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Alden Alden was at the entrance of the rather impressive training arena, still thinking of his last visit, and the impressive spar he saw!. The digimon seemed a bit hesitant, even with an invitation!, this place seemed... expensive, the kind of place that only people in certain groups might be allowed to use.

"Hello?" he asks as he walks inside, looking around to see who was about.
Yang Xiao Long     The students at Beacon have gotten used to most Multiversal visitors, though the little lizard-dog digimon does still get some heads turning.

    Today, there's clusters of four students dotted around the arena-like ampetheatre, each Team is sparring together, different weapons clash, and blasts of elemental Dust skills bursting in plumes against shields, as pairs face off.

    Yang's here, just watching for the most part, arms folded while the others use the field.
Alden Alden is used to being looked at, so he waves happily to everyone that happens to glance his way, looking at the groups, and searching for a vacant area where he might watch the spars, and perhaps see if he can see anyone familiar!. Sizing them up for spars also happens, eyes wide as he is still amazed at the power of humans from other worlds. He tries to scan one or two with his D-arc, just in case, nope, not digimons or anything similar, that much he can tell.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang spots the digilizard, and lifts her left arm to wave him over. "Hey you! Weren't you here the other day?" she asks, pushing off the wall as a couple of the teams finish up and start to file out, laughing and slapping each other on the back as they head off to the cafeteria. Fighting's hard work, after all.
Alden Alden tilts his head a little bit as he is greeted!. It takes him a second or two to recognize the face, and nods a few times, "I was!" he says, walking quickly towards her, tail flickig behind him, "This place is amazing." he says, turning to watch teh team slip away, "Everyone here seems very strong."
Yang Xiao Long     "We're first years in training." Yang replies, chuckling softly. "You should see what the /real/ Huntsmen can do. Uncle Qrow's like the best scythe wielder on the planet, and Dad's probably the strongest man alive right now."

    She stretches a bit, the rest of the teams filing out, leaving the arena empty. "Y'wanna go a round? I'll go easy on ya."
Alden Alden blinks a few times and looks amusingly shocked to hear about them beeing still sort of rookies!. He looks at Yang curiously for a few moments, then at the other ones still training, and back to his D-Arc and deck. "I might ask for more than one round, would like to see how well I do, and perhaps try a couple things, if that's ok." he says, smiling.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang nods, and flexes, grinning a bit. "Mix it up! I like it!" says the blonde. "Sure I'm up for it." The blonde then goes and takes off the bracelets, setting them aside and clenching her fists, bringing them up into a boxers stance.
Alden Alden nods a few times and streetches a bit, eyeing his D-Arc and cards, and moving to his position. He stands still, growling cutely, and clearly trying to look menacing. "Ready?" he asks.

As he is given a sign, he begins!. "Gabumon Shot!" he says, opening his maw and shooting a blue colored fireball towards Yang. One wonders how he managed to say that while blasting the fireball at the same time.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang blinks at the flame. She's getting a weird vibe from it, so instead of trying to tank it, jinks aside, taking a glancing blow to her right shoulder. The blonde twirls, and then plants her feet, before lunging forward, aiming a rapid series of punches and kicks in retaliation. "Pretty fancy!" she compliments. "Just don't go getting complacent and always keep moving!"
Alden Alden is both relieved the attack did not seem to work, and rather surprised at the speed of the girl!. He tries to jump aside, turning so teh punches land on the wolf coat on his back, he still feels those quite a bit.

"I'll try to remember that." he grunts, stumbling a bit from the kicks. Since he faced away, Yang can't see his movements properly, but she can see a quick flash of light coming from his front, and him mumbling "Speed chip.", before trying to jump to the left, and lounge and lunge in return.

He moves fairly faster than he did, but that is still not saying that much, he was not a speedy kind of digimon. "Machine gun jab!". He apparently tries to mimic the punch barrage from her!, it is quite fast for a small chubby guy, but still not too impressive strength wise...
Yang Xiao Long     Yang shifts stance, and goes on the defensive. The speed boost catches her off guard, and a few bright orange flashes show he's gained some purchase against her Aura, though once she's adjusted, the blonde parries the blows and shifts aside, grabbing the Gabumon's arm and spinning him around by it. She attempts to lariat him around, then once he's off balance, spinning round-house kicks into his center of mass.

    "Nice hustle!"
Alden Alden lets out a rather loud, surprised squeak as his arm is snagged, and is unable to escape that hold, the hit to his stomach connecting easily, it is a large target, it even has a marking there!. The kick pushes sends him on his back, grunting and holding it tightly for a few moments. "T-thanks." he manages, before clumsily rolling onto his feet, still holding the spot she kicked.

