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Bahamut      It is late evening in Bevelle. The sun has dipped fully below the horizon, cloaking the city and its inhabitants in the half-darkness of twilightMany are just finishing dinner or leaving work, so the streets are packed with pedestrians moving between restaurants and jobs and homes. Children are emerging to play after their meal, and the entire town is feeling pretty relaxed. There are of course a few guards and soldiers wandering the streets to maintain security, but overall no one expects anything to happen. Bevelle hasn't been attacked in quite a while. It's the most secure location on Spira.

     In no small part thanks to the large temple in the middle of the city, where the great dragon Bahamut resides, answering any call to defend the city. For now though, he is simply standing at the gate to his temple, observing the city and enjoying the peace. The tall grey dragon towers over any other citizen of the city, and many offer him bows of respect as they pass. With the high walls and all the military presence here, no one suspects that something sinister might be approaching them right now...
Adele Rozenbach An innocent looking girl stumbles towards the city, pale-faced and young. Perhaps as young as sixteen or as old as nineteen, she's dressed in simple clothes native to the region. The clothes are covered in blood, and she holds on to her sides as though trying to prevent more blood... or perhaps even worse, from spilling out. She addresses the first official looking person she can find, "Please... I need... I..." And then she slumps over forward, collapsing. She still breathes, and her heart still beats.

A grotesque looking bird, with bug-like eyes and a bee-like stinger swoops down from the air right after, its talons tipped with giant stingers that leak acid. Its shrill cry carries far, and it's going for whoever is closest to the girl
Pippi     No one suspects something sinister might be approaching, but least of all is a figure wearing a hoodie, open and showing an I 8 N Y T-shirt with a bite mark taken out of the 8. The figure walks with a strange gait, keeping to the sides of crowds, and incredibly lost. She smells the strange foods, the distracting smells of spices and meats and smoke and -- she pauses, hearing the sound of someone in trouble. Two bumps raise beneath the hood as brown eyes peer out from the hood as she turns her attention to the girl -- and as that grotesque creature begins its dive, Pippi leaps into action, giving a low growl in her throat as she slings her way through the crowd, drawing up behind the girl and the putting herself between her and the creature before she withdraws from a sling on her back her Stick -- a big, heavy, steel crowbar, and as she tilts her head back she shows her canine features.

    "HEY UGLY!" she calls out, "Batter up!"
Alexis A Trainer shouldn't be afraid to get out and explore new regions. The strongest bonds are made through shared experiences.

Alexis doesn't remember which of the Professors she'd heard that from at some point, but it wasn't really important who said it. Poking her nose into other worlds occasionally was a bit of a personal past time, usually to see if there was any new sort of tameable monsters for her to investigate. No such luck here. Well, there's chocobos, but she's not looking into -racing- monsters. But seeing the kids out playing was nice. Maybe she should teach a couple of them to play field hockey. Plenty of fields to play in after all and it keeps them from just sitting around and... uh.... something. Whatever lazy kids do instead of video games around he--

Then there's shouting and screaming from the other side of the city and all the sorts of things one would expect to ruin a perfectly picturesque peaceful evening. "I swear. -Every- time I try to take some time off to relax..." The girl got up from where she had been reclining to watch the kids play and took off in the direction of the bellowing guards.
Bahamut      The first person the injured girl encounters would be a city gate guard. He and his partner rush forward upon seeing the injured girl, their spears raised to the sky as they approach. The shrill shriek of the dread bird overhead pulls their eyes upward, and one pulls out a horn which he uses to send a powerful sound into the air. Guards all over the city can hear it, and start mobilizing for defense. Those nearest the gate start closing it, while archers and gunners take up positions on the wall and try to get the fiend before it can reach the city or the guards with the injured girl. One guard carries her while the other covers their backs, spear raised to impale the bird if it dives on them.

     He is prepared to travel to the Farplane, for he knows from his training that a fiend such as this one is unlikely to be stopped by his spear, even if he hits it. But, it is his duty to protect the city and its people as best he can, and he hopes that his sacrifice will save his partner and the injured girl. Whether Pippi and Alexis are in time to help is yet to be seen...
Lin There's been a call for help and Lin happened to be traversing a nearby warpgate at the time. She detours out and through Bevelle's, bursting free of the gate's lightshow like a butterfly from a chrysalis. The moment the redhead's feet touch ground she's off in a lightning dash. Upon encountering structures she begins to smoothly ascend right up them in a series of soaring leaps any Dragoon would easily applaud.

