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Ainsley     Ainsley's in one of those medical gowns instead of her usual outfit. She does have a few of her decorative ribbons, though. She's also laying back in a bed with a plate of cookies sat in her lap, the bed adjusted so she can sit up some. Her tail can be seen off the edge of the bed, twitching and curling lazily. Of particular note is the solid black metal band that's going across her eyes with arcane symbols on it. It has some sort of Medical barcode on it, as if it were something that they had in stock around here. It's not really something broken out very often.

    Other than the weirdness with the lizard lady, it's a fairly standard medical room. There's a television, obviously not in use. There's a few chairs. There's some unused monitoring equipment in one of the corners. There's even some fake plants as decorations.
Inga Freyjasdottir In the midst of all this high technology, in walks a witch like she were stepping out of a story book, leaning on a carved oak staff, walking with a bit of a limp, dressed in clothing that hasn't been fashionable since the dark ages of human history; a long dress of homespun wool, leather belt and cloak, long white hair plaited neatly down her back. She approaches Ainsley, looking at all the machines skeptically, lips pursed slightly. "Glad Harry didn't want to visit," she grumbles. Things that beep and flash tend to not do well around him. Luckily, her magic doesn't seem to have the same effects. She still doesn't like it though!

"Ainsley, what is this odd contraption?" she asks, obviously referring to the thing over her eyes. "You magical sight has been damaged?"

Inga begins to dig into the pouch at her belt, running spells through her head that she'd like to try. There will likely be blood involved.
Zephyr Windstar     Zephyr is far too familiar with Union Medical. Most of the doctors and nurses are known on first name terms, as many of her fights land the mage right back in the medical wards, often right after she's left them!

    The teen makes her way through to Ainsley's ward, and pokes her head around the doorframe. "Hey sis." she chirps happily, then spots Inga, "Oh, hey, hi!" She rounds the door, and Divine Wind gives a soft chime. <Hello Miss Ainsley. Miss Freyasdottir.>
Guest Kevin     A lizard woman, a witch, and a priest walk into a...
    Okay, so that doesn't really work here. However, it isn't that long after Inga shows up when Kevin steps into the room behind her. His identifiable clothing has some of the markings of a priest on it- such as the collar, if only a bit different than that of the catholic church...
    As Kevin steps into the room, he stops, then leans back out the door, grabbing the clipboard and carrying it in with him. When he worked with the Union years ago, he was a active member of the medical team. He remembers lots of the little things in how everything operates in this department.
    "'ello," the priest says pleasantly, with a broad grin on his face. --though he pauses. He didn't expect Zephyr here, then gives her a pleasant hello as well. "Sorry I couldn't come check on ya personally th' other night." This is said to Ainsley, then he nods to Inga. "Evenin' miss. Name's Kevin. Nice t' meet ya."
    Clearly, the important questions have been asked already, so he busies himself with looking over the chart to find out anything else that could be of use in this current situation.
    ...and he really is curious about this sight thing that Ainsley mentioned on the radio, anyway.
Kyra Hyral     From Kyra's apartment, Njorun Medical isn't that far away. She swings by late after school upon hearing the state that Ainsley is currently in! Personally, she hopes she can actually do something for the lizard lady but has not mentioned as much over the radio.

    Even when she shows up, she doesn't bring up potential treatment, especially when she sees other people here. Kyra would rather attempt the treatment in a more private venue, not with so many others around. Either way: "Hi Ainsley." Kyra slides up and gives her a gentle hug.
Ainsley     Ainsley tilts her head when people start talking in the room. She holds up the plate of cookies, "Here. These are from my house, I had someone fetch them." She leans forward, feeling around with her hands, and finally setting the plate on a steady spot near the foot of the bed. She lays back down, her feathers making a plush ruffling noise while she moves around. "I'll get to the eye thing." She taps the metal blindfold. Tap.

    She replies to Kevin, "It's fine. Everyone's got their own priorities to worry about, I'm not going to fuss over you being busy. Plenty of doctors around this place."

