that needed answering is whom would be employed in the face of currently unknown (infuriatingly to the Lotus) potential adversaries and firepower.

That boiled the answer down to one possible choice. Valkyr.

Better still, she made no noise even beyond other Warframes (who were pretty damn stealthy) as she dropped from the underside of the Liset landing craft in a more discrete fashion to avoid detection--just in case, after all, just because there's no known superhuman abilities means there isn't an unknown factor to be worried about.

Thusly did Kushiko simply move over to where Priscilla was, having done a brief reconnisance scan herself. She was accompanied by a rather impressive Kubrow who aided her in staying unheard and hidden, the hound dropping the cloaking field briefly to recharge once her Mistress was assured there wasn't any active detection--for now, anyways. <"The sigil's not matching--not 100 percent."> comes the Tenno's voice, directed towards Priscilla, and what Concord allies soon arrive. <"Close enough to not matter for local authority's purposes."> she muses. <"But we would like to take the roof with whomever else can keep up and see if we can get more about who--or what--is in there. If anything.">

As she says this, she activates a small scanner with her hand, though at this distance they may not get much in the realms of the usual penetrating scans for people within. But maybe something with the machinery, if any of it has been used recently. Heat's a thing, yeah? Still, as it comes to non-lethal, that's... not something the Tenno really /does/, but hey...
Nort and Scar     Nort and Scar hear a lot about the world outside their own, but they rarely investigate. Sometimes, though, there are some things that pop up that get their interest. A source of clean, non-irradiated food from the old world that is apparently limitless? Interesting. But the public reaction to said person bringing the food? Much more interesting. It rouses the two of them, together as always, to take a look around.

    Unfortunately there aren't very many ways to 'sneak in' when one of you is an armored man wearing high tech power armor to cover up cybernetics, and the other is a cybernetic giant riding wolverine. Obviously a traveller, which means Nort's looking through binoculars at the factory... and the Paladins approaching it. Or, more accurately, using enhanced vision. "What do you think, Scar?"

    The giant beast beneath him rumbles, "Could be a mess. We have questions too. This foodbring could be useful to us if we can find him."

    A little nudge, and the wolvering lurches forward at a sedate pace, intending to let others be the first to go in.
Metal Man There's a cult, lovely a cult. Given Metal's Man's time in the multiverse cults tend to be trying to bring some freaking horror into reality that shouldn't be there or are some power mad asshole's power kick to control people. Given the foodbringer's issues with the cult he's wary but he won't be going in hostile the old robot master looks to Tesla then to Priscilla as he seems to be getting an idea of what they might need to do here but once again he's to be the looming muscle if anything. 5R
"I'll follow your guys lead I know what my role is."
Elsa Maria     Examining the factory herself makes Elsa nervous. All these things sealed up, and unknowns within? But she is determined to help get to the bottom of this... after she had a good read of the report. While she wasn't sure about the idea of turning AGAINST the Foodbringer, taking out a cult was definitely a thing she could get behind. She just has zero experience in doing anything like this!
    Good thing Eryl is here to provide ideas. The young girl is still sizing up the building when the question is asked! "I don't know," she answers honestly. "I summoned dozens in Detroit, but I didn't need to control all of them so carefully. I'm still very new to my powers." She thinks. "I think I can control a dozen, but I'd still need to see them. Getting in shouldn't be hard though. I can walk along the shadows, too."
Eryl Fairfax     "One dozen, very good. If you could, prioritize those bearing firearms or close to exits. Leave the rest to us, and try not to overdo it." He steps out, striding towards the factory doors and gives a hand signal. Six Paladin enforcers move out from their own hiding spots, all clad in the standard uniform with the face-covering helmets. Four pack bazookas loaded with beanbags while two bulkier ones have a tank of water on their back hooked up to a blaster. Portable fire hoses for crowd control. They all carry lethal sidearms also.

    Once they're all at the doors, he says, "We breach on three. One, two... three!" On three, he brings up his arms to point his elbows at the centre of the doors. Shotgun slugs erupt out, blasting through to break whatever locking mechanisms might hold the doors close before kicking them open and striding in.

    "PALADINS! You're all under arrest!" he barks into the seemingly abandoned facility.
Gawain If both sides (who know the makeup of the actual sigil) take a good look, it is definitely wrong. It's /close/, but certain lines are in the wrong place, and it looks overall like a crude job. Meanwhile, Kushiko's scanner will get some information; the distance makes it difficult to tell who might be inside, but she does detect heat: not from machinery, but from candles, which indicates people are in there.

