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Raine Arland      Another quiet day, drifting through the void of space. Before the Multiverse crapped itself, it was really just a formality and people could actually breathe in the void. Now? Now it wasn't so much a formality. Stay inside the ship and make sure those airlocks are tight because space is no longer breathable.

     That aside, it also happens to be a holiday! ...Christmas in fact. Some earth holiday that seems to have taken the Multiverse by storm. Likely because of how many different variations of Earth there are out there. Miltiades has something similar of course, but the context and lore are completely different.

     Either way, Raine sits in the bridge, piloting the ship manually, eyeing the drifting void as he sets course for their next destination. Another holiday delivery. "People are such procrastinators. Waiting till the last minute to go and do their things..." He mutters to himself. But then he realizes. "...Oh, right. Today, IS the day, isn't it?"


     He sets the ship onto autopilot and heads out into the hall to go to his room. He had to pick up those packages he'd gotten wrapped...
Lumeria Lumeria meanwhile already had her gifts for Raine and Fragarach ready for while. She hadn't been quite sure what to get Raine until a certain conversation over the League chat. Of course getting it onto the ship without him noticing was a bit difficult. She had bribed Fragarach with a new video game to keep it hidden with ber magic until today. She's slowly pushing a large box out of the cargo bay into the main part of the ship.
Raine Arland      Raine's gifts are simple. Easily carried under one arm. He leaves his room and steps out into the hall again. "Now where are those two..." Of course, he hadn't noticed anything suspicious from Lumeria or Fragarach in the previous days, but then again, he wasn't really paying too much hard attention to either of them. The holiday rush was fierce. Zipping through space to deliver packages to different worlds...

     Today was the last bit, and then it was going to be relaxation time. Finally. But while they're on the way to their next destination, it was time to take care of his own business. A suspicious creaking in the cargo bay does get his attention as he walks down the hall. "Huh?" What's that? Someone down there? He stands at the end of the hallway, staring right at the elevator doors and waiting for whoever it was to come up to the main hall of the ship, one hand resting on his hip.
Lumeria The elevator pops up and Lumeria steps out dragging the box behind her. "It's just me, who else would be using the elevator?" Fragarach could likely just warp wherever on the ship she wanted to go after all. "I hope you enjoy your gift, it was pain to get it up here." She's a squishy mage after all so there's no way she could lift it. She notices the gifts under his arm. "I'm kind of surprised you actually got me anything."
Raine Arland      Raine rolls his eyes. Of course it's Lumeria. She's right. Fragarach can just warp and phase through walls. She can breathe in space too, so really, it was the only logical deduction. Even still, somehow his mind considered the possibility that maybe there was an intruder. "...Sorry, old habits." He chuckles, rubbing the back of his head.

     "Right, anyway... the heck is that?" It was kind of....big. "I'm surprised you managed to move that with yur noodle arms." He smirks and steps in front of the light mage, quirking a brow. "So we're doing this out here? ...I guess that works, why not." There's a shrug, and then the man in black pulls out one of the wrapped objects from under his other arm, holding it out to her. "Here. This one's yours." What is it? Well, it's not nearly as big as that box. In fact, it feels like a book. A thick book, but a book nonetheless.
Lumeria "Actually worried that someone else might have came after me?" Lumeria teases him a bit before taking the present and unwrapping it. It did feel like a book, she wonders what the catch is. He knows she likes to read after all. Once his package is unwrapped, he'll find an adult tricycle that's painted pink. It has a basket, bells and streams attached to it. There's also several starter packs for various card games through out the Multiverse.
Raine Arland      "Please. As if I'd be worried about that." Raine replies, rolling his eyes and looking away pointedly. "This is just a mission. ....A really long running mission." Seriously. It's been a year now? Almost? Certainly Lumeria's kidnapping has sparked war on Miltiades, but the extent of that is beyond him. They need to get back soon.

     The book she unwraps is.... is......

     Dark Magic for Dummies.

     Scrawled in ornate lettering with a derpy looking guy in black robes and a wizard hat, wielding a broken wand. It says 'Read through this book and even the most inept person can start casting the most evil of the black arts!' But there's also a note attached to the cover. It states:

     'This fool here sought me out and asked me to say a few words to you...who he claims to be my sister from another world. Truly nonsensical. Nonetheless, I suppose I can wish you a happy holiday. Even if I believe you will fail in your endeavor to learn the black arts. - Rue D.'

     And with that all done, Raine grins. "Heh heh! I thought it was perfect~ I even chased down that girl and got her to say a few words. Almost got me killed, but hey! Have fun now!" This guy... He goes on to unwrap that box then, peeling off the paper to find...

     ".............. What in the world?" All of that smug humor from moments earlier is replaced with total incredulity. "....Wait, wait! You got all of this because of that joke the other day!? Damn it!"

     Suppose they're even now.
Lumeria Lumeria has a rather odd look on her face right now, somewhere being pissed off and smiling. She's insulted by the gift of course, but she's happy the alternate version of her sister is still alive. "Well, thanks for making sure she's still alive at least." She's clearly a bit upset but she let him off the hook at least.

