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Peridot     The heist had been a success! Rather, it had been successful enough. Though Peridot was worried about the new foe she had faced and how he had managed to access her gem tech was troubling. The strange being, Blurr, had caused some chaos. He was definitely no ordinary human if he could interface with holo-matter. She would have to do far more research to understand the nature of those she would face off against in the future. But a day had passed since their heist, and Peridot had sorted their loot to its appropriate destination. Steven's cell. A treasure of games, consoles, action figures and comic books that had to have cost thousands to procure. If they weren't stolen. Of course, Peridot neglected to mention it. Mostly because she was barely aware if it was even a crime, rather than an attempt to spare Stevens feelings.

    She had summoned Lapis to the control bridge by sending a Robonoid to fetch her, and she paced back and forth with her fingers interlocked behind her back, looking at the ground. Something about this mundane event had her on edge. It was why she chose to not reveal Steven to Lapis right away to begin with. Lapis was afterall her prisoner for a short time because she had lied to them about the Steven. While Peridot was confident she could stop Lapis from simply taking Steven and escaping with him; the fact of the matter was she didn't want her to even want to do it. Earth gems had this habit of being infected by human affection which clouded their judgement.

    And so, she paced and waited for Lapis to arrive. She had decided she could put off this meeting no longer. The longer she waited, she more she risked Lapis going rogue and there was still too much to do, and too much at stake for that to occur too early in her planning and development of Kindergarten.
Guest Lapis Lazuli     Lapis has been busy. Ever since it was declared that they would fortify the warship and kindergarten, Lapis has been etching in channels to allow water to flow in and around the area. There's only been a little success to this, given the immense scale of the project. Water has just begun to trickle up from the groundwells into the hollow channels. This wasi nterspersed with the additional time she's been scouring the beaches for the beach house. This miserable planet is so large, it would take her a very large time to actually search all of it, but she would.

    The bridge doors open with a smooth hiss, and Lapis steps inwith her bare feeting pattering against the floor. It was a little suspicious that Peridot had asked her to steal those toys and comics in the first place, but what was she to do? Either Peridot's motives had actually changed and she cared about the possibility of finding Steven, or she was trying to raise her morale. The thought that Peridot could have already found Steven had crossed her mind, but it was the most unlikely of all the possibilities.

    Lapis stops near Peridot, her skirt flowing a little bit from the ambient airflow of the bridge. With a soft smile she greets, "Hello, Peridot."
Peridot     "There you are." Her pacing came to a halt and she  turned to face her. "Lapis." She nodded some and approached the blue gem. "I think it's about time I show you something." Peridot seemed intent on getting straight to business... to get this ordeal out of the way.  "You will forgive me for not informing you right away- as I understand you were... that is to say; When I first discovered you, you looked rather over whelmed. And so I decided to exercise caution until you had some time to settle into your new home."

    "But that is not the sole reason. I also wished to know whether or not I could trust you. As you've lied to me in the past on particular matters regarding... this." She coughed into her hand, noticing how clumsily she finished that sentence. "But, I've since come to believe that you understand and sympathize fully with the plight our species is in. I can... trust you on this matter as well. Please do not abuse this trust." She squinted. "Come with me." Peridot turned on her heels and began walking, leading Lapis to the Prison block door, the one that had been sealed and locked since her arrival.

    She stopped, without unsealing or opening the door, pausing. "I also wish for you to know, that I've fully honored our agreement to the letter. "
Guest Lapis Lazuli     Lapis cants her head to the side curiously as Peridot approaches her. "What do you mean?" Lapis asks in return. About time she showed her something? A feeling of disquiet becomes sparked and Lapis immediately looks suspicious, but she listens to Peridot in silence, neither nodding or visibly acknowledging what's being said. What is Peridot talking about? Is this something about Yellow Diamond? What has this other gem been up to that she actually had to /hide/ something from her when they're pretty much the only other gems alive right now. Finally she says, "I.. Okay."

