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Taro     Techno Urbania. It's no surprise that it draws gadgeteers and geeks of all ages and species from across the multiverse. Some are hip, some are hipster, many are firm believers in the simple tee-shirt and jeans or their cultural equivalent thereof. It's nearly impossible to completely stand out in the crowd here - there's too much diversity for any one thing to be more unique than another thing.
    Evenings are even busier than the day, with crowds spilling out from the arcades as much as they are the casinos and dance clubs. The shops selling fancy electronics as well as the ones selling all of those tiny bits and bobs that go into making those tecnological marvels are doing brisk business. Electronica blares from open doorways, competing with earworm jingles for the ears of passersby on the street.
    In short, this quarter can be overwhelming even for the well-heeled urbanite.
    Somewhere in all of this cacophany is a priest with a drab but well-made messenger bag slung over one shoulder. It's more comfortable than wrestling with shopping bags and easier to mind in a crowd than a knapsack. Taro moves with the general flow of foot traffic exiting the subway onto ground-level, eyes watchful in a way that is more observant than suspicious. There are a few 'retro-tech' things that are simply easier to purchase than to build in his lab, let alone set aside valuable manufacturing space for. But he is in no great hurry, sidestepping people only to avoid running into them rather than move past them.
Hiro Hamada     "I-- what-- how-- THIS. IS. AWESOOOOOOOOOME!"

    Hiro Hamada is standing in the middle of the sidewalk that he's been trapped on for the longest time because he can't move his feet. He's spinning around slowly and looking up and at the various things that may be around him. There's really too much happening right now because this place is completely awesome and epic. He really doesn't know how to figure out how he's supposed to take any steps because there's just so much awesome floating around his head at the moment. And inside of his head. It's really a lot of stuff to try and figure out. Or trying to techno-fy in his skull. He can't look at the things around him without wanting to try and figure out what's going on /inside/ these technological marvels. Hiro's wide eyes are just all over the place.

    "Hiro. Your legs do not appear to be hurt. Your heart appears to be racing but you are not in any immediate danger." Baymax is standing behind Hiro and very much scanning him and everyone else that's on this street. It's what he does.
Taro     No doubt Baymax is getting some very interesting readings from those scans. Humanity is just one species in the multiverse...
    One of those not-humans - Taro specifically - approaches the pair from behind. Not that he had specific designs on doing so, it's simply the result of the flow of pedestrians parting around Baymax and Hiro as they do their best impression of ogling tourists. His brow furrows ever so slightly, and decides the best course of action is to reach up to gently tap Baymax on the shoulder. "Excuse me, but this is not a good place to stand."
    Scan: Mechanical life form.
Hiro Hamada "Do you see this?! This place is amazing! How can you walk at a time like this?"

Hiro doesn't even know Taro but he's going right into the business of speaking to him like there's nothing but old times between them. "I'm Hiro. This is Baymax. We're not tourists. Honest." Even though he's looking decidedly touristy at this exact moment. He's got the biggest smile on his face right now.

Baymax, of course, is looking somewhat more normal than even Hiro in these moments due to the fact that he's just doing a lot of scanning. There doesn't seem to be anyone in danger or sick at the present moment but he's definitely trying to see what he can discover. "Hiro. My files need to be updated. I cannot compute most of what I am scanning."
Taro     "By putting one foot in front of the other, generally." Perfect deadpan, or perhaps Taro is giving an honest answer. It can be hard to tell with him. He tilts to one side so that he can look around Baymax to regard Hiro. His own expression is slightly dour, a hint of a frown, but his tone is pleasant enough. "Taro. A pleasure to meet you." A momentary pause. "While the sights -are- impressive, you will be pushed around by the crowds if you stand here for too long..."
Hiro Hamada Hiro gives a shrug of his shoulders. "Nah. I got Baymax here. He'll keep me safe. Right, buddy?"

Baymax is already wandering off a little bit. He's entranced by the various species that he's getting to scan. Also, there's a butterfly drone. Baymax has a weakness for butterflies.

Hiro takes a moment to facepalm before turning his attention back to Taro. "Well, I can take care of my--" He gets bumped into by someone passing by. "--self! No problem!" Hiro grins again and already starts thinking. "When I gradute? Totally moving here. This is like Heaven. With a battery pack."
Taro     "Mm-hmm," is all Taro says in response to Hiro's assurances that he can take care of himself. Not convinced, but not patronizing. This, followed by an amused sound at the comparisons. "May I assume that you're originally from someplace smaller -- " He winces as he's interrupted by a delivery scooter whizzing past in a blur of blaring horn and spicy aroma. " -- and more quiet than this?"
Hiro Hamada "San Fransokyo. It's fun but it's not /this/." Hiro waves a hand in the air to try and get Baymax's attention. "Baymax! Come on, buddy! We're headed to... where are we going?" Hiro has no idea where he's actually going. "Wait, how come you're not amazed by all of this? Are you /from/ here?!" Hiro's eyes get even bigger as he's ready to ask every question under the sun.

Baymax waddles over from the location of butterfly drone chasing.
Taro     "I live in Neo Arcadia," Taro answers, "But I've been here on call or on business often enough to be somewhat used to it."
    They appear to be moving now, or at least Baymax is. If given the chance, he'll try to guide them away from the center of the sidewalk and in the geneal direction of the inside edge. Over there, near the cyber-cafe where the crowd is thinning out, seems to be a good place to guide them. "It helps that home is somewhat like this, if on a much smaller scale," he goes on. "Smaller, more arid, but the towers are much the same."
Hiro Hamada "Lucky. I mean, San Fransokyo's pretty cool, I guess. But I've been there my whole life so it's not really a big deal to me. But this place... this place is amazing." Hiro and Baymax are easily led to where places are that nobody will likely bump into them. He's pretty good at being out of the way when he wants to. Even Baymax tries to make sure he's out of the way but it doesn't work out too easily due to the fluffiness. "Neo Arcadia. Haven't heard of it but I kinda' wanna' go there next." Hiro's all wide-eyed and ready to explore even more places!
Taro     "If you do, then I recommend travel by warpgate. It's rather remote, even by multiversal standards." There, now they're in far less danger of being bumped into or knocked aside. Taro makes a quick glance to the back and side to see that they're generally out of the traffic flow, then briefly to Baymax, before settling his gaze on Hiro. "San Fransokyo...I think I've heard the name in passing, though I know nothing more about it than that."
Hiro Hamada "San Fransokyo. Population of--"
"Spoilers, Baymax!" Hiro elbows the fluffy one before grinning back in Taro's direction. "Warpgate. Right. I've been trying to whip up some kind of portable thing that can access the warp frequencies from wherever but it's not working out too well. Transdimensional transportation isn't really my thing. Robots? Robots I can handle. Like a boss." Hiro doesn't even seem to be bothered by the fact that he's standing here bragging right now. "If you ever head San Fransokyo's direction, make sure you look me up! I can give you a tour or something!"
Taro     "Portable warpgates are possible," Taro confirms with a nod, though that encouragement is tempered with, "though it's both complicated and costly. Much like teleportation."
    The android (which Hiro will be able to confirm if and when he manages to untangle all that data Baymax has collected) doesn't smile, though his tone has warmed a bit. "If I find myself there, then I will. Thank you for the invitation." Then, his gaze grows distant for a moment. "Ah. I'm afraid I still have an errand to run, preferably before the stores close for the night. If you'll excuse me...?"