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Toph Beifong     Most of the time Toph Beifong is present at her academy, overseeing the students as they do their best to learn the rare art of metalbending. And she's a tough teacher, that's for sure. Penga, Ho Tun and the Dark One learned that early on, along with other things. All in all the academy is a loud place, with Toph's voice booming. Today however it's a bit more quiet.

    The three students have been left to work on their exercises while Toph is off to the town getting supplies, which means that they have been given a chance to take it somewhat easier. By now they know the drill, know the basics, even though they haven't actually done any active metalbending just yet. That much is clear from the rods that rise from the floor, a coin set in each. The only time they have moved is when Toph herself has made them move, all with a single hand movement that clearly cost no effort at all. It's a bit discouraging to the students obviously. Which might explain why they have clearly lowered their own efforts when their teacher isn't here.

    "I think I felt it move this time...?" Penga states, canting her head as she peers ahead at her own coin. Next to her the Dark One is leaning against the wall, a tired look on his face as his own gaze is set on the ceiling. "... ugh, I hate this. How long is she going to make us do the same thing over and over?" It's not so weird that he's discouraged, but still... his annoyance is nothing compared to Ho Tun. The large student is standing next to Penga, though he's looking out of the window. "My arms are hurting, I'm not sure how much more I can take of this," he comments, his voice a little low. "Maybe... we aren't metalbenders after all."
Peridot Peridot walked through the hallways of the metal bending academy with an air of authority. She had gone through great lengths to make the academy a marvel of technology and wonder; nay a beacon of hope to the tech-shy natives of this particular corner of the multiverse. She also enjoyed a level of administrative power. Peridot served to compliment certain aspects of Toph's methodology. She was organized and detail-oriented in areas where the blind metal bender was perhaps less focused in.

    So, today Peridot had invited her 'gang'. The gems she trusted; partially to show off the work she's done in the academy, and partially to flaunt her power as a volunteer administer.

    "So here you can see, utilizing the water to turn carbon blades, I've harnessed the immense power of the river to provide simple electricity. Without even using the various humans here who can toss electricity from their fingertips!" Peridot nudges Lapis with her elbow. "Which kind of makes us both what this world calls... water benders! And also a fire bender! Really all the elements are mine to command once I apply a little mental leverage."

    She arrives in the room with Tophs students and adopts a power stance. Fist on her hips. "Ah! The scholars hard at work! I trust my food delivery canon I installed is working as flawlessly as I predicted? Who doesn't enjoy a meal delivered at 200 miles per hour."

    Peridot grins. "Students, these are my other allies. Lazuli, Quartz, and Steven." Peridot looks to the crystal gems and gestures. "Allies, these are the students....." Without losing her grin, she continues. "I don't remember their names."
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli nodded, looking around with a look of wonder. "Water benders? Fire benders? So they're able to bend... fire and water? That's not very difficult. Water doesn't give the most resistance." She had no idea. However, she was fascinated by the idea. Especially the cannon. "We should get one for the house. Imagine how much time Steven would save if his meals could be delivered from the house, no matter where he is. He could stay out as long as he liked." She was serious.

She looks at the students, then shrugs. "I can see that. I'm not surprised, they don't look very impressive. They're probably not important." See, the worst part? She said it with that flat, dulcid tone of hers. No insults, no rudeness. Just... Lapis making an observation. She then glanced back to Steven. "Steven, could your house hold a canon such as that? Or perhaps we could station one on the beach?"
Steven Universe     Steven follows behind, peering at the machinery with all the wonder of a kid expecting, reasonably, to find giant robots around every corner. Still, generators and food cannons are pretty neat. He wanders, wondering whether the food cannons fire donuts and pizza. On introduction to the students he waves, grinning warmly. "Hey, everybody!"

    At Lapis' question, he turns to face her, then peers at a cannon in deep thought. "Food cannons at the house? Hmmm. Maybe outside, I think Pearl's getting tired of fixing the roof when it gets broken... Maybe one of the temple hands!"
Rose Quartz Rose is a big woman, and normally she'd stand out like a sore thumb. But now she's dressed in the style of the locals... And still stands out like a sore thumb because she's ten feet tall, has massive pink poofy hair, and a figure that won't quit. Rose isn't very good at blending in, but bless her heart, she tries. She's more in awe of the people and the setting than the technology. After all, she's from a futuristic world-state.