    When Peridot walks past her, she turns and starts to follow. Her own footsteps trailing behind Peridot's silently. When they finally reach the prison door, Lapis looks at Peridot with a confused expression, "..Our.. agreement?" The disquiet turns to anger, is she talking about Steven? Her eyebrows crease a little bit as she frowns, but she doesn't look hostile. Instead, looking back to the prison block door.
Peridot     Peridot grimaced at that reaction. Her lips pursing, but she input the code to unlock the prisoner block and the door hummed as it slid open with a sharp hiss of air. "As I said before. My mission was never to kidnap the Steven. I was sent to earth to reactivate Kindergarten and check on the cluster. Jasper over-ruled my mission parameters when she changed our target to the Steven." She walked through the prison block first, her expression one of neutrality; business like.  "...So, when I found him I did not know what to.. do with him."

    The interior of the prisoner block was under going some renovation. Some of the yellow caged doors had been deactivated, and a clear thick material was being constructed steadily by robonoids spitting out translucent goo. "When I first arrived here after our battle on earth, I thought I was alone. This proved to be untrue. I soon discovered... a stow-away. I considered simply ejecting him on an escape pod to a human city and being done with it as I had bigger problems to deal with."

    She lead Lapis over to Steven's cell, which was still enclosed by a yellow energy wall, since Peridot still didn't fully understand what Steven was, though Jasper had called him Rose.  He hadn't given her any trouble, and she had essentially catered to his every whim since she wasn't sure what she needed to do to keep him alive. "This seemed a better solution than just releasing him into the wild, as I understand young humans are feeble and helpless; at the time I thought us the only two survivors from our dimension."
Steven Universe     Steven, meanwhile, is surrounded by action figures, with a television hooked up with games and surrounded by blu-rays and other fun things!

    Right now he's enjoying his pile of action figures. He has a Barbie castle with what looks like Dracula standing on top, and a tiny fan blowing his cape quite dramatically.

    Steven has a Captain America figure riding atop a pony, quickly approaching the castle. "After slaying the vampire crocodiles and swimming through the river of living cheese, Captain America approaches his arch nemesis, Count Dracula!"

    There may be nacho cheese on the floor, and tiny lizards crawling around his cell.

    "No, Captain America, I will turn the American flag into infinite vampire power! You will never make it in time!" he says in a deeper, more sinister voice.

    But then his voice becomes more heroic, "With my mighty steed, Bald Eagle, and my American Star Shield, I will slay you, foul beast! Hiiyaaaaaahhh!!!" That's when he moves the pony and Cap figures from the ground and up to Dracula, trying to kick him in the face!

    "Nooo! Infinite Vampire Poowwweerrrr!" he shouts in that deeper voice, and Steven takes a moment to attach a little American flag to Dracula like a cape.

    "Hahaha!" he laughs heroically. "Your infinite vampire power is derived from America, but I'm IMMUNE to AMERICA! That's where my powers come from, I have all the powers of America!"

    "FLIGHT!" the Cap figurine is moved through the air, jumping from the pony.

    "Hamburgers!" he moves Cap's hands up, then tosses little toy hamburgers from his pocket, at Dracula.

    "Democracy!" That's when suddenly Steven just drops a pile of generic Guy and Gal figures onto Dracula's castle. "Now I have defeated you, and brought freedom to vampires everywhere!"
Guest Lapis Lazuli     Lapis looks uneasily at Peridot, some of her old mistrust coming back up. She's hardly paranoid, as there is a precedent for her fear. Regardless, she lets Peridot speak. It's a little hard to contain the big of surprise, her eyes slightly wide as the other gem basically tells her that, all along, she's had Steven. Perhaps it was Peridot's fear that Lapis would lash out and cause a commotion, but she doesn't. She just walks along side her down the corridor, looking between the cells and the retrofits happening. This is probably one of the most under-construction parts of the ship she's seen so far.

    Up ahead, Steven's voice reverbrates down the corridor, and that brings Lapis' attention up. There's this slight moment of tension while Lapis looks towards Peridot, watching her for a second before she darts off in a sprint towards Steven's voice. Before he can likely even see her, Steven might just hear Lapis shout, "Steeeven!" Just as she rounds the corner to jog up to the Crystal Gem's cell.

    As she approaches the yellow barrier, she slows down to a walk. "Steven! Are you okay?"
Peridot     Peridot did look like she was bracing for an emotional outburst, through her uneasy expression. But as Lapis walked away from her and approached Steven, she once again adopted a neutral expression and follow along behind her. "I also knew that he was important; which factored into my decision to keep him aboard the ship. I don't inherently know why he is important save for perhaps his unique biology. That and he would surely perish without his Crystal Gems guardians."

