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    Yunomi had been working tirelessly, ignoring very, very important rules about things like 'breaks' and 'requires food bady'. A discarded sandwich from yesterday's lunch was being gleefully chewed on by a goblin who was shuttling stasis-bound manavines, just waiting to be seeded into the network and fully growin from the mana drawn from a generator.

    And hard at work, green mana crackling around her form, was Yunomi Stadler. Her goggles were lowered, dirt and sweat caking a gray film around their form. The leather strap was wet with perspiration, and she had her cramping hands curled into claws.

    Her feet were planted wide apart, keeping her balance, her tail limp behind her. Her goggles reflect her work, mirroring backwards and in azure wash growing manavines. ARound her hang steam boilers, giant tanks and gauges hanging in a structured stalactite cave, the crackle of mana and the smell of fresh leaves and ozone hanging in the room.
Rhapsody     Production was up in every department lately. The Izzet had truly taken to the orders of the Guildmaster in the aftermath of Kakarot's war against reptilon. The league, from the lowest magewright to the Guildmaster herself, had one direction. To help rebuild a world torn apart by war. The forges smelted ores, the magewrights crafted trinkets to help the people keep their energy up, and the goblins ... did goblin things. Production was far up, in fact, that the Guildmaster felt that all the hard work meant a majority of the guild deserved a break. Shipments were to be sent, repairs were to be made, homes were to be built, but other teams could handle such actions.

    One such person, that Rhapsody felt deserved a break, was the one that had invented the mana vines. The arteries of magic that flowed from one project to the next, one room to the next, providing power and resources to those that needed it, had be come essential. A resource that some in the guild had forgot they had become so accustomed to using in just a year. Many had probably asked how to create the vines, maybe some learned, but so much production should not rely on the shoulders of the Offworld Apprentice.

    There comes a knocking on the entrance to the room, but shortly after Rhapsody would let herself in, shocked by the amount of Manavines that had been produced. Last she heard, production was ahead by a day or two, not by -four-. "Yunomi!" she calls out, hoping to allow her friend a much needed break along with some chilled tea to drink that she had brought along with her.
Yunomi Stadler     "I said I was too busy to overlook the--" Yunomi begins, and she turns, and seeing the white dragon enter the room, her eyebrows visibly grew up. And the crackling ceased. She stood up straight, wavered back and forth for a moment, and then pushed her goggles up. It's obvious where her goggles were on her face -- the skin was red where it had been covered, contrasting the gray film.

    And it was true. A few could produce the manavines, but the best, fastest, and most assured production of them belonged to their inventor.

    There just weren't enough /Izzet/ who could do it, and Yunomi was hesitant to teach anyone else -- including her Leaguemates.

    She took a deep breath, and with a wave of her hand, she halted the production mid-way, allowing herself the chance to rest. As she drew down from the platform, it was obvious how oblivious she had been to her condition. Her fingers are wrapped in bandages. One of the nails was ripped clean off. She gives a wan smile to the guildmaster, and a flippant little wave. "Good morning, Rhapsody. How fares the guild business?" Yunomi questions.
Rhapsody     In truth, Rhapsody could only admire Yunomi's dedication. Here there was a magewright that worked hard for the guild. Harder than some magewrights, most days. Once Yunomi pauses and turns to face Rhapsody, the guildmaster offers up the thermos full of chilled tea to, what she expects is, a very thirsty Tanuki. "Very well. Production is up in all sectors, though yours is.. beyond even my highest expectations, Yunomi," she tells. A brief glance around is taken before the guildmaster sets her back to something that LOOKS sturdy enough to bare her weight. "Thianel was right.. you're about... what... 4 days ahead of schedule? I think you deserve a break. A very -well earned- break," she says, emphasizing the amount of work that has clearly been done. "I'm sorry I hadn't seen you sooner. The events at reptilon have been... eye opening. To say the least."%
Yunomi Stadler     "Wouldn't know. Last time I got involved in some other world's issues... there were complications." Yunomi replies, half in a mutter, but she rubs the back of her head, and makes a face as she raises her hand and loos up with it. Red Tanuki needs Shower, Badly.

    "Four days, eighteen hours ahead of schedule including the new orders. One of the Simic wanted to use the manavines for a new string of labs and offices where conventional lighting may be problematic... wouldn't divulge any more information than that though. Kind of a pity." Yunomi replies, and as she walks past Rhapsody, the shapechanger garners a little more mana, and conjures from a pile of scraps a table and two chairs -- with one of the chairs definately hefty enough to bear the draconic guildmaster.

    Yunomi sits in the other seat, but her eyes are downcast. She has very deep bags beneath them.
Rhapsody     With the chairs and table summoned, Rhapsody quick to slip into one of them. The heavy thump of her weight settling onto the chair betrays a bit of mental fatigue that she may be suffering. She's trying to hide it. A lot. Once down, the thermos is pushed across the table at Yunomi, "You look exausted, Yunomi. Have a drink, at least? After that maybe we can see about some dinner or anything else you'd like, but I'd really like for you to take a break. A lot of the shipments for Reptilon are complete and the Simic order isn't due for a while. I think you could use the rest. Stars know I could use a bloody break," she mutters, betraying her own fatigue again.
Yunomi Stadler     "Then take one, you're the boss. You just have to say 'I need to recharge so I can be the best guild leader I can be'." Yunomi points out, but she accepts the thermos, cracking it open. "And I did take a break. I went out for bagels yesterday, they're half-price every friday at Suzanne's in Boston." Yunomi replies, pouring tea into the attached lid, and pushing the cup over to Rhapsody. She keeps the thermos itself, and drinks right out of it. Mmm. Tea.