    Kyra hugs her, and the lizard woman hugs her back. "Hi, Kyra." Seems hugs make her smile.

    She then starts her explanation, touching her snout thoughtfully before she does. "I have the ability to see fragments of people's 'True Names,' the magical concepts that denote everything they are. I can only see the parts that are concerned with communication; in a human, it would be what languages they speak, what emotions they convey. In an AI... well, everything about their consciousness is made of computer code, a type of language. Once I have the piece, I can't forget it... and with that piece, I can craft spells to manipulate those aspects. So, with these abilities, I used my meager knowledge of computer code Names and used it to excise malignant code from our AI ally, Dragon... using a spell I had to craft on the spot. It was sloppy and it would've failed if I didn't have help." She waves her hand in Zephyr's general direction.

    "Because I didn't have time to prepare myself or a more sturdy spell, I burnt out my magic and my Sight. It's temporary, like a sprained ankle, but fifty times more painful and blocks me from deactivating my Sight or focusing it. Hence this..." She taps the metal band.
Zephyr Windstar     "I wern't th'only one there." mentions Zephyr. "Toph, Defiant, Frika, even that 'Fed, Tesla. Wouldn't'a been able t'take on Dragon an' that big drone craft alone, after all."

    Divine Wind chimes again. <Indeed. We were fortunate to have allies. And doubly fortunate that your abilities held the day, Miss Ainsley.> As the voice comes, a soft fluttering light can be seen coming from the ornamental bracer on the girls right wrist. It's a small metal thing, with what looks like a coin set into it.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga looks over and nods to Zephyr in greeting. "Good evening Miss Windstar," Inga answers, quiring a brow as she is greeted once by Zephyr and once by...something else? "And to you...ah..." Inga trails off, then latches onto the distraction of Kevin appearing. A new face, so Inga nods to him. "Good evening. I am Inga Freyjasdottir," she introduces. "A pleasure to meet you, Kevin." Inga looks to the collar of his shirt, frowning slightly.

She looks back to Ainsley then, who now has plenty of people to fuss over her--then Kyra too! Inga smiles to Kyra. "Good evening Kyra, it is good to see you. I hope you are well?"

To Ainsley, Inga nods, listening. "I...see," she says after a time. Well, not so much the computer talk, that is all nonsense to her. "I have never heard of the Sight doing such a thing--madness yes, but not burning out. Hmmm...I have some ideas however..."
Guest Kevin     "Burnout can be a troublin' thing to treat on my end." Kevin mumbles towards the end of Ainsley's explanation. He's still flipping through papers in the chart until he finally tosses it with a very irreverent manner onto a countertop.
    The priest doesn't appear to have noticed anything in Inga's reaction to him. He's simply walking around the bed to be out of everyone else's way. Though a cookie is taken as it's offered. It has been a long day, and sweets almost always seem to help. Advice his little sister has taught him.
    He then, at least, adds for Inga. "Sight can do interestin' things. I've not heard o' anyone bein' able t' do anythin' like this- but it's not too much of a surprise." There's a faint smile given in Ainsley's direction- though he doesn't know if such an exprssion is in vain or not.
    "Go ahead an' offer yer ideas, Inga. I'll at least see if there's anythin' else I can pitch in. Beyond that... do ya mind if I examine you, Ainsley? This may be a li'l different from other doctors here, though- but it doesn't hurt." The priest's request is seemingly accented by him just biting into the cookie.
Kyra Hyral     "I'm doing fine, Inga." Kyra unlatches from Ainsley and slips over to the wise woman, dispensing a hug to her next. Once this is done, she steps back and finds something to sit on while Ainsley describes what went down.

    No questions follow, at least not yet, as Kyra simply listens to the lizard lady.
Ainsley     "It's not like the Sight you're familiar with," Ainsley explains to Inga, though it didn't really need saying. She smiles in that general direction.