"I think it would fit on the beach. We should build an underground storage for it. If we can manage that, we can conceal its firing location." she says idly. Despite her pacifistic tendencies, Peridot's constant desire for weapons and defenses has sparked a part of her that she's had buried for thousands of years.
Toph Beifong     For the most part the students seem focused on Toph when she's here. But then again, when the master of the academy is gone, then it seems that a particular gem likes to think she is in charge. Which the students don't always agree with. The students themselves aren't that used to the multiverse just yet, and well... now there are more of them. They do know Peridot and Steven, the other gems earn some blank stares as the three young humans turn away from the coins. "... there she goes about the food canon again..." Ho Tun whispers fearfully to the Dark One, who snorts and gives Peridot his usual grumpy glare that nobody is excempt from. "I hate the food canon." Luckily he's muttering. Penga however speaks up with a whine. "You can't eat food that's shot into your mouth, you should know that!"

    When Peridot doesn't remember their names, and when Lapis even downplays their importance, the Dark One looks outright displeased. "... why does Sifu Toph allow them to come here anyway? They're not students..." Trust little Penga to stomp her foot though, looking a bit huffy as she raises her voice. "I'm Penga, he's Ho Tun, and that's the Dark One!" she says, pointing to them all as she reminds Peridot about their names. "You could at least make an effort to know our names by now instead of making things that we don't need here!" Oh yes, it appears that the students are in a grumpy mood today. And being overlooked and made to feel like they don't matter doesn't help on their situation.
Peridot "Oh you humans." Peridot wiggles her fingers. "I know constantly being on the verge of starvation is stressful-" The idea that humans needed to eat every few hours or face hunger pangs never ceased to amaze Peridot. Rather, having such an wavering reliance on their immediate surroundings was strange to her. "Of course you need food, and I know having rapid access is critical to your survival. I''ll continue to refine my device."

    She looks at the rods and coins and tilts her head. "So, what are you up to here? Where's Toph? I wanted to show my best human friend my best gem friends." Peridot claps her hands behind her back and wanders around the training devices, inspecting them carefully
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli blinked a few times before smiling. She's one of his best friends, yes! "Installing a cannon in the hands? Why not install them in all of the hands? If we need to develop weapons anyway." At least it seemed she calmed down and was no longer having horrible panic attacks after her last little freak out.

"Isn't all food shot into your mouths in one way or another? I've seen amethyst catch pop corn shot clear across the room, how is this any different?" Granted, the pop corn wasn't going 200 mph, nor did it have a metal protectinve barrier. But still, the idea was sound. She then walked forward and picked up the coin, looking confused. "Why is it so difficult for them to pick it up?" Her eyes widened. "Of course! Are they like that other small human? Are they unable to see the coin?" She then held it out to the dark one with a smile.

She was helping!
Rose Quartz Smiling down at the humans, Rose bows. She knows (or thinks she knows) the way to handle these upstarts. "No, we are not students. I have studied combat and the art of war for longer than than you, your father, your father's father, and his father before him, have been alive. We do not intrude lightly, but the world is far larger than what you see before you." she says, giving them a small frown. "Your manners are lacking."
Toph Beifong     "We don't need food /that/ quickly..." Ho Tun ventures carefully. At least he doesn't think Peridot is an angry spirit anymore like he used to do. But he's still soft spoken and careful unlike the other two students.

    As for what they are doing? "We're going through the exercises Sifu Toph told us to work on while she's at the market stocking up on supplies," Penga explains. Through the multiversal translation effect the word 'sifu' sounds like teacher. "I think she'll be back in not too long, she left a while ago with that weird ostrich horse of hers pulling the cart."