    She transitions then into leaping across rooftops for a better view, scouting for the source of the trouble.

    Turns out that isn't hard. A nasty-looking bird mid-dive gives her a direction to charge in!
Adele Rozenbach The poor creature isn't up to the task of the various people attempting to fight it, but fortunately none of the truly dangerous ones have struck yet. The guard's spear finds the creature's belly protected by chitin, and while that spear pierces it, it doesn't pierce deeply. The monstrous bird backs off and flies around a little, throwing acid from its talons at the people who are nearby and not running.

Where it hits, its quite capable of burning deeply into flesh, and even the ground sizzles under that corrosive liquid. Eventually it settles for Pippi, diving down once again to try to push that stinger into someone, venom leaking even before it makes contact.

The unconscious girl is fairly easy to move, but she is bleeding quite a lot, making it seem likely she'll need urgent medical attention.
Pippi     The mutant canine growls, standing her ground as she grips the steel crowbar tighter, the steel twisting in her hands before she eases off. The acid splatters around, but she's being loud, purposefully, to try and get the bird's attention. She didn't really think of the danger that the acid was posing -- even as it strikes her clothing and begins to eat through her hoodie.

    She braces, she growls,a nd as that stinger's exposed Pippi braces, and gives a leap. Superstrength-fueled legs pushing her up into the air slightly to confront the bird on her (dubiously well thought out) terms, and she swings the crowbar down, its wedge-shaped blade on the hook turned outwards as she tries to hit the bird with a good amount of her personal strength.

    "Man your perch musta been made outta the /Ugly Tree/!"
Alexis Yeah, flinging around acid, that's not good. Better do something about that first so those people have a chance to get out of the way. Which would be why instead of a pokeball, Alexis goes for what appears to be a shield and sword slung across her back as she nears, grabbing said circular shield and flinging it into the gate square with a precision throw that even a certain star spangled superhero would appreciate. "Balisong, use Wide Guard!"

As it spins through the air the sword behind the shield ejects free of it... Only to extend a pair of ghostly arms to grab said shield as the sword swings to a hovering stop mid-air. The shield is held over the sword and a glowing surge ripples out from it, forming a protective barrier between the splay of acidic venom and the people on the street.

"Don't just stand there!" Alexis skids to a stop behind the improvised barrier a moment later, grabs the first persons she can, and give them a push in the direction of the nearest building. "Get inside before you wind up inside that thing!" Hopefully if she gets a few going the others will follow.
Bahamut      The spear-wielding guard seems thankful for the assist, even if he -was- prepared for the afterlife. Both he and the other guard rush into the city wall through a door, and many other people follow. Guards and civilians alike. Others rush for buildings while more robust guards take up positions to protect the doorways and windows. But, they don't attack. Fiends like this are beyond their abilities.

     Acid eats away at the streets and buildings of the town square, and shrieks of frightened citizens fill the air as the people all around the city get wind of the attack. Thankfully, everyone runs away from the town square and tries to get inside whatever building they can. In only a minute or two, the city streets are clear.

     And as Alexis urges some stragglers toward safety, there is a deafening roar from overhead before a large, obviously draconic figure flies past. Having made sure the citizens are safe, Bahamut dashes at the bug-bird, his own talons outstretched. Four sets of them, one for each hand and foot, aimed to pounce the bird like an eagle pouncing its prey. And perhaps giving Pippi somewhere to latch on as he passes.
Lin If this were most situations, Lin would wonder if the giant DRAGON THING over there is somehow related to this problem. But it isn't so, for the dragon comes after the vicious acid-spewing bird. This leaves Lin gaping with some clear surprise in her eyes. She skids to a halt atop a rooftop near the mess.... and for now, readies her weapon.

    But with the HUGE DAMN DRAGON butting in, she's not of a mind to add too many cooks to this kitchen.

    The bird is likely toast, after all.

    But if it flies her way... it will have to deal with her blade.