The Paladins, meanwhile, breach the doors. Inside, the place is fairly dark, though shadows are being created by the light of candles in the back. Machinery for both constructing and creating cars makes it difficult to get a good /look/ at what's going on back there, but there's immediately the sound of people. Those with keen senses can hear the footsteps of maybe eight, while thoses with heat sensing abilities can detect that many, plus the heat of another off to the side, in an office.

At first, the Paladins get no response, but then one of the overhead lights turns on above them. It doesn't illuminate the back, but it does create shadows, as well as complete visibility of those coming inside without cloaking abilities. And then, it comes flying. A military-grade smoke grenade, which explodes to cover the entrance. The cultists inside begin moving in all directions...and if they have this kind of hardware, what else might they have?
Priscilla     On closer inspection, Priscilla does see the errors. She hadn't really committed her handiwork to memory, expecting a decent chance that the police wouldn't bite, but she has always had a sharp one regardless. Rather than the heat of warm bodies, Priscilla perceives the nine candle flames of human souls moving about in the metaphorical (and mildly literal) dark, and relays the information to the rest of her team.

    "Others intrude. Be swift and silent. We may hath little need yet to confront them for our purposes. If thou must, secure one or two of these men for questioning." Of course, the Concord's concern of questioning is of a different bent than the Paladins.

    The smoke grenade isn't exactly subtle. Someone must have breached if the cultists had a reason to throw it. Priscilla drops in invisibly through a filthy, dilapidated skylight, landing without a sound by virtue of supernatural power, rather than ninja-like skill. She dives far away from the front door, landing as close to behind the source of the smoke grenade as she can ascertain and reach. Of course, all the junk is an impediment to even her, which leaves her stalking a winding path through the detritus, keeping an eye out both for the cultists, homing in by the little lights of their souls, and watching for the breaching team too. She doesn't want to make an overt move until she has a clear view of both.
Kushiko Mission Parameter Update: Find and escort possible captive to the extraction zone.

Or something. Given what Valkyr-Kushiko is pulling, and with what both the Lotus and Priscilla confirming, actually starting a fight isn't all that good. But getting /in/ and maybe ambushing one of the 'cultists' here to extract and take back for interrogations?

Yeah, that'll work.

Accordingly, without so much as a word further nor hesitation, the feline-like Valkyr leapt from the building towards the dilapidated factory, noiselessly clinging to the wall as the Kubrow accompanying her--Kiras--leapt to the rooftop itself, cloaking both her and the Warframe in the process. She oriented herself towards one of the windows for the sole purposes of waylaying one of the Nine within.

If she could? She'd wait until one of the Paladins below threw something, retaliated and the like to break the window and get inside and get a good look at what she was dealing with--a directed scan in proximity could only tell her so much, but the closer she got, the better her Warframe sensors would be able to feed her information.

Or so she hoped. This didn't sit well, the lack of information; something the Lotus and she both concurred on.
Elsa Maria     And they crash in! Yay for AUTHORITAI! Except that the smoke grenade goes off and billows out. This obscures shadows enough that Elsa is helpless inside it... and keeps her from seeing to use the shadows outside it. Good thing she has some other tricks, and she's learning how to fight. "I'm on it, sir," she says politely to Eryl.
    Then she leaps, flipping to latch onto one of the shadows flickering high up. And there she stays! Kneeling, as if in prayer. Only, you know, upside down? That's just so she can get to work though.
    Elsa said she could control a dozen or so, and that's technically true! She can only focus on two or three groups at a time though, so has to make a grab, then hold while she snatches with others. That's what she does, trying to snag the nearest ones she can sense. It's quick and dirty right now, she hasn't figured out which have weapons yet.
Eryl Fairfax     Things happen quickly once they're inside. Lights come on, casting more shadows... but Eryl is unsure as to how Elsa's powers work. Are they more effective the darker the shadows are? If that's the case, keeping it to candlelight would be ideal.

    However, the smoke grenade pulls him from his thoughts. He dashes forward and grabs it in his hand. Owing to their mechanical nature, any heat it creates bothers him none. He considers tossing it forward... but obscuring vision increases the chances of accidents happening. So instead, he tosses it backwards, out the broken door.

    "Cover!" he yells to the enforcers, who all nod and hunker down behind the lingering machines. Eryl himself, meanwhile, starts shooting out windows, skylights-including the one Kushiko was aiming to drop through. He too, hunkers behind cover and listens intently. He's listening for the sound of safeties being switched off, clips and magazines being loaded. Anything that indicates the presence of firearms. If he hears such, he uses his implants to estimate the location and relay it to Elsa.
Tesla Armadia "Sounds like it's time to go." Tesla flicks fingers at the side of her head to activate her battle visor, and moves towards the actual building.