    The moment Lapis picks up the coin the Dark One lets out a groan and rolls his eyes. "We aren't blind, we can see. And we're supposed to move it with bending, which means we don't touch it," he grouches, then walks forward to take the coin back from Lapis. Meanwhile Penga looks up at Rose, craning her neck back to look up at the tall woman. "It's not easy to concentrate with lots of people around here, you know!" The young girl doesn't seem scared, though Ho Tun looks away from Rose, not daring to meet her frown.

    Just before Penga is about to continue speaking to Rose however, the front door opens, and Toph herself walks in, carrying a large crate filled with food. Arching an eyebrow, she doesn't seem too pleased at first. "Okay, I thought I told you to lily livers to work on your stances. And what are the rest of you guys doing here...?" she inquires before heading towards the door that leads towards the kitchen.
Rose Quartz Oh, this one's got spirit! Rose actually grins at that. "Well, then I apologize for interrupting. But in the heat of battle, you won't have time to think about your stances. You have to be able to fall into them as if they were first nature to you." she says. "Good morning, Miss Toph. Peridot decided to bring us here. Apparently the two of you are..." she stops, and thinks for a moment. "What is it that people here call it? uh..." she actually looks flummoxed for a moment or ten.

"Ah yes! You are shacking up now, yes?"
Peridot "I see." Peridot rubs her chin thoughtfully. "I mean, you can also just grab it like Lapis did. but, I can see the inherent value in doing it this way too."

    "I wanted to show them the temple, since I spend so much of my time here." Peridot says looking around. "I helped build parts of it."
    She then gestures to Rose. "And I'm not sure if you met Quartz. She lead the rebellion that freed earth from Homeworld control. Quartz, this is Toph. I poofed Jasper to save her once. Thus beginning my career as a rebel gem." At the suggestion of shacking up, Peridot seemingly didn't understand what that meant, but it sounded positive. "The shack is up!"
Steven Universe     Steven listens, still trying to make sure he learns the names. "Ho Tun, Penga, Dark One. It's a pleasure to meet you all!" He tries a bow like Toph showed him once, or did he see it in a martial arts movie? Either way, it's... not great. "Maybe some light music can help you concentrate? I have some experience coachi-"

    And then Rose Quartz mentions a phrase he does in fact know the meaning of and he chokes. He turns, sputtering, only to hear Peridot sort of admit it, and just stands there mouth agape, staring. The idle question of where his mom had learned such a phrase drifts in the back of his mind.
Rose Quartz Rose gives Peridot a big thumbs up. "I'm glad you found someone wonderful like Miss Toph here. Are you two going to be taking in Miss Lapis as well?" she asks, completely innocent of the meaning of what she's saying. "I think the three of you would be a wonderful grouping. Passions of Xanxor was always quite fond of three young women living together. I still haven't quite figured out why..."
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli looked even more confused. "If you're not blind, why do you need help bending it? And how do you intend to bend it if you can't touch it? You humans are so silly sometimes." And then Toph is here! She at least waited for Toph to put down the box. Then she picked her up in the same hug she always gave PEridot and Steven. "Ah! Tiny human Toph!" She looked around. "Really? You two are in the shack here? It is quite large. Perhaps I could shack up as well? Though Steven's tub is quite comfortable, Greg really worried me last time when he ran inside bouncing from foot to foot. i can't imagine why he seemed so adamant about me leaving. I was more than capable of assisting him if he required it."

She glanced outside. "If they require more water for their electricity, maybe I could aid with that? You said this world had an ocean, right? I could move it if need be, somewhere to better assist with your technology? You mentioned using waterfalls once to generate power, yes?" ... Cause the water benders would LOVE that. And hey ,she actually did listen to Peridot's rants about electricity! Some of them. "And this place doesn't have gems, correct? That would be nice."
Steven Universe     Steven spends several seconds rebooting like a crashed computer before closing his mouth.

    "Toph?" There is a whole song worth of words there he hasn't yet articulated into a question.

