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Duet Fortuna     Getting an appointment with Merriheart was not all that difficult, as it stands. As far as he knows, the Union and Psyber are partially responsible for introducing him to his bride, so he has no reason to be obstructive. The only reason there was a wait at all was due to Timothy being /very busy/ of late. Refugees were filing in at a faster rate than before, restoring the population of the dwindling kingdom.

    So it's maybe ten minutes in the room before Timothy barges in, straightening his jacket. "Hey hey! Sorry for the wait, just been crazy around here."
Guest Psyber     "Don't sweat it, man," Psyber says with a wave of his hand to Merriweather, "You and Illuvia have been busy, but powerful allies. I don't mind waiting a bit to get to see you both." He adds with a bright smile, albeit a slightly forced one. A lot on his mind lately that keeps him from being genuinely relaxed, but at least he has an end in sight.

    "How have you both been? Is Illuvia available today as well?" He asks as he looks around, "But I can talk to her after. I actually wanted to talk to you about Magical Theory, if you had a quick few moments, first. I have one of the Hundred here with me, and I've been slowly repairing it," He comments as he holds up the battered sheath containing Sovereign.

    "I also have troubling theories about it. I recall you saying you wished to study one."
Duet Fortuna     "Yeah, she'll be along," Tim says with a shrug. "She's wrapping up a few things. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you, but then..." He grins, then forces his attention back to the matter at hand. This is easy to do, because Psyber's laying out something incredibly valuable in front of him!

    "Sovereign, huh?" Timothy leans over, but doens't touch, eyes asking permission before he does something like that. "Magical theory? Sure, if you want. There are better sorcerers around, but I'm betting you have a reason you're coming to me."
Guest Psyber     "Simple. You're... ethical. This, alone, is a rare trait on Terra Majora. How'd you like to research something that could change the entire world?" Psyber asks as he holds out the sword, "Sovereign, yes. Paired to Majestic. I have a theory about them. A theory which is why I came to you."

    "I had the unique chance to witness an Amethyne and Shajem... mingle at one point. And it created a hybridized egg. I believe those eggs were used to create these weapons, which are paired. One half Shajem, one half Amethyne, combining into a more powerful entity." He holds the sword out to Timothy, as if to let him touch the sheathed weapon and hold it, "And if I'm right..."

    "I want to know if it would be possible to fuse them back together, if one could find both in a pair, into their original being, somehow. You are one of the few experts in this world's magic that I can trust."
Duet Fortuna     Taking the sword, Timothy slides fingers over the sheath, then slowly draws it a handsbreath outward. The blade reacts to him mildly, shimmering, and he whistles lightly at it. "Nice..." Even though it still shows 'damage' and the like, he seems to be admiring it in another way.

    The explanation has him looking up with a frown. "Really? I'm curious where you saw such a thing. The Amethyne haven't been around for ages." He sets the blade down. "If what you're saying is true... you can't restore the original. They're dead. But maybe you could recreate a new one if you had some way of extracting it. I don't really know... that's like, the sort of magic of legend, and nobody can give life to the dead here anyway."
Guest Psyber     "My theory is Binders."

    Psyber lets that four-word sentence hang in the air for a few moments, "They seal the Shajem, right? Learn to seal things in general. What if..." He looks at the blade and looks to Timothy, "A sorcerer extracted the energy of the weapons, the magic out of it, and a Binder bound them together? Maybe it's not one piece of magic, but two?" He theorizes.

    Magic is way outside his field, all told, and he's clearly somewhat a babe in the woods on the theory. Which is why he's consulting Timothy about it. He's clearly watching the young man for a reaction. He DOES caution him, "Don't swing the blade, by the way, or try to use it. If it kicks on, it can cause some serious pain when it gets going."
Duet Fortuna     Timothy feels the grip, then draws the sword /very/ slowly from the scabbard, taking a better look at it. "Yeah, some of the Hundred can be pretty dangerous to use. I think I'll be fine. Intent has a lot to do with it..." He's still keeping his mind on what else was said, so it's almost like he's reciting from memory.

    "You'd need something more than just a binder," he finally admits. "They can seal it but someone will have to stitch it together. Like... think of it like this. You need a hunter to kill a deer, a tanner to prep the skin, and a leatherworker to shape it into what you want. You're missing the tanner here. There's nothing to stitch things back in place, so it'd be like trying to hold a broken bowl together. You can do it, sure, but as soon as you let go it'll still be a broken bowl. Even if it doesn't fall apart right away, it will as soon as it's used."
Guest Psyber     Psyber is listening to what Timothy says, even while he watches him draw the sword to get a better look at it, "Well someone had to make the weapons originally, didn't they?" Psyber asks in a somewhat baffled tone. What Timothy is saying makes sense, but it leaves a giant hole in certain pieces of information.

    "I mean, if the weapon is made of what I theorize it's made of, that means that the tanner existed in the first place. Someone, at one point, had the ability to split a deity in half, shape the energy, and bind it into weapons," Psyber says, following along his own train of thought.