The candle heat and smoke bombs mean little, that's not where her attention is. Even as she's approaching the technopath can sense the machinery left behind in the former factory, rusting and forgotten. Machinery that worked so hard to produce whatever was once made here, only to be discarded and abandoned. Humanity has such a callous disregard for things it believes are no longer useful.

So instead of getting involved in the fracas directly Tesla reachs out with her technopathic power to the machinery within, trying to coax it from it's rusting slumber. Doesn't matter if there's no longer a power source connected to it, her powers can provide means of motion. Ancient machinery suddenly creaking and screeching to some semblence of life should be enough of a shock to distract both sides, and give her allies time to move in on their own objectives.
Nort and Scar     "Sounds like they're already raising trouble," Scar rumbles, hearing the screeches and the shouts outside. The wolverine has trundled in close... though he can move plenty faster if he wishes. Nort is the one with the advanced scanners though, and the zoologist on his back is just listening to the hubbub as well.
    "I suppose we should try to grab one," Nort finally says, hopping off his friend/mount/other half. A rifle is over one shoulder, but he doesn't have it readied. Instead, something more fitting for close quarters is brought out... a humming vibroblade, using that to slice open the nearest door or other entrance that isn't the front door. With any luck, he can be in and out without anyone being the wiser.
Metal Man Metal Man hears the grenade go off and is now aware now there's trouble as things get hot in the matter. Thankfully he's not lacking in allies on this and whoever is kicking down the front door? He's going to use the chaos to try and move along find information or a hostage if he can. He's not Shadow Man, no but he's going to do his damnest to push his way through here and use whoever is kicking down the front door to his own ends.
Gawain The cultists are splitting into groups of three, it appears: three of them are heading towards the machines, two are heading towards the office, and another two are heading for an exit. From those looking from above, two at the front are armed with pistols, while the third has a submachine gun and a belt of grenades. The others look to only be armed with knives, at the moment.

As the two cultists run for the exit, they pass by a window; Kushiko's window. This might be a great opportunity to grab one of them, if she so deems it, but she'd also have to shatter the glass; someone is definitely likely to pursue them.

Safeties go off on the guns, which those with enhanced senses, including Eryl, can hear. The windows are also shattered, venting the smoke and uncovering the shadows, allowing Elsa Maria to do her work. One of the guys running for the office is grabbed, while all three at the front are nabbed as well, the two with pistols freaking out, dropping their weapons. It's the one with the submachine gun, who seems much more professional; a big guy who looks like he's had training, who reaches for his belt, closing his eyes, grabbing and throwing a flashbang in his panic. The shadows covering him are removed, as he points his SMG towards Elsa Maria and begins firing!

It's much darker towards the office, which should allow Priscilla to slip through and grab one of the cultists should she wish. But they're getting farther away to that closed room as she has to wind through the detritus, which may mean she needs to find a way to hurry up and through if she wants to keep her involvement unknown. Tesla, meanwhile, fires up the machines. Gears begin turning, conveyer belts begin running, and a large grabber-claw springs to life. This is certainly a car factory: which means there's plenty of stuff to use here. Additionally, the cultists all spook, turning towards it briefly before either ramping up their pace, cowering more in the shadows, or, for the submachine gun, stopping firing to look to see if someone's using them, which will give anyone moving to attack him an opening!

Nort can cut through one of the side doors, causing it to fall to the ground. With the rest of the chaos, it may be hard for anyone without heightened senses to notice. The three heading towards the office are the closest to him, and don't seem aware of his presence.

Finally, Metal Man can find, in one of the corners, a small table. It seems to be used for eating, but there's currently some papers on it; a copy of financial records, which indicates that this cult only formed after the last Foodbringer appearance a few months ago, and a 'holy scripture', which lists charity as its greatest virtue, speaks of the Foodbringer as if he was a messiah, and speaks of 'those who wish to slander his good name, poisoning his holy gifts', which has led to them bearing arms and military gear to protect both themselves, and the Foodbringer, once they have 'found him and brought him to their covenant'. This table's right next to the central firefight, though, so he's should be careful!
Kushiko Oh yeah. Kushiko /definitely/ going to actually shatter that glass. Then again, it's not just her--so to speak. She may be cloaked, but there's no hiding the source of the sound, especially when she attacks. But hey, it's not just her.

