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Inga Freyjasdottir It is just about sunset in Dun Realtai, but the woods where Inga's cottage is located are already dark enough that most people would need a light to traverse the path. Lights gleam from the windows of the building, smoke trailing from the chimney. A few lanterns have been placed outside to light the way to the door. Even for those not particularly sensitive to such things, the area holds a certain...funny feeling. That sort of feeling you have when being watched, perhaps. It is not a hostile feeling, but certainly a cautious one.

Inga is inside, waiting for her guests to arrive. She's been preparing for an exorcism, just in case. There's a myriad of woodsy, sharp herbal smells present inside the cottage from burning herbs, cleansing salts and potent brews.

The wise woman herself is dressed for business, her sleeves rolled up, her form decked out in charms of iron, wood and bone. She wants to be sure she's prepared for whatever it is they may be dealing with.
Nightblind     When the subject arrives, it's on foot. She's parked her bike a good distance off, and was enjoying the walk, able to 'see' with the visor on. It was... pleasent. It was nice to get out of the city. It was nice to not have the police blotter in her ear, no Mackenzie. The citywide radio was off, and for once Ella was allowed to think, and worry for herself.

    So when the masked vigilante comes to Inga's door, arrangements made to meet Dr. Banner -- and a few 'second opinion' magical types on their own turf.

    And hopefully not explode into a supercaustic alkaline bomb while she's at it.
Bruce Banner The warp gates dimly glows as a lone, silent motorcycle has slipped from it, travelling down the road as it turns into more of a well worn path. The rider, wearing simple khaki pants and trademark purple button down shirt, pipes up into his motorcycle's speakers.

"JARVIS? This looks like a pretty...anochronistic time from what I'm used to. Can you do a spot check of the area and see if there's a place to park the cycle so it's out of sight, out of minds?" The display flashs up a small hologram of the area. "Indeed Doctor Banner. There's a patch off to the left that should do and not be more than amble walking distance."

As the bike is parked, Doctor Bruce Banner dismounts and begins travering the trail up to the village home as instructed. A slightly unsettling feeling washes over him, but he brushes it off as his typical paranoia of things like Thunderbolt Ross. He arrives at the modest cottage home and notices a figure on the front precipise.

"Hello? Miss...Nightblind I presume?"
Inga Freyjasdottir Well, if she's going to explode somewhere, it may as well be somewhere out of the way with someone who's likely to actually recover from it. Not that Inga particularly wants her house to explode...but these are, it appears, occupation hazards.

Inga is ready to open the door only a moment after Nightblind arrives with Bruce Banner in her wake. The woman smiles and opens the door wide, stepping aside. "Welcome, come inside," she says, waving them in. It's comfortably warm inside, and not smokey despite the roaring fire in the hearth. There's some definite evidence of more modern conveniences lending further eccentricity to the cottage. An ice box with frozen pizzas, a distinctly modern table with matching chairs, some store bought bottles of beer set against hanging herbs and furs draped over the furniture.

Once they are inside, Inga extends a hand to each in turn. "A pleasure to meet you both in person...Inga Freyjasdottir," she says. If Nightblind takes her hand, perhaps Inga will get her first taste of what she's dealing with. She's already picking up on a certain aura. She's felt that since Nightblind approached. There's something here, but Inga can't be sure what immediately. "Something to drink? I would be remiss if I didn't offer my hospitality."
Nightblind "Dr. Banner." Nightblind's slithery voice replies, and she offers a gloved hand in greeting, looking for a professional shake. "Your talks at Stonegate's Medical school have been most interesting; I'v ehad the opportunity to sit in on one..." she attempts to be amicable, but it's plain that she's not thrilled with having to be out here in the first place. She nearly gives a start when Inga opens the door, and gives a nod as she extends her gloved hand for a shake. The superheroine is covered with armor, and a short cloak and hood, a lower mask and an upper visor. She looks tough enough to take spears and arrows and be able to walk it off.

"I am called Nightblind." she replies. "I've invited Dr. Banner as... a medical overseer. Just in case."
Bruce Banner Doctor Banner nods as he is invited into the house. "It's nice to meet you. Doctor Bruce Banner, MD." He then turns and accepts the gloved hand, returning a professional handshake as he looks at the super heroine. "Yes, thank you. I feel like providing what knowledge I can and giving back is the least I can do for some of the err....fallout...that's happened on my account."