    Zephyr's input on the others gets a shrug out of Ainsley. "The others aren't here for me to wave my hand at them vaguely," she tells Zephyr, "You are. I know there were a lot of people there making sure that no one died trying to stop a tragedy."

    And Kevin... doesn't get a smile in reply. She can't see him! She wouldn't be able to see him even without the band on, right now, her sight is just not working right at all. "As long as it isn't too weird to work while there's a bunch of people standing around, sure. Go right ahead." Now she smiles. "How is it different?" she wonders, as an after thought. She seems to trust him pretty easily.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga hugs Kyra in return. "I am glad of it," she responds to Kyra.

Inga turns her attention back to Kevin, nodding. "Mmm indeed. What I call my Sight is...a bit different," she replies, turning to dig into her pouch. "By all means," she motions to Kevin, allowing him to go first while she pulls out some herbs and small objects. "I am thinking that I will use a spell to channel a bit of my anima to speed the healing process, use a bit of eyebright and mugwort to stimulate the Sight..." Inga says, opening a package of herbs. "It will be potent if I mix it with my blood," she informs, reaching for a small bowl and the knife at her waist. First though, she spears a cookie, then eats it. "Mmm, quite good," she says, then wipes her knife on her skirt before opening a small wound in her arm, letting the blood drip into the bowl. "I don't suppose we can get a fire in here?"
Zephyr Windstar     Zephyr's a combat mage. So she doesn't have much to add to the discussion about healing and all that. She plonks herself down in a chair, and snags a cookie by lifting it with a few well placed bursts of compressed air, snagging it out of the air with a flash of her hand, before munching on it. Seems she's practiced that move a lot.
Guest Kevin     Before he can answer Ainsley's question, Kevin stuffs the cookie in his mouth and finishes eating it. He walks over to a sink in the room to wash off the crumbs from his hands and dry them off.
    A glance is cast back towards the others in the room. "....'ey, nice work." This is shot back towards Zephyr as he's spotted her method of snagging the cookie. --but that doesn't last long, as he pauses, raising an eyebrow at Inga's actions for her spell.
    "...ah..." He pauses at the question of the fire, before he goes digging through his bag, withdrawing a candle and offering it to the witch. "I don't know if this will suffice, but these are th' candles I use for my prayers. Feel free to use it if you need to."
    With everything else handled, he looks back to Ainsley to explain: "I use my spiritual senses for examination. I've been trained t' use my abilities in healing. I can use my senses to examine issues with the body and soul. It's not terribly fancy, or very eventful... however, it is quick, an' th' use of my world's elements may give a somewhat warm senstation t' go with it.
    "I jus' know that there are people that aren't fans of touch, and it's easier if I'm in contact with you."
Ainsley     Ainsley seems to blush a little, beaming with pride that so many people are enjoying the confections that she had made. She didn't mention she had them fetched from her house, though it seems to make her smile a little wider each time she hears someone enjoy one of the sweet treats. Vicarious cookie enjoyment.

    Ainsley shrugs at Kevin. "Doesn't sound bad to me," she tells him, "Mind, I'm a little clammy. I'm cold-blooded." She pats the bed. "There's a heating pad in the bed. So comfy."
Inga Freyjasdottir The wisewoman takes the candle with a smile. "You have my thanks, this will do well enough," she replies. "Prayers? Are you a servant of your gods? A priest?" she asks with interest.