Because she doesn't just break the glass by hitting it, no, she /swings/ herself, slingshot-like into the window, clawed feet breaking the class inwards to effectively clothesline one if she times it right. And even if she doesn't, it might surprise them enough for the next action.

Because as smooth as silk, she's clung to the interior wall and firing an energy grapple out of her right hand towards one of the offending 'cultists' with her Kubrow launching through the freshly made opening, landing and pivoting to throw her incredible bulk towards the other cultist.

This is about as non-lethal as Kushiko really can get here, exercising enough power to take them down with her powers rather than straight shooting and attempting to subdue and capture the pair. Then again, she might get lucky, what with the other windows being shattered to, if she nails her grapple target, to pull one cultist in and pin them down with the force of the maneuver. Maybe.
Tesla Armadia A lot of heavy machinery is in Tesla's favor, though considering how neglected and delapitated it is, the length of use she's going to get out of it is probably going to be a bit limited. Best to put it to effective use while she can.

She makes a gesture with one hand, and the grabber-claw swings on it's crane in a similar fashion and 'lunge' towards the cultists left gawking at its activation to try and snatch them up. It's just like one of those claw-catcher games that use to be all over arcades. Probably just as inaccurate in actually grabbing a small target as one too, but the real point is keeping them scattered and confused.

Downside? Tesla is standing in one place at the moment so she can focus on her efforts, so there's always the chance someone is going to actually come across her eventually.
Priscilla     The operation seems to have turned into chaos immediately. The odds of this being a chance encounter are somewhat suspect, but the cultists had only just been located very recently, and for once, both sides have only the same clues to go off of. Priscilla allows herself the ephemeral ghost of a frown where nobody else can see, but reserves a reaction to a potential leak or double cross for the moment.

    She also has no idea why these cultists are so well armed, relatively speaking. "Aside from one, they art the grade of weapons available to civilians, but I know not from whence the largest man obtained more effective weaponry. Prioritize him as a target of interrogation." Says Priscilla, whilst she slips towards the side office, accelerating to keep right on the fleeing man's toes, and slip in through the door just as he opens it, leaving her in the room with him, and whoever had cloistered themself in there, figuring there is a good chance he might be someone important.
Elsa Maria     The shadow hands are not strong, but Elsa can cluster them, and even little girl hands are enough to keep someone pinned when there are seven or eight of them. That's what's happening with the two with the pistols. The one with the flash bang though... that's a worry. Elsa starts to try to deal with them, but the machinery come to life, and the crash through the window are much more distracting. The flash of light dispels shadows long enough for the one with the SMG to free himself pretty easily... and bullets to rattle toward Elsa!
    Elsa is apparently just a girl though. Bullets rip through her easily, and blood sprays on the walls. She SHRIEKS loudly, in obvious pain, but she doesn't fall from her place in the shadow of the ceiling. What she does get is an eruption of vine-like dark arms of more solid shadow, wrapping about and clinging to rafters around her just in case she slips. More arms, birthed from rapid regeneration... or is it regeneration, when she seems to be in such pain?
    Of greater concern to the Paladin enforcers and Eryl himself, in her panic she is lashing out toward the one with the SMG, trying to 'grab' him but... her arms are naturally very sharp, and she's failed to tone that down. It could be a very bloody grasp if someone doesn't interfere, or if he doesn't counter her again.
Eryl Fairfax     Things start going strange very quickly.

    Machines with no power chug to life to grab at the cultists, windows are shattering as if something is launching through them... "They are under attack by someone other than us!" he barks.

    Looking to the enforcers, he makes a hand gesture. The two with the portable fire hoses nod and prime their weapons. In a quick motion, they both rise up and begin blasting the area as best they can. They move in tandem, their hoses packing enough force to strip the machines and knock down most anyone the streams hit.

    And then he hears Elsa's screams, and watches as those hands reach to grab the big fellow, fingers pointed... this won't do. More gestures at the four Paladins with bazookas. They all rise up and level their firearms, blasting at him with four beanbags. The intent is to bowl him over, hopefully keeping Elsa from doing anything unreversable.

    "Attackers!" Eryl bellows, in person and over the radio should they be listening. "You are intruding on a government-sanctioned Paladin operation. Cease all actions at once!"
Nort and Scar     Good, he's in. And there's activity around. Unaware that the cultists don't even know where their leader is - and unaware that Priscilla is nearby - Nort advances toward the noise and simply... steps out to try to grab the last of the three heading for the office. His suit gives him enhanced strength, even though it's meant for punching rather than grappling, but he's not exactly a weak fellow himself, being over six feet and after centuries of hardship. The vibroblade is just for self-defense.