Bruce is a bit reserverd and quiet, but the environment an dwarm inviting fire make him at least feel at ease. "So, may I ask what medical expertise you would like me to provide? Your message seemed a bit urgent, so I'm hoping that I'm able to help you or at least get you to a palce of treatment if we discover something serious." Bruce's hand tightens just slighty, reajusting itself to maintain comfort holding his quick aid medical bag, before he sets it down on the nearby table.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga raises a brow to Nightblind. Well, she won't protest. "I know of healing, but it is...certainly unlikely to be what you are used to. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable," she relies. Inga takes in her appearance. They likely both look rather strange to the other. "What are you concerned about, though? If you could give me the story, I'll make tea while you talk. I'd like to know a bit more about you, and about the situation if you could, " Inga says, moving to the kitchen area, leaning on her staff. She walks with a noticable limp but seems to get around more or less well enough. She certainly doesn't look like a fighter.

She looks over her shoulder toward Doctor Banner, looking to his bag. "I have heard of modern doctors. I think I would like to learn more about how healing is done now. So many...advances," she says, shaking her head slightly.
Nightblind Nightblind exhales, and she rubs the back of her head. "I live in a world where there is no magic. No wizards, no magical mutants, no crazy powers. Just... science, technology..." she states, and she walks in, and she looks, watching Inga limp around. "So, when a month ago, Major Stark, Dr. Banner, and Toph Beifong fought against a bank robber who appeared to explode into a supercaustic alkaline solution -- meaning his innards exploded outwards and ate through the floor -- and part of the Hulk --" she acknowledges the Other Guy, she turns back to Inga "... I thought it may be an isolated event -- a random occurance against the odds... but it happened again." Her head tilts down. "There was another occurance, an illegal drug deal gone south. Three dead, one that created a man-sized hole that ate through industrial tile, concrete and steel. I had Na'sablune and Scarlet Everille come out to check it out." she adds... and she raises her gaze to Inga. "They said that there were... dark energies around th e place."

    She quiets a moment.

    "And that the same 'energy' was coming from me."

    She turns back to Banner. "You've seen my face. There aren't any other doctors I know in the Union. My handler insisted I bring along a medical professional in case it's some weird possession."
Bruce Banner "I'll be happy to share whatever knowledge I can. I'm always happy to trade knowledge and understand new techniques and practices." Bruce politely says to the woman as she manuvers to preapre the tea. As Nightblind starts her story, Bruce turns his attention her direction, listening intently like any trained doctor to ger the details. His face draws a bit more with concern, especially when the Other Guy is mentioned. His memory spins a bit, as if trying to recall details from the bank, but anything before or directly after his transformation is a muddled swirl of sights and sounds.

"Ok..well we can certainly approach this with sound scientific reasoning and analysis." Bruce speaks softly and more matter of factly. "But you should realize that my world, much like yours was not a place filled with supernatrual creatures or creatures from space that wanted to take over a planet...until it was. I mean, I only know of stories told by Tony, but I can't discount them. Still, I always try to find the logic and scientifc explainations first."

Bruce walks over and stands near Nightblind. "Let's do a simple examination first and see what we can garner."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga carries over to mugs to the table before fetching the iron kettle over the fire. Carefully, she pours the boiled water in the cups for her guests as she listens to Nightblind's story. She does not smile when she says there is no magic in her world, though she wants to. Inga listens, waiting for the end. Eventually, she sits, looking to Night. She tilts her head slightly, her pupils visibly dialating. Inga is not, from a distance, and intimidating person. But that is not all there is. Her expression now is decidedly uncanny, and one most find unsettling. "I will need to delve deeper, but I can tell you now...all is not as it appears," she begins, her voice quiet and a bit distant. "You say your world is without magic, without 'crazy powers'...but that is not what I see," she continues. "Some of us are more than we seem, but we can be quite blinded--to focused on the world without to see what is in our own fate," she says.

