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Inga Freyjasdottir It's a rather rainy afternoon in Dun Realtai, the air cool but not cold, the forest lush with greenery. Thunder rumbles occasionally in the distance, getting closer by the moment.

Naturally, this would be the time Inga's goats manage to break free of their pen and disappear into the surrounding woods, prompting the wisewoman to have to go out after them. Couldn't she have seen /that/ happening in the future wyrd? What is the point of having the Sight when it is so rarely useful for such things?

Soaked to the bone, Inga moves through the forest, leaning heavily on her staff, following the path of one goat. The trail was gone, washed away by rain, but Inga had other ways of finding things. She has a stone on a chain in her other hand, and stops to consult it now and then.

She is doing such now. The pendulum swings back behind her and Inga swears quietly, turning to follow.
Ziggy Grover Wandering through a village that seemed totally and admirably medieval was fun. Getting fresh fruits, sniffing at cheeses, and... then of -course- it has to rain. And he certainly wasn't going to hang out when it was raining. So naturally, it was time to head back to the portal and then back to Corinth. The only problem was, Ziggy didn't exactly have a compass, and as a consequence, this path that was supposed to be the way out... wasn't.

So currently, Ziggy was trying to talk to Dr. K with a jacket over his head as the rain started falling.

"Doc, hey doc? Can you hear me? I'm kinda lost in this forest and... I think there's something that's staring at me in these woods. And it's about to rain. Can you do me a favor and like... let me teleport out of here?"

"In that dimension, Ranger Green? Denied. We cannot risk contaminating that dimension."

"C'mon, what's it gonna hurt? They're just gonna think it's magic and... er... doc? I think something's staring at me. Something... hungry."

Ziggy was staring at a goat.

The goat was staring at him.

"Uh doc... I..."

The goat started running.

... And Ziggy started running. "I'll call you right back...!"
Inga Freyjasdottir A soggy, hungry goat is a terrifying thing.

Okay, no, it really isn't, but if one psyches oneself up enough...

Anyway, the goat starts running toward Ziggy, probably more interested in eating his clothes than his flesh. The poor goat was cold and scared and just wanted to be taken home!

Probably. Hard to tell with goats.

Inga looks up from her pendulum to see Ziggy run across the path as if he's being chased by wolves. Inga gasps, stepping back, ready to defend herself....only to then see her goat run after Ziggy.

Inga blinks, tilts her head. "Really?" she asks. "There you are, Henbane! Get over here you silly creature!" she calls after it, but apparently he's having too much fun playing with Ziggy to mind Inga. Maybe Ziggy has some choice food on him?

Sighing, Inga starts after them. "Stop running you fool! He's a GOAT!" she calls after Ziggy. Who is afraid of goats?
Ziggy Grover "I'm not standing there so it can ram its head and get at... whatever it thinks! I swear this jacket's made from cows, not goatskin!" Ziggy exclaims, trying to stick his hands through the sleeves as he runs. "Whatever it wants, it's not getting it...!"

Leaping for a branch, Ziggy misses, stumbles, lands onto his knees...

... just long enough for the goat to catch up and -ram- its head into his posterior.


Going flying through the air with the greatest of ease... o/~

Just how -wet- was the ground by now?
Inga Freyjasdottir The ground is /quite/ wet, which means it is soft! This is a good thing. It is also, however, mud. This is a bad thing for Ziggy's clothing.

Inga just stands there and watches the procedings, stunned. "I've...never seen him act like this before," she says, blinking several times, her mouth hanging slightly open. Henbane is usually such a docile creature!

Shaking her head, Inga sighs and unwraps the rope from around her waist, moving over to slip the loop around the goat's neck. "That's enough of that, you," she says, pulling an apple out of her pocket. NOW she has the goat's attention. He takes the apple and munches it, turning to stare menacingly? at Ziggy. "Do all animals act like this around you?" she asks. "Were you cursed by another witch at some point in your life?"
Ziggy Grover Plucking his face from the mud, Ziggy focuses on wiping his eyes clear first, before spitting out a glob of dirt. "I wouldn't know. It wouldn't surprise me, though... I mean, my mother used to tell me I was born under a bad moon rising, or something." Trying to brush himself off, Ziggy sloshes his way back to his feet. "I hope Doc was right about the morpher being waterproof, because she's gonna be ticked when she sees what the goat did to... uh, why is he eyeing me like that? There's nothing edible on me."
Inga Freyjasdottir "Henbane is a he," Inga informs him, "and I have no idea," she says, looking down to the goat. Really, quite strange.

"A bad moon? Hmph...well, I suppose I could do a spell to check for curses," she muses.

Lightning strikes far to close for comfort, thunder sounding immediately. Deafening. Inga jumps, and Henbane tries to bolt. Seeing as Inga has him tied now, he only succeeds in pulling her off her feet however, and dragging her into the mud as well.

Inga groans. "Alright, we need to get out of this storm! This way!" she says, and stuggles back to her feet, starting to walk back to her cottage. The other goat can just keep being lost for a little while, she is done with these shenanigans.