    "What's HAPPENING here?!"
Adele Rozenbach Fortunately, Alexis manages to protect most of the civilians from the acid, which they are likely quite grateful for. Pippi smacks the bird creature with her crowbar, and it is hurled down, and then Bahamut pounces down on the falling creature. It's crushed and with a little whimper that almost seems to signal relief more than anything else, it stops moving, a thick black liquid oozing out of its wounds.

Inside the walls, the girl opens her eyes and reaches out for the guard, breaking his neck and tearing open his throat in swift one movement, the blood pooling to the ground, right as the girl herself dissolves into blood. The pools mix, and then reform into a single humanoid creature, first the skeleton forms, a twelve feet tall winged humanoid, the blood coalesces into muscle and organs to clothe these bones, then an outer layer of chitin and bone forms a protective armour.

The shape is clearly feminine, and her hands end in talons, her tail is tipped with a scorpion stinger, and her feet have bird-like talons. Her jaw opens to reveal long, pointy canines, "Dinner time."
Pippi     Pippi lands, and feeling a burning, drops the heavy crowbar (which lands with a metallic THUNK! on the ground) and she discards the sweatshirt, with an 'ow ow ow ow ow!' sound, shaking off her arm. She's got a sort of make-shift armor made from skating equipment guarding her elbows, which she hastily scrapes off any remaining acid, retrieves her stick, and gives a happy looking grin to Bahamut, Alexis, and Lin.

    "Obviously, we're the heroes!" she grins excitedly. She's a red and white canine, her face roughly bisected, and her ears flop a little as her tail, freed of the oversized sweatshirt, gives a wag. "I'm Pippi." she introduces herself neaetly, and then she pauses.

    Her head tilts, and her eyes get a distant look.

    "Did you... did you hear something?"
Alexis See? Most people expect Alexis to be one of the first to just start swinging blows. But sometimes the best offense really is a good defense, when it comes to preventing collateral casualties at least. She does make a face at some of the acid dripping off her Aegislash's shield and burning into the ground though. Not that the Steel-type Ghost seems to be phased much than idle annoyance by it.

Idly she grabs the back of the mon, and it wraps the shadowy ribbon arms around her own to fasten the shield there as it resheaths the sword of it's body behind it. "Yeah, heroes. Even small problems need 'em. So was that a local fauna or--"

And then Pippi mentions hearing something else. "No, but we're not dogs, either." That was a compliment! Dogs have good hearing. "Can you tell where it was?"
Bahamut      Without even a moment to let out a grunt, the guard that had carried the injured girl all the way into the city and the safety of the walls meets his end at the hands of the very creature he thought he was saving. His eyes focus on the girl who just tore out his throat for just a moment before he collapses, his blood quickly pooling on the floor.

     The other guard lets out a terrified yell. "Wh-what have you done?!" he shouts before the girl dissolves into the puddle. And then reforms. The guard's eyes widen, and he is frozen for a moment as he watches the creature forming in front of him. It is only after she is fully formed and speaks that terrifying pair of words that he lets out as powerful a yell as he can manage and dashes down for the nearest door to the outside. "In here! The girl, she isn't a girl! She's a demon!!" he is screaming as he throws the door open, hoping the stronger combatants outside might help him avoid the Farplane a bit longer.
Lin Lin starts to relax, but there's little time for that. A strange SHIVER runs through her. A warning. There's danger afoot?

    She doesn't need to glance around warily for long. The screaming guard draws her attention like a skyscraper does lightning! She's off with a start, leaping down from her perch and skidding across the streets. She changes velocity with a simple KICk that sends her sailing straight through the door and into the wall corridor.

    "The things I run across when--" Her irritated yammering's silenced the moment she lays eyes on the tall, freakish monstrosity. Teeth clench and grind together, and she leaps sideways to clear the doorway. The hand grasping her sheathed weapon... releases and drifts slightly higher to grasp empty air.

    "What... what kind of monster...?!"

    A bit afraid, the Solar stops subduing her radiance. Golden-white light drifts free of her skin and ignites into a roaring blaze while a sunburst blazes on her forehead. The swirling energies gather at her hand and quickly congeal into a curved blade that's DEFINITELY more formidable than the steel she wears.
Adele Rozenbach Adele picks up the screaming guy as he screams and alerts others, "It's rather impolite to call other people demons, don't you know?" She asks before lifting him up and squeezing him like a lemon, the blood that falls ends up being absorbed by the undead monstrosity's flesh, no need for any mouths to drink for this unpleasant lady.