Inga breaks her gaze for a moment, closing her eyes. "This energy...has anyone ever mentioned feeling such before? I would think not, as you think you are possessed, yes?" she asks. All these things she'd prepared to deal with a possibile spiritual possession and she doesn't think she'll need any of them. Ah, well.

To the doctor, she smiles, that unnerving look gone. "That would be excellent," she replies. Even with potent magical healing, she still does things the old fashioned way when drastic measures aren't called for. Always good to have knowledge.
Nightblind Luckily, Nightblind can't really see the expression, but she glances over to Inga, watching her movements. Facial recognition was still mapping -- it was a bit slow, so far from home. And she shifts her weight as she looks to Doctor Banner, and she gives a slight shrug. "As you wish." she replies, and she begins to strip down from her armor. First comes off the cowl, showing her carefully cornrowed hair and dark skin. She removes her shoulder armor, and awkwardly sets it on the floor, following with her chest and back peice. Her gloves come off, and she glances around the little room, getting her bearings.

"Once I remove the mask and visor, I will not be able to see." she reminds them, and then slowly she removes the visor. The visor is attached by a magnetic point, and just behind her ears there are nodes to connect. Cybernetic implants to overcome blindness. She keeps her broken eyes closed, and by feel removes the lower part of her mask, the vocorder allowing her normal voice and breath.

    And Doctor Banner might just recognize Arabella McRae, whose chipper blonde friend mentioned she worked in overcoming physical handicaps.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga stands back for the moment, watching. She had not realized that she could not see without that contraption. "This...visor, it allows you to see? How remarkable," she comments, genuinely impressed. "I would ask you how, but I am quite sure I would not understand the response," she offers with a small laugh. Staren had tried to explain technology to her often enough and mostly failed.

"I do not believe the problem to be medical. That is not what I see. It is more a matter of....heritage. Tell me, what do you know of your father?" she asks Nightblind, reaching to take a sip of her own tea.
Bruce Banner The good doctor watches closely, taking notes as Nightblind removes her ensemble. When her visor finally comes off, he squints at her a moment, like trying to remember and process a face. "Miss...McRae? McKenzie's friend as I believe I recall?" He can see that there is an air of concern on her face.

"Don't worry, Miss McRae. I'm a man who tends to be very good at having to maintain a secret. Your secret is safe with me." he reassures as he looks at her.

As Banner hears her speaking, he turns to glance over at Inga with a look of curiousity on his face? "A matter of heritage? I'm...not sure I understand? Though, so far I'm not certain I bleive there is a medical issue based on what I've been hearing at least. No visible symptoms, no apparent rashes or odd responses. I could perhaps take a small blood or tissue sample, but I'm not certain what, if anything, they may turn up."

Bruce's demeanor is calm and concise, trying to alay any fears, but also trying to be reasonable and a straight shooter, so to speak.
Nightblind "Well..." Ella begins -- her voice is not nearly slithery now. It's smooth. She leans back, carefully, minding what's behind her. "My father is... was Spencer McRae, he was the president and CEO of my grandfather and great uncle's company which specializes in technology for industry -- mining safety, emergency tech, mining safety tech..." she states, and she leans back a moment, feeling around for the mug of tea. Her expression darkens. "He was killed in a car accident, five years ago. He married a terrible woman. He cared for the 'plight of humanity'... wanted clean water for everyone. Strong feminist..." she begins, and she turns her head, listening as Banner speaks "Mackenzie's friend... yeah. She's... she's the handler. She's the one who built the array for me... pretty smart, huh?" she admits embarrassedly... and then gives a muttered 'thanks' to the acknowledgement of her secret.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga raises a brow. "Secret? that your name then? If that is secret, it shall be safe with me," she says. She had no idea there was anything secret about her. She's new to superheroes. The only two she's met are Tony and Thor--not exactly big on the secrecy.

Inga nods to Banner. "Mmm. I'm a Seer. I see the wyrd--the tapestry of fate. It stretches into the past and into the future, in many a twisting path. But the past...that is clearer. With your permission...might I delve deeper Miss McRae?" she asks, scooting closer once the doctor has finished his examination. "I do not think you are possessed or in danger of what happened to those people. I hope that gives you comfort, even if what else I have to say does not," Inga begins, her eyes once more losing focus, staring into the distance as she watches the threads of fate. It is like plunging into a rushing river. Every time, she has to hold on tight.