    "I didn't know what he needed to survive, and I don't have time to give it the proper research. So I've  let him dictate his own terms. Hence, our recent missions to retrieve the things he needs." Peridot inspects her fingers casually.  
Steven Universe     Steven looks up when he hears Lapis' voice, then suddenly stands, tripping over his toys a few times, and goes running through the energy bars. His body uncomfortably vibrates for a few seconds, but he walks through the bars as if they aren't even there. He tries to trap Lapis in a tight hug, arms and all. "You're really here! Do you know where the Crystal Gems are?! Have you seen Earth?!?! Did you bring Cookie Cats?!?!?!"
Guest Lapis Lazuli     Lapis kneels down and raises a hand in front of the barrier, but she doesn't touch it directly. It would disrupt her body even just by an accidental touch. Aghast, and worried she says, "Steven, how did you-Aah?!" Interrupted by the hug of death by Steven. Somewhat uncomfortably she returns the hug. "Calm down, Steven. Please. I can't.." She goes silent, whether from the hug, or her momentarily looking at Peridot in acknowledgement. There are so many questions, and this just partially explains to her how Steven originally escaped from the ship the first time.

    "We.. haven't. The Earth is different, Steven. We can't find the temple, or the Crystal Gems." There are so many questions. If Steven's been here, why didn't he escape? She looks over to his cell, filled with the misgotten goods. And why didn't Peridot tell her. Her faces burns a dark blue on her cheeks as she glares at Peridot, but says nothing.
Peridot     As Steven steps out of the yellow force field, Peridot's eyes widen and she bares her teeth. "Gah! How does he keep doing that!?" She gestures wildly before putting her hand over face and drawing it downward in an exasperated tone. Not that she thought Steven could actually do much significant damage with the Prison block sealed-- or that he could even find  away off the ship. And even then, where would he go? There was no home for him to escape too, as far as Peridot knew.

    As Peridot caught the look from Lapis, her eyes widened for a moment before she furrowed her own brows in return, puffed out her cheeks and raised her shoulders in a helpless shrug, turning her hands palm up toward Lapis (if she had palms) It was a return of the silent gesture that screamed 'What else was I supposed to do?'

    Peridot cleared her throat after that. Then proceeded with grit teeth, her patience strained. "A-hem. Steven, have the accoutrement we provided been satisfactory?" She already knew they were, but she was attempting to prove a point.
Steven Universe     "Yeah! Though Cookie Cats would be nice..." Steven says while rubbing his chin with his fingers in thought. "And I'd like to go outside! Oh, and I could use a headset, for gaming!" He lists a few things off, then releases Lapis to walk over and offer Peridot a tight hug. "Peridot's not so bad. I think we're lost, so gems have to stick together!"
Guest Lapis Lazuli     Lapis sighs with relief when Steven releases her. She watches him for a moment, and the flush in her face fades after a bit. "We can't just keep him in here, Peridot." Standing up, she says in the most borderline angry, commanding tone Peridot has likely ever heard from Lapis, "Let. Him. Out." And she doesn't just mean out of his cell. Out of the ship, and wherever he wants to go. She probably wouldn't even be using this tone if she thought she didn't have a chance of it working. At this time, Lapis actually /has/ influence.

    Then Lapis looks back to Steven, confused, "What is a.. cookie cat?"
Peridot     Peridot brought up her holopad with a dry expression. Pausing momentarily as Steven hugged her and raising her arms. Though she knew what a hug was, she had kept a healthy space away from Steven since his incarceration in her prison block. Which she knew may be coming to a close, now that Lapis had aligned herself with Homeworld. Without Jasper there to be her muscle, Peridot would have to make sacrifices. Letting Steven hug her, had to become one of them.

    She groaned, and began tapping away at her screen.  This was not the first time she had heard about cookie cats, as Steven had insisted on them before. "I've have wasted tons of robonoid hours searching for these cat cookie... things. This world is barren of them. Data mining has suggested they were once produced by a factory which also produces... Lion Lickers. But they were discontinued some time ago. I've done an extensive study of the base components and they are essentially identical minus artificial flavoring and other trace chemical compounds. Will these suffice?"
    She looks to Lapis with a grimace. "He's safest on this ship. Which, I am entertaining allowing him to roam freely upon, provided that you can keep him under control."
    ".... as for going outside." She squinted, in thought. She knew the kid had a shield, but she didn't think he was very capable of escaping without a viable means of transportation. "I will allow it, so long as It is supervised. We are surely being stalked by Sunstone after our encounter it would be detrimental to our mission if the Steven was abducted. Specifically, there is an important matter me and Lapis must attend to on the ground. You may be present for this event."
Steven Universe     "No way! Lion Lickers are the worst! Cookie Cats!" Steven releases Peridot, then starts dramatically marching around, chanting, "Cookie Cats, Cookie Cats, Cookie Cats, Cookie Cats!"