Inga lights the candle with a soft word, placing it down then adding a bit of the herbs to the bowl. The wound on her arm is already beginning to heal visibly, the blood flow slowing, skin reknitting. "This is something that should heal on its own, yes? We simply seek to speed up the recovery, is that right?" she confirms with Ainsley, begining to crush the dried herbs into to tbe blood before heating the mixture over the candle.
Guest Kevin     "Don't worry 'bout it," Kevin says pleasantly, "I've worked in this field quite a bit. Clammy skin is hardly th' worst thing I've come in contact with workin' with th' medical staff."
    While he stretches his fingers slightly, he nods to Inga once. "A priest. I serve Aidios, the Goddess of th' Sky." Without any other explanation, however, he closes his eyes and sets his hands on either side of Ainsley's head. There's quietly spoken prayer to accompany the action as a faint aura illuminates them.
    He knows that she's explained that she's experiencing burn out. He's been through it quite a bit himself- as such, he knows to be careful and try not to introduce too much elemental energy into Ainsley's system through this. He's learned that sometimes, such things can make a matter worse. But a quick scan to check? That shouldn't be too hard. That's why he looked over the chart to begin with- he needed to have a baseline for her, since he's not worked with patients like her on a regular basis.
    He was correct in his prediction that there would be warmth from his hands. It's not a bad feeling- Space is the Zemurian element that creates life, afterall. He simply focuses to try to find some aspect of her own being- either physical or spiritual- that doesn't seem to be in line with what should be 'normal.' It's a little more difficult for a first time patient in some cases- which is why he's far more careful than the norm this time. It can, in the end, help determine whether or not it is something that can be addressed through spiritual healing, or if- in like many cases of burnout- can only be healed through time and rest. The former is always the preferable answer, but sometimes the latter is the necessary.
    Through this, Kevin's simply murmuring under his breath. Most of the memorized words are inaudible... but when he stops, he takes a breath then releases his hands from Ainsley and steps away from the bed.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga looks put at ease by this answer, nodding to Kevin, flashing him a small smile. "I have not heard of this goddess. I would like to know more about her. I am a servant of my gods as well. It is a bit more complicated I suppose..." she trails off, waving ahand dismisively before stirring her little mixture. She watches quietly as he goes to work on Ainsley, opening her own third eye to try to see from a more mystical standpoint what Kevin is doing and how Ainsley might be reacting to it.
Ainsley     A scan of Ainsley using spiritual methods is... frankly, it's easier than it would be with anyone else. She's somehow more solid and coherent, making it easy to locate where the problem is and avoid making it worse. But the burn out is exactly what she said it was, and it's clear that she's slowly recovering from it. And that she seems to be heavily magical in nature, like the magic itself is a muscle attached to her soul, as opposed to an energy source or something she draws from elsewhere.

    Magical healing might help a little bit, but it's clear that it's the kind of strain that needs to heal on its own. A consequence of her overdoing it with her magic without training herself.

    Ainsley smiles in Kevin's direction curiously. She can't see him, but some of the words caught her attention. "Have you met Faruja?" she wonders.
Guest Kevin     If most people asked Kevin about his ability- he would simply say that he's channeling the power of Aidios, but for Inga studying him, it may be definitely something more internal- he himself seems to be the source of that power he's using.
    Though, all things considered, it may not be entirely a lie, as he speaks of having been chosen by her. There's clearly more to it than he says. But it didn't seem to be too much- it was a carefully handled amount of energy to do the examination.
    "It's what I thought," as Kevin speaks up, finally. He rubs at his chin a bit then shakes his head. "' best thing that's gonna help ya in this case is rest, unfortunately. I can easily provide some remedies to help your body recover, but it's not a quick 'there, done, sadly."
    A glance is given in Inga's direction. "I'm with the Septian Church- we're one of the most active religions in my world. Aidios is basically th' Goddess that has created much of th' life we know today."
    And back to Ainsley, "...Faruja? No, I'm afraid we've not met."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga's mixture is ready. She sets it aside for now, letting it cool while she watches Kevin and Ainsley, her head slightly tilted to the side, her eyes gone distant as she opens her sight to the energies being wielded. Ainsley she is familiar with, so it is Kevin she focuses on. There's an expression of interest on her face, brow furrowed slightly. A priest, hmm? A small, knowing sort of smile graces her lips. Ainsley might know that look.

When Kevin glances back toward her, she holds his eye for a moment longer than casual aquiantance, something uncanny in her eye. "Ah, created life...yes, we have the gods within us, don't we?" she replies quietly.