    "Peridot?" And if anyone could see into Steven's mind, they could share his image of a tiny baby Peridot with Toph's hair and skin, him babysitting while the others teach classes...
Toph Beifong     Toph's eyebrow raises even further at Rose showing her lack of understanding of certain terms. "I think you might want to check out a site online called Urban Dictionary, Rose. Cloderella and I do get along, but not like that. Steven, they don't know the term. Seems most Gems don't get terms like that," she speaks up as she sets the crate down by the doorway. "If you guys have the time to stand around then you have the time to help carry the crates in from the cart outsid-- ah! Being picked up in a hug does make Toph blink, then she sighs. Well, she can't blame Lapis for being friendly considering she did help her with her cracked gem, but she still seems eager to get her feet back on the ground. "Guys. Stop using that term when you obviously don't know what it means. Though if you need a place to stay, then sure. I can bend a hole out back if you want a pool or something. Just don't disturb the lily livers." With that she heads back out to pick up another crate of supplies.

    Peridot is right though, she did help out with building it, and the technical stuff is all something she's made. Which is why Toph helped bend a basement for her stuff, as well as her own room. It is nice having a friend around.

    Penga bows back at Steven, smiling at him. It's perhaps a bit easier for her to get along with him since he looks to be about her age. "Well, I do like music..." From the outside however Toph speaks up. "WE'RE NOT BRINGING IN THE MINSTRELS FROM THE TOWN, PENGA."

    The Dark One snorts at Lapis. "Because you obviously don't know what bending is, lady." The two male students... actually seem to blush a bit when there's talk about 'shacking up'. And the Dark One throws the coin at the back of Peridot's head. "Oh, do you ever stop talking?!" How are they supposed to focus on learning metalbending this way?
Steven Universe     "I... I knew that." He seems almost a little sad at the baby-not-to-be dream. But ah well, it's probably for the best. He instead watches quietly, trying to stay out of the way of the students. Toph seems so hard on them! But it's really only a little more than he was doing coaching Lars, Sadie and his dad... He sits down to the side of things to look on, mentally comparing their stances to the stance Toph showed him on the beach before they fused. Before he knows it, his ukelele is in his hands and he's softly strumming, just a little wordless tune.
Rose Quartz Rose reaches down and grabs the boy by the back of his tunic, hauling him roughly into the air. "We do not need to be able to bend." she says, staring him right in the face. "Perhaps, child, we should demonstrate our abilities. Lapis, that little blue gem right there that you insulted? She could strip your whole world of every drop of water it had and fly it off into space. It wouldn't even be difficult for her. She can make water do things you can't even imagine." the big gem woman says, her eyes hard.

"Before you insult someone, it would be best to know exactly what they can do. Do not presume to insult my friends again, or to throw things at them." she says, her face a little darker than usual. Then she's all smiles again as she sets him down. The matter is obviously solved now! "Now, why don't we go help your teacher bring in the boxes?" she chirps, flouncing off to gather a few of the boxes up in her arms.
Peridot "Crate moving. Now theres Quartz work if I ever heard it." Peridot comments, the notion of lugging heavy equipment around, without her anti-gravity tractor beams from her old limb enhancers, immediately seemed like something she didn't want to be super involved with.

    "Does shacking up not mean friends? It sounds like something friends would do, spend time in a shack together- holding it up. All collaborative efforts really."        

    Peridot turns at the accusation of talking too much. "I talk the perfect amou- AH!" She sees the coin flying at her face and holds her hand out. Seemingly stopping the coin in mid-air. It stays suspended in front of her, and Peridot let's out a breath of relief. "Thanks, Toph." She says. "One of your students just tried to assault me! I demand disciplinary action!" She looked towards the direction Toph left. "How are you even doing that from outside?" She bellowed.
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli perked up. "Oh! Yay! Then I will shack up forth with!" she said with a nod. "And your students and I can get to know each other! Have you all seen camp pining hearts? I have now seen the full series and it is quite delightful! I am also now watching little butler. Did you know that, in the human world, short people become servants if they're dropped off with other people?"