"That was a good move." he replies, smiling. "I think this is as far as I can go as a Gabumon, is it ok if I digivolve?" he asks.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang grins a bit. "Thanks! You're doing good if you can still stand after that! Last person I used that move on had to be taken away on a stretcher!" She then blinks. "Digi volve?" she asks, rolling the word around in her mouth, testing it like a wine taster tests a new wine. "Just, what does that mean, anyway?" she asks.
Alden Alden seemed quite worn down, perhaps his body just did not work quite the same way as a regular person. But he did seem pretty darn damaged, "I'm pretty tough..." he mumbles. The question gets a smile. "Perhaps I should just show you?"

After saying that, he reaches for the card deck, and grabs a card, holds his D-Arc on teh other hand, and passes the card through the card reader slot. "Digi-Modify, Digivolution chip.".

Right after those words, there is a bright flash of light, his sillouette vanishing for an instant, only to be replaced by a much larger one!. The light fades, and where teh gabumon was standing, now stands a large (as high as an adult) quadruped wolf like creature!. Yang can notice it has a very big resemblance to the pelt the Gabumon was wearing, in every detail but size.

"Garurumon!" the wolf barks, still showing a few marks from the fight, but in a far better shape than before.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang steps back at the flash, arms crossed in front of her face before she looks again. "Whooooa, biiig doggy." she says intelligently. "That's kinda impressive... noone here can do anything like that!"

    The blonde grins now though, the edges of her eyes glowing faintly red for a brief moment. "You're definitely stronger now though. This'll be /fun/! C'mon!" She resets her stance, arms a bit wider apart this time, legs set more squarely. A mixed martial arts stance, looks like it takes some kickboxing with maybe Tiger-style kung fu.
Alden Alden decides not to hold back this time, he feels that human can handle pretty much anything he can do at this stage of power anyway. He shifts his stance a bit, and wags his tail.

"I will try my best!" he barks, jumping to one side and trying to circle around her, "Ice cannon!" he wruffs, firing a large piece of ice from his muzzle. He manages to do it 3 times, while moving around, attempting to flank her. These were regular chunks of ice, nothing fancy!, but painful if they landed!. He aimed for her chest and stomach area, this time he did not stop moving!.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang shifts and starts running too, dancing between the ice spikes, though she misjudges one and gets nailed square in the chest by it, which shatters the spike, and sends her rolling across the floor. A tumble, and push from a planted hand sends her back up to her feet, skidding for a little distance from the speed. She then scampers and kicks off into a run, trailing licks of flame from her hair. "That's more like it! C'mon! This is just gettin' fun!" she remarks, aiming for a heavy, full body straight punch using all the speed she's building up.
Alden Alden is faster in this form, but he is not a supersonic creature, he has enough time to see her run towards him, then blinks, then feels a full body attack land on his side, barely able to dodge it hitting his head!.

The full body punch sends him flying several feet, and roll on teh ground a few times. He tries to get up, when the quadruped wolf form shatters, returning to his gabumon shape, panting and holding his side. "Good punch." he mumbles, a bit unsteady on his feet. "I think I need a little break, then we can try something else." he says softly, "Hope you don't mind?".
Yang Xiao Long     Yang rolls to a crouched posture after the punch, then runs a hand through her hair. "Sure! Don't feel too bad, I'm used to fighting big creatures. That big dog form isn't much bigger than an Ursa Major, but you're a /lot/ faster." she compliments, walking over and offering to help steady him. "Want me to call the school nurse? Not sure what we could do for you but..." she trails off, shrugging a bit.
Alden Alden smiles and takes the offered hand, "Thanks." he says, fiddling for his deck box, and finding one card, "Digi-modify, HP up." he mumbles, the punch mark looking better afterwards. "No worries, I heal fast, thankfully... damage does not carry over that well, it's kind of a reflex... losing the form when hit by critical damage... it only helps so far tho." he says. "Just need a moment to regain my breath." he says.

The digimon looks at her for a moment, "For the next round, perhaps you can help me a bit?, need... some assistance to reach the stage after that wolf form... can't use my D-Arc without hands." he says, rubbing the back of his head. "I wonder what you might think of that form."
Yang Xiao Long     "Ohooo~." Yang chirps happily. "So you get even /stronger/!? Toootally up for that, yeah." she remarks, grinning a bit. "But if you go stronger, I'm using Ember Celica." she adds, holding up a finger and leaning in a bit cloer.
Alden Alden smiles and nods, "I can, two stages actually, but for now, will focus on the next one, trying to think ways to fight better." he says, before tilting his head, "Ember Celica?... oh, your gauntlets?" he asks curiously, smiling and flicking his tail, looking better by the second!.