Of course, his cries for aid did bring forth more heroic types, such as that woman clad in the power of the sun. "Monster is such a dirty word, my dear." She responds, then breaking through the walls properly to take the air, "I am Princess Adele von und zu Rozenbach, and I'm having dinner. If you would be so kind as to find someone else to bother, that would make things easier for everyone." Except for the ones who end up dead.
Pippi     Sniff, sniff sniff...

    And then the ears come up, and Pippi is already on the move, spinning her crowbar as she turns to make her way to the wall and... her eyes go wide. HEr ears pin back at the smell of all the blood. She skids momentarily to a stop, and she tilts her head before the wall breaks up, and Princess Adele von un zu Rozenbach takes to the air.

    She glances back at the dragon, Alexis, Karal, and then to the open, gaping hole in the wall, takes a deep breath, and readies her crowbar as she grits her jaw, pins her ears and lets the rougher fur on the back of her neck stand up before she goes and grabs a chunk of the wall, hefts it up in her hands, and LOBS it at the Princess.

    "Too bad we ordered take out!" she calls up, then glances back "Get it? Fight? Take out? ... n-nevermind..."
Alexis While not as quick as the sun powered Lin Alexis isn't far behind her and Pippi tracking down the source of disruption. Even if the screaming made it a bit redundant. And the demonic thing of morphed blood smashing out of the building making trying to find the source a bit pointless too, when she(?) is now right there. Grunting Alexis holds up the Aegislash to deflect some of the debris stewn through the air by Adele's violent exit. "Princess? Of what, crazyland?"

Though hearing 'princess' is apparently enough to get a certain fire-weasel's attention as a flash of energy materializes the Typhlosion at Alexis's side. <Did I hear someone mention prin--> He doesn't even finish before Alexis just points up at the blood-demon.

Instantly even the wannabe casanova recoils, covering his face with his forepaws. <--THAT IS SO SICK AND WRONG.>

"Yeah. Normally I'd give you points for forgoing the princesses being the ultimate beautiful thing cliche. But you're making a mess uglier than you are. Scorch." Pause at no response. Reachs over to smack the back of his head. "Scorch!"

"Ty!" Scorch rubs his head with one paw. <Yeah, yeah, I'm done. Guess it's time to do with her like you do with every ugly wart.> The collar of flames erupts into existance around his neck as he literally fires up. <BURN IT OFF!> Which ends with him opening his mouth and blazing a gout of Flamethrower up at the hovering blood-demon-princess.
Bahamut      As the wall is broken open by Princess Adele von und zu Rozenbach, the scene she left behind is visible. The first guard, who had carried her, with his head nearly torn off yet somehow no blood to be seen. The second is plucked up, flailing strongly and trying to jab with his spear to escape. But, to no avail, and he meets a similar fate to his fallen brother in arms. As the crushed guard goes limp, there is a vicious roar from overhead.

     "How dare you?!" Bahamut bellows, his form hard to see in the dark sky overhead except for the city lights glinting off his armored hide. "You shall face justice for those two guards, and for all the other lives you may have taken!" And with that, Bahamut is diving again. This time right at Adele with even more ferocity than he met that poor disfigured bird with. There is actually a whistling like a bomb falling as the metal dragon dives, and it will likely cause similar destruction when he impacts Adele and the ground.

     Along the top of the wall, guard captains are gathering their men, with riflemen at the forefront. The guards form a perimeter around the square, with the riflemen taking up elevated positions, ready to open fire on Adele. Once they are all in position, the captains all call out in unison, "FIRE!!" The riflemen are quite accurate and trained to fire around melee combatants, so no bullets should harm any of their allies. Of course, normal bullets might not even be effective against Adele.
Lin Lin's lips peel back as DISGUST rolls through her in waves.

    "Princess...? A... a royal pain in the ass, y'mean!" She growls back, but takes a moment to glance at her companions. Basically none of which she recognizes, so they all get a frantic look. Can she trust them later...?