    "Come with me," he says curtly. "I'll keep you away from the Paladins." Not that he's giving much choice. It's a really direct grab though. The others might notice it. Priscilla almost certainly will.

    He's noticed the chaos though. "Shadow constructs. And a technopath. WEaponry late 20th, early 21st century. At least two cybernetic lifeforms. Scar, maintain current objective?"

    Scar rumbles outside, mentally, "They seem to be fighting one another. Let's just grab and leave, let the scrap tear themselves apart."
Metal Man Metal man finds some very unseful information pausing they become more militiant since someone tainted the food. Well now he muses seems that's an itnerecting fact he's going ot be careful and he's moving to take the information and scans all of it on to his databanks he's going to get moving now as the fight's going on harder. He makes a comment on the tatical channel and is making ready to slip out of here. He's got some iforamtion it sounds like the others are going to be making a good go of going after a Cultist.
Gawain Kushiko and her Kubrow leap inside, grappling and grabbing the cultists and trying to drag them off. They scream loudly, which will be able to alert the entire room of the incident. However, Kushiko has an easy opportunity to try and get one out, if others don't intercept.

Tesla's claw arm, meanwhile, moves to pick up one of the cultists who was heading towards the office, who stopped with the gawking. It narrowly misses him, but he falls to the floor when it comes down, leaving him far easier to grab! But then the hose starts spraying everywhere, which will cause the old machine to start going haywire if Tesla can't get control of it!

Elsa Maria leaps down, moving to grab the SMG guy. Normally, this would have killed him; slicing his chest and throat into two. However, the Paladin officers' beanbags knock the guy backwards, and Elsa Maria's sharp strikes only cut shallowly against his torso, causing him to bleed but not life-threateningly. The gun is knocked out of his hand, leaving a perfect opportunity to subdue him before he can pick it up again!

The guy Nort and Scar grab looks up and quickly gets a reaction of /terror/ as he sees the giant man grabbing him. The giant man and his wolverine causes the cultist to shriek noticeably, which may draw attention, but he doesn'r resist: he's far too scared of them.

The last of the office cultists makes it in, but unknowingly, he locked himself in with one of the pursuers. The office seems to basially be set up as a control room/headquarters, and this is where the light controls are set up, apparently having been /moved here/. A lanky man, with glasses and robes that make him stand out among the cultists, is hunkered next to the controls, a pistol in his hands. He sighs in relief as he sees his buddy, shouting "Lock the damn door!". From the way he speaks, and the way the other cultist seems to look at him, it'd appear he's the leader, as the guy moves to lock the door.

Metal Man will mostly be able to esacpe with his intel, but as he is fleeing, the hose comes his way, almost about to slam straight into him. Looks like he's going to dodge that if he doesn't want to get noticed!
Tesla Armadia Pressurized water blasts into the machinery, knocking loose various pieces with ease due to how old and neglected most of the factory hardware is. Wet broken bits clatter across the floor not far from where Tesla is standing besides and behind the machinery. Though by the way she briefly winces, just having parts knocked off isn't very comfortable for her, either.

Instead of trying to fight it, Tesla tries to turn the machinery breaking apart to her advantage. Soldiering through the backlash of the machinery being damaged by the water, Tesla starts overclocking some of the conveyer belts as crumbling components fall onto them. Which results in broken gears and other parts flying through the air as the high speed belts launch them out, at least until the machine breaks apart entirely and there's nothing left to run. It's very indiscriminate fire and not very accurate, but having junk throwing hither and yon is ramping up the distraction part of things.

Using the high speed scattering of parts as some cover, Tesla darts towards where the man fell from evading to claw to try and grab him.
Priscilla     Of course. It's a raid by the damned leader of the Paladins himself.
    Even inside the officer, Priscilla can pick out Eryl's voice, shouting over the incredible racket of mass, armed combat. Spotting no other exits in the office room, her time and options are limited. She can't so much as assume her giant true form to make this easier, in the enclosed space.

    Instead, she has to act quickly, sweeping behind the bespectacled man, and grabbing hold of him with one arm around his chest. Despite all appearances of a slender woman, Priscilla is, after all, what we call 'soul swole', and dumped some significant number of levels in STR.