"All I will ask you to do is to slide this card through the reader slot when I ask you." he says, "I think I can trust you to hold onto it for a moment." he explains, searching for the card in question. From up close it does not seem a particularly special card, beyond having some bardcode on one side. IT just says 'digivolution plugin-s' and some effect info for a card game. "Sure, sounds fair, I might end up using a weapon or something too."
Yang Xiao Long     Yang reaches out and takes the card when it's offered, she looks it over frowning a bit at the words. "Welp, I can't /read/ it, but I'm guessing this is what makes you transform?" she asks, moving back over to where she put her weapon, pulling the bracelets back over her wrists in preparation. "Right, ready when you are." she says, turning back and folding her arms, keeping the card pinched between her index and middle fingers.
Alden Alden nods a few times, gets a copy of the card, and smiles. "Yep!" he says happily, and while she moves to gather the weapons, he repeats his Adult stage transformation. Soon enough, he is standing as a large quadruped wolf again!. The wolf pads closer, and leans down a bit, "The reader is attached to my neck, hidden under teh fur, can you slide the card please?" he says in a surprisingly soft voice.

Once that is done, the wolf once again begins to transform, bright glow and everything!. Once THAT fades, now a very toned werewolf wearing jeans, a shoulder pad, metal knuckles on his hands and dogtags, stands in front of her. He has teh same fur pattern as his previous form, and seems even taller than before! fully outright most people might reach his chest. He quickly jumps back and takes a stance that some might generously call related to martial arts.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang does as instructed, parting the fur to get at the ready, then slides the card through the reader strip. She steps back afterwards, then grins at the large humanoid wolf creature. "Oooh, this is gonna be GOOD!" she chirps. "I'm getting excited."

    The girl then deploys her gauntlets, the mechanisms unfolding along her entire forearms from the backs of her hands to the elbow. The chambers show red shells with orange tips, and with a quick double pump of her arms to her sides, she ejects the first one from each chamber, the empty shell clinking to the floor.

    "I'll let you go first this time, show me whatchya got!"
Alden Alden nods a few times and grins, deciding to try his luck at close combat this time!. He crouches slightly, then lunges towards the human at high speed, his arms moving to the sides, before he slashes through the air a couple of feet in front of Yang. The claws leave a large trail of crimson colored energy in an X shape which flies forward following his momentum. "Wolf Claw!"
Yang Xiao Long     Yang crosses her arms in front of her, tanking the energy waves as they slam into her. She skids back along the ground, then forces her arms apart, shattering the energy wave into the air around her. She grins a bit and sets her stance, squaring off as she starts to punch the air. Gunshots ring out as explosive packets fly toward the Weregarurumon!
Alden Alden is at least a bit more prepared to see her simply tank the hit, so by the time she finishes skidding back. He is familiar enough with the concept of punching out bullets, that he tries some defense!. Not wanting to take any risks, he jumps aside, trying to dodge the brunt of the attack, arms crossed in front of him to try to block some of the hits. Only a couple of teh gunshots land, but that's enough to coax a growl from him, "Need to think of something to block those things!".

As soon as there is any pause on them, he does a swift spin kick in teh air, sending a white shockwave towards his opponent, hoping to gain a moment of respite "Garuru kick!". He is looking kind of damaged already just by taking grazing damage.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang duck rolls to the side, leaping clear of the brunt of the kick, though she does get a glancing blow to her arm. The compressed nature of that kick-blade breaks through her Aura just a bit, leaving a small cut on the exposed skin there.

    The blonde grins a bit, and ejects the spent shells from her gauntlets, reloading with a different set. Orange shells with yellow tips. She then leaps forward, firing behind her to propel her toward the Digimon. Once back in Melee range, she goes into another flurry combo... this time, however, each punch is marked by a gunshot, and a blast of kinetic energy expelling in a cone from the barrel above the girl's index knuckles.
Alden Alden remembers hwo bad that punch felt, and decides he is not taking chances, "Please work." he mumbles, as he reaches for a card and slides it quickly. "Digi-modify, Wargreymon... Brave shield!".

As he says that, he places his arms in front of himself, a large hexagonal shield of indeterminate material appearing, golden in color, with a sun carved in it. The shield is divided by half, apparently each half being held by one arm. And even then, it seemed extremely heavy!. The punches, and the following gunshots seem to bounce of the shield for the most part, but even with it, the sheer power of the impactsy pushes him back.

He does not have that much time to retaliate, still recovering from it.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang spares a quick glance at her Aura reading, then hops back away from the Weregarurumon. She's panting, and looks immensely pleased with herself. "Whew, that was a good workout." the cut on her arm has already sealed closed, like it wasn't even there.

    "My Aura's starting to degrade though, probably a good time to call it a day and get some rest. Y'wanna come to the cafeteria with me? It's not /great/ food, but better than most schools."
Alden Alden smiles broadly, even as he lets the shield fall down, a loud 'clank' noise from it, before it dissipates. "Very good... didn't know it was that heavy..." he mumbles and rubs his arms for a moment. He nods a few times and grins, his form 'breaking' before revealing the Gabumon again, still sore,

"Food sounds great, I am really hungry." he chirps, "It was very fun!"