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Kazusa Ujikane     "Wooooooow..."

    It's always easy to spot when it's someone's first time in the Njorun Cafeteria. The wide-eyed look at the very natural setting is hard to miss, after all, and when they actually say things like 'wow' out loud, even moreso. Thus, the girl at the entrance with a sweater jacket on and her hands in her pockets stands out like a sore thumb, reaching up just to adjust her glasses as if unsure what she's seeing. "This place is kind of amazing..." Without realizing it, she's already heading up to the far end of the cafeteria so as to pick up her food. But even as hungry as she is, her eyes aren't on the food, but rather the people at their tables.
Moonlit Saber In an organization as big as the Union, there's never a shortage of new and interesting people in the cafeteria. Or new and interesting food, for that matter.

Among all the diners here, there is one silver-haired young woman sitting at a table by herself, though there are quite a lot of plates in front of her. Could those all be for her? She doesn't seem in any sort of rush, despite the amount of food there, and in fact is eating quite daintily while looking somewhat lost in thought.
Kazusa Ujikane     The silver hair and huge array of food definitely gets the schoolgirl's attention. She's staring almost the entire time she's in line, and only barely realizes she's picked up a very american dinner of burger and fries by the time she leaves the counter. It's not long at all before the young woman who has completely isolated herself from everyone finds a bespectacled girl breaching that solitude with a cheerful, "Woooow, that's a lot of food... I bet you must be amazing to eat all that and still be so pretty!"
Moonlit Saber It's a moment before the silver-haired Saber realizes that she's the one being addressed. "Mmm?" She pauses mid-chewing and swallows before offering the girl a soft smile. "Ah... thank you." A vague gesture toward the table is her invitation to have a seat. "This is your first time eating here, isn't it?" It must be, if the girl can't recognize one of the more well-known traits of a Saber-class Servant.

"My name is Saber, though one of several in the Union to go by that name. It may be easier to just refer to me as the Silver Saber." One delicate hand reaches up and tugs a lock of hair. It's not hard to see why she has that designation.
Kazusa Ujikane     "Kazusa," the girl replies cheerfully as she sits down. "Ujikane Kazusa. And I haven't even been in the Union that long. There's still so much here that it's new, and it's all pretty amazing." She picks up her burger and, after a moment's pause, takes a great big bite. ".../delicious/," she says with wide-eyed wonder. "They really make good food here, I normally don't much care for American..."

    Setting it down again, Kazusa reaches up to adjust her glasses. "Saber, huh... so you're a swordswoman, are you? Or is there some kind of cool story behind that? Do you have some kind of power over light and use it to cut things, and that's why they call you saber, because you're like a living sword?!"
Moonlit Saber "Kazusa," repeats Saber with an incline of her head. Chopsticks are already zipping out, bringing another bite of food to her mouth. It's almost uncanny, despite how polite her actions are and how sedate her pace seems to be, the food is disappearing at a surprising rate. "You'll get the opportunity to try food from a lot of different cultures here." American food was never her favorite, though Saber also was rarely picky when it came to food. Well, most of the time.

There's a look of amusement on her face as Kazusa begins to ask about her name, though. "Mmm. There is quite a long story. I am named Saber after the class of Servant I am in the Holy Grail War." Somehow, the way she says those terms makes them sound capitalized. They're that important. "I primarily fight with a sword."
Kazusa Ujikane     If nothing else, Kazusa is a rapt audience. She listens with fascination, immediately latching onto the significant words with wide, wondering eyes. "Servant? Holy Grail? This sounds like something out of a story... so you're some kind of magical warrior, then!" She pauses and shuffles around in her purse, before coming out with a peculiar card, about half again as wide as a poker card, and twice as long. It appears to have the faded image of a sword on its face. "I bet you'd fit the Knight card!"
Moonlit Saber "Saber. Archer. Lancer. Rider. Caster. Berserker. Assassin. The seven Servant classes in the Fuyuki City Holy Grail War. I... suppose you could say, that, yes. We're often referred to as Heroic Spirits. I suppose I could explain more if you're that curious..." However, more of the food disappears first. "The winner of the Holy Grail War is granted any wish they desire. It's why so many fight so hard for it. Though I have yet to identify the other Servants from my own War..."

Saber blinks several times, peering at the card. "Knight card? Saber is one of the knight classes, I suppose... Is that your ability?"
Kazusa Ujikane     "...those kinda sound like my cards," Kazusa murmurs with mild surprise. "But my categories are a little diff..." Blink blink. "Wait... 'identify'? Heroic Spirits?" Her eyes widen a bit; either she's catching on, or her imagination is-

    "Are you spirits of famous heroes from the past, called forward to do battle over the Holy Grail for the purpose of that one wish?!"