    After that, she shoves the door right back open, grabbing the only cultist briefly lucky enough to escape with her free hand, likely by the arm or shirt, and tossing him back out, where she steps into plain view of the Paladins, daring revealing herself in their line of fire.

    "That is well enough, Sir Fairfax." Her eyes dart towards Elsa, following the shadow arms to their source. "And associates. I assure thee quite sincerely, any interference with thine raid at this time, is entirely unintended. Thou hast mine apologies, as an individual, for coinciding with thine business. Certainly, thou cannot decry the intent to subdue armed criminals in our own way, no?"

    She squeezes the dude in her grasp a little, quickly checking to see where the other guy went. "Nevertheless, I believeth we both knoweth it unwise to engage in battle whence each of us hath captured so many men. I doubt thou wouldst wish to see harm come to thine own suspects of investigation, by stray bullets."
Elsa Maria     Oops. Elsa almost killed someone... which she doesn't personally mind if they're bad people, but she isn't sure these guys ARE bad people. The blood reminds her she needs to be more careful, and she summons up more shadow arms, wrapping the lengthy lims around the stunned man to pin him down. Probably way more than she needs to. She's no longer panicking though.
    Well, she is sort of, because even if most of these people are unknowns, she's not unaware enough that she hasn't read up on important details like 'who is the leader of the Concord?' and all that. So she freezes up, unsure if she should move or anything else. This sounds like a job to leave for Eryl, doesn't it?
    More arms snake up to secure the two others that she grabbed earlier, but Elsa isn't going to go after any more unless they look to be escaping.
Eryl Fairfax     Eryl sighs with relief and nods to the four Paladins as their combined barrage spares the trained cultist from a messy gutting. But as the conveyer belts go into overdrive and fling stripped parts from the machines all over, he ducks down and barks "Cease fire and hunker down!" at the two. The spray of water ceases, leaving the ground flooded soaked.

    And then Priscilla herself emerges from the office with what looks like the head of the cult in a chokehold. Things can never be easy, can they?

    Frustrated as he is, none of it shows on his face. He emerges from his hiding place and smacks away a bit of shrapnel sent at him by a conveyer belt, face benign. "Lady Priscilla," he begins. "I know not what interest the Concord has in this. I would be very interested to know, but the means you have employed thus far makes me suspect that you would not tell us, so I'll save us some time."

    He points to the cultist in her arms, then at the one Kushiko is grappling. "We cannot let you arrest a single one of them. You have no rights, nor authority to do so. Leave them all in our care, and you can walk away from this unharmed, and with no impending legal battle for interference."
Nort and Scar     Oh good, they're going to kill each other. If this seems heartless for Nort to be thinking... well, he has his reasons. "Relax, he's with me..." Nort says as he drags the man out. "You tell us what we want to kno, we'll let you go, no strings attached. I don't really care what your problem is with those people in there, and I don't really want to hurt anyone. Tell me where to find this Foodbringer fellow, that's it."

    Scar rumbles.

    "Right, right. We don't want to hurt him either. Not our business if he wants to feed other people. We just want to ask him a few questions. In return, maybe we can keep some of these crazies off his back. Sound good?" It seems good to Nort, but he may be underestimating how much a twenty foot wolverine and a six foot plus cyborg in power armor can be rough on the 'reassuring' part.
Metal Man It seems eveyrone going to be drinking form the firehouse here he's getting the hell out of here, he's getting the hell out of here now. He doesn't fght if he doesn't have to he's got the hose comming right at him. He just puts the full use of his mobility systems to work. He bounce and flips attempiong to get the heck out of here with wha tintel he's got. He laughs inwardly at the water, he's totally rated for water operations and while it's hititng hard if it's not hard enough to kill a human he should be fine even if he does get hit but he could be spotted even with how he's blurring a bit as he moves.
Kushiko Well, drag them off is /almost/ close to what she's doing. Long and short of it, Kushiko wants them subdued enough in order to actually perform the act in question. The one that the Kubrow known as Kiras is pinning down is second on this list, as Kushiko's Valkyr gives the cultist in question a sharp elbow before she slams them into a wall, toppling them backward.

And once she does this and they're fallen backward, she extends her hand, having momentarily stored her primary weapon away. Unfortunately, the current 'negotiation' means that she simply forestalls her current capture, hand hovering over the downed cultist in question. She makes no noise otherwise; a little unsettling at a glance, the faceless Warframe simply canting her head slightly as though more to affirm her suspicions by Priscilla and Eryl's respective discussion. The Lotus has given her the signal to halt similarly, but well, it would probably prove to be the wrong path to capture someone like this who didn't know anything.