She looked over the others. "Oh. Is that what you are? Are you Toph's servants? Does she need them because her eyes don't work? You should try harder. If you're unable to bend, how can you properly serve your Diamond?" She paused. "I mean... your Toph?" She glanced to Peridot. "Hmmm? No, Peridot rarely ceases to talk. It is one of her most delightful features." She said without a hint of sarcasm. Then she saw the coin stopping in mid air. She then blinked. "Ohhhhhhhhh. So THAT'S bending. Basic metalkinesis! Why didn't you say so?"
Steven Universe     Steven stops playing as his mom... picks up a kid and threatens his entire world because he threw a fit? Well, it's not exactly out of place for Gems, but it still doesn't quite fit with the memory recorded on the videocassette. It just seems jarring. But moments later he's softly strumming again, working on a melody unobtrusively.
Toph Beifong     As he is grabbed the Dark One lets out a loud yelp and begins to flail, panic in his dark sunken eyes. "HEY! Let me down!" he barks, trying to free himself. "You all walk in here into our academy and disturb us in our training! So what if she can waterbend?!" No, he doesn't seem happy at all. And once he's set down he does pull away, glaring up at Rose. All before Penga gasps and yanks on the back of his shirt, pointing towards Peridot. Ho tun likewise is staring, then they glance towards the door, where Toph is holding another crate, her eyes wide as she blinks once. And twice.

    And then the blind girl... lets out a loud laugh as she drops the crate. "... really? Oh man, and Goldie thought you other guys were unlikely students..."

    Ho Tun looks back at Peridot. "Wait, you're... you mean /she/ bended the coin?!" The Dark One looks absolutely flabbergasted where he stands. For now the students seem to ignore Lapis as their attention is all on Peridot. But for a good reason. Toph herself walks up towards the green gem, grinning from ear to ear. "I didn't do that. You did! I guess I have another student now."

    "Wait... gems can be benders?" Penga inquires, all while Ho Tun glances at Peridot. "Well, if she can bend water..."
Peridot "I'm doing this?" Peridot asked looking at the coin. After a moments hesitation, she wiggles her finger a little. As the coin moves, she jumps, wide-eyed. "Ah! I'm a metal bender!" She proclaimed moving closer to the coin. "How is this even possible! Peridot's can't... do this!" She gestured at the coin, causing it to move. "I am not operating based on standard Peridot procedure!"

    She begins to move in a circle around the coin, making broad wild gestures, each one causing the coin to shift a mere few inches. "YES! I am the master of metal! Ba ha ha ha! And here I've always thought of myself as a lowly generation 2 gem. Look at me now you big Yellow Diamond clod! Metal-bending! Ha!- ha ha!"

    "Behold!" Peridot presents the coin to the other gems. "It moves based on my very whim! Fear me! Fear me!" The coin spun slowly and lazily as Peridot make rapid circular motions with her arms.
Rose Quartz Rose seems a completely different person now as she helps with the boxes. It's... actually a little jarring. Just a moment ago she was all frowns and threats... Well, at least she's smiling again. "So Miss Toph. How long have you been teaching these pebbles?" she asks. "They seem to respect you a great deal. I think one of them is even trying to copy your attitude. Though nothing can..."

She stops, smirks, and smiles at Peridot. "That is amazing. I don't think I've ever seen another gem with metalkinesis like yours! Peridot, you are a cut above the rest."
Steven Universe     "Wow, Peridot, that's so cool! I didn't know you were a metalbender! It's really exciting when you discover a new power, huh?" He grins in solidarity with the small gem who apparently has things to learn about her gem powers just like he does.
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli stared at it for a moment, cocking her head to the side. Then she realized Peridot was doing it. Her eyes went wide and then... ACK! She picked up Peridot and gave her another big hug. "You are capable of metalkinesis? That is amazing!" Tight hug squeezes. "I always knew you were very special, Peridot. How much weight can you hold? Do you think you can lift your shiip yet?"

Then her eyes went wide and she looked down at Peridot, still swinging her in a tight hug. Then she stopped and stared down into her eyes. "Peridot... do... do you know what this means? Gem ships are made of metal. You can protect us. You can keep ALL of us safe. You... you truly can... you can protect us." Her voice went soft and in awe, little tears forming into her eyes. "You wonderful little green gem."

She stared down into those eyes before... she leaned in a little closer and then performed another act from those television shows she'd seen before. One she'd practiced with Pearl once.