    Sometimes the imagination is dead on.

    She also seems to have completely forgotten about explaining the card, or her abilities.
Moonlit Saber "I've been told there are different classes for each Holy Grail War. They were defined when the system was set up." The European one apparently has some weird things. "Mm. Precisely." Saber gives the girl a nod of approval as she figures it out quicker than expected. "Our identities are secret, however. We still have the same shortcomings and downfalls that we did in the past." The pleased expression fades from her face, and Saber takes a slow, deep breath. "I worry sometimes that the other Servants have not made an appearance yet. It's better to know where the enemy is..."
Kazusa Ujikane     There's a vaguely surprised blink. "...I got it right?" That seems to be the part that surprises her the most.

    "Oh, I see, I see! So you have to fight really carefully so as not to divulge your identity while at the same time trying to suss out who your enemies are so you know how to fight them! That's kind of cool..." Kazusa is managing to pack it away herself while still doing a fair bit of talking; but in her case it's more the power of a teenager than any sort of Servant peculiarity. "And I'm really glad to see Japanese heroes are allowed too! Though I'm not sure who you might be, off the top of my head..."
Moonlit Saber A brief nod. "You did." Saber gives the girl a soft smile. "That's a big part of it, yes. Some Servants are able to get by on sheer power, not caring about the identities of their opponents, but I am not one of those." She tilts her head slightly. "Heroic Spirits from all over the world and from many eras are allowed." There's an amused look. "If you could guess who I was just by meeting me, then I would be in some trouble. That's why I ask to be called Saber or Silver." More of the food disappears, though she pauses to eye Kazusa for a moment. "Your cards work similarly, I take it?"
Kazusa Ujikane     "I don't think I'd like a sheer power Servant like that," Kazusa replies. "It's more interesting when they win by cleverness and skill." Pause. "...although I suppose if they were /really cool/, like the main character of a manga..."

    She seems to realize she's distracted herself, and very nearly starts in her seat. "O-oh! Cards! Right!" She holds up the faded one she'd already drawn. "Sort of. Kind of. They let me use the powers and form of someone who fits their criteria. I have five different ones, but the categories are a little... here, let me show you."

    Once again she digs around in her purse, finally coming out with four other cards. One of them, a knife dripping with blood against a black background, is faded in the same way as the one she'd already brought out, an elegant broadsword. The other three, however - a bow and arrow, a gnarled mage's staff, and a set of beastly, animalistic teeth - are much more brightly colored. "Knight. Marksman. Magus. Cutthroat. And Beast. I've already used The Knight and The Cutthroat. I kind of feel like they'll be usable again sooner or later, though."
Moonlit Saber "Cleverness and skill always come into play. I admit that I'm not the best Servant in a direct confrontation..." She does know someone who taught her a few things about tricking the opponent, though. "I'm not certain that I'm that... cool." As she says that, Saber sweeps a bit of hair away from her face. "I have not read very much manga, though."

As the cards are explained, Saber tilts her head curiously. "I can see the similarities. Though I suppose I would have to see them in action to truly judge."
Kazusa Ujikane     Kazusa looks vaguely surprised. "Eh-?! No way, you're really cool! You've got this neat outfir going on, and you have this very cool and distant air about you, like you're really someone special! You almost have kind of a proper older sister appeal." Sagenod. The girl looks down to take another bite of her hamburger... only to realize she's finished it. And her fries. And... is that the remains of a piece of food from one of Saber's plates?

    Oh hey, what do you know, Kazusa can look embarrassed.
Moonlit Saber The silver Saber is fond of her battle kimono, that is true. "Ah, well..." She glances down briefly at her clothes. "I'm no one special, not really." Green eyes blink. "O...older sister... I... I'm only seventeen, you know!" Which is still older than Kazusa, but better an older sister than an old lady.

She doesn't notice the missing food at first, though Kazusa's guilty expression draws her gaze there... and she can't help but let out a laugh, though her hand quickly covers her mouth. "Go on, if you're hungry. I don't mind."
Kazusa Ujikane     "And I'm younger than that, so a big sister is perfect for you~!" Kazusa reaches up to adjust her glasses in a distinctly triumphant gesture. "Besides, you're a legendary hero from days of old, you're everyone's cool, dashing older sister." With permission given, she takes some more food from Saber's plate, though this time she's more slow and thoughtful about it. Almost wistful, in fact, clearly letting her mind wander a little.

    "Must be nice, though, adventuring with a legendary hero like that. I'd give anything to do that..."
Moonlit Saber "...I suppose. Nobody has ever called me that before." Saber rolls the idea over in her mind before finally just... sort of accepting it. She isn't sure yet what to think of it, but she can't think of any reason to reject it. "Ah. I... suppose so. I did live some time ago..."