    "So then where did they go? I mean... in addition to Sorceres and Binders, is there now some... lost third faction of magic called Shapers or some shit?"
Duet Fortuna     Spreading his hands, Timothy shrugs. "Don't ask me. Maybe they died off a long time ago... or maybe there's some piece missing. I could just be wrong, or you could be wrong, or there's something about the entire process that makes it work but is gone now."

    Illuvia strides in about then, eyes glancing at Soveriegn. "Hmm? Is something going on?" She takes a seat, flashing a smile to Psyber, which immediately brightens the room with her subtle mental effect.
Guest Psyber     "Well, talking at the bottom line. If I get together a binder and a shaper, can you get the energy out?" He asks to Timothy, point blank as he places his hands into his pockets. He doesn't get too much longer to grill the young man about possibilities before Illuvia strides in.

    "Ah. Miss Illuvia," The mental effect is one Psyber rather enjoys. With all his stress, the bright nature of her personality makes it slightly relaxing to be here, "Perfect timing. I need an unrelated favor to you that should place you and your kingdom in a unique position of power. It is, I admit, a tall favor to ask of you, but I think you will appreciate the trust it imparts upon you."
Duet Fortuna     Tim can at least answer that easily enough. "Maybe. I don't really know. I'll research it, and get back to you. I probably can't now, but with a little preparation maybe, or if I can't I can probably tell you who can. I'll look into it as long as you figure out where the missing piece went."

    Illuvia looks curious at the topic, but Psyber's words have her lifting an eyebrow. "You've already had a few favors from us, but then you've also done much for the kingdom. I'll listen, if you like."
Guest Psyber     After giving a nod to Timothy, Illuvia gains the bulk of Psyber's attention. He looks to her and smiles, "My favor is simple. I'd like to make you Empress of the Windward Empire," Psyber responds to her point blank. Unlike Nathan, he's not a man to circle around a topic or approach it laterally.

    "You're aware of Elliana's crusade over the past months. Well, I have been given the unique position of choosing the successor to the Emperor after she kills him. Rather than attempting to impede her efforts, I have decided to allow it to happen," He explains to Illuvia, hands jammed into his pockets. He's avoiding smoking so he doesn't stink up her house, but it clearly takes a toll on his nerves not to be doing so.

    "Your uniquely kind nature and good heart, combined with Timothy's idealism, lead me to believe you could shape all of Terra Majora in a beneficial sense," He explains, "You would be virtually immune to attempted dethroning, your nature would unite the people, and I believe you could begin to heal the mistrust and betrayal that has become so endemic."
Duet Fortuna     Fortunately neither of the two have any love for the Emperor, so killing him doesn't even make either blink. The offer, however, does startle them. Both look at one another, and it takes a few minutes to sink in.

    "I'm... flattered by your faith in me," Illuvia says, placing her hands in her lap. "And if such a thing were to pass, I would do my best. I would need advisors, though. And support. Not to mention that I'm not even certain the Emperor can be killed like that. Lady Fairchild has made great progress against the Empire so far, but there's little word of the level of power that can take on the Heaven Guard."

    Timothy says, "Not really true. Some of the stuff I've heard is pretty impressive. Her allies are pretty powerful. Still..."
Guest Psyber     "You will have me. And Nathan. And I believe if we place you in front of the remnants of the Emperor's council, you will be able to sway their hearts and move them towards helping you," He smiles at Illuvia as he says this, "You are a very persuasive young lady. And I believe that you can convert many of those who were formerly his allies into alligning with you."

    The talk of difficulty does bring a dark look to him, even despite the aura of the young woman, "In all the years I have known her, I have never seen one of Elliana's plans fail. She asked me to trust that she will accomplish her goal, I have to believe in that much and act accordingly. That's why I'm here."

    "I'm not a politician like General Hall. I'm not a tactician like Elliana. I'm just a guy who believes in people. And when Elliana asked me to try to find suitable leadership for her world, I came to the two people I thought could actually make this world..."

    He pauses for a long moment, trying to find the right words. Eventually, he settles on:

    "Something besides absolute shit. If anyone is going to care enough about people to break the social castes that have paralyzed this world, it's you, I think. And more importantly..."

    This last part comes out at a much more personal voice tone, as if Psyber genuinely wants this last part more than anything else:

    "And if anyone can care enough about the people to ensure that no girl is harmed enough to lead to a second Elliana Fairchild, I believe it is you both as well."

    "If you can do this, if you WILL do this, leave the war-waging to me. I'll cut your path to the throne, I just need you two to sit in it and care enough to move hearts."
Duet Fortuna     Illuvia nods quietly, considering all this. "If you have that faith in me, I will do my best. I don't know if I'm the right person for this task, but it's heartening that you think I could, so I will try."

    Timothy just claps Psyber on the shoulder. "Hey, it's the least we could do! I just hope you're right. About winning and about us... running an empire's a lot different from what we've been doing before!"
Guest Psyber     Psyber reaches into his coat and fishes out a phone, "Here. This has some weird, Union super battery. It won't die any time soon. You ever need advice, you open it and press the green button, it'll call me. Same if you ever find yourself being coup'd or something. I'll come pronto and give you backup." He says with an awkward smile, "I have confidence in you both. No one's ever a perfect leader, you just gotta do what you can."