She kissed Peridot. She was still not any good at it.
Toph Beifong     "Yeah, that's you," Toph confirms with a nod and a grin. "People said that metalbending was impossible because they didn't know any better, maybe the kindergarten technician who made you didn't follow procedure and somehow gave you a positive flaw that resulted in you being a metalbender?" Who knows? "And hey, you're no master yet!" Toph adds, giving Peridot a friendly punch in the shoulder. The other gems seem happy for Peridot, though the three students... they do look a bit down, which might be understandable as they witness Peridot just discover her power... and then she's even able to make the coin move!

    This does give them time to respond to Lapis however. "No, we're not Sifu Toph's servants. We're her students!" Penga points out. "And we're here so she can teach us, she doesn't need other people even if she can't see!" No, they have learned from early on that being blind doesn't stop Toph from being an independent person who doesn't need help with anything. Except maybe colour coordination.

    Toph catches the three students feeling down, and she turns towards them. "What? Some people learn it easily, others need time. You three have bended metal subconsciously, so what are you feeling down for? You'll get it sooner or later, you just need to keep at it. You're students of the Beifong metalbending academy, act like it!" Rose's question makes Toph turn her head slightly towards her. "For some weeks, we built this academy in the summer. And of course they should respect me since I'm their teaacher."

    Lapis seems really enthusiastic, perhaps thinking that Peridot's power is more refined than it is at this point. "Well, she'll be able to do that at some point, but I think those ships are way larger than a coin..." It's not like she's able to bend efficiently yet. And Toph herself knows how much power it takes to bend larger things.
Peridot She had been expecting admiration, perhaps a small amount of fear (a gem could hope) She wasn't expecting the kiss. Any expression of intimacy like that was far beyond what Peridot was accustomed too, or even expecting.  The coin drops from the air and clatters on the ground as Peridot's concentration breaks. Afterwards She wriggles out of Lapis's hug and clears her throat. "Why uh.. thanks." She offers with her hands up, trying to retain a little personal space.

    "And uh, yes. Toph. It is possible that this is a side effect of Homeworlds new kindergarten techniques. Quite undocumented really." She rubs her chin. "Perhaps I should make the switch from administrative assistant to student. So that I may transition from small metal disk to gem warships." She turns looking towards her students. "Looks like I might be one of you guys soon!"
Rose Quartz Rose looks a little concerned. "Peridot, there are other ways to train your gem powers. These are humans, and no offense to them, but our powers don't work in even remotely the same fashion. You could very well wind up hindering your abilities if you try to force them through a medium they were not intended to use." she says, looking worried.
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli gave a nod and then looked towards Steven and the others. "Why aren't you more excited? This could be it? This could be what keeps us safe. We might not have to fight at all! There might not have to be any more warring!" she said, sounding so excited. "This could be what we need. What we all needed." She was giving a light, happy giggling, rocking a little with a big smile.

She completely missed Peridot's own little worry and attempt to keep distance. It probably didn't help that she wasn't completely aware of the... concept of kissing yet. She had an idea. You did it with people you appreciated. But she still didn't understand all the different types of kissing.
Steven Universe     Steven is clearly excited, when Lapis turns to look at him, sitting there with starry eyes. It's hard to guess whether it's imaginary romance or amazing powers that have him hypnotized, probably both. His phone is in hand like he was talking on it, or recording something with it, but he seems to have mostly forgotten it.
Toph Beifong     "Well, you're already staying here, now you're just going to join the rest of the lily livers in daily exercises and training," Toph points out with a grin. The students aren't grinning, though Penga does nod at Peridot. "Just how do you do it? Is it like how sifu Toph does it?"