    "PRoduction will slack off, and then demand will pick up again. So, better to be ahead. Now that the work over at Dun Realti just needs to be assembled and have their gardens grown out, I can shift my focus completely to the manavines and the nexus. It'll be great, RHaps, once it's underway. A way to store spare power, a giant nexus producing energy for the Izzet to use, to power our high-drain projects and products. Maybe even make your telescope powerful enough..."
Rhapsody     Well that was nice of her. The guildmaster sips out of the offered cup-cap as she listens. "You're four days ahead and then some. That includes any new orders or potentials I have papers for upstairs, Yunomi. Remember, the orders come in and I decide if we're gonna accept them or not. I'm sure if I think you need a break, that you can take one," smile. It was easy enough to pidgeon-hole a few orders a few days to make sure someone Rhapsody considered family could get a little R&R. It was something she did for the whole guild. Something Thianel made sure that she knew to do. All work and no play, and all that.

    "It's shocking how smoothly things have been going lately. Project completeions are up, explosions are -down-, which is bizzare, and even the goblins are kind of being well behaved. . . . I can't figure it out."
Yunomi Stadler     Well, it's polite.

    Yunomi gives a bit of a shrug. "And do what, Rhaps? THis... this is what I do now. I produce manavines. I work on the Nexus. I live for the Guild, and I rest when I can. I mean, what else is there?" Yunomi questions. "I'm not involved with anything now, except this... and maybe that's a good thing. This is going well for me. I have a place here, and it's home, and I'm..." Yunomi shifts her weight slightly, and she glances down at the tea as she considers the right word to say, "... comfortable, with where I am now."
Rhapsody     "A hobby never hurts," Rhapsody says, sounding far too much like her father, probably. "He used to say it to me all the time," she continues, explaining the oh-so-familiar tone. "I'm glad your comfortable, Yunomi, I wouldn't want you to hate what you're doing, but at the same time I don't want you to get tired or burnt out on it," she muses. Then she gets curious, "How is the Nexus, anyway?"
Yunomi Stadler     "The manavines were a hobby. My /job/ was being a guardian." Yunomi reminds, her tone was sharp. She noticed one of her hands was clenched, and she guiltily looks down, and closes her eyes. "Sorry... I didn't mean it... I mean, I did, but... not so sharp..." she ventures, and then gives a helpless shrug. "A coupler was found to be lower than expected in quality, which blew yesterday. I'll have to take a closer look."
Rhapsody     The guildmaster is quiet for a long moment, emptying the cup-cap before she responds. "You still are.." she muses quietly, part of her missing the training she used to be getting. Training. Mnf. No response from Amalthea, still. She was starting to wonder if she'd ever get one, but that was a worry she wasn't going to be voicing out loud. "You do great work, Yunomi, I can't thank you enough for it," she compliments, trying to lighten the mood. A blink, "That explains yesterday, then. Glad you're alright."
Yunomi Stadler     "Yeah, imagine if the generator had been to full rather than set at twenty percent. I could have blown out the whole lab I was working in! The repair costs would be astronomical, not to mention the loss of life or limb." Yunomi complains, and leans back, taking a long drink of her tea. She glosses over the guardian part.

    She hadn't felt like a Guardian since she lost her powers. Her burnt fingers drum on the table a moment, and then she replies.

    "I do good work... but... it doesn't feel like enough, Rhaps."
Rhapsody     A deep breath, a look at the bottom of her cup, "It never feels like enough, Yunomi," she says, rolling the cup between her hands. "The city is a living, breathing thing and we are acting to maintain the part we are meant to. If that means repairs, new lines, new power supplies, new innovation, then we provide what we are meant to provide. When the city has enough, the multiverse calls to us next, asking for the same things, which I am happy to allow us to provide. We are helping so many people that I could never try to count them all, but we -are- helping. Never forget that."
Yunomi Stadler     "I used to..." Yunomi begins, and her ears lay back, and she closes her eyes. "Sometimes, I hear your voice, but it's your father who speaks. Heh." she gives a small, amused noise ans she rubs her face, streaking the gray film down her cheeks. "Gah, look at me, what a mess. It's probably not even Saturday." the tanuki gives a wry smile.
Rhapsody     "I may not be the best spellcaster around but I could conjure up a bit of water if I really needed to," smiiirk. She holds up a hand making a mock gun sign, aiming it right at the Tanuki, "Don't tempt meeee! I'll do it! I GOTTA GUN!"
Yunomi Stadler     That's when Yunomi gives a grin, and with a clap of her hands, creates a fireball!


    THere's a klaxon that wails, and then as Yunomi pushes herself back from the table, a shit-eating grin on her face as she sails back, flying...

    The fire supression system (level one) activates. And the table, chairs, work platform, growing base, sandwich-nomming goblin, and Rhapsody are all doused with a torrential downpour of water.
Rhapsody     Oh noes! Water! "AAAAAAH WATER EVERYWHERE AAAAAH! Oh wait, i'm not melting. Why am I yelling?" Rhapsody quickly quips before vaulting the table to chase after the Tanuki, "C'mere you! If we're getting drenched so are you!"
Yunomi Stadler     "You know what Guildmaster?" Yunomi calls out as she sails up among the giant steam vents. "You're aaaall wet!"