    They've seen her anima.

    Oh well. PRIORITIES!

    Her gaze snaps to Adele. "Since you're so fond of tearin' people up, like -you- have any right to complain about us doing the same to you!"

    Yelling fiercely she kicks off into action, charging past and attempting to slash up Adele's with strikes so fast they're just a golden blur!
Adele Rozenbach "Princess of Rozenbach, sweet. And I'm not crazy, merely quite desensitized to death. Happens when you've been on the edge of death for so long you forgot what it's like to be alive. Now, my dear, that's quite a lovely creature you have there, would you mind if I took it home for study?" Adele asks Alexis as the flames wash over her, they burn the chitin and bone, and that does seem to have an impact, causing damage that, while it repairs itself, doesn't quite look as sturdy as it was before the flames.

One of the wounds of that flame is how one of those bullets that had been plinking off her armour ends up making purchase within her flesh, and this causes her to jerk in her movement, surprised by that pain. While in such a state, the chunk of wall hits her to the side, hitting hard and forcing her to fall as she seeks to recover back to flight.

Right then, Bahamut's dive hits her straight on, driving her into the ground, cracking several bones and making it nigh impossible for her to dodge or otherwise defend herself against the golden strikes of Lin, each of them flashing with extra effect as the light of the sun burns this undead creature.

And then she dissolves into a pool of blood. For a moment, it might look like victory, like they have won.

Alas, it won't be that easy, not against Adele. The blood forms a new skeleton to the side of Bahamut, this time it's human sized, though it retains the wings. Within mere moments it fills out with muscle, organs and skin. Not all of the blood rejoins however, a fair amount of it seems to be left behind. This time, she is quite beautiful, a perfectly feminine shape clad in armour of bone, with a pleasant face and feathered wings. Those claws still look quite sharp.

Whether intentionally or not, that face is identical to the face she had when she was pretending to be a harmless girl in need of rescue.
Pippi     Yeah. Pippi has the smell of blood in her nose and the canine whirls around, still gripping stick in one hand as she watches the dark creature fall. Hooray! The day has been won! She tailwags. She toothily smiles to the group, and she goes to once again introduce herself and ammend 'a good girl' to it when she sees the pool of blood reform.

    And she growls, hackles raised, ears back, and the thought in her mind of the two guards -- who probably only wanted to help a poor, injured girl! -- stuck in her mind.

    And she moves, quick stepping, bounding over to the beautiful girl with the feathered wings, but Pippi has the smell of blood in her nose.

    And when she goes to the Princess, she grips her Stick tightly, and she tries to smash the Princess's side with a crushing blow!

    "Go 'way!" she growls, unable to come up with a suitable one-liner!
Alexis Alexis's expressions scrunchs farther into a scowl as the woman hits the ground and splatters, only to reform into an appearance that, other than the wings, is a bit more familiar. "So this whole thing was a set-up from the start?!"

< Bit late to put on your pretty face toots, we already saw how ugly the real you is. > Scorch chimes in with a huff of smoke to punctuate. That said, he grabs onto Alexis' arm to keep her from doing something brash. Tough as she is, she's still only human. And we saw what this woman can do to humans with little issue.

Reluctantly, she gets the idea. Or at least remembers the last time she rushed in, and ended up with a knife in her shoulder to keep her allies from acting with her in danger. This woman is better dealt with by mutants and monsters. She can still make witty retorts though. "You might want to listen to the pooch."

Scorch erupts into motion, seeming to blurr for a brief moment thanks to the crazy speed Quick Attack briefly moves at, and 'appear' right next to Adele to swipe at her with his own sharp claws.

"Or the only blood batch is gonna be your own." Ugh, blood is hard to make one-liners about without sounding weird and creepy.
Bahamut      Bahamut feels deep satisfaction at the crunching beneath him when he strikes, and the city guards all cheer when Adele melts again. But, that revelry is short-lived. She reforms nearby, and one of the guards who had been at the gate when she was brought in yells, "Th-that's the injured girl that Jalkar and Timor brought into the city!!"

