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Guest Psyber     It's just another day in Heaven or Hell Tower! Psyber is hanging out and working the front desk, as he often does when he has neither field work nor classes to teach. It's a pretty slow day, though. The city, supernaturally saturated though it may be, is pretty calm. There's no creepy occult holidays winding up and most people are occupied by other things.

    Because of the slow day, Psyber is reading a book at the front desk. He calmly thumbs through the pages, one after the other, relaxing and taking his time. The glass front doors of the office are unlocked and any visitor could come into the lobby.
Adele Rozenbach There are however vaguely creepy young-looking armless ladies in wheelchairs, being pushed around by an androgyne, physically flawless servant in a suit, while an identical servant walks to the side, carrying an umbrella as a shield from the sunlight. Adele is wearing a fairly heavy dress, and a wide-brimmed hat. "Ahh, mister Psyber. I'm glad to see you're right here, I was afraid I'd have to go through secretaries to find you."
Guest Psyber     Psyber puts a finger into his book to mark his place and peers up over the edge of it, "Miss Rozenbach. I know many people told me I had a disarming disposition, but I never expected it would literally affect someone." He comments before shutting his book and setting it down on the table in front of him, "I only have one secretary, who has direct access to me. It's a fairly simple project to get ahold of me. What can I do for you today?"
Adele Rozenbach "I thought it would be enlightening to see the world from the perspective of the armless for a few days, it has nothing to do with you, I regret to inform you." There's a faintly bemused smile on her face. "And it's nothing too out of the ordinary, I merely wanted someone to talk to." She glances briefly to her servants, "Regrettably, my ghouls don't make for engaging conversation, and it's hard to find people who will talk to me without trying to figure out how to kill me or how to best flee. Often both."
Guest Psyber     Psyber smiles back at her, "They must lack any hunting instinct if you're aware they're figuring out how to kill you," He notes blankly, sitting up a bit. He pays more attention to the woman than her attendant, "I must say, though, it's an interesting experiment for you to go through simply for the case of edification. You at least picked an unseasonably warm stretch to visit the city, so there's no risk of your chair slipping on ice."
Adele Rozenbach "Well, over time you learn to read people, and professional hunters are a rarety on my world." Adele shrugs a little bit, not really caring too much about the details, "And the two off-world hunters I had come visit weren't exactly subtle about their intentions. They seemed a bit too emotional to allow themselves to maintain a proper level of detachment."

"I'm sure you're also trying to figure it out, just like I'm not neglecting to theorize how I would if I needed to, handle you. But it's one thing to consider your options and another to be so blatantly desirous of it to let it colour your every word and deed, don't you think?" She pauses briefly, making a quick gesture with her head towards the attendant that is carrying the umbrella. It reaches into her stomach and pulls out a bottle of ice wine, which she hands to Psyber. "A little gift. I thought it fit the season."
Guest Psyber     "It's nothing personal. I theorize about how to kill most people that show up in my life in some capacity or another," Psyber tells her, shrugging a bit, "You've never sleighted me personally, so I have no real reason to get emotional over what you are or all that upset that you exist. Honestly, I think these younger hunters just get too attached to their vendettas."

    Psyber takes the bottle of wine from her and inspects it, "Ah. Thanks. Ice wine, huh? Been a while since I had some of this." He sets the bottle on the desk and then looks across from her, "Can I get you a cup of coffee or anything for your attendant to give you?" He inquires in a polite counter-offer.

    "And how long do you expect it to take before your arms grow back?"
Adele Rozenbach "Exactly. You need to be prepared. It's a thoroughly different kind from the one where they're basically one mental step away from actually tyuing to kill you." Adele shrugs again, maintaining that mildly pleasant smile. "I'm afraid I've already had my fill today. I figured it would be rude to ask for the blood of the living from an establishment like this. I appreciate the offer, however." She pauses at the other question. "Oh, I was planning to go without for another week, but if something urgent comes up I'll regrow them on the spot, it's not exactly hard."
Guest Psyber     "Yes, I would have to politely refuse the request for blood, if you were to make it," Psyber says with a wave of his hand, "I'm sure if you were willing to immigrate to Boston, stand trial for any crimes, register, go on Probation, then we could get you a stipend from a local blood bank. But some how I doubt you want to go through such an extensive process." He admits to her with a faint laugh, "But I did say you were welcome to visit. Just don't try to predate within city limits."
Adele Rozenbach "Yes that sounds like a kind of hassle that I would not want to go through merely to get a little snack." Adele agrees mildly, a faint giggle even escapes her lips, "I make sure to always have something fresh available. I have a refridgerator in the dungeon, next to where I keep my husband. That way he gets to watch me drink, I derive a perverse pleasure from the simple act of seeing his thirst, it never gets old."
Guest Psyber     "Was it a rough divorce then?" Psyber asks curiously, tilting his head a bit when she mentions her husband in a dungeon and not getting to feed, "I mean. Dungeon, torture. Seems like you two had a pretty nasty split." He muses, leaning back a bit in his chair and watching her as she recalls her arrangements.
Adele Rozenbach "Oh, we're not divorced. I wouldn't call us happily married, but I have no desire to remarry and it was a catholic marriage so getting a divorce would be tricky, especially since the church and I are not exactly on speaking terms and it was an arranged marriage to begin with." Adele explains briefly, "But in summary, he's the one who made me into what I am, and I am the one who made him into a head that sits on a shelf in my basement for me to use for catharsis. Yes, that's not proper treatment, but I hate him." She pauses, "He's also my great-grandfather's uncle, because of course he is."
Guest Psyber     "Sounds par for the course for European nobility. I have an ongoing research file open that hypothesizes that in the mid-80s they converted Queen Elizabeth into a Lich." Psyber tells her blandly, generally commiserating over the weird state that European marriage and politics can take, "I'm sorry that you were unwillingly converted to Vampirism, however. I've found that upwards of ninety-eight percent don't have cures."
Adele Rozenbach "There are rumours of a cure, but nobody knows any credible instances of it actually happening. So I have not put any faith in it being real." Adele answers that with a slight shrug, "I cannot say I do not deserve my damnation. I most certainly prayed for the opportunity to make my family suffer for the fate they chose for me, and I got the power to do that. In retrospect, maybe I was a little too overeager."
Guest Psyber     "If you'd like to hire me to look into the rumors of a cure, I do have a pamphlet with my rates," Psyber says as he slides a pamphlet across the table. He costs exactly as much as you would expect an independant contractor of his experience to cost, "And I offer a ten percent discount to first-time clients."
Adele Rozenbach "I'll think about it." Adele offers in response, looking at the pamphlet curiously. "I must warn that the political state of my world may complicate these things. Cross-world historical analysis tells me we're in the middle of the first world war. Apparently I am to become French once again. Feels like yesterday, to be honest."
Guest Psyber     "Ah, World War One." Psyber gets a far off look in his eyes, "Somme was really bad." He shakes his head a couple times and then looks at her, "Well. Keep it in mind if you consider looking at contractors. I don't mind navigating politics, but I usually have specialists I pay for that."
Adele Rozenbach "That makes sense, and... ut reminds me of my youth. I grew up during a nasty conflict, the thirty years war if you know your European history." Adele gestures with her head once more. "And while it was lovely meeting you, I do have more business to attend to. Thank you for your time, I'm sure we'll meet again one day." The attendant guiding her wheelchair starts to prepare to move her out.
Guest Psyber     Psyber lifts his hand towards Adele and nods his head, "Have a pleasant afternoon yourself, Lady Rozenbach. Be mindful of traffic, we're coming on rush hour shortly." He cautions her as the assistant prepares to help lead her out.