The moment is broken when Inga looks away, toting her mixture over to Ainsley. "Well, that is about as I thought but I do believe I can at least give you a little boost Ainsley dear," she says, dipping her fingers into the blood and herb brew. "May I remove this...thing for a moment?" she asks Ainsley. If so, it is applied to her forhead, a rune drawn as Inga chants in old norse. Inga's anima would be familiar to Ainsley--its pleasantly warm, sweet in fact, slow and sweet like honey.

It buzzes.

Inga steps back them, wiping her hand idly on her dress. She's always washing out blood stains.
Ainsley     "He follows a different faith, but I feel he would enjoy talking to you..." Ainsley shrugs at Kevin, "He's a very busy fellow these days." His note about her recovery is simply accepted wordlessly. It's not news to her, really, though she didn't want to send anyone away if they may have a solution that could help her out. When Inga asks about the band, Ainsley removes it herself. It's a careful motion, and she blearily stares at Inga with...

    Ainsley's eyes glow a bright blue and seem to have free-floating magical symbols in there, as if they were pools of water. Her pupils are still there, widened to full size with strange pinpoints of light in the center of each eye. She frowns in discomfort, but allows for the application of the mixture. Then she replaces the band and enjoys the faint touch of anima... the power of the Bees. Somehow, it doesn't bother her.

    "Thank you," she says, to both of them.
Guest Kevin     The witch can rest easy that something has been noticed. The priest doesn't break away from Inga's gaze immediately- but there's no reaction until it's to her words, and he simply raises an eyebrow.
    That doesn't last too long, though. He shrugs and puts on a grin. "I guess ya can say somethin' like that." Whatever it was, he's quickly buried it. He'd probably be better at hiding these things if he wasn't dealing with supernatural sight on him, at least.
    He steps back from the bed to pick up the clipboard. With Ainsley's chart in hands, he holds it against his chest in silence and watches the pair. The effect on Ainsley's eyes is noticed- but not commented on. He also takes note of the spell that Inga casts on her.
    He seems awfully comfortable in this kind of situation, though. "There's no need t' thank me-" A pause, then a glance is given to Inga before he adds, "I don't want t' be presumptuous, but I can imagine that there's no need t' thank either of us."
    The chart is held away, and he takes on it with his free hand. "I'll have a couple o' things added t' yer chart- these aren't quite /medicines/ per say, but an old teacher o' mine often suggested these things to help with burnout. There's a little bit of caffeine and sugar in one, and potassium can also help in this case."
    He takes the pen off of the clipboard and begins filling out something into the notes section. Probably something to go with her next couple of meals, considering his words. "I'm gonna leave ya t' get some rest. An' enjoy th' heatin' pad. We're gettin' into th' season when a warm bed is absolutely th' best."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga may roll her eyes a little at Ainsley's mention of Faruja's faith, but she stays quiet about the insufferable rodent man. Really, was there any more ironic relationship in the multiverse than theirs!?

Inga observes Ainsleys eyes with interest, merely remarking with a 'huh' at the oddity. Must be the contraption. Very interesting. Once her work is done, she replaces it. "That should help a bit, but I suppose you shall just have to rest. If you'd like to do so while not surrounded by...beeping are welcome to come to the cottage. I'll keep the fire well fed, it has grown chilly in Dun Realtai," she comments, turning to begin cleaning up the small mess he made. Everything goes back into her pouch--the pouch that does not at all look big enough to hold everything.

In Kevin's defense, it is very difficult to hide something from a Seer. Inga smiles to him, nodding. "Indeed, no need to thank me either. Simply let me know if you'd like to come stay at the cottage for a bit, there is plenty of room by the hearth," she reminds. "I will let you get some rest. Do give Faruja my regards," she adds with a smile, knowing it will raise his hackles just a little.

Inga turns to Kevin, extending her hand. "A pleasure meeting you, priest of Aidios."