Green eyes blink. "Anything?" A little twinge pulls at the back of her mind. A memory of a past life. "I suppose something like that might be possible, given a certain condition is met."
Kazusa Ujikane     It's Kazusa's turn to blink again. Something about that odd look Saber gives her tells her that something significant is happening; this is the second time she's seen an odd sort of look come over someone after carelessly making something like a wish. "E-eh? Y-you mean it?! What kind of 'condition' would I have to meet...?"
Moonlit Saber "I would have you perform a task for me." As she speaks, Saber's words seem to have a strange sort of magical weight to them. Her eyes lock briefly with Kazusa's before glancing away softly, though her hands fold neatly in her lap. "To bring me something that will not be trivial to locate. It is a thing of legend I have heard in song."

Her words resonate with a strange power as she continues, "Your task is to bring me time in a bottle. Only then will I be able to hear your request unto me."
Kazusa Ujikane     Wide-eyed, Kazusa listens. Even without any real magical senses, she can /feel/ the significance here, right down to her bones. Her task is one that almost seems to defy logic and reason, and it takes her a second of parsing to determine that yes, she really did just hear what she thought she heard. Bottled time. Time in a bottle. "I, ah, wow, that's... th-that seems kind of impos..."

    Kazusa trails off. It's an impossible request.

    Her eyes widen a little and she simply stares at Saber. With realization.


    And then her eyes light up with fire and determination. "Now I /have/ to do it!"
Moonlit Saber The task may not be logical at all, but Saber seems to be very serious with how she's given it. Just from the weight of her words, it's clear she won't accept any wordplay or shortcuts like a wristwatch pushed into a soda bottle.

"The task is difficult, but the reward may be worth the effort." That said, Saber lets out a slow breath.... and seems to relax somewhat, reaching for more food. "Mmm?" The Servant tilts her head curiously at Kazusa. Did the girl think of something already?
Kazusa Ujikane     "I know who you are!" Kazusa declares triumphantly, crossing her arms.

    There's a pause, and she apparently realizes how bad that could be.

    "...B-but I'm not gonna tell anyone!" the girl hastily adds. "A-anyway, we're both in the Union, I'm sure I can find someone who can bottle time itself! This is a place where people do lots of impossible things."
Moonlit Saber The slightest twinge comes across Saber's eye at that declaration. Did she give herself away too easily? No.... no, it must just be some lucky guess. She just thinks she knows. "....mmm." It's a very noncommittal sound, though Saber eyes the girl warily. "Good luck with your task, then." She doesn't even bring up the matter of her identity.
Kazusa Ujikane     "Th-thank you!" Being wished luck by Saber seems to be a great honor for Kazusa! She even bows her body as close to 90 degrees as possible while sitting at a table.

    There's a brief pause, however, and she lifts her head up, as if thinking of something. "...ah, can I ask you a question, though? If it's not too prying." She even leans in a little closer, as if to say 'this way we can lower our voices'.
Moonlit Saber A gentle smile is given in return, and just the slightest incline of her head in return to that bow. It's probably good that Kazusa didn't hit the table, though. That might have been awkward.

"Hmm?" Saber is already reaching out for more food when the other comment comes up. She pauses, her hand hovering briefly. "What question might that be?"
Kazusa Ujikane     Kazusa leans in a little closer.

    "...Did you /really/ come from the moon?" The look in her eyes says the question is in earnest.
Moonlit Saber For a moment, Saber's cool green eyes lock with Kazusa's. Her lips press into a thin line. "I have no idea what you're talking about." There's an amused lilt to her voice in that denial, though. She won't say yes or no, but... perhaps there will be a better answer someday.
Kazusa Ujikane     Kazusa blinks.

    And realizes that she's being teased.

    A goofy grin spreads onto her face. "Uh-huh." Standing up properly again, the girl offers another deep bow. "Anyway, thank you for letting me dine wi-" That's about the moment her glasses fall off. "A-ah!" Right onto the table they go. "Oh god, I- god, right as I'm being /polite/ to- Aaaaa oh god!" Thoroughly embarrassed schoolgirl. "I-I'll be back! With bottled time!"
Moonlit Saber At least the glasses falling off and the resulting flailing don't seem to bother Saber at all. That awkward enthusiasm is refreshing, at the very least. "Don't be too worried. I don't hold the same station I once did." It's her own acknowledgement of Kazusa's guess to her identity, though a vague one. "I'll look forward to seeing the fruits of your efforts, then."

And once Kazusa is gone, she returns to her food. She does burn through quite a lot of mana, after all.