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Fiora Laurent     The call to arms, in the face of one of the largest and likely to be most dangerous Harrowing in recent memory, was a wide one. Warriors from across all of Runeterra answered the call. The rivalries of Noxus, Demacia, Piltover, Zaun, Ionia, Bilgewater, the Freljord.. all cast aside, for this particular cause. Even champions of the League of Legends, who would normally be at one another's throats if they met on an open field of battle like this, stand side by side.

The greater danger of The Harrowing takes absolute presidence. In addition to Noxian, Demacian, and Ionian champions, their armies have also taken the field. Normally cutthroat pirate ships from Bilgewater stit off the coast, guns at the ready, and not pointed at one another, for once. Ninja clans, police forces, even the normally neutral Aspects of Targon.

With all this mustered strength, one has to wonder, just how bad it will actually be.
Alopex     Rumor had stretched clear to New York City (or at least one of them) about the plight that was facing a world rather far away. Thanks to the gateways of the Multiverse, however, such a trip was shockingly quick to make. Arriving in Runeterra was somehow relieving for a single reason. People all around were grateful for help and didn't even give the fox strange looks for what she was. Just looking around at the forces mustered made it clear why. This was a world that was occupied by far more than just humans.

    With the travel shock and culture shock out of the way, Alopex's mentality turned from a curious onlooker to that of a soldier. Without objection she marched forward, took her instructions, and moved to where she would be needed as swiftly as possible. She had a feeling she'd be drawing her blade yet again in this new world. There was just something about the Multiverse that deserved far greater urgency then the typical threats of the urban jungle she usually called her home.
Athela Valemore More like one wondering how bad it -will- be to get so many people of so many different ideals to work together against a greater threat than whatever disagreements they may have between themselves. It is equally inspiring and kind of sad that it takes such looming danger to get differences cast aside even if temporarily.

If only the nobility back home could get that through their fat thick skulls...

Matters not right now, here is where attention needs to be. A knight goes where needed to protect the good people and thus Athela has come to Runeterra to do so even with very little limited knowing of the realm.

All the same she couldn't help but whistle softly at seeing such a diverse gathering, humans and otherwise, for one cause. Surely this would be a battle to remember, even if the Knight of Keldeo and her pokemon were but one blade in an entire enmassed army.
Rebound It seems that where Alopex goes, Rebound follows. Maybe she just has a thing for hanging out with vulpines. Either way the fox isn't alone, as she has her big kangaroo bodyguard with her. Not that she NEEDS a bodyguard but it looks like she has one regardless, "So what do you think, Alopex?" She wonders, as she looks around, "All these folks, think they'll be able to hold off whatever's coming?"
Reinhardt Wilhelm     There is a knight from far away here tonight, present to assist with the defense of Ionia. He has to wonder just how bad this situation is that -all- factions, literally all of them, have to team up without objection. Then again, the stakes are higher than just one city at risk; Here, entire nations seem to have stakes in this.

    How he wishes such an alliance were possible without these dire circumstances, but that doesn't seem too likely, as much as he wishes.

    He stands with the Demacians today, a knight among knights, and he grips his hammer tightly. Reinhardt dons his helmet, his speakers activating swiftly. "FOR DEMACIAAAAA!" He bellows, raising the hammer high as he turns to his brothers of today.
Fiora Laurent     All, the while, roiling, black clouds have been billowing on the horizon. They've gotten progressively heavier, thicker.. but now it's obvious what's happening. Those clouds are rolling across the water, so thick and dark to only be visible thanks to the flashes of lightning that follow in their wake. There is a tense feeling, even amongst the most seasoned of the soldiers and warriors gathered here. This is only driven home, when the leader of the pirate fleet, a statuesque woman with cherry-red hair, orders them to open fire. The sound of their cannons echo along the shore, which seems to be the signal for the armies on land to ready themselves.

REINHARDT does indeed end up with a company of Demacians. And in response to his call, they echo those words. Weapons are struck against shields, and they move forward. Only a few do not. A woman, in a sleek outfit, equipped with several crossbows is among them. Likewise, a man who is easily Reinhardt's size, in his own right. They hold fast, for the moment. "I can smell them, already. This will be a tide of darkness, the like we've never seen." The woman remarks.