Worse comes to worse, the Lotus would likely have Kushiko go hack one of the systems nearby, perhaps. After all, there was intelligence to be gained in other ways, as Metal Man had demonstrated thus.
Gawain As Tesla darts for the one man, he's points his dagger at her in fear. It's not much, though if she's not careful, she might get stabbed; otherwise, he's weak and once disarmed, helpless. Meanwhile, Priscilla grabs the cult leader, putting both him and his ally in shock when she arrives, and forcing him to drop his gun. The other man is easily forced out of the room, and the cult leader is helpless in Priscilla's hands, though he still argues with words. "Y-you! You're here to kill me, the government sent you! You all just want to besmirch His good name, for your own interests!"

Elsa Maria is easily capable of coiling up the big guy. He just spits in her direction, but he's no longer a threat, especially without his gun. He's also not one for words.

As Nort and Scar interrogate their cultist, he just sweats, stammering. "I-I-I don't know where he is! W-we've been looking for him ourselves, but no one's ever f-found him! A-all I know is that he is said to have g-great powers! Please, don't kill me!"
Nort and Scar     Huh. Well that's less than Nort and Scar wanted, but it's to be expected. They do have some experience with cults, after all. After staring at the man for a long while, Nort just tosses him to the ground outside. "If you don't know him, you shouldn't be worshipping him. I doubt he even wants that if he's as benign as you think. Get out of here before the Paladins wonder where the missing man is."

    Now the duo is left with a question: do they actually care enough to keep pursuing this? Do they risk revealing themselves to the Concord and Paladins? A careful weighing of options later, and Nort grunts, heading back into the building and not even trying to hide his presence. He does at least put the vibrosword away. "You're both wasting your time, they're just a bunch of dumb kids who heard something that gives them a purpose in their life." Even though they're probably not all 'kids' here.
Tesla Armadia Tesla Armadia doesn't have time to play around with men turned stab-happy in fear. When he jabs at her she grabs the knife in one of her gauntlets and uses the power grip to bend the blade out of shape. "Enough of this..." Followed by just clocking him upside the head with the other gauntlet. "Do yourself a favor and stay out for a few moments."

With the man disabled and helpless Tesla yanks him close to herself as the armor plates expand from her power armor to wrap around them both. Kinetic projectors get the armored sphere spinning and then rolling back out of the building with the cultist neatly bundled up inside. He's going to be a wee bit cramped and bruised after taking a ride inside a giant armored armadillo ball, but hey at least he'll be alive right?
Nort and Scar     Oh, just in time to see Tesla bailing. "... a giant Tolypeutes. That's something you don't see every day."
Priscilla     Priscilla, quite seriously, has to talk to this man. The cult leader, that is, as much as Eryl as well. She can, in fact, talk to them both at the same time. "I assure thee, the reality is quite the opposite. The Concord has, unofficially, determined that this Foodbringer is innocent of wrongdoing, and shalt shortly officially endorse him as a legitimate giver of charity. The matter of his reputation is thus of concern to us as well. Unfortunately, thou art a necessary part of determining this, though thou hath forced our hand by thine attitude of violent gangsters."

    That should give Eryl enough exposition for her to continue. "And so I hath done thee the gratitude of telling thee, Sir Fairfax, for thou hast always previously been a reasonable man." Even standing directly in the line of fire of his cronies, Priscilla manages to speak without insincerity. Her expression falls, ever so slightly, such that only one as long accustomed to her as Eryl would really be able to tell.

    "Not one who was previously so inclined to resort to threats so swiftly, as well. Surely thou knowest that thou throw thine subordinates' lives away by forcing mineself to defend against them. Art they not also men of the law?" Of course, she's referring to the mooks. She has doubts as to what Eryl brought them here for, or what he thinks of him now. "Unfortunately, I care little for the laws of this place thou threaten mineself with either. I intervene in this matter precisely because of it. An idea of law that allows a man to be shot in the streets for the act of charity, without considering it sin. The Concord shalt resolve this matter in a way such that a man as the Foodbringer is let walk free to exercise his fullest potential to aid mankind."