    Rose's comment catches Toph's attention, and the blind teen rests her hands on her hips. "I'm the best one to judge metalbending capabilities around here, and Peridot's power is clearly metalbending from what I can sense. The coin responds to her will combined with her movements. She did it naturally, and we'll build on that. It's not like I'm going to make her do it differently."
For now though Toph points back to the crates. "Now come on Cottoncandy hair, let's get these crates into the kitchen! Cloderella, you explain to the other lily livers how you do it when you bend, maybe your input will help." With that Toph picks up her own crate, looking rather pleased.
Rose Quartz Rose picks up the crates as if they weight no more than a pillow, but her face is still a bit frowny. "Still, our powers aren't like yours," she says, putting the crates in bubbles and floating them in with a wiggle of her fingers. "We're from other universes and timelines. We operate on a whole different set of physical rules. If you're anything like Peridot..." she smiles warmly. "Then you're very stubborn. Once you set your mind on something, you're like the earth you bend, and the rocks you control. Hard. Unyielding. Tough and strong. And while I truly believe you have Peridot's best interests at heart, I think it would be best if she were to receive a more... Gem-oriented training course." she says as she floats the boxes in one by one. "No question that your training would be helpful to some extent, but I haven't lived ten thousand years without knowing what I'm talking about," she says. To Rose at least, she's being perfectly reasonable. Gems ARE vastly different from humans, operating on a whole other level of physics.
Peridot "Valid point, but as a counter point, it's not like any of you can move metal." Peridot offers looking to Rose. "It may be in my best interest to at least look a little more closely into how the human metalbenders do their thing. Who knows, a lot of it may be applicable."

    Peridot looks to the other students once more. Though she had done extensive work to the Academy to see to their basic needs, she had never quite really given them the time of day, or bothered to get to know them; beyond casual confirmation of what her textbooks said about humans. Having to perhaps train along side of them gave her reason to slow down. And perhaps, surprisingly, she offers a bit of humility. "I'm looking forward to learning along side you! And if you feel bad about me being able to metal bend, and that you can't- or that it comes easy to me. Like, I did it without even trying. unconsciously." She coughed. Right. Humility. Eyes closed. "Keep in mind that I can't move rocks. Which you do very easily."  She opened one eye briefly and looked down at a small rock on the floor. Discretely she began to move her pinky,  trying to slide it across the room. When that failed she resumed her stance. "Yeah, can't move rocks."

    When asked how she did it, Peridot rubbed her chin. "Honestly I'm not sure, this is going to require more trial and effort, and documentation. Oh, I have so many log notes to make."
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli nods, smiling down at Peri. "Besides. You said I am like a water bender, correct? Perhaps you could have one of them come here. If we can find out the similarities between my powers and theirs, maybe we'll be able to find out the similarities between Peridot's and metal benders. I can't imagine her metalkinesis is much different from my hydrokinesis." Her eyes went wide.

"PEridot! You could create your own artificial limb enhancers! No, even better ones! And little metal golems, like my water golems!" Her eyes almost glowed with excitement as she stared at the little green gem with adoration. She then blinked and took a step back. "I-I'm... I'm sorry, Peridot. I didn't mean to... drop too much on you." It only now dawned on her that she was pretty much going 'Peridot, save us save us, do it all yourself.'
Toph Beifong     "You don't need to tell me about earth qualities, you know," Toph snorts at Rose, then shrugs. "Do you know of any gems that can manipulate metal? If not she might as well stay here since she's basically moved in. Either way it's her choice." Trust Toph, who pretty much had no choice in anything during her childhood to let her students have much more freedom.

    The three students look down at Peridot as she speaks, and well... they look a bit surprised at the green gem... being humble? Penga does blink however. "We haven't earthbended," she points out. "And sifu Toph wants us to focus on learning metalbending since it's a bit different from earthbending..." Ho Tun nods at that. "And... it's got lots to do with attitude," he adds. Which makes the Dark One roll his eyes. "Might explain why she was able to do it." Because Peridot certainly has enough determination and ego to match the typical earthbender according to Toph.

    "Lighten up, guys! Even I spent months trying to learn how to do it. Just be glad you don't have to learn it the way I did!" Toph offers as she returns from the kitchen, the crates all carried inside now. "For now I suggest we humans get something to eat. You want some food too, Steven?" The gems might not want food, as it seems like most of them don't like to eat. "And then you lily livers can take the evening off. Tomorrow we're going to do training a little differently." Plus she needs to make a pool for Lapis out back if she's going to be staying here too.
Rose Quartz "Well, since we're the guests, why don't I do the cooking?" Rose offers, perhaps as a peace offering. "Amethyst really likes to eat, so I spent a few centuries learning how to cook. For some reason she still likes to eat garbage though. I never will understand Amethyst. My little purple pumpkin." she giggles as she looks around for a kitchen.
Steven Universe     "Yes please!" He pockets his phone and stands up to join people for food, all socializing and friendly now that class has been dismissed, whispering to the group as he gets close.