    He then looks up at Peridot when she mentions Sunstone. "Oh yeah, I spoke to Sunstone on the internet! She's looking for you. I don't know her, but she was asking questions about who and what I was, and where I am! But I don't really know where I am, and Pearl always said not to tell strangers on the internet my real name or address!"
Guest Lapis Lazuli     Lapis looks a little stern, watching Steven march around. There's another thing that could potentially be dangerous about all of this. Almost hesitant, Lapis looks like she's about to ask something, but stops herself. When did Steven 'unify'? She sighs, and then giggles a bit as Steven begins marching around shouting Cookie Cats. Looking down she says, "Steven, I could show you around the ship." Then she looks towards Peridot, giving her a skeptical look, then a soft one while folding her arms. Did she really spend all of that time analyzing human foods? "Is Sunstone planning on attacking us? What does she know?"
Peridot     "You what!?" Peridot's face contorts with shock and she tightens her fingers into fist. "Sunstone is a bad gem, Steven. You musn't report our locations and- How are you even communicating with her?" Peridot grumbled and tapped something on her holo-pad, which immediately dropped the yellow force shield. She stomped forward, and began inspecting the bits of toys and consoles. "I thought all this stuff was junk! Gah. stupid human tech and it's... gaauhgh!"

    She paused momentarily, looking at the screen watching the game Steven had been playing. Momenterily appreciating the... mathematical precision the game provided. Perhaps even being a little hypnotized by it, before she raised the lens on her face and rubbed her eyes, tearing them away from the screen. She looked to Lapis and Steven. "If she's anything like the Crystal gems, and I have a hunch she is- she isn't going to rest until we're both bubbled, kindergarten is destroyed and no telling what she wants to do with Steven." She stands up, putting her hands on her hips. "She has a proven track record of slaughtering hundred.. thousands of defenseless unborn gems." She went on, not the sort to really censor herself in front of Steven. "We have to up security, and soon."
Steven Universe "She just wants to find Peridot, I don't really know anything! She seems nice." Steven walks over to take Lapis' hand when she offers the tour, then frowns and looks back at Peridot. "The Crystal Gems aren't bad, I'm a Crystal Gem too! So if Sunstone is anything like us, then she must be nice! You won't be bubbled, you two are GOOD gems! I'll make friends with her first, then you'll see that you can get along. Simple!"
Guest Lapis Lazuli     Lapis watches Peridot fume, and she even agrees a little. It's not unusual, she is a homeworld gem. When Steven approaches her, she takes his hand. Safety buddies always walk together. But something Steven says seems to grab her attention. "Steven. The Crystal Gems aren't.. Look, you just need to be careful, okay? You're different. Come on, I'll show you where we can make you a room." She's said before not to trust them, and Sunstone is no different. She has her own sins.

    Glancing at Peridot, for the moment, it seems like Lapis won't defect or do anything terrible. Maybe she was right, and the presentation and timing was just .. good. "We won't let that happen, Peridot." Lapis affirms, before she starts walking off. Probably with Steven.
Peridot     "Hm." Peridot grimaced. Though she had no experience with young humans.. or.. young Stevens. She had experience with young gems freshly birthed from the ground of kindergarten. It was her only point of comparison for how to deal with Steven. Naivety was easy to spot. And she didn't disagree. Peridot considered herself a good gem. But her definition of good, was the best interest of homeworld. She wondered if Steven would still approve if the salvation of her kind, meant the destruction of humanity?

    She nods to Lapis at the reassurance. She didn't smile, and her expression didn't change much. But something about her posture seemed to indicate She drew some comfort from the reinforcement.

    She then looked at the video game equipment.  The most technologically advanced piece of machinery she had stolen... and then began to rub her chin. Steven had communicated to Sunstone with this device huh?...

A smirk spread across her face slowly as an idea begin to formulate. "Heh..."