"Many people believe the world to be without magic, those who cannot See. Even when you were so close to him... you did not know him for what he was. I see the man, your father. I see him leading men...but not men. Creatures. Creatures of the dark, spirits or...perhaps what people call demons...the power to bend cold and ice to his will. Then, a jump, another life...your father. But there can be no question, that was who he was...and you have his blood. That is what you carry within you. That is what the others have felt, that energy," Inga explains softly, speaking as she sees it.

Now to pull herself back. Inga's eyes close. She takes a few deep, steadying breaths before she opens them again.
Bruce Banner Listening and observing is what Bruce has become good at over time, especially in situstions of late where he's run into things that he doesn't fully understand. exactly that to him. Weird. But that doesn't mean he takes it any less seriously as he watches the events that transpire. He sits, quietly, as if with a steady reassurance. After all, He has his own demon within, should there become a need. He simply maintains a medatative posture, to try not so much to maintain HIS calm, but everyone's. He feels it's the least of what he can do.
Nightblind The air gets colder, in spite of the warmth in the cabin from the fire. It dips in temperature steadily, the warmth sucked out of the room, with Ella as its center. She doesn't appear to be affected. Her hand grips into a loose fist, but she keeps her poise. She keeps that deadly sense of calm she has when she's drawing back string and nocking arrows. Her brows knit, her broken eyes still closed -- she was embarrassed by her brokenness.

"I've heard many ridiculous theories in my life, short as it is, but never have I ever heard of a man whose works in life inspired others referred to as so." she whispers. "There is no magic in my world. There are /no/ spirits. I'm almost sure that whatever you must be picking up is... is an amalgation of whatever 'threads of fate' are binding this together. And I don't care if I have to get an old priest..." she drains her tea, and turns, setting the mug back on the counter, "... and a young priest, three french hens two turtle doves and a partriage in a pear tree... but I am going to get whatever has attached itself to me off."

    And the girl tries to find her visor blindingly, the first step to gathering her items.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga sighs. Not all take these things well. She didn't expect her too. Indeed, maybe she saw /that/ too.

Inga would hand her the visor. She isn't going to keep her there or try to force anything upon her. "Do as you will. I would not lie to you. It is what I see, and if you think I am wrong you can seek out another. But I do not think you will be pleased with the results," Inga says.

Least she didn't stab her or something. Could have gone worse.

Inga stands, reaching for her staff, backing away to give the woman space. "I am sorry this did not play out as you hoped," she offers, for whatever good it would do.
Nightblind "I don't doubt what you see. I just think that it might be mixed up. Like I said, this stuff, it doesn't happen where I'm from. I would have seen something of it before..." The room begins to warm up again, the temperature climbing back to its natural warmth as Ella accepts the visor back. "I apologize for my outburst." she adds quietly, and reaches to clip the visor part back to those nodes behind her ears, the mask giving a brief flash of a blue LED beneath as she adjusts, the visor going through its 'you didn't shut me down correctly' script. No. Ella would not have hurt anyone.

"Well... I'll have to send some messages."
Inga Freyjasdottir "Perhaps that is the case," she replies to Nightblind. It isn't the case. Inga knows it. But it is clear she is not ready to accept this. All Inga can hope for would be a small part of her that knew it was true, or at least suspected enough to investigate further. "The world is full of such strange things," she comments quietly.

Inga looks to Banner, raising a brow to him. "Such things we could never have imagined," she comments.
Bruce Banner A shiver comes over Doctor Banner while Ella takes in this revelation. And then, the room seems to warm back up once more. Bruce jots some notes quietly, trying to take all of this in. This is certainly not his area of expertise. And while he's certainly a man of science and reason, his reason seems to indcate that something more is going on here than meets the eye.
Bruce Banner Catching the glance from Inga and hearing her words, Bruce nods silently, and quite fully aware of the things that we never imagined. Both inside and outside his very own being. He can certainly, if anything, relate to Ella's inner struggle.