    "Did you guys see that? That was so cute! I was just gonna record Peridot doing that cool stuff with the coin, but I'm gonna save this in case they fall in love and want memories of their first kiss!"
Peridot They couldn't earthbend? Peridot looks to the side awkwardly. She was really trying to get them to accept her, but she inadvertently just reiterated how much more advanced she is. "OH well." She squinted. "Still, don't feel bad. I'm technically a rock, so that gives me a huge advantage." She guessed.

    "I have a lot to think about. You eat, and I'll return shortly."
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli nodded and walked with them to the kitchen. "I would just take water, if that's okay. I do enjoy some of the stranger foods that crunch, but I find they're not as simple to find as the other foods. I don't like the ones that slurp when you eat them."

She glanced to Rose and then... "I... I'd like to... join you? To ummm... try cooking? If that's okay?" she asked. In a way that was quite forward for her.
Rose Quartz "Of course you can help, Lapis! But remember. Humans aren't like Gems. We have to be careful to make things that their systems of mighty organs can handle." she says as she finally locates a kitchen (with a little help) and starts setting out ingredients. "I'll show you how to make stew. Stew is very simple, but ever so delicious."
Rose Quartz "Oh yes. And as tasty as it is, NEVER give humans rat poison. Apparently it doesn't JUST poison rats."
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli nodded and moved to stand besides her. She'd even put on an apron, if one presented itself. Otherwise she'd just do as the larger gem directed her. "I see. A stew. I think I've seen it made before, thoguh it didn't look good." She'd still proceed as directed.

... She was... oddly good at dicing and the tasks presented to herself. She focused with razor precision, mincing, dicing, cutting, peeling and doing everything she was told with almost perfect precision. Seeming to tune out the world while doing it. She'd make a good wife. If, you know. Gems ate.

Honestly though, she was enjoying taking orders. This task was simple. Cut up things, toss them into other things. It was downright enjoyable, even. She was soon even smiling as she worked, gently humming along.
Toph Beifong     Somehow it looks as if the three human students aren't overjoyed at the thought of the gems making food. "Ummm, sifu Toph...?" Ho Tun begins carefully as the gems head towards the kitchen. "Hmmm?" "Could we possibly head down to the town and eat?" At that Toph shrugs. "If you guys want to spend your own money on food in Yu Dao, then go ahead." And while the three teens quickly head out the door before they are given food from the gems who clearly don't know as much about cooking as they want them to do concerning that comment, Toph turns towards Peridot. "Seriously, who would have known you had it in you? You continue to surprise me, Cloderella!"
Rose Quartz Rose is quick, efficient, and methodical about preparing the soup. Stew, really. She thickens the broth a bit before tossing in the veggies. "Thank you, Lapis. Can you prepare this galric? You just need to hit it with the side of the knife to get it open. Then chop up the little innards." she says. She pouts when the kids flee. "I was going to show them a little trick. Oh well, maybe next time." she laughs.
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli nodded, doing as she was told. She gave a little sigh. "this... is kind of like dancing, isn't it?" she asked, glancing to rose as she held out the onion pieces. "It has it's own little... rhythm. It's own little movements. I think I... like this cooking. I'd like to learn more. If that's okay?"

Oh my gosh. She was trying to bond. With Rose.
Steven Universe     Steven watches the kids go, but doesn't really want to leave, especially with Peridot having a new power and Lapis doing cooking and Mom doing cooking with Lapis and Toph generally being Toph...

    "You're really good at that..."
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli sqweed a little in delight when Steven gave her a compliment. She smiled down at him. "Thank you, Steven. It's really simple and fun. I should do this more often." She hummed softly and happily as she worked.