     This information has an immediate effect on Bahamut, who's eyes seem to suddenly be burning with rage. "You have fallen so far as to use a man's kindness and dignity against him in order to take his life?!" the great dragon bellows, shaking the ground a bit with his volume. "You are the most foul of creatures! Even a wild animal or fiend would have given them the dignity of facing their deaths head on!!"

     Even as he bellows, the golden gyro floating on Bahamut's back is starting to spin, gathering energy. "You have doomed them to a life of hateful reincarnation merely to satisfy your own hunger!" The smaller, faster fighters lead the charge, which might be good because Bahamut's steps rumble like thunder on the ground as he charges at Adele, claws outstretched. Seeing Pippi and Scorch and Lin in action, even in his rage he measures his movements, slashing only when there is an opening, providing a convenient higher platform when his allies might need it, and covering them if he can from blows that Adele might dish out. "You have lived long enough, fel creature! No one has the right to sacrifice other lives to prolong their own!"
Lin THIS turn of events leaves Lin blinking. Her sword carves through blood?! Sensing danger, she double-backflips away from the blood and falls back into a sword-drawing stance! "Foul Creature of Darkness, I'll see you burned to ash! That's the price for treating people like food!"

    Or so she declares. Inwardly... Lin flinches. The weird blood-shifting display and the new array of ARMOR has her worried. It'll now be harder to avoid getting tangled up with her allies here, and...

    The Solar frowns. How do you kill a thing that can turn into blood? Does it HAVE internal organs? Will chopping the head off accomplish anything? This trick's a new one she has to figure out!

    Now a scowl crawls across Lin's face. She'll just have to KEEP SLASHING and see what happens.

    "Back to whatever Underworld you crawled out of!" The Solar steps forward but with that one step seems to just GLIDE across the distance with a burst of speed. Adele doesn't have muhch warning time before the redhead's blade is upon her again and again with a ferocious assault of calculated strikes and swipes. Lin DOES NOT relent! She just steps more and more in to beat down Adele's defenses!
Adele Rozenbach Pippi's strike is blocked by a shielded arm, this still leads to a crunching sound as bone armour breaks, and Adele stumbles sideways to reduce the impact of the blow. For all her impossible resilience and the ability to turn to blood and reform, it's abundantly clear that she still cares about defending herself from harm, which means she is of the impression she is not invincible.

After she stumbles sideways, Scorch hits her from the other side, sending her stumbling back a little, but this time she does retaliate, she's not the fastest, but she is still superhumanly fast, and impossibly strong, so those claws swiping for the pokemon's face are very dangerous. "Neither this nor that were my true form, my dear. They are merely forms convenient for a purpose." The undead shapeshifter answers.

Only for Bahamut to charge at her, and those claws throw her backwards, and into the air, where it's obvious one of her legs is now broken. She floats in place as her legs dissolves into blood and reform as a pair of bird-like talons.

"I think I get the point, me dears. I think I'll be off elsewhere, where there's not quite as many complications to my dinner." She answers, and then Lin starts slashing into her with that solar sword, and while the attacks of others may have damaged her, these ones make her visibly wince, pained expressions on her face as she hurries backwards and upwards as much as she can to try and get away from that bane.
Pippi     Pippy had been happily pounding away, but she was repelled by the rebound off the shielded arm. She went flying, soaring, really, and ended up SPLATTIng against the wall. She exhales as she blinks her eyes, the breath knocked out of her, and she eases herself down by... sliding and falling into a heap.

    "Ooooww...." she whines, breathlessly.
Alexis While getting slashed is nothing new for a Pokemon, the bizarre woman of blood still hits with enough force to make Scorch yowl as he reels from the blow. A few stumbling steps to reassert his balance and a hiss of smoke follows. Rubs the side of his head with one paw. Just getting slapped for being a flirt was bad enough; THAT is definately going to leave a mark.

"And me without a good flier handy," Alexis grouses, knowing she'd not be able to pull another ball to deploy before the woman is out of range.

"Sslsssssh." < Allow me to make sure she leaves > The rasping sound from the posessed weapon on her arm actually takes Alexis by surprise for a moment with how rarely Balisong speaks. The 'eye' in the hilt of the sword glows briefly as the surface of the shield briefly ripples with a black and purple miasma, then ejects forth a sphere of the same into the air after Adele. The Shadow Ball might not even hit, it's just to reinforce the point that she should keep leaving.
Bahamut      Bahamut is not about to let someone who came to -his- world and killed -his- people to simply escape if he can help it! His wings spread as Adele takes to the skies, and he soon displays plenty of speed and power when he takes to the sky himself. The gyro on his back is going faster and faster, and he roars as the energy starts arcing over him, building in front of his open maw. It is soon expanding in an orb of swirling purples and blues and whites. When it dwarfs his head, it pulsates...

     And a beam of pure energy made of the same swirling colors as the orb fires. Thicker than Bahamut himself, the beam seeks to engulf Adele. It is most akin to a massive laser beam, and if it were to hit it would cause multiple explosions as it oversaturates the atoms of Adele's armor and possibly her form itself. Then, as the tail end of the beam catches up with her, it would cause it's own explosion.

     The time it took to fire the Mega Flare would definitely give Adele the time to escape, as Bahamut has to rest a few moments after expending so much energy at once. He floats back down to the ground, then looks at the others. "Are you all unharmed?" Guards have moved to help Pippi up and check her for injuries. Bahamut lets out a low rumble as he slowly calms himself, then sighs. "Thank you all for your help." he says as he looks to the now star-studded sky for signs of Adele.
Lin With the battle going UPWARDS there's not much Lin can do besides skid to a halt, raise her weapon to guard herself, and... watch.

    While grinding her teeth even MORE.

    The raging aura surrounding her begins to quiet, dipping to only a thin film of bright light instead of a fiery blaze engulfing everything around her.

    Which leaves her only able to glance around and spot the downed Pippi. She exhales a sigh of relief. "At least there were only TWO casualties... that would've been worse..." Not that losing two people is a thing to celebrate...
Adele Rozenbach Adele dodges aside the shadow ball, though it still graces her shoulder briefly, causing her to dip down. When she's dipped down like that, the mega-flare comes out, and Adele doesn't quite have the speed to dodge out of it entirely. Multiple explosions happen, shredding away at her flesh, tearing off her wing, and then the tail end of the beam repeats the trick, doing similar damage to her other side.

Had she been a regular winged human, that would've been lethal, the damage enough to make her plummut to the ground, and parts of her dissolve into blood, some of those make it back to her, and she catches herself by forming batlike wings to replace the feathered ones, less resilient, less pretty, but they'll do.

The rest of the blood makes it down to the land she's flying past, and apparently this is lost. For however damaging that was, Adele does not yet appear highly impeded. Yet, she is staying lower with her flight now, sticking between the tree tops to make another such beam much harder to aim, and her distance ever increases.
Pippi     Well, flying puts Pippi out of the running. Literally.

    "D-Don't wait up." she calls out, and just sort of lays there, woozily.
Alexis And BOOM... and she's still flying. Not as well, but she's flying still.

Alexis snorts softly. "At least she's leaving." Which won't do anything about the two guards that died, but you just kind of learn to accept that sort of thing happening. Lost lives suck, but it can't always be stopped. It could of been a lot worse, right.

Shaking that off, she walks over to give Scorch a reassuring pat on the back. "You can cool it, she's gone." There's an audible *pfff* as his fire-collar cools down to a low stand-by smolder instead of the intense glorious flames.

Then walks over to give Pippi a helping hand up. "Com'n missy, no need to lie around the rest of the night. Unless you're hurt that badly. Which we should get you off the street either way."
Bahamut      With the threat gone, the guards move in to secure the area again, this time from citizens as they peek out to see if the trouble has gone. Some scream at the sight of the fall guards, and other guards move to quickly cover the bodies with cloaks before bowing and making a sign as if they are holding a sphere, one hand above the other in front of their chests. Another guard, apparently a captain, approaches Bahamut. "Are you injured?" he asks the dragon.

     Bahamut shakes his head. "I do not believe she was expecting such resistance here. But, I suspect she could have done a lot more harm if she'd been so inclined." he says. He then nods to the fallen. "Ensure they are given the proper burial rights, and try to get a summoner. Those two deserved better than to come back as fiends."

     Bahamut approaches Lin, Pippi, and Alexis after that. He kneels before them and bows his head. "Thank you all for your assistance. It might have been much worse without you here."