She starts laughing though upon seeing his reaction to the gift. "It was worth all the effort for the look on your face." Her anger quickly subsides.
Raine Arland      "Guuuuuuh--" Well that victory didn't last too long! What was he supposed to do with this silly bike and a bunch of card games? "Bah, thanks anyway." ...Well, he could donate them to charity. It would be better that some kids have them than have it languish away with him, right? ...He'll think about it. Maybe it will just sit around. Who knows?

     Regardless though, he manages to smile a bit and nod. "Yeah... you seemed a bit worried, so... I went and dug around till I found her. In the damnedest of places too." Scoffing, Raine shook his head and then approached to lift the box up and bring it along with them. It's in the way in the main hall.

     "She's working for the League. In the R&D section. Under the bigwigs themselves. How about that?" He chuckles, setting that box down in a side bay and then moving along to head to Fragarach's room. "Passed right by her one day, and then did a double take."
Lumeria "Thank you, I guess even you can be nice once in a while." Once he sets the box down, she reaches out and hugs him. She certainly normally wouldn't do this but decides to give him the benefit of the doubt just this once. "You're lucky that you managed to come back as a human. I guess you caught her on one of her better days. Or did Fragarach have to transform you back?" She looks him over for any signs that he might have been transformed or hexed.
Raine Arland      The hug is entirely unexpected, and Raine actually freezes for a while. "Uh...-- .... Yeah... right." He doesn't attempt to touch her at all, and just nods woodenly. "As for Rue.... she threatened to do it actually. Held a staff to my neck and everything. But I managed to convince her that this wasn't a complete waste of time." There's a grin there, followed by a waving hand. "No, no! I'm fine! I wouldn't have even made it back to the ship if I got hexed!" Really now. "Are you /that/ worried, huh?"
Lumeria "My sister can do other things than just turn people into frogs. There was a handsome guy who made fun of the way she looked once. The next day I saw him he looked like an old man." Lumeria warns him. "Do not ever piss off my sister, she gives me some leeway, but anyone fact even Mom is afraid of her and she's the president and a powerful dark mage herself."
Raine Arland      A sigh. "Yeah, yeah. But that one isn't a merciless witch. Probably. She just seems to want to pursue her research. ...She also said something about paying college loans..." A chuckle follows. "I guess even if the Multiverse craps itself, those loans aren't going away." Truly tragic. They make it to Fragarach's door before long, and Raine doesn't even knock. He just turns the handle and walks in.

     "Yo, Fraggy~" He greets...and is promptly met with a head sized ball of ice crashing into his face. "Blugweh-!" Down Raine goes. And seated on her bed, Fragarach stares at the TV, a controller in her hand and an ice cream bar hanging from her mouth. "Forgot your manners, did you?" She mumbles idly, pressing buttons.

Lumeria "Well, she has reasons. Everyone keeps wanting to use for her magic. I wish I could be half as talented with dark magic as her." Lumeria sounds a bit envious. "I think Fragarach is the only person I've met who could beat her. Speaking of's the new controller working out?" Her attention turns towards her roomate. She figures Raine's fine she's seen him take much worse blows than that.
Raine Arland      "....Ow...." Raine grumbles from the floor, signifying that he's just fine. He slowly sits up, and then stands. "Sheesh, and after I went and got you a gift too." He sets the remaining package onto the bed, crossing his arms after to watch the TV screen. Another video game. She really got into those.

     "The controller appears to be working quite well." The white clad woman responds, not actually looking at Lumeria. "As for you, boy, you learn to knock, and perhaps you'll find yourself hit less." Perhaps. "Ah, yes. And merry whatever holiday it is today." So invested. She hasn't even gotten either of them anything. Nope.
Lumeria "I take it you aren't the festive type, Fragarach?" Now that Lumeria thinks about it, Fragarach didn't really talk much about herself. "You know, I think Rue and you would get along pretty well." If they didn't kill each other first. "Which is kind of frightening when I think about it." Lumeria offers Raine a hand up, deciding she can be friendly to him for one day.
Raine Arland      Raine rolls his eyes. "Not festive in the least." He grumbles after getting helped up. "But that's fine. Wouldn't be her otherwise, right? Ha ha ha ha~" And with that, Raine turns around and starts to head out. "Anywho, I think it's about time I return to the bridge and start piloting the ship again. Catch you two another ti- BWAGH!" Another ball of ice veers through the air, thwapping him in the back of the head and sending him tumbling into the hallway before the door shuts.


     "Your sister, hm." Fragarach considers the possibility. And then shrugs her shoulders. "Far too much effort." Rue would probably feel the same, wouldn't she? Perhaps it's best they don't meet ever.
Lumeria "Well, you seem to at least tolerate me for the most part." Lumeria's wondering if she fits into Fragarach's plans somehow. Or she finds her somewhat useful. She decides to join Fragarach in playing in the game, it's the holidays she certainly isn't doing any work.
Raine Arland      And just like that, things go on as normal. Gifts were exchanged, Raine was abused, Lumeria and Fragarach passed the time playing games. Yep. Another typical day in the expanse of space.

     Happy holidays.