    And then there's a big, gruff dude in power armour. At this rate, Priscilla might be stalling for everyone else to grab and bail, though she isn't lying. "Perhaps they knoweth nothing of use, and will be of no help whatsoever in our aims, but I mineself now consider sparing humans who worship giving rather than greed from incarceration, at least somewhat less than a complete waste. What is it to thee? Thou look not to be one of the Paladins." Then again, neither does Elsa.
Elsa Maria     "We-" Elsa starts to say, but she shuts up suddenly. She actually looks indignant at something Priscilla said! But the girl is wise enough to keep her mouth shut and let Eryl talk, this time. Mostly, this is because she nearly killed one of the men she was supposed to capture, and she's definitely still feeling the uncertainty and lack of control there.
Nort and Scar     Nort is neither Concord nor Paladin. He says as much. "I'm not local, or with either group, just curious. I'd like to ask this fellow some questions of my own, but I'm not going to shoot up the place doing it." The armored man shakes his head. "This is a bust, and I don't feel like fighting anyone for this. Let's go, Scar."

    The sound of the wolverine outside grumps loudly before Nort turns to walk away.
Eryl Fairfax     Eryl's eyes narrow as Priscilla accuses him of throwing threats around and jepordizing the lives of his men. "You are threatening to fight and kill us for acting within our rights in an operation geared for nonlethal arrest of those with links to a bioterrorist, and you accuse us of throwing threats around?"

    He shakes his head. "No. I'll not be dragged into a mud-slinging contest. The fact of the matter is, what you are all doing is criminal, and we will not stand for it. If the Foodbringer is so interested in being a charity, he can fill in the paperwork to be registered as such. The Paladins would be happy to assist him in this. The fact that he has not immediately throws his motives in doubt, so we have little choice but to treat him as suspicious. Has he even told you why he is doing this? Or do you just want his talents for yourself?"

    It is at this moment that Tesla Armadia comes rolling towards him in an exoskeletonal ball. And the fact that she was last seen using his technopathy to try and grab at a cultist? Well, Eryl has little recourse to throw himself in her path and attempt to bring her to a halt! "Everyone! Place the cultists-and the Concord-under arrest!"
Kushiko To be fair and honest, Kushiko had been keeping steady on as it were--the warrior woman frame of Valkyr had scarcely moved a muscle, simply insisting that the one underneath her not move, much like Kiras had been menacing the other. No, she had opted purely to listen.

She could have said something, but realistically, she had come to realize that Eryl, given the mention of 'paperwork for charity' and what she and the Lotus had seen so far by what the 'proper' authorities would have happen, well... that's just when she opens her palm. Golden motes of energy blossom outward, coruscating and gathering, seeking to dematerialize the cultist she had pinned while Kiras bounds over to her, freeing up the other pinned cultist to keep her Mistress under watch.

And within moments, the person is converted into golden light and energy and /sucked into her hand/. Okay. That's probably a bit freaky, but without a word more, she simply launches through the air and out the window, energy channeled and propelling her in a spiral, the massive hound bounding out after her.

Damn space ninjas.
Tesla Armadia 'If I had a dime for every time someone thought they could just arrest me...' is something Tesla would say right about now, if it wasn't for the fact that no one would really hear the remark when she's rolling full speed. And then the fool is crazy enough to get in her path to boot. Sigh. Why must some people complicate things with the idea of being all heroic and noble.

Fortunately her abilities allow Tesla to control the tech that enables her to move like this, and the rolling armor-ball proves to be more agile than someone might expect as she triggers the kinetic projectors to boost over the man trying to block her path to the exit. Sorry, no time to stop and make witty remarks. This time.
Priscilla     Priscilla's disappointment finally becomes visible enough that anyone could clue in on it. It's not the disappointment of someone who just didn't get their way, either, but the genuine look of someone who had expected better from a friend.

    "Whence I am directed to comply 'if I wish to leaveth unharmed', I act only accordingly. Thou and I know both that paperwork is beyond the question, so long as the law itself conspires to eliminate this man."

    Priscilla pauses. "Thou hath changed, Sir Fairfax. I am aware, that I hath as well, but it is freedom from the Union that hast done so. What change I see in thee is power and authority, given to one who hast been a slave all his life." If Eryl has made up her mind to try and arrest her though, there's little left but for Priscilla to communicate 'fat chance'.

    She gains the element of surprise by not actually physically making a move. Instead, her left eye, the one ripped from the dying Kalameet, flickers with a cruciform spark of baleful light, and lets off a psychic sound like a white hot knife being dragged across a chalkboard. A wave of unseen force washes outwards into the assembly of Paladin officers in front of her, in a way that is less concussive than a violation of gravity. Before anyone can shoot back, Priscilla hoists her captive cultist, and goes for the Artorias superjump back up into the skylight from which she'd come from. There's no real point in turning invisible while carrying a person.