"Then we will just have to die well." Garen has never been one to mince words.

REBOUND and ALOPEX are off with another group. A group of robots, constructs, and hulking siege weapons stand in the stead of flesh-and-blood soldiers. A few of Piltover's police augment them, in addition to.. well. Two very different people. Both are clad in armor, but could not possibly be any different. One is as radiant as one could imagine, in this environment. Gold armor, a sword that seems to glow with the sunlight, and a huge shield. The other is wearing dark, silver armor that reflects any light that touches it. Held over her shoulder is an elegant sword, curved, and nearly as long as she is tall. Neither seems to be pleased to have the company of the other.

ATHELA doesn't stand alone, either. She is shoulder to shoulder, with Ionia's own. Swordsmen, martial artists, and mystics. As well as a small army of ninja. Their leader is standing in front, clad in dark armor. The others are positioned behind.

Then comes the sound. Like a wave crashing on rock, the dark mist makes landfall. The moon and stars, the eclipsed sun veiled in that darkness. Suddenly, figures charge from the veil. An army of skeletal remains, clad in rusted armor and carrying old, rotting weapons. No match for a trained soldier, but there's just so many! And, soon there's more. Cavalry. Skeletal riders, atop skeletal mounts. And the thundering of hooves, in the distance. A dark, forboding voice seems to carry on the wind.

Reinhardt Wilhelm     "I welcome the challenge, I LIVE FOR THIS!" Reinhardt says, giddy at the odds already. He gives Garen a prompt slap on the shoulder, one massively armored fellow to another. He shows very little fear in the face of certain death to this tide of dead, either working through his well or simply lacking it entirely.

    As the horde arrive, Reinhardt tries to get a good look at them, narrowing his good eye only to see an army of undead. "Well, this is going to be one for the record. TELL ME SOMETHING!" he turns his head, addressing the Demacians as a whole yet again.

Alopex     "I am not so sure, Rebound. When a gathering such as this occurs, the danger is abundantly clear. I would suggest not holding anything back-" Canons roar, soldiers revel, and Alopex finds herself interupted. She takes in the technology of Piltover along with the ones clad in armor, one of sun, another of moon, apparently. While their dislike for each other is apparent, the shared hatred of what is coming in off the ocean is something that everyone along the shore shares today.

     Her gaze turns to the dark billowing fog coming in off the ocean. the fog crashes into the shore line, and the fox finally finishes her statement. "-as that fog is -not- natural,". To add emphasis, the blade at Alopex's back is once again drawn within the Multiverse. "And to think, before I arrived, I had only once used this weapon. Truly the multiverse is a dangerous, yet awe inspiring place.." she muses, more to herself than any other.

    As the undead come forth, Alopex isn't one to charge in with a roar and with no plan. Rather, she takes note of -what- her enemy seems to be. Skeletal riders, to begin. "Aim low!" she calls out to any that will hear her before she follows her own advice, darting one direction and another, a blur among hooves as she attempts to cleave bone with the Tentetsutou.
Rebound     "Well I suppose we'll have to worry about it later." Rebound says, as she looks over the Piltover mechanical assault troops, and then takes a second to admire the two armored women, "S'up."

    She won't have time to do introductions at the moment it seems, as all hell is trying to break loose, quite literally. The stomping of hooves signaling the charging of the undead cavalry gets the kangaroo to turn her attention to the oncoming horde.

    She's never been much to back down from a fight, and it shows as she literally dives into the wall of oncoming forces, Impact Drivers charged and ready to go, as the steampunk gauntlets send out a kinetic blast for the closest skeletal horse.
Athela Valemore A dark storm was rising. Literally. Lightning and thunder thoom ominously from the bleak clouds rolling above the waters, but there is no flinching from the redhead as she stands amongst the rest of Ionia's finest. She was prehaps a bit young compared to many of them, but no less stalwart, having seen more than her share of the forms of darkness and evil in her comparitively short career as a knight.

In the brief moments they have left Athela takes a quick stock of the situation. Those around her also appear to be martial combatants of various kinds. Her Timburr stood at her side, while her Vaporeon was lingering back behind the ranks until she was needed for support. A gauntleted hand grabbed the hilt of her sword and pulled it free, to hold the distinct shape of Resolute Blade before her at an angle, ripples of elemental water already flitting around it. "Stand tall and brave, we shall get through this as one!"

Cue the cloud of evil hitting the shore, and hordes of skeletal warriors swarming forth from it. Multiple enemies, we can deal with this. "Mizzen, to the front! Bulldoze!"

The goblin-like pokemon darts ahead as the attack begins, grabbing and pulling the large wooden plank from his back. Gripping it in both hands and slamming it to the ground like a massive hammer, with much the same effect as it sends a seismic-like shockwave forward, cracking and upturning the ground beneath boney feet to topple and crush them.

With her pokemon attempt to punch a hole through the ranks of foot soldiers Athela levels her sword, the churning energies around the blade growing more fierce. "Cast this evil from thy shores! Currents of Justice drag them back to the hell fromwith they came!" A surge of water erupts from the outheld weapon as she uses her Tide Caller ability to send the pressurized force hurtling at the skeletal calvary coming up behind the footsoldiers.
Fiora Laurent     The skeletons don't prove much challenge to skilled soldiers. Elites? Much the same. There's wounds all around, but otherwise, this first wave is quite large. All of the gathered warriors begin to create a large melee on the beach. The robots seem to fair even better, wading though the skeletons easily. Rather than sharing their zeal, the other champions haven't even taken the field yet. They're waiting for something. And that something.. /those/ somethings.. start slinking out of the mist, itself.

Grasping, clawing undead. Not slow or sluggish. These creatures are fast and vicious, but small. Hardly anything on them, but muscle, teeth, and claws. These things get attention. All of the gathered champions jump into the fray. Diana is first, a silver streak of light that slams into a group of the undead, sending them flying, before they just dissolve, with the same happening to those she cleaves apart with that huge sword of hers. Likewise with Leona, who does much the same.

Garen and Vayne, start wading their way into it. The robots are not dealing with these undead nearly as well, prompting the police to open up with firearms. It's starting to get messy.
Reinhardt Wilhelm     Reinhardt is in front of the Demacians, charging in step with Garen and Vayne as his hammer begins to slam left and right as his boosters help propel him into the front. His hits are like the impacts of a tidal wave, bound to send skeletons flying as he winds up for a nasty swing.

    He seems to be working at this like he's a farmer scything wheat, combined with unbridled zeal against these foes.

    The only comprehensible thing he says throughout this? "CATCH PHRASE!"
Athela Valemore Unlike the skeletons and their relentless forward match regardless of danger these things where small and fast and ended in several sharpy pointy bits. Timburr isn't quite as good with multiple quick-footed targets, and while he manages to smack a few around with his plank many more are swarming in with their sharp claws and teeth.

In a sick twisted way they reminded Athela a little of Sneasels. Small but extremely strong and vicious buggers.

"Back off," Athela commands her pokemon, getting him out of the frontline of the assault before he gets too cut up. He can go hold the backfield with her other pokemon until needed again and make sure nothing sneaks through the main ranks.

Once her companion is out of immeadiate (relatively speaking) danger Athela goes at it herself. Claws swipe and teeth gnash, but her armor is a bit better at holding up against the physical attacks than bare flesh would of been. At the same time she makes great sweeping arcs with Resolute Blade, slashing and slicing and occasionally using the back-hooks to snag a limb and fling the offender away from her.

If Reinhardt hit with the force of a tidal wave; Athela was like the current constantly in motion. Her blows alone did not impact as hard as one massive hammer, but her strikes were constant and precise, faster but never letting up.
Alopex     Slicing and dicing all around. Broken bones start to litter the field, but as something -else- comes from the mist, Alopex is quick to follow in the footsteps of the natives that are more familiar with this 'Harrowing' event. The more swift seeming undead are targeted quickly by the fox, once again darting through groupings, attempting to slice legs, limbs, and the occasional neck when the opportunity presents itself. Unlike with the skeletons of earlier, Alopex's movements are more deliberate, even cautious, as she measures